# This file is rendered via JSON-e by # - mozilla-taskcluster - https://docs.taskcluster.net/reference/integrations/mozilla-taskcluster/docs/taskcluster-yml # - cron tasks - taskcluster/taskgraph/cron/decision.py # - action tasks - taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/registry.py version: 1 tasks: # NOTE: support for actions in ci-admin requires that the `tasks` property be an array *before* JSON-e rendering # takes place. - $if: 'tasks_for in ["hg-push", "action", "cron"]' then: $let: # sometimes the push user is just `ffxbld` or the like, but we want an email-like field.. ownerEmail: {$if: '"@" in push.owner', then: '${push.owner}', else: '${push.owner}@noreply.mozilla.org'} # ensure there's no trailing `/` on the repo URL repoUrl: {$if: 'repository.url[-1] == "/"', then: {$eval: 'repository.url[:-1]'}, else: {$eval: 'repository.url'}} # Hardcode cron push info for now, so that we can transition to using real values without breaking callers of Chain of Trust _pushId: {$if: 'tasks_for == "cron"', then: '-1', else: {$eval: 'push.pushlog_id'}} # action tasks can fail because of no pushdate or push comment information in context, so include them in # hardcodes (even though they don't use these variables) _pushDate: {$if: 'tasks_for == "cron" || tasks_for == "action"', then: '0', else: {$eval: 'push.pushdate'}} _pushComment: {$if: 'tasks_for == "cron" || tasks_for == "action"', then: '', else: {$eval: 'push.comment'}} in: taskId: {$if: 'tasks_for != "action"', then: '${as_slugid("decision")}'} taskGroupId: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: '${action.taskGroupId}' else: '${as_slugid("decision")}' # same as taskId; this is how automation identifies a decision tsak schedulerId: 'gecko-level-${repository.level}' created: {$fromNow: ''} deadline: {$fromNow: '1 day'} expires: {$fromNow: '1 year 1 second'} # 1 second so artifacts expire first, despite rounding errors metadata: $merge: - owner: "${ownerEmail}" source: "${repoUrl}/raw-file/${push.revision}/.taskcluster.yml" - $if: 'tasks_for == "hg-push"' then: name: "Gecko Decision Task" description: 'The task that creates all of the other tasks in the task graph' else: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: name: "Action: ${action.title}" description: '${action.description}' else: name: "Decision Task for cron job ${cron.job_name}" description: 'Created by a [cron task](https://tools.taskcluster.net/tasks/${cron.task_id})' provisionerId: "aws-provisioner-v1" workerType: "gecko-${repository.level}-decision" tags: $if: 'tasks_for == "hg-push"' then: createdForUser: "${ownerEmail}" kind: decision-task else: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: createdForUser: '${ownerEmail}' kind: 'action-callback' else: $if: 'tasks_for == "cron"' then: kind: cron-task routes: $flatten: - "tc-treeherder.v2.${repository.project}.${push.revision}.${_pushId}" - $if: 'tasks_for == "hg-push"' then: - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.latest.taskgraph.decision" - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.revision.${push.revision}.taskgraph.decision" - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.pushlog-id.${_pushId}.decision" - "notify.email.${ownerEmail}.on-failed" - "notify.email.${ownerEmail}.on-exception" # These are the old index routes for the decision task. # They are still here so external tools that referenced them continue to work. - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.latest.firefox.decision" - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.revision.${push.revision}.firefox.decision" else: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: - "notify.email.taskcluster-notifications+action-task@mozilla.com.on-failed" - "notify.email.taskcluster-notifications+action-task@mozilla.com.on-exception" - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.pushlog-id.${_pushId}.actions.${ownTaskId}" else: # cron - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.latest.taskgraph.decision-${cron.job_name}" # These are the old index routes for the decision task. - "index.gecko.v2.