#!/usr/bin/perl -w $OLDFILE = $ARGV[0]; $NEWFILE = $ARGV[1]; sub processFile { my ($FILENAME, $map, $prevMap) = @_; open(FH, $FILENAME); while () { if (/^\s+(\d+) ([\w\:]+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+) \(\s+([\-\d\.]+) \+\/\-\s+([\w\.]+)\)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+) \(\s+([\-\d\.]+) \+\/\-\s+([\w\.]+)\)/) { my $name = $2; my $size = $3; my $leaked = $4; my $objTotal = $5; my $objRem = $6; my $objMean = $7; my $objStdDev = $8; my $refTotal = $9; my $refRem = $10; my $refMean = $11; my $refStdDev = $12; my $bloat = $objTotal * $size; # heuristic measure of badness $$map{$name} = { name => $name, size => $size, leaked => $leaked, objTotal => $objTotal, objRem => $objRem, objMean => $objMean, objStdDev => $objStdDev, refTotal => $refTotal, refRem => $refRem, refMean => $refMean, refStdDev => $refStdDev, bloat => $bloat }; } else { # print "failed to parse: $_\n"; } } close(FH); } %oldMap = (); processFile($OLDFILE, \%oldMap); %newMap = (); processFile($NEWFILE, \%newMap); ################################################################################ $inf = 9999999.99; sub getLeaksDelta { my ($key) = @_; my $oldLeaks = $oldMap{$key}{leaked} || 0; my $newLeaks = $newMap{$key}{leaked}; my $percentLeaks = 0; if ($oldLeaks == 0) { if ($newLeaks != 0) { # there weren't any leaks before, but now there are! $percentLeaks = $inf; } } else { $percentLeaks = ($newLeaks - $oldLeaks) / $oldLeaks * 100; } # else we had no record of this class before return ($newLeaks - $oldLeaks, $percentLeaks); } ################################################################################ sub getBloatDelta { my ($key) = @_; my $newBloat = $newMap{$key}{bloat}; my $percentBloat = 0; my $oldSize = $oldMap{$key}{size} || 0; my $oldTotal = $oldMap{$key}{objTotal} || 0; my $oldBloat = $oldTotal * $oldSize; if ($oldBloat == 0) { if ($newBloat != 0) { # this class wasn't used before, but now it is $percentBloat = $inf; } } else { $percentBloat = ($newBloat - $oldBloat) / $oldBloat * 100; } # else we had no record of this class before return ($newBloat - $oldBloat, $percentBloat); } ################################################################################ foreach $key (keys %newMap) { my ($newLeaks, $percentLeaks) = getLeaksDelta($key); my ($newBloat, $percentBloat) = getBloatDelta($key); $newMap{$key}{leakDelta} = $newLeaks; $newMap{$key}{leakPercent} = $percentLeaks; $newMap{$key}{bloatDelta} = $newBloat; $newMap{$key}{bloatPercent} = $percentBloat; } ################################################################################ print "Bloat/Leak Delta Report\n"; print "-------------------------------------------\n"; print "Current file: $NEWFILE\n"; print "Previous file: $OLDFILE\n"; printf "%-20s %10s %10.2f%% %10s %10.2f%%\n", ("TOTAL", $newMap{"TOTAL"}{leaked}, $newMap{"TOTAL"}{leakPercent}, $newMap{"TOTAL"}{bloat}, $newMap{"TOTAL"}{bloatPercent}); ################################################################################ sub percentStr { my ($p) = @_; if ($p == $inf) { return "-"; } else { return sprintf "%10.2f%%", $p; } } # NEW LEAKS @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{leakPercent} <=> $newMap{$a}{leakPercent} } keys %newMap; my $needsHeading = 1; my $total = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $percentLeaks = $newMap{$key}{leakPercent}; my $leaks = $newMap{$key}{leaked}; if ($percentLeaks > 0 && $key !~ /TOTAL/) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--NEW-LEAKS--------------------------------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $leaks, percentStr($percentLeaks)); $total += $leaks; } } if (!$needsHeading) { printf "%-20s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $total); } # FIXED LEAKS @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{leakPercent} <=> $newMap{$a}{leakPercent} } keys %newMap; $needsHeading = 1; $total = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $percentLeaks = $newMap{$key}{leakPercent}; my $leaks = $newMap{$key}{leaked}; if ($percentLeaks < 0 && $key !~ /TOTAL/) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--FIXED-LEAKS------------------------------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $leaks, percentStr($percentLeaks)); $total += $leaks; } } if (!$needsHeading) { printf "%-20s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $total); } # NEW BLOAT @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{bloatPercent} <=> $newMap{$a}{bloatPercent} } keys %newMap; $needsHeading = 1; $total = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $percentBloat = $newMap{$key}{bloatPercent}; my $bloat = $newMap{$key}{bloat}; if ($percentBloat > 0 && $key !~ /TOTAL/) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--NEW-BLOAT--------------------------------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $bloat, percentStr($percentBloat)); $total += $bloat; } } if (!$needsHeading) { printf "%-20s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $total); } # ALL LEAKS @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{leaked} <=> $newMap{$a}{leaked} } keys %newMap; $needsHeading = 1; $total = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $leaks = $newMap{$key}{leaked}; my $percentLeaks = $newMap{$key}{leakPercent}; if ($leaks > 0) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--ALL-LEAKS--------------------------------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $leaks, percentStr($percentLeaks)); if ($key !~ /TOTAL/) { $total += $leaks; } } } if (!$needsHeading) { # printf "%-20s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $total); } # ALL BLOAT @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{bloat} <=> $newMap{$a}{bloat} } keys %newMap; $needsHeading = 1; $total = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $bloat = $newMap{$key}{bloat}; my $percentBloat = $newMap{$key}{bloatPercent}; if ($bloat > 0) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--ALL-BLOAT--------------------------------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $bloat, percentStr($percentBloat)); if ($key !~ /TOTAL/) { $total += $bloat; } } } if (!$needsHeading) { # printf "%-20s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $total); } # NEW CLASSES @keys = sort { $newMap{$b}{bloatDelta} <=> $newMap{$a}{bloatDelta} } keys %newMap; $needsHeading = 1; my $ltotal = 0; my $btotal = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { my $leaks = $newMap{$key}{leaked}; my $bloat = $newMap{$key}{bloat}; my $percentBloat = $newMap{$key}{bloatPercent}; if ($percentBloat == $inf && $key !~ /TOTAL/) { if ($needsHeading) { printf "--CLASSES-NOT-REPORTED-LAST-TIME-----------\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $leaks, $bloat); if ($key !~ /TOTAL/) { $ltotal += $leaks; $btotal += $bloat; } } } if (!$needsHeading) { printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $ltotal, $btotal); } # OLD CLASSES @keys = sort { ($oldMap{$b}{bloat} || 0) <=> ($oldMap{$a}{bloat} || 0) } keys %oldMap; $needsHeading = 1; $ltotal = 0; $btotal = 0; foreach $key (@keys) { if (!defined($newMap{$key})) { my $leaks = $oldMap{$key}{leaked}; my $bloat = $oldMap{$key}{bloat}; if ($needsHeading) { printf "--CLASSES-THAT-WENT-AWAY--leaks------bloat-\n"; $needsHeading = 0; } printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ($key, $leaks, $bloat); if ($key !~ /TOTAL/) { $ltotal += $leaks; $btotal += $bloat; } } } if (!$needsHeading) { printf "%-20s %10s %10s\n", ("TOTAL", $ltotal, $btotal); } print "-------------------------------------------\n";