#!/usr/bin/perl # Perl script to analyze the log output from xpcom and print # the results in html. # # To get the xpcom log output to a file say xpcom.log: # setenv NSPR_LOG_MODULES nsComponentManager:5 # setenv NSPR_LOG_FILE xpcom.log # ./mozilla # # # To get registry (used to figure out contractid mappings) # ./regExport component.reg > registry.txt # Usage: # # a) To get simple output # cat xpcom.log | perl xpcom-log-analyze.pl > xpcom-log.html # # b) To get all possible cid->contractid mappings filled in # cat xpcom.log registry.txt | perl xpcom-log-analyze.pl > xpcom-log.html # # # Author: Suresh Duddi # Created Aug 9 2000 while (<>) { chomp; if ( /ContractIDToClassID.*\}/ ) { # Passed contractid to cid mapping. Add contractid to cid mapping $cid = GetCID(); $contractid = GetContractID(); $contractid_map{$cid} = $contractid; $contractid_passed{$contractid}++; $ncontractid_passed++; next; } if ( /ContractIDToClassID.*FAILED/ ) { # Failed contractid. Collect it. $contractid = GetContractID(); $contractid_failed{$contractid}++; $ncontractid_failed++; next; } if ( /CreateInstance.*succeeded/ ) { # Successful create instance $objects{GetCID()}++; $nobjects++; next; } if ( /CreateInstance.*FAILED/ ) { # Failed create instance $objects_failed{GetCID()}++; $nobjects_failed++; next; } if ( /: loading/ ) { $dll = GetDll(); # make the name a little pretty $dll =~ s/^.*bin\///; $dll_loaded[@dll_loaded] = $dll; next; } if ( / classID - \{/ ) { # this is from the output of registry. Try to update contractid_map $cid = GetCID(); # Get the next contractid or classname line until a empty new line $_ = until (/ContractID|ClassName/ || length == 1); chomp; $contractid = $_; $contractid =~ s/^.*= //; $contractid_map{$cid} = $contractid; } } PrintHTMLResults(); sub GetContractID() { # Get a proid from a line my($contractid) = $_; $contractid =~ s/^.*\((.*)\).*$/$1/; # print "Got Progid: $contractid\n"; return $contractid; } sub GetCID() { # Get a CID from a line my($cid) = $_; $cid =~ s/^.*\{(.*)\}.*$/$1/; # print "Got cid: $cid\n"; return $cid; } sub GetDll() { # Get a Dll from a line my($dll) = $_; $dll =~ s/^.*\"(.*)\".*$/$1/; # print "Got dll: $dll\n"; return $dll; } # # Print the results of our log analysis in html # sub PrintHTMLResults() { $now_time = localtime(); print "XPCOM Log analysis dated: $now_time\n"; print "\n"; print "

\n"; print "XPCOM Log analysis dated: $now_time\n"; print "

\n"; # ======================================================================== # Performance analysis # ======================================================================== print "

Performance Analysis

\n"; # Number of dlls loaded $n = @dll_loaded; print "

Dlls Loaded : $n

\n"; print "
    print "
\n"; # Objects created with a histogram print "

Objects created : $nobjects

\n"; print "
    @sorted_key = SortKeyByValue(%objects);
    foreach $cid (@sorted_key)
        printf("%5d %s [%s]\n", $objects{$cid}, $cid, $contractid_map{$cid});
    print "
\n"; # Passed contractid calls print "

Succeeded ContractIDToClassID() : $ncontractid_passed

\n"; print "
    @sorted_key = SortKeyByValue(%contractid_passed);
    foreach $contractid (@sorted_key)
        printf("%5d %s\n", $contractid_passed{$contractid}, $contractid);
    print "
\n"; # ======================================================================== # Error analysis # ======================================================================== print "

Error Analysis

\n"; # CreateInstance() FAILED print "

Failed CreateInstance() : $nobjects_failed

\n"; print "
    @sorted_key = SortKeyByValue(%objects_failed);
    foreach $cid (@sorted_key)
        printf("%5d %s [%s]\n", $objects_failed{$cid}, $cid, $contractid_map{$cid});
    print "
\n"; # ContractIDToClassID() FAILED with a histogram print "

Failed ContractIDToClassID() : $ncontractid_failed

\n"; print "
    @sorted_key = SortKeyByValue(%contractid_failed);
    foreach $contractid (@sorted_key)
        printf("%5d %s\n", $contractid_failed{$contractid}, $contractid);
    print "
\n"; # end the html listing print "\n"; } sub PrintArray() { my(@array) = @_; for ($i=0; $i<@array; $i++) { print "$array[$i]\n"; } } # # Sort a given hash by reverse numeric order of value # return the sorted keylist # sub SortKeyByValue() { my(%hash) = @_; my(@sorted_keys) = sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash; return @sorted_keys; }