About the hyphenation code in this directory ============================================ The core hyphenation code (files "hyphen.c" and "hyphen.h") comes from the Hyphen library, part of the hunspell project. The various COPYING* and README* files (except this README.mozilla) are likewise from the hunspell distribution of Hyphen: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell/files/Hyphen/. This code is distributed under the GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1/MPL 1.1 tri-license, as detailed in the associated README and COPYING files. Note that we do not include other tools and resources found in the complete Hyphen package from upstream, so the original README.* files may refer to additional files that are not present in the Mozilla source tree. The other source files here: hnjalloc.h hnjstdio.cpp nsHyphenationManager.cpp nsHyphenator.cpp as well as the build files (Makefile.in and moz.build) are Mozilla-authored code, and the standard MPL 2.0 applies to these, as noted in the comments within the files.