# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. EXPORTS += [ 'external_api/moz_external_vr.h', 'FxROutputHandler.h', 'FxRWindowManager.h', 'gfxVR.h', 'ipc/VRChild.h', 'ipc/VRGPUChild.h', 'ipc/VRGPUParent.h', 'ipc/VRLayerChild.h', 'ipc/VRManagerChild.h', 'ipc/VRManagerParent.h', 'ipc/VRMessageUtils.h', 'ipc/VRParent.h', 'ipc/VRProcessChild.h', 'ipc/VRProcessManager.h', 'ipc/VRProcessParent.h', 'service/VRService.h', 'VRDisplayClient.h', 'VRDisplayPresentation.h', 'VRManager.h', 'VRPuppetCommandBuffer.h', 'VRShMem.h', 'VRThread.h', ] LOCAL_INCLUDES += [ '/dom/base', '/dom/canvas', '/gfx/layers/d3d11', '/gfx/thebes', ] UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ 'gfxVR.cpp', 'ipc/VRChild.cpp', 'ipc/VRGPUChild.cpp', 'ipc/VRGPUParent.cpp', 'ipc/VRManagerChild.cpp', 'ipc/VRManagerParent.cpp', 'ipc/VRParent.cpp', 'ipc/VRProcessChild.cpp', 'ipc/VRProcessManager.cpp', 'ipc/VRProcessParent.cpp', 'VRDisplayClient.cpp', 'VRDisplayPresentation.cpp', 'VRThread.cpp', ] SOURCES += [ 'ipc/VRLayerChild.cpp', 'ipc/VRLayerParent.cpp', 'VRManager.cpp', 'VRPuppetCommandBuffer.cpp', 'VRShMem.cpp' ] if CONFIG['OS_TARGET'] == 'Android': LOCAL_INCLUDES += ['/widget/android'] else: DIRS += [ 'service', ] UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ 'VRServiceHost.cpp', ] # Only target x64 for vrhost since WebVR is only supported on 64bit. # Also, only use MSVC compiler for Windows-specific linking if CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] == 'WINNT' and CONFIG['HAVE_64BIT_BUILD'] and CONFIG['CC_TYPE'] not in ('clang', 'gcc'): DIRS += [ 'vrhost' ] IPDL_SOURCES = [ 'ipc/PVR.ipdl', 'ipc/PVRGPU.ipdl', 'ipc/PVRLayer.ipdl', 'ipc/PVRManager.ipdl', ] # For now, only enable FxR CLH for Windows Nightly builds (BUG 1565349) if CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] == 'WINNT' and CONFIG['NIGHTLY_BUILD']: XPCOM_MANIFESTS += [ 'components.conf', ] SOURCES += [ 'nsFxrCommandLineHandler.cpp', ] if CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] == 'WINNT': LOCAL_INCLUDES += [ '/layout/generic', '/widget', '/widget/windows' ] SOURCES += [ 'FxROutputHandler.cpp', 'FxRWindowManager.cpp' ] CXXFLAGS += CONFIG['MOZ_CAIRO_CFLAGS'] CXXFLAGS += CONFIG['TK_CFLAGS'] CFLAGS += CONFIG['MOZ_CAIRO_CFLAGS'] CFLAGS += CONFIG['TK_CFLAGS'] include('/ipc/chromium/chromium-config.mozbuild') FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xul' with Files('**'): BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'WebVR')