--- version: 0 metadata: name: "NSS Continuous Integration" description: "The Taskcluster task graph for the NSS tree" owner: "mozilla-taskcluster-maintenance@mozilla.com" source: {{{source}}} scopes: # Note the below scopes are insecure however these get overriden on the server # side to whatever scopes are set by mozilla-taskcluster. - queue:* - docker-worker:* - scheduler:* # Available mustache parameters (see the mozilla-taskcluster source): # # - owner: push user (email address) # - source: URL of this YAML file # - url: repository URL # - project: alias for the destination repository (basename of # the repo url) # - level: SCM level of the destination repository # (1 = try, 3 = core) # - revision: (short) hg revision of the head of the push # - revision_hash: (long) hg revision of the head of the push # - comment: comment of the push # - pushlog_id: id in the pushlog table of the repository # # and functions: # - as_slugid: convert a label into a slugId # - from_now: generate a timestamp at a fixed offset from now tasks: - taskId: '{{#as_slugid}}decision task{{/as_slugid}}' reruns: 3 task: created: '{{now}}' deadline: '{{#from_now}}1 day{{/from_now}}' expires: '{{#from_now}}14 days{{/from_now}}' metadata: owner: mozilla-taskcluster-maintenance@mozilla.com source: {{{source}}} name: "NSS Decision Task" description: | The task that creates all of the other tasks in the task graph workerType: "hg-worker" provisionerId: "aws-provisioner-v1" tags: createdForUser: {{owner}} routes: - "tc-treeherder-stage.v2.{{project}}.{{revision}}.{{pushlog_id}}" - "tc-treeherder.v2.{{project}}.{{revision}}.{{pushlog_id}}" payload: image: "ttaubert/nss-ci:0.0.17" env: TC_OWNER: {{owner}} TC_SOURCE: {{{source}}} TC_PROJECT: {{project}} NSS_PUSHLOG_ID: '{{pushlog_id}}' NSS_HEAD_REPOSITORY: '{{{url}}}' NSS_HEAD_REVISION: '{{revision}}' maxRunTime: 1800 command: - bash - -cx - > bin/checkout.sh && nss/automation/taskcluster/scripts/extend_task_graph.sh artifacts: public: type: "directory" path: "/home/worker/artifacts" expires: "{{#from_now}}7 days{{/from_now}}" graphs: - /home/worker/artifacts/graph.json extra: treeherder: symbol: D build: platform: nss-decision machine: platform: nss-decision