/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLContext.h" #include #include "angle/ShaderLang.h" #include "CanvasUtils.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "WebGLBuffer.h" #include "WebGLContextUtils.h" #include "WebGLFramebuffer.h" #include "WebGLProgram.h" #include "WebGLRenderbuffer.h" #include "WebGLShader.h" #include "WebGLTexture.h" #include "WebGLUniformLocation.h" #include "WebGLVertexArray.h" #include "WebGLVertexAttribData.h" #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) #include "nsCocoaFeatures.h" #endif using namespace mozilla; /** * Return the block size for format. */ static void BlockSizeFor(GLenum format, GLint* blockWidth, GLint* blockHeight) { MOZ_ASSERT(blockWidth && blockHeight); switch (format) { case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGB: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: if (blockWidth) *blockWidth = 4; if (blockHeight) *blockHeight = 4; break; case LOCAL_GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES: // 4x4 blocks, but no 4-multiple requirement. default: break; } } static bool IsCompressedFunc(WebGLTexImageFunc func) { return func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexSubImage; } /** * Same as ErrorInvalidEnum but uses WebGLContext::EnumName to print displayable * name for \a glenum. */ static void ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(WebGLContext* ctx, const char* msg, GLenum glenum, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { const char* name = WebGLContext::EnumName(glenum); if (name) ctx->ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: %s %s", InfoFrom(func, dims), msg, name); else ctx->ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: %s 0x%04X", InfoFrom(func, dims), msg, glenum); } /** * Return true if the format is valid for source calls. */ static bool IsAllowedFromSource(GLenum format, WebGLTexImageFunc func) { switch (format) { case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1: return (func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexSubImage); case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGB: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES: return func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexImage; } return true; } /** * Returns true if func is a CopyTexImage variant. */ static bool IsCopyFunc(WebGLTexImageFunc func) { return (func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexSubImage); } /** * Returns true if func is a SubImage variant. */ static bool IsSubFunc(WebGLTexImageFunc func) { return (func == WebGLTexImageFunc::TexSubImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexSubImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CompTexSubImage); } /** * returns true is target is a texture cube map target. */ static bool IsTexImageCubemapTarget(GLenum texImageTarget) { return (texImageTarget >= LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X && texImageTarget <= LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z); } bool WebGLContext::ValidateBlendEquationEnum(GLenum mode, const char *info) { switch (mode) { case LOCAL_GL_FUNC_ADD: case LOCAL_GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT: case LOCAL_GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: return true; case LOCAL_GL_MIN: case LOCAL_GL_MAX: if (IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::EXT_blend_minmax)) { return true; } break; default: break; } ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, mode); return false; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateBlendFuncDstEnum(GLenum factor, const char *info) { switch (factor) { case LOCAL_GL_ZERO: case LOCAL_GL_ONE: case LOCAL_GL_SRC_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_DST_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_SRC_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_DST_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, factor); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateBlendFuncSrcEnum(GLenum factor, const char *info) { if (factor == LOCAL_GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE) return true; else return ValidateBlendFuncDstEnum(factor, info); } bool WebGLContext::ValidateBlendFuncEnumsCompatibility(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor, const char *info) { bool sfactorIsConstantColor = sfactor == LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_COLOR || sfactor == LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR; bool sfactorIsConstantAlpha = sfactor == LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA || sfactor == LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA; bool dfactorIsConstantColor = dfactor == LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_COLOR || dfactor == LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR; bool dfactorIsConstantAlpha = dfactor == LOCAL_GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA || dfactor == LOCAL_GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA; if ( (sfactorIsConstantColor && dfactorIsConstantAlpha) || (dfactorIsConstantColor && sfactorIsConstantAlpha) ) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s are mutually incompatible, see section 6.8 in the WebGL 1.0 spec", info); return false; } else { return true; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateTextureTargetEnum(GLenum target, const char *info) { switch (target) { case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: return true; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D: { const bool isValid = IsWebGL2(); if (!isValid) { ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, target); } return isValid; } default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, target); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateComparisonEnum(GLenum target, const char *info) { switch (target) { case LOCAL_GL_NEVER: case LOCAL_GL_LESS: case LOCAL_GL_LEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_GREATER: case LOCAL_GL_GEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_EQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_NOTEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_ALWAYS: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, target); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateStencilOpEnum(GLenum action, const char *info) { switch (action) { case LOCAL_GL_KEEP: case LOCAL_GL_ZERO: case LOCAL_GL_REPLACE: case LOCAL_GL_INCR: case LOCAL_GL_INCR_WRAP: case LOCAL_GL_DECR: case LOCAL_GL_DECR_WRAP: case LOCAL_GL_INVERT: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, action); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateFaceEnum(GLenum face, const