function run_test() { run_test_in_child("cpow_child.js", run_actual_tests); } function run_actual_tests() { var obj = getChildGlobalObject(); test_properties(; test_delete(; test_toString(; test_inheritance(; test_constructor(, obj.Function, obj.Object, obj.Date); test_instanceof(obj.A, obj.B); test_enumeration(obj.A, obj.B); test_Array(obj.Array); test_Function(obj.Function); test_exceptions(obj.pitch, obj.Object); test_generators(obj.Function); test_Iterator(, obj.Iterator, obj.StopIteration); test_getters_setters(obj.get_set, obj.Function); test_forbidden_things(obj); do_test_finished(); } function test_properties(data) { do_check_true("answer" in data); do_check_false("cnefhasefho" in data.nested); do_check_eq(data.answer, 42); do_check_eq(, "yes they do"); do_check_eq(data.asodfijasdiofj, void(0)); do_check_eq(data.arr.length, 4); do_check_eq(data.arr[4], void(0)); do_check_eq(data.arr[0], "zeroeth"); do_check_eq(data.arr[1].foo, "bar"); do_check_true(2 in data.arr); do_check_eq(data.arr[2], data.arr[2]); // ensure reuse do_check_true(data.arr[2]() === data); do_check_eq(data.arr[2]().arr[0], "zeroeth"); do_check_true("call" in data.arr[2]); do_check_eq(data.arr[3], "last"); } function test_delete(data) { do_check_eq(data.derived.try_to_delete, "just try"); do_check_true(delete data.derived.try_to_delete); do_check_eq(data.derived.try_to_delete, "bwahaha"); do_check_true(delete data.derived.try_to_delete); do_check_eq(data.derived.try_to_delete, "bwahaha"); } function test_toString(data) { do_check_eq(data.toString(), "CPOW"); do_check_eq(data + "asdf", "CPOWasdf"); do_check_eq(new String(data), "CPOW"); } function test_inheritance(derived) { do_check_true("inherited" in derived); do_check_false(derived.hasOwnProperty("inherited")); var base = derived.__proto__; do_check_true(base.hasOwnProperty("inherited")); do_check_eq(derived.inherited, "inherited"); do_check_eq(derived.method(), "called"); do_check_eq(base.method, derived.method); do_check_true(base.method === derived.method); } function test_constructor(ctor, ChildFunction, ChildObject, ChildDate) { var obj = new ctor(42); obj.check(obj); // Re-run test_inheritance, creating locally everything that // test_inheritance expects to be created in the child process: var empty = new ChildFunction(), proto = new ChildObject(); proto.inherited = "inherited"; proto.method = new ChildFunction("return 'called'"); empty.prototype = proto; test_inheritance(new empty); var cd = new ChildDate, tolerance_ms = 20000; // Ridiculously large to accommodate gcZeal delays. do_check_eq(Math.max(Math.abs(cd.getTime() - new Date), tolerance_ms), tolerance_ms); do_check_true(cd instanceof ChildDate); } function test_enumeration(A, B) { function check(obj, nk, s) { var keys = []; for (var k in obj) keys[keys.length] = k; do_check_eq(keys.length, nk); do_check_eq(keys.sort().join("~"), s); } check(new B, 3, "a~b~c"); check(B.prototype, 2, "a~b"); B.prototype = A.prototype; A.prototype = new B; check(new A, 3, "a~b~c"); check(new B, 2, "b~c"); // Put things back the way they were, mostly: A.prototype = B.prototype; B.prototype = new A; } function test_instanceof(A, B) { var a = new A, b = new B; do_check_true(a instanceof A); do_check_false(a instanceof B); do_check_true(b instanceof A); do_check_true(b instanceof B); } function test_Array(ChildArray) { do_check_true(!!ChildArray); var arr = new ChildArray(1, new ChildArray(2, 3), 4); do_check_eq(arr.length, 3); do_check_eq(arr.slice(1).shift()[1], 3); arr[2] = arr[1]; do_check_eq(arr.pop()[0], 2); } function test_Function(ChildFunction) { var succ = new ChildFunction("x", "return x + 1"); do_check_eq(succ(succ(3)), 5); do_check_eq(succ + "", "" + new Function("x", "return x + 1")); } function test_exceptions(pitch, ChildObject) { try { throw "parent-only"; } catch (x) { do_check_eq(x, "parent-only"); } var ball = new ChildObject(), thrown = false; = "baseball"; try { pitch(ball); do_throw("Should have thrown."); } catch (x) { thrown = true; do_check_eq(, "baseball"); do_check_eq(x, ball); do_check_true(x === ball); } do_check_true(thrown); } function test_generators(ChildFunction) { // Run the test with own Function just to keep sane: if (ChildFunction != Function) test_generators(Function); var count = 0, sum = 0, genFn = new ChildFunction("for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++) yield i"); var gen = genFn(); do try { sum +=; } catch (x) { break; } while ((count += 1)); do_check_eq(count, 3); do_check_eq(sum, 6); try { for (var n in genFn()) { count += 1; sum += n; } } catch (x) {} do_check_eq(count, 6); do_check_eq(sum, 12); } function test_Iterator(data, ChildIterator, ChildStopIteration) { do_check_true(data && ChildIterator && true); var copy = {}, thrown = null; try { for (var kv in ChildIterator(data)) { do_check_true(kv[0] in data); do_check_eq(data[kv[0]], kv[1]); copy[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } // XXX I shouldn't have to be catching this, should I? } catch (x) { thrown = x; } do_check_true(thrown != null); do_check_true(thrown instanceof ChildStopIteration); do_check_eq(copy + "", "CPOW"); } function test_getters_setters(get_set, ChildFunction) { do_check_eq(, 42); var thrown = null; try { = get_set.foo_throws; } catch (x) { thrown = x; } do_check_true(thrown != null); do_check_eq(thrown, "BAM"); do_check_false("bar" in get_set); get_set.two = 2222; = 1; do_check_eq(get_set.two, 2); var getter = new ChildFunction("return 'you got me'"); get_set.__defineGetter__("defined_getter", getter); do_check_eq(get_set.defined_getter, "you got me"); do_check_eq(get_set.__lookupGetter__("defined_getter"), getter); var setter = new ChildFunction("val", "this.side_effect = val"); get_set.__defineSetter__("defined_setter", setter); get_set.side_effect = "can't touch this"; get_set.defined_setter = "you set me"; do_check_eq(get_set.side_effect, "you set me"); do_check_eq(get_set.__lookupSetter__("defined_setter"), setter); } function test_forbidden_things(child) { var x_count = 0; do_check_eq(child.type(42), "number"); try { child.type(function(){}); do_throw("Should not have been able to pass a parent-created " + "function to the child"); } catch (x) { print(x); x_count += 1; } try { child.type({}); do_throw("Should not have been able to pass a parent-created " + "object to the child"); } catch (x) { print(x); x_count += 1; } try { child.type.prop = {}; do_throw("Should not have been able to set a property of a child " + "object to a parent-created object value"); } catch (x) { print(x); x_count += 1; } try { child.type.prop = function(){}; do_throw("Should not have been able to set a property of a child " + "object to a parent-created function value"); } catch (x) { print(x); x_count += 1; } do_check_eq(x_count, 4); }