${repository.project}.latest.firefox.decision-${cron.job_name}" scopes: $if: 'tasks_for == "hg-push"' then: - 'assume:repo:${repoUrl[8:]}:branch:default' - 'queue:route:notify.email.${ownerEmail}.*' - 'in-tree:hook-action:project-gecko/in-tree-action-${repository.level}-*' else: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: # when all actions are hooks, we can calculate this directly rather than using a variable - '${action.repo_scope}' else: - 'assume:repo:${repoUrl[8:]}:cron:${cron.job_name}' dependencies: [] requires: all-completed priority: # Most times, there is plenty of worker capacity so everything runs # quickly, but sometimes a storm of action tasks lands. Then we # want, from highest to lowest: # - cron tasks (time-sensitive) (low) # - decision tasks (minimize user-visible delay) (very-low) # - action tasks (avoid interfering with the other two) (lowest) # SCM levels all use different workerTypes, so there is no need for priority # between levels; "low" is the highest priority available at all levels, and # nothing runs at any higher priority on these workerTypes. $if: "tasks_for == 'cron'" then: low else: $if: "tasks_for == 'hg-push'" then: very-low else: lowest # tasks_for == 'action' retries: 5 payload: env: # checkout-gecko uses these to check out the source; the inputs # to `mach taskgraph decision` are all on the command line. $merge: - GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified' GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY: '${repoUrl}' GECKO_HEAD_REF: '${push.revision}' GECKO_HEAD_REV: '${push.revision}' GECKO_COMMIT_MSG: {$if: 'tasks_for != "action"', then: '${_pushComment}'} HG_STORE_PATH: /builds/worker/checkouts/hg-store TASKCLUSTER_CACHES: /builds/worker/checkouts - $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: ACTION_TASK_GROUP_ID: '${action.taskGroupId}' # taskGroupId of the target task ACTION_TASK_ID: {$json: {$eval: 'taskId'}} # taskId of the target task (JSON-encoded) ACTION_INPUT: {$json: {$eval: 'input'}} ACTION_CALLBACK: '${action.cb_name}' ACTION_PARAMETERS: {$json: {$eval: 'parameters'}} cache: level-${repository.level}-checkouts-sparse-v2: /builds/worker/checkouts features: taskclusterProxy: true chainOfTrust: true # Note: This task is built server side without the context or tooling that # exist in tree so we must hard code the hash image: 'taskcluster/decision:2.1.0@sha256:6db3b697d7a3c7aba440d72f04199331b872111cefff57206b8b8b1d53230360' maxRunTime: 1800 command: - /builds/worker/bin/run-task - '--vcs-checkout=/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko' - '--sparse-profile=build/sparse-profiles/taskgraph' - '--' - bash - -cx - $let: extraArgs: {$if: 'tasks_for == "cron"', then: '${cron.quoted_args}', else: ''} in: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: > cd /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko && ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts && ./mach --log-no-times taskgraph action-callback else: > cd /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko && ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts && ./mach --log-no-times taskgraph decision --pushlog-id='${_pushId}' --pushdate='${_pushDate}' --project='${repository.project}' --message="$GECKO_COMMIT_MSG" --owner='${ownerEmail}' --level='${repository.level}' --base-repository="$GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY" --head-repository="$GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY" --head-ref="$GECKO_HEAD_REF" --head-rev="$GECKO_HEAD_REV" ${extraArgs} artifacts: 'public': type: 'directory' path: '/builds/worker/artifacts' expires: {$fromNow: '1 year'} extra: $merge: - treeherder: $merge: - machine: platform: gecko-decision - $if: 'tasks_for == "hg-push"' then: symbol: D else: $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: groupName: 'action-callback' groupSymbol: AC symbol: "${action.symbol}" else: groupSymbol: cron symbol: "${cron.job_symbol}" - $if: 'tasks_for == "action"' then: parent: '${action.taskGroupId}' action: name: '${action.name}' context: taskGroupId: '${action.taskGroupId}' taskId: {$eval: 'taskId'} input: {$eval: 'input'} parameters: {$eval: 'parameters'} - $if: 'tasks_for == "cron"' then: cron: {$json: {$eval: 'cron'}} - tasks_for: '${tasks_for}'