char *info) { switch (face) { case LOCAL_GL_FRONT: case LOCAL_GL_BACK: case LOCAL_GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, face); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateDrawModeEnum(GLenum mode, const char *info) { switch (mode) { case LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLES: case LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: case LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: case LOCAL_GL_POINTS: case LOCAL_GL_LINE_STRIP: case LOCAL_GL_LINE_LOOP: case LOCAL_GL_LINES: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnumInfo(info, mode); return false; } } bool WebGLContext::ValidateGLSLVariableName(const nsAString& name, const char *info) { if (name.IsEmpty()) return false; const uint32_t maxSize = 256; if (name.Length() > maxSize) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: identifier is %d characters long, exceeds the maximum allowed length of %d characters", info, name.Length(), maxSize); return false; } if (!ValidateGLSLString(name, info)) { return false; } nsString prefix1 = NS_LITERAL_STRING("webgl_"); nsString prefix2 = NS_LITERAL_STRING("_webgl_"); if (Substring(name, 0, prefix1.Length()).Equals(prefix1) || Substring(name, 0, prefix2.Length()).Equals(prefix2)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: string contains a reserved GLSL prefix", info); return false; } return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateGLSLString(const nsAString& string, const char *info) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < string.Length(); ++i) { if (!ValidateGLSLCharacter(string.CharAt(i))) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: string contains the illegal character '%d'", info, string.CharAt(i)); return false; } } return true; } /** * Return true if the framebuffer attachment is valid. Attachment must * be one of depth/stencil/depth_stencil/color attachment. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateFramebufferAttachment(GLenum attachment, const char* funcName) { if (!mBoundFramebuffer) { switch (attachment) { case LOCAL_GL_COLOR: case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH: case LOCAL_GL_STENCIL: return true; default: ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: attachment: invalid enum value 0x%x.", funcName, attachment); return false; } } if (attachment == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT || attachment == LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT || attachment == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) { return true; } GLenum colorAttachCount = 1; if (IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_draw_buffers)) colorAttachCount = mGLMaxColorAttachments; if (attachment >= LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 && attachment < GLenum(LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + colorAttachCount)) { return true; } ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: attachment: invalid enum value 0x%x.", funcName, attachment); return false; } /** * Return true if format is a valid texture image format for source, * taking into account enabled WebGL extensions. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImageFormat(GLenum format, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { /* Core WebGL texture formats */ if (format == LOCAL_GL_ALPHA || format == LOCAL_GL_RGB || format == LOCAL_GL_RGBA || format == LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE || format == LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) { return true; } /* WebGL2 new formats */ if (format == LOCAL_GL_RED || format == LOCAL_GL_RG || format == LOCAL_GL_RED_INTEGER || format == LOCAL_GL_RG_INTEGER || format == LOCAL_GL_RGB_INTEGER || format == LOCAL_GL_RGBA_INTEGER) { bool valid = IsWebGL2(); if (!valid) { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: requires WebGL version 2.0 or newer", InfoFrom(func, dims), EnumName(format)); } return valid; } /* WEBGL_depth_texture added formats */ if (format == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT || format == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) { if (!IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_depth_texture)) { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need WEBGL_depth_texture enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), EnumName(format)); return false; } // If WEBGL_depth_texture is enabled, then it is not allowed to be used with the // copyTexImage, or copyTexSubImage methods, and it is not allowed with // texSubImage in WebGL1. if ((func == WebGLTexImageFunc::TexSubImage && !IsWebGL2()) || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexImage || func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexSubImage) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: format %s is not supported", InfoFrom(func, dims), EnumName(format)); return false; } return true; } // Needs to be below the depth_texture check because an invalid operation // error needs to be generated instead of invalid enum. /* Only core formats are valid for CopyTex(Sub)?Image */ // TODO: Revisit this once color_buffer_(half_)?float lands if (IsCopyFunc(func)) { ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(this, "invalid format", format, func, dims); return false; } /* EXT_sRGB added formats */ if (format == LOCAL_GL_SRGB || format == LOCAL_GL_SRGB_ALPHA) { bool validFormat = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::EXT_sRGB); if (!validFormat) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need EXT_sRGB enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return validFormat; } ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(this, "invalid format", format, func, dims); return false; } /** * Check if the given texture target is valid for TexImage. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImageTarget(GLenum target, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { switch (dims) { case WebGLTexDimensions::Tex2D: if (target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || IsTexImageCubemapTarget(target)) { return true; } ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(this, "invalid target", target, func, dims); return false; case WebGLTexDimensions::Tex3D: if (target == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D) { return true; } ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(this, "invalid target", target, func, dims); return false; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "ValidateTexImageTarget: Invalid dims"); } return false; } /** * Return true if type is a valid texture image type for source, * taking into account enabled WebGL extensions. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImageType(GLenum type, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { /* Core WebGL texture types */ if (type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1) { return true; } /* WebGL2 new types */ if (type == LOCAL_GL_BYTE || type == LOCAL_GL_SHORT || type == LOCAL_GL_INT || type == LOCAL_GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV) { bool validType = IsWebGL2(); if (!validType) { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid type %s: requires WebGL version 2.0 or newer", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); } return validType; } /* OES_texture_float added types */ if (type == LOCAL_GL_FLOAT) { bool validType = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::OES_texture_float); if (!validType) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid type %s: need OES_texture_float enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); return validType; } /* OES_texture_half_float add types */ if (type == LOCAL_GL_HALF_FLOAT) { bool validType = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::OES_texture_half_float); if (!validType) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid type %s: need OES_texture_half_float enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); return validType; } /* WEBGL_depth_texture added types */ if (type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT || type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8) { bool validType = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_depth_texture); if (!validType) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid type %s: need WEBGL_depth_texture enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); return validType; } ErrorInvalidEnumWithName(this, "invalid type", type, func, dims); return false; } /** * Validate texture image sizing extra constraints for * CompressedTex(Sub)?Image. */ // TODO: WebGL 2 bool WebGLContext::ValidateCompTexImageSize(GLint level, GLenum format, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei levelWidth, GLsizei levelHeight, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { // Negative parameters must already have been handled above MOZ_ASSERT(xoffset >= 0 && yoffset >= 0 && width >= 0 && height >= 0); if (xoffset + width > (GLint) levelWidth) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: xoffset + width must be <= levelWidth", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (yoffset + height > (GLint) levelHeight) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: yoffset + height must be <= levelHeight", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } GLint blockWidth = 1; GLint blockHeight = 1; BlockSizeFor(format, &blockWidth, &blockHeight); /* If blockWidth || blockHeight != 1, then the compressed format * had block-based constraints to be checked. (For example, PVRTC is compressed but * isn't a block-based format) */ if (blockWidth != 1 || blockHeight != 1) { /* offsets must be multiple of block size */ if (xoffset % blockWidth != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: xoffset must be multiple of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockWidth); return false; } if (yoffset % blockHeight != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: yoffset must be multiple of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockHeight); return false; } /* The size must be a multiple of blockWidth and blockHeight, * or must be using offset+size that exactly hits the edge. * Important for small mipmap levels. */ /* https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc/ * "When level equals zero width and height must be a multiple of 4. When * level is greater than 0 width and height must be 0, 1, 2 or a multiple of 4. * If they are not an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated." */ if (level == 0) { if (width % blockWidth != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: width of level 0 must be multple of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockWidth); return false; } if (height % blockHeight != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: height of level 0 must be multipel of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockHeight); return false; } } else if (level > 0) { if (width % blockWidth != 0 && width > 2) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: width of level %d must be multiple" " of %d or 0, 1, 2", InfoFrom(func, dims), level, blockWidth); return false; } if (height % blockHeight != 0 && height > 2) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: height of level %d must be multiple" " of %d or 0, 1, 2", InfoFrom(func, dims), level, blockHeight); return false; } } if (IsSubFunc(func)) { if ((xoffset % blockWidth) != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: xoffset must be multiple of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockWidth); return false; } if (yoffset % blockHeight != 0) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: yoffset must be multiple of %d", InfoFrom(func, dims), blockHeight); return false; } } } switch (format) { case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1: if (!is_pot_assuming_nonnegative(width) || !is_pot_assuming_nonnegative(height)) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: width and height must be powers of two", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } } return true; } /** * Return true if the enough data is present to satisfy compressed * texture format constraints. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateCompTexImageDataSize(GLint level, GLenum format, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, uint32_t byteLength, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { // negative width and height must already have been handled above MOZ_ASSERT(width >= 0 && height >= 0); CheckedUint32 required_byteLength = 0; switch (format) { case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGB: case LOCAL_GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES: { required_byteLength = ((CheckedUint32(width) + 3) / 4) * ((CheckedUint32(height) + 3) / 4) * 8; break; } case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA: { required_byteLength = ((CheckedUint32(width) + 3) / 4) * ((CheckedUint32(height) + 3) / 4) * 16; break; } case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1: { required_byteLength = CheckedUint32(std::max(width, 8)) * CheckedUint32(std::max(height, 8)) / 2; break; } case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1: case LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1: { required_byteLength = CheckedUint32(std::max(width, 16)) * CheckedUint32(std::max(height, 8)) / 4; break; } } if (!required_byteLength.isValid() || required_byteLength.value() != byteLength) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: data size does not match dimensions", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } return true; } /** * Validate the width, height, and depth of a texture image, \return * true is valid, false otherwise. * Used by all the (Compressed|Copy)?Tex(Sub)?Image functions. * Target and level must have been validated before calling. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImageSize(TexImageTarget texImageTarget, GLint level, GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { MOZ_ASSERT(level >= 0, "level should already be validated"); /* Bug 966630: maxTextureSize >> level runs into "undefined" * behaviour depending on ISA. For example, on Intel shifts * amounts are mod 64 (in 64-bit mode on 64-bit dest) and mod 32 * otherwise. This means 16384 >> 0x10000001 == 8192 which isn't * what would be expected. Make the required behaviour explicit by * clamping to a shift of 31 bits if level is greater than that * ammount. This will give 0 that if (!maxAllowedSize) is * expecting. */ if (level > 31) level = 31; const GLuint maxTexImageSize = MaxTextureSizeForTarget(TexImageTargetToTexTarget(texImageTarget)) >> level; const bool isCubemapTarget = IsTexImageCubemapTarget(texImageTarget.get()); const bool isSub = IsSubFunc(func); if (!isSub && isCubemapTarget && (width != height)) { /* GL ES Version 2.0.25 - 3.7.1 Texture Image Specification * "When the target parameter to TexImage2D is one of the * six cube map two-dimensional image targets, the error * INVALID_VALUE is generated if the width and height * parameters are not equal." */ ErrorInvalidValue("%s: for cube map, width must equal height", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (texImageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || isCubemapTarget) { /* GL ES Version 2.0.25 - 3.7.1 Texture Image Specification * "If wt and ht are the specified image width and height, * and if either wt or ht are less than zero, then the error * INVALID_VALUE is generated." */ if (width < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: width must be >= 0", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (height < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: height must be >= 0", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } /* GL ES Version 2.0.25 - 3.7.1 Texture Image Specification * "The maximum allowable width and height of a * two-dimensional texture image must be at least 2**(k−lod) * for image arrays of level zero through k, where k is the * log base 2 of MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE. and lod is the * level-of-detail of the image array. It may be zero for * image arrays of any level-of-detail greater than k. The * error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the specified image * is too large to be stored under any conditions. */ if (width > (int) maxTexImageSize) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: the maximum width for level %d is %u", InfoFrom(func, dims), level, maxTexImageSize); return false; } if (height > (int) maxTexImageSize) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: tex maximum height for level %d is %u", InfoFrom(func, dims), level, maxTexImageSize); return false; } /* GL ES Version 2.0.25 - 3.7.1 Texture Image Specification * "If level is greater than zero, and either width or * height is not a power-of-two, the error INVALID_VALUE is * generated." * * This restriction does not apply to GL ES Version 3.0+. */ if (!IsWebGL2() && level > 0) { if (!is_pot_assuming_nonnegative(width)) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: level >= 0, width of %d must be a power of two.", InfoFrom(func, dims), width); return false; } if (!is_pot_assuming_nonnegative(height)) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: level >= 0, height of %d must be a power of two.", InfoFrom(func, dims), height); return false; } } } // TODO: WebGL 2 if (texImageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D) { if (depth < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: depth must be >= 0", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (!IsWebGL2() && !is_pot_assuming_nonnegative(depth)) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: level >= 0, depth of %d must be a power of two.", InfoFrom(func, dims), depth); return false; } } return true; } /** * Validate texture image sizing for Tex(Sub)?Image variants. */ // TODO: WebGL 2. Update this to handle 3D textures. bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexSubImageSize(GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint /*zoffset*/, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei /*depth*/, GLsizei baseWidth, GLsizei baseHeight, GLsizei /*baseDepth*/, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { /* GL ES Version 2.0.25 - 3.7.1 Texture Image Specification * "Taking wt and ht to be the specified width and height of the * texture array, and taking x, y, w, and h to be the xoffset, * yoffset, width, and height argument values, any of the * following relationships generates the error INVALID_VALUE: * x < 0 * x + w > wt * y < 0 * y + h > ht" */ if (xoffset < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: xoffset must be >= 0", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (yoffset < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: yoffset must be >= 0", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } if (!CanvasUtils::CheckSaneSubrectSize(xoffset, yoffset, width, height, baseWidth, baseHeight)) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: subtexture rectangle out-of-bounds", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } return true; } /** * Perform validation of format/type combinations for TexImage variants. * Returns true if the format/type is a valid combination, false otherwise. