The Servo Parallel Browser Project Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the [Rust]( language. It is currently developed on 64bit OS X, 64bit Linux, and Android. Servo welcomes contribution from everyone. See [``]( for help getting started. ## Prerequisites Note, on systems without glfw3 packages, you can compile from source. An example can be found in [the TravisCI install script](etc/ci/ On OS X (homebrew): ``` sh brew install automake pkg-config python glfw3 pip install virtualenv ``` On OS X (MacPorts): ``` sh sudo port install python27 py27-virtualenv ``` On Debian-based Linuxes: ``` sh sudo apt-get install curl freeglut3-dev \ libfreetype6-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libglib2.0-dev xorg-dev \ msttcorefonts gperf g++ cmake python-virtualenv \ libssl-dev libglfw-dev ``` On Fedora: ``` sh sudo yum install curl freeglut-devel libtool gcc-c++ libXi-devel \ freetype-devel mesa-libGL-devel glib2-devel libX11-devel libXrandr-devel gperf \ fontconfig-devel cabextract ttmkfdir python python-virtualenv expat-devel \ rpm-build openssl-devel glfw-devel pushd . cd /tmp wget rpmbuild -bb msttcorefonts-2.5-1.spec sudo yum install $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/msttcorefonts-2.5-1.noarch.rpm popd ``` On Arch Linux: ``` sh sudo pacman -S base-devel git python2 python2-virtualenv mesa glfw ttf-font ``` Cross-compilation for Android: Pre-installed Android tools are needed. See wiki for [details]( ## The Rust compiler Servo uses a snapshot Rust compiler to build itself. This is normally a specific revision of Rust upstream, but sometimes has a backported patch or two. If you'd like to know the snapshot revision of Rust which we use, see `./rust-snapshot-hash`. ## Building Servo is built with Cargo, the Rust package manager. We also use Mozilla's Mach tools to orchestrate the build and other tasks. ### Normal build ``` sh git clone cd servo ./mach build ./mach run tests/html/about-mozilla.html ``` ### Building for Android target ``` sh git clone cd servo ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN=/path/to/toolchain ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/ndk PATH=$PATH:/path/to/toolchain/bin ./mach build --android cd ports/android ANDROID_SDK=/path/to/sdk make install ``` Rather than setting the `ANDROID_*` environment variables every time, you can also create a `.servobuild` file and then edit it to contain the correct paths to the Android SDK/NDK tools: ``` cp servobuild.example .servobuild # edit .servobuild ``` ## Running ### Commandline Arguments - `-p INTERVAL` turns on the profiler and dumps info to the console every `INTERVAL` seconds - `-s SIZE` sets the tile size for rendering; defaults to 512 - `-z` disables all graphical output; useful for running JS / layout tests ### Keyboard Shortcuts - `Ctrl-L` opens a dialog to browse to a new URL (Mac only currently) - `Ctrl--` zooms out - `Ctrl-=` zooms in - `Backspace` goes backwards in the history - `Shift-Backspace` goes forwards in the history - `Esc` exits servo ## Developing There are lots of mach commands you can use. You can list them with `./mach --help`.