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImageFormatAndType(GLenum format, GLenum type, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { if (IsCompressedFunc(func) || IsCopyFunc(func)) { MOZ_ASSERT(type == LOCAL_GL_NONE && format == LOCAL_GL_NONE); return true; } if (!ValidateTexImageFormat(format, func, dims) || !ValidateTexImageType(type, func, dims)) { return false; } // Here we're reinterpreting format as an unsized internalformat; // these are the same in practice and there's no point in having the // same code implemented twice. TexInternalFormat effective = EffectiveInternalFormatFromInternalFormatAndType(format, type); bool validCombo = effective != LOCAL_GL_NONE; if (!validCombo) ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: invalid combination of format %s and type %s", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format), WebGLContext::EnumName(type)); return validCombo; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateCompTexImageInternalFormat(GLenum format, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { if (!IsCompressedTextureFormat(format)) { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid compressed texture format: %s", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return false; } /* WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc added formats */ if (format == LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGB || format == LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA || format == LOCAL_GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA) { bool validFormat = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc); if (!validFormat) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return validFormat; } // WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 if (format == LOCAL_GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES) { bool validFormat = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1); if (!validFormat) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return validFormat; } if (format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1 || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1 || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1 || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1) { bool validFormat = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc); if (!validFormat) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return validFormat; } if (format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT || format == LOCAL_GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT) { bool validFormat = IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc); if (!validFormat) ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid format %s: need WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc enabled", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return validFormat; } return false; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateCopyTexImageInternalFormat(GLenum format, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { bool valid = format == LOCAL_GL_RGBA || format == LOCAL_GL_RGB || format == LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA || format == LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE || format == LOCAL_GL_ALPHA; if (!valid) { // in CopyTexImage, the internalformat is a function parameter, // so a bad value is an INVALID_ENUM error. // in CopyTexSubImage, the internalformat is part of existing state, // so this is an INVALID_OPERATION error. GenerateWarning("%s: invalid texture internal format: %s", InfoFrom(func, dims), WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); SynthesizeGLError(func == WebGLTexImageFunc::CopyTexImage ? LOCAL_GL_INVALID_ENUM : LOCAL_GL_INVALID_OPERATION); } return valid; } /** * Return true if format, type and jsArrayType are a valid combination. * Also returns the size for texel of format and type (in bytes) via * \a texelSize. * * It is assumed that type has previously been validated. */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexInputData(GLenum type, js::Scalar::Type jsArrayType, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { bool validInput = false; const char invalidTypedArray[] = "%s: invalid typed array type for given texture data type"; // We're using js::Scalar::TypeMax as dummy value when the tex source wasn't a // typed array. if (jsArrayType == js::Scalar::TypeMax) { return true; } // First, we check for packed types switch (type) { case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Uint8; break; case LOCAL_GL_BYTE: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Int8; break; case LOCAL_GL_HALF_FLOAT: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Uint16; break; case LOCAL_GL_SHORT: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Int16; break; case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV: case LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Uint32; break; case LOCAL_GL_INT: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Int32; break; case LOCAL_GL_FLOAT: validInput = jsArrayType == js::Scalar::Float32; break; default: break; } if (!validInput) ErrorInvalidOperation(invalidTypedArray, InfoFrom(func, dims)); return validInput; } /** * Checks specific for the CopyTex[Sub]Image2D functions. * Verifies: * - Framebuffer is complete and has valid read planes * - Copy format is a subset of framebuffer format (i.e. all required components are available) */ bool WebGLContext::ValidateCopyTexImage(GLenum format, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsCopyFunc(func)); // Default framebuffer format GLenum fboFormat = mOptions.alpha ? LOCAL_GL_RGBA : LOCAL_GL_RGB; if (mBoundFramebuffer) { if (!mBoundFramebuffer->CheckAndInitializeAttachments()) { ErrorInvalidFramebufferOperation("%s: incomplete framebuffer", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } GLenum readPlaneBits = LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; if (!mBoundFramebuffer->HasCompletePlanes(readPlaneBits)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Read source attachment doesn't have the" " correct color/depth/stencil type.", InfoFrom(func, dims)); return false; } // Get the correct format for the framebuffer, as it's not the default one const WebGLFramebuffer::Attachment& color0 = mBoundFramebuffer->GetAttachment(LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); fboFormat = mBoundFramebuffer->GetFormatForAttachment(color0); } // Make sure the format of the framebuffer is a superset of // the format requested by the CopyTex[Sub]Image2D functions. const GLComponents formatComps = GLComponents(format); const GLComponents fboComps = GLComponents(fboFormat); if (!formatComps.IsSubsetOf(fboComps)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: format %s is not a subset of the current framebuffer format, which is %s.", InfoFrom(func, dims), EnumName(format), EnumName(fboFormat)); return false; } return true; } /** * Test the gl(Copy|Compressed)?Tex[Sub]?Image[23]() parameters for errors. * Verifies each of the parameters against the WebGL standard and enabled extensions. */ // TODO: Texture dims is here for future expansion in WebGL 2.0 bool WebGLContext::ValidateTexImage(TexImageTarget texImageTarget, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, WebGLTexImageFunc func, WebGLTexDimensions dims) { const char* info = InfoFrom(func, dims); /* Check level */ if (level < 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: level must be >= 0", info); return false; } /* Check border */ if (border != 0) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: border must be 0", info); return false; } /* Check incoming image format and type */ if (!ValidateTexImageFormatAndType(format, type, func, dims)) return false; if (!TexInternalFormat::IsValueLegal(internalFormat)) { ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: invalid internalformat enum %s", info, EnumName(internalFormat)); return false; } TexInternalFormat unsizedInternalFormat = UnsizedInternalFormatFromInternalFormat(internalFormat); if (IsCompressedFunc(func)) { if (!ValidateCompTexImageInternalFormat(internalFormat, func, dims)) { return false; } } else if (IsCopyFunc(func)) { if (!ValidateCopyTexImageInternalFormat(unsizedInternalFormat.get(), func, dims)) { return false; } } else if (format != unsizedInternalFormat) { if (IsWebGL2()) { // In WebGL2, it's OK to have internalformat != format if internalformat is the sized // internal format corresponding to the (format, type) pair according to Table 3.2 // in the OpenGL ES 3.0.3 spec. if (internalFormat != EffectiveInternalFormatFromInternalFormatAndType(format, type)) { bool exceptionallyAllowed = false; if (internalFormat == LOCAL_GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 && format == LOCAL_GL_RGBA && type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { exceptionallyAllowed = true; } else if (internalFormat == LOCAL_GL_SRGB8 && format == LOCAL_GL_RGB && type == LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { exceptionallyAllowed = true; } if (!exceptionallyAllowed) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: internalformat does not match format and type", info); return false; } } } else { // in WebGL 1, format must be equal to internalformat ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: internalformat does not match format", info); return false; } } /* Check texture image size */ if (!ValidateTexImageSize(texImageTarget, level, width, height, 0, func, dims)) return false; /* 5.14.8 Texture objects - WebGL Spec. * "If an attempt is made to call these functions with no * WebGLTexture bound (see above), an INVALID_OPERATION error * is generated." */ WebGLTexture* tex = activeBoundTextureForTexImageTarget(texImageTarget); if (!tex) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: no texture is bound to target %s", info, WebGLContext::EnumName(texImageTarget.get())); return false; } if (IsSubFunc(func)) { if (!tex->HasImageInfoAt(texImageTarget, level)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: no texture image previously defined for target %s at level %d", info, WebGLContext::EnumName(texImageTarget.get()), level); return false; } const WebGLTexture::ImageInfo& imageInfo = tex->ImageInfoAt(texImageTarget, level); if (!ValidateTexSubImageSize(xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, imageInfo.Width(), imageInfo.Height(), 0, func, dims)) { return false; } } /* Additional checks for depth textures */ if (texImageTarget != LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D && (format == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT || format == LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: with format of %s target must be TEXTURE_2D", info, WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return false; } /* Additional checks for compressed textures */ if (!IsAllowedFromSource(internalFormat, func)) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Invalid format %s for this operation", info, WebGLContext::EnumName(format)); return false; } /* Parameters are OK */ return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateUniformLocation(const char* info, WebGLUniformLocation *location_object) { if (!ValidateObjectAllowNull(info, location_object)) return false; if (!location_object) return false; /* the need to check specifically for !mCurrentProgram here is explained in bug 657556 */ if (!mCurrentProgram) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: no program is currently bound", info); return false; } if (mCurrentProgram != location_object->Program()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: this uniform location doesn't correspond to the current program", info); return false; } if (mCurrentProgram->Generation() != location_object->ProgramGeneration()) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: This uniform location is obsolete since the program has been relinked", info); return false; } return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateSamplerUniformSetter(const char* info, WebGLUniformLocation *location, GLint value) { if (location->Info().type != LOCAL_GL_SAMPLER_2D && location->Info().type != LOCAL_GL_SAMPLER_CUBE) { return true; } if (value >= 0 && value < mGLMaxTextureUnits) return true; ErrorInvalidValue("%s: this uniform location is a sampler, but %d is not a valid texture unit", info, value); return false; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateAttribArraySetter(const char* name, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t arrayLength) { if (IsContextLost()) { return false; } if (arrayLength < cnt) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: array must be >= %d elements", name, cnt); return false; } return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateUniformArraySetter(const char* name, uint32_t expectedElemSize, WebGLUniformLocation *location_object, GLint& location, uint32_t& numElementsToUpload, uint32_t arrayLength) { if (IsContextLost()) return false; if (!ValidateUniformLocation(name, location_object)) return false; location = location_object->Location(); uint32_t uniformElemSize = location_object->ElementSize(); if (expectedElemSize != uniformElemSize) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: this function expected a uniform of element size %d," " got a uniform of element size %d", name, expectedElemSize, uniformElemSize); return false; } if (arrayLength == 0 || arrayLength % expectedElemSize) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: expected an array of length a multiple" " of %d, got an array of length %d", name, expectedElemSize, arrayLength); return false; } const WebGLUniformInfo& info = location_object->Info(); if (!info.isArray && arrayLength != expectedElemSize) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: expected an array of length exactly" " %d (since this uniform is not an array" " uniform), got an array of length %d", name, expectedElemSize, arrayLength); return false; } numElementsToUpload = std::min(info.arraySize, arrayLength / expectedElemSize); return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateUniformMatrixArraySetter(const char* name, int dim, WebGLUniformLocation *location_object, GLint& location, uint32_t& numElementsToUpload, uint32_t arrayLength, WebGLboolean aTranspose) { uint32_t expectedElemSize = (dim)*(dim); if (IsContextLost()) return false; if (!ValidateUniformLocation(name, location_object)) return false; location = location_object->Location(); uint32_t uniformElemSize = location_object->ElementSize(); if (expectedElemSize != uniformElemSize) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: this function expected a uniform of element size %d," " got a uniform of element size %d", name, expectedElemSize, uniformElemSize); return false; } if (arrayLength == 0 || arrayLength % expectedElemSize) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: expected an array of length a multiple" " of %d, got an array of length %d", name, expectedElemSize, arrayLength); return false; } const WebGLUniformInfo& info = location_object->Info(); if (!info.isArray && arrayLength != expectedElemSize) { ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: expected an array of length exactly" " %d (since this uniform is not an array" " uniform), got an array of length %d", name, expectedElemSize, arrayLength); return false; } if (aTranspose) { ErrorInvalidValue("%s: transpose must be FALSE as per the " "OpenGL ES 2.0 spec", name); return false; } numElementsToUpload = std::min(info.arraySize, arrayLength / (expectedElemSize)); return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateUniformSetter(const char* name, WebGLUniformLocation *location_object, GLint& location) { if (IsContextLost()) return false; if (!ValidateUniformLocation(name, location_object)) return false; location = location_object->Location(); return true; } bool WebGLContext::ValidateAttribIndex(GLuint index, const char *info) { return mBoundVertexArray->EnsureAttrib(index, info); } bool WebGLContext::ValidateStencilParamsForDrawCall() { const char *msg = "%s set different front and back stencil %s. Drawing in this configuration is not allowed."; if (mStencilRefFront != mStencilRefBack) { ErrorInvalidOperation(msg, "stencilFuncSeparate", "reference values"); return false; } if (mStencilValueMaskFront != mStencilValueMaskBack) { ErrorInvalidOperation(msg, "stencilFuncSeparate", "value masks"); return false; } if (mStencilWriteMaskFront != mStencilWriteMaskBack) { ErrorInvalidOperation(msg, "stencilMaskSeparate", "write masks"); return false; } return true; } static inline int32_t floorPOT(int32_t x) { MOZ_ASSERT(x > 0); int32_t pot = 1; while (pot < 0x40000000) { if (x < pot*2) break; pot *= 2; } return pot; } bool WebGLContext::InitAndValidateGL() { if (!gl) return false; GLenum error = gl->fGetError(); if (error != LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR) { GenerateWarning("GL error 0x%x occurred during OpenGL context initialization, before WebGL initialization!", error); return false; } mMinCapability = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.min_capability_mode", false); mDisableExtensions = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.disable-extensions", false); mLoseContextOnMemoryPressure = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.lose-context-on-memory-preasure", false); mCanLoseContextInForeground = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.can-lose-context-in-foreground", true); mRestoreWhenVisible = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.restore-context-when-visible", true); if (MinCapabilityMode()) { mDisableFragHighP = true; } // These are the default values, see 6.2 State tables in the // OpenGL ES 2.0.25 spec. mColorWriteMask[0] = 1; mColorWriteMask[1] = 1; mColorWriteMask[2] = 1; mColorWriteMask[3] = 1; mDepthWriteMask = 1; mColorClearValue[0] = 0.f; mColorClearValue[1] = 0.f; mColorClearValue[2] = 0.f; mColorClearValue[3] = 0.f; mDepthClearValue = 1.f; mStencilClearValue = 0; mStencilRefFront = 0; mStencilRefBack = 0; /* // Technically, we should be setting mStencil[...] values to // `allOnes`, but either ANGLE breaks or the SGX540s on Try break. GLuint stencilBits = 0; gl->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BITS, &stencilBits); GLuint allOnes = ~(UINT32_MAX << stencilBits); mStencilValueMaskFront = allOnes; mStencilValueMaskBack = allOnes; mStencilWriteMaskFront = allOnes; mStencilWriteMaskBack = allOnes; */ gl->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK, &mStencilValueMaskFront); gl->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK, &mStencilValueMaskBack); gl->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK, &mStencilWriteMaskFront); gl->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK, &mStencilWriteMaskBack); AssertUintParamCorrect(gl, LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK, mStencilValueMaskFront); AssertUintParamCorrect(gl, LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK, mStencilValueMaskBack); AssertUintParamCorrect(gl, LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK, mStencilWriteMaskFront); AssertUintParamCorrect(gl, LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK, mStencilWriteMaskBack); mDitherEnabled = true; mRasterizerDiscardEnabled = false; mScissorTestEnabled = false; // Bindings, etc. mActiveTexture = 0; mEmitContextLostErrorOnce = true; mWebGLError = LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR; mUnderlyingGLError = LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR; mBound2DTextures.Clear(); mBoundCubeMapTextures.Clear(); mBound3DTextures.Clear(); mBoundArrayBuffer = nullptr; mBoundTransformFeedbackBuffer = nullptr; mCurrentProgram = nullptr; mBoundFramebuffer = nullptr; mBoundRenderbuffer = nullptr; MakeContextCurrent(); // on desktop OpenGL, we always keep vertex attrib 0 array enabled if (!gl->IsGLES()) { gl->fEnableVertexAttribArray(0); } if (MinCapabilityMode()) { mGLMaxVertexAttribs = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; } else { gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &mGLMaxVertexAttribs); } if (mGLMaxVertexAttribs < 8) { GenerateWarning("GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: %d is < 8!", mGLMaxVertexAttribs); return false; } // Note: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS is fixed at 4 for most desktop hardware, // even though the hardware supports much more. The // GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS value is the accurate value. if (MinCapabilityMode()) { mGLMaxTextureUnits = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; } else { gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &mGLMaxTextureUnits); } if (mGLMaxTextureUnits < 8) { GenerateWarning("GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: %d is < 8!", mGLMaxTextureUnits); return false; } mBound2DTextures.SetLength(mGLMaxTextureUnits); mBoundCubeMapTextures.SetLength(mGLMaxTextureUnits); mBound3DTextures.SetLength(mGLMaxTextureUnits); if (MinCapabilityMode()) { mGLMaxTextureSize = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE; mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSize = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE; mGLMaxRenderbufferSize = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE; mGLMaxTextureImageUnits = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; mGLMaxVertexTextureImageUnits = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; } else { gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &mGLMaxTextureSize); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE, &mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSize); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &mGLMaxRenderbufferSize); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &mGLMaxTextureImageUnits); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &mGLMaxVertexTextureImageUnits); } // Calculate log2 of mGLMaxTextureSize and mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSize mGLMaxTextureSizeLog2 = 0; int32_t tempSize = mGLMaxTextureSize; while (tempSize >>= 1) { ++mGLMaxTextureSizeLog2; } mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSizeLog2 = 0; tempSize = mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSize; while (tempSize >>= 1) { ++mGLMaxCubeMapTextureSizeLog2; } mGLMaxTextureSize = floorPOT(mGLMaxTextureSize); mGLMaxRenderbufferSize = floorPOT(mGLMaxRenderbufferSize); if (MinCapabilityMode()) { mGLMaxFragmentUniformVectors = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS; mGLMaxVertexUniformVectors = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS; mGLMaxVaryingVectors = MINVALUE_GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS; } else { if (gl->IsSupported(gl::GLFeature::ES2_compatibility)) { gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &mGLMaxFragmentUniformVectors); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &mGLMaxVertexUniformVectors); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS, &mGLMaxVaryingVectors); } else { gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &mGLMaxFragmentUniformVectors); mGLMaxFragmentUniformVectors /= 4; gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &mGLMaxVertexUniformVectors); mGLMaxVertexUniformVectors /= 4; // we are now going to try to read GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS and GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS, // however these constants only entered the OpenGL standard at OpenGL 3.2. So we will try reading, // and check OpenGL error for INVALID_ENUM. // before we start, we check that no error already occurred, to prevent hiding it in our subsequent error handling error = gl->GetAndClearError(); if (error != LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR) { GenerateWarning("GL error 0x%x occurred during WebGL context initialization!", error); return false; } // On the public_webgl list, "problematic GetParameter pnames" thread, the following formula was given: // mGLMaxVaryingVectors = min (GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS, GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS) / 4 GLint maxVertexOutputComponents, minFragmentInputComponents; gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS, &maxVertexOutputComponents); gl->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS, &minFragmentInputComponents); error = gl->GetAndClearError(); switch (error) { case LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR: mGLMaxVaryingVectors = std::min(maxVertexOutputComponents, minFragmentInputComponents) / 4; break; case LOCAL_GL_INVALID_ENUM: mGLMaxVaryingVectors = 16; // = 64/4, 64 is the min value for maxVertexOutputComponents in OpenGL 3.2 spec break; default: GenerateWarning("GL error 0x%x occurred during WebGL context initialization!", error); return false; } } } // Always 1 for GLES2 mMaxFramebufferColorAttachments = 1; if (!gl->IsGLES()) { // gl_PointSize is always available in ES2 GLSL, but has to be // specifically enabled on desktop GLSL. gl->fEnable(LOCAL_GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); // gl_PointCoord is always available in ES2 GLSL and in newer desktop GLSL versions, but apparently // not in OpenGL 2 and apparently not (due to a driver bug) on certain NVIDIA setups. See: // http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=261472 // Note that this used to cause crashes on old ATI drivers... hopefully not a significant // problem anymore. See bug 602183. gl->fEnable(LOCAL_GL_POINT_SPRITE); } #ifdef XP_MACOSX if (gl->WorkAroundDriverBugs() && gl->Vendor() == gl::GLVendor::ATI && nsCocoaFeatures::OSXVersionMajor() == 10 && nsCocoaFeatures::OSXVersionMinor() < 9) { // The Mac ATI driver, in all known OSX version up to and including 10.8, // renders points sprites upside-down. Apple bug 11778921 gl->fPointParameterf(LOCAL_GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN, LOCAL_GL_LOWER_LEFT); } #endif // Check the shader validator pref NS_ENSURE_TRUE(Preferences::GetRootBranch(), false); mShaderValidation = Preferences::GetBool("webgl.shader_validator", mShaderValidation); // initialize shader translator if (mShaderValidation) { if (!ShInitialize()) { GenerateWarning("GLSL translator initialization failed!"); return false; } } // Mesa can only be detected with the GL_VERSION string, of the form "2.1 Mesa 7.11.0" mIsMesa = strstr((const char *)(gl->fGetString(LOCAL_GL_VERSION)), "Mesa"); // notice that the point of calling GetAndClearError here is not only to check for error, // it is also to reset the error flags so that a subsequent WebGL getError call will give the correct result. error = gl->GetAndClearError(); if (error != LOCAL_GL_NO_ERROR) { GenerateWarning("GL error 0x%x occurred during WebGL context initialization!", error); return false; } if (IsWebGL2() && !InitWebGL2()) { // Todo: Bug 898404: Only allow WebGL2 on GL>=3.0 on desktop GL. return false; } // Default value for all disabled vertex attributes is [0, 0, 0, 1] for (int32_t index = 0; index < mGLMaxVertexAttribs; ++index) { VertexAttrib4f(index, 0, 0, 0, 1); } mDefaultVertexArray = WebGLVertexArray::Create(this); mDefaultVertexArray->mAttribs.SetLength(mGLMaxVertexAttribs); mBoundVertexArray = mDefaultVertexArray; if (mLoseContextOnMemoryPressure) { mContextObserver->RegisterMemoryPressureEvent(); } return true; }