/*======================================================== To Do: 1. Tag sequences on the command line p..table 2. Dumping documents into the right place *========================================================*/ /*======================================================== Special keywords: $0..$9: represent command line arguments @file: the name of the file being writtent @nextfile: the name of the next file to be written @import: imports text from another file. *========================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char* tagTable[] = { "A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "APPLET", "AREA", "B", "BASE", "BASEFONT", "BDO", "BGSOUND", "BIG", "BLINK", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BODY", "BR", "BUTTON", "CAPTION", "CENTER", "CITE", "CODE", "COL", "COLGROUP", "DD", "DEL", "DFN", "DIR", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "EMBED", "FIELDSET", "FONT", "FORM", "FRAME", "FRAMESET", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEAD", "HR", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "ILAYER", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "ISINDEX", "KBD", "KEYGEN", "LABEL", "LAYER", "LEGEND", "LI", "LINK", "LISTING", "MAP", "MENU", "META", "MULTICOL", "NOBR", "NOEMBED", "NOFRAMES", "NOLAYER", "NOSCRIPT", "OBJECT", "OL", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION", "P", "PARAM", "PLAINTEXT", "PRE", "Q", "S","SAMP","SCRIPT","SELECT","SERVER","SMALL","SOUND","SPACER","SPAN","STRIKE","STRONG","STYLE","SUB","SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TITLE", "TR", "TT", "U", "UL", "VAR", "WBR", "XMP", 0 }; static char gCWD[1025]; static char gPrevFile[128]; static char gThisFile[128]; static char gNextFile[128]; static int gFileIndex=0; int findTag(const char* aTagName) { int low = 0; int high = 107; while (low <= high) { int middle = (low + high) >> 1; int result = stricmp(aTagName, tagTable[middle]); if (result == 0) return middle; if (result < 0) high = middle - 1; else low = middle + 1; } return -1; } /** * Call this to find a tag that closely resembles the given tag. * Note that we match based on the first char. * @update gess12/23/98 * @param * @return */ int findNearestTag(char* aTag){ int result=-1; if(aTag){ char theChar=toupper(aTag[0]); int theIndex=-1; while(tagTable[++theIndex]){ if(toupper(tagTable[theIndex][0])==theChar) { return theIndex; } } } if(toupper(aTag[0])<'A') result=0; else result=107; return result; } char* getNthTagAfter(int aRangeIndex,char* aStartTag){ int theIndex=findTag(aStartTag); if(-1==theIndex){ theIndex=findNearestTag(aStartTag); } if(-10){ if((strchr(aString,',')) || (strchr(aString,'-'))) { mRanges[mCount]=new char[sLen+1]; strcpy(mRanges[mCount++],aString); } else { mKeys[mCount]=new char[sLen+1]; strcpy(mKeys[mCount++],aString); } return true; } } return false; } int getCount() {return mCount;} char* getMacro(int anIndex) { if(anIndex> theBuffer; if(!stricmp(theBuffer,"-F")){ //copy the filename... aStream >> theBuffer; strcpy(mFilename,theBuffer); readDefs=false; } #if 0 else if(!stricmp(theBuffer,"-D")){ readDefs=true; } #endif else if(!stricmp(theBuffer,"-O")){ aStream >> theBuffer; readDefs=false; } else { if(theBuffer[0]){ addMacro(theBuffer); theBuffer[0]=0; } } } return true; } void buildArgBuffer(char* aBuffer) { aBuffer[0]=0; if(mFilename[0]) { sprintf(aBuffer,"-o %s -f %s ",gThisFile,mFilename); } for(int i=0;i>theWord; char* thePos=strchr(theWord,'@'); if(thePos){ strncat(temp,theWord,thePos-theWord); if(!strnicmp(thePos,"@file",5)){ strcat(temp,gThisFile); thePos+=5; } else if(!strnicmp(thePos,"@nextfile",9)){ strcat(temp,gNextFile); thePos+=9; } else if(!strnicmp(thePos,"@prevfile",9)){ strcat(temp,gPrevFile); thePos+=9; } strcat(temp,thePos); } else strcat(temp,theWord); strcat(temp," "); } strcpy(aBuffer,temp); } } /** * * @update gess12/20/98 * @param * @return */ void expandMacros(char* aBuffer,CMacros& aMacroSet){ char temp[1024]; int rPos=-1; int wPos=0; if(aBuffer){ while(aBuffer[++rPos]){ if('$'==aBuffer[rPos]){ temp[wPos]=0; rPos++; //skip the $... int theIndex=aBuffer[rPos]-'0'; char* theMacro=aMacroSet.getMacro(theIndex); if(theMacro){ strcat(temp,theMacro); wPos=strlen(temp); } } else temp[wPos++]=aBuffer[rPos]; } temp[wPos]=0; strcpy(aBuffer,temp); } } /** * * @update gess12/20/98 * @param * @return */ int processFile(char* aDir,CMacros& aMacroList,fstream& anOutputStream,fstream& anInputStream){ int result=0; if(anInputStream.is_open()){ bool done=false; char theBuffer[1024]; char* p=0; while((!done) && (0==result)){ anInputStream.getline(theBuffer,sizeof(theBuffer)-1); if(anInputStream.gcount()){ //before doing anything else, expand the macros and keywords... expandMacros(theBuffer,aMacroList); expandKeywords(theBuffer,aMacroList); //Now process each line: p=strstr(theBuffer,"@import"); if(p) { //First, see if the line is an htmlgen statement; if so, recurse to read new file... char theFilename[1024]; strcpy(theFilename,"htmlgen -F "); p+=8; strcat(theFilename,p); //If you're here, we found an htmlgen statement. // To handle this, we have to: // 1. strip off the @htmlgen // 2. grab the filename and collect the args, // 3. and recurse... fstream theInStream(p,ios::in); result=processFile(aDir,aMacroList,anOutputStream,theInStream); } else anOutputStream << theBuffer << endl; } else done=true; } } return result; } /** * This is where the different combinations of arguments * gets constructed and passed on for processing. * Note that this is even called when the args have only 1 value. * @return error code */ int iterate(istrstream& aInputArgs){ int result=0; CMacros theArgs; theArgs.consume(aInputArgs); char theFilename[1024]; bool done=!theArgs.first(); while((!done) && (0==result)){ CMacros theTempArgs(theArgs); //theTempArgs.buildArgBuffer(theBuffer); // istrstream theArgStream(theBuffer); sprintf(theFilename,"%s\\%s",gCWD,gThisFile); fstream theOutStream(theFilename,ios::trunc); char* theInFile=theArgs.getFilename(); fstream theInStream(theInFile,ios::in); result=processFile(gCWD,theTempArgs,theOutStream,theInStream); theArgs.dump(); done=!theArgs.next(); } return result; } /** * * @update gess12/20/98 * @param * @return */ int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ int result=0; gPrevFile[0]=gThisFile[0]=gNextFile[0]; if(argc>1){ char theBuffer[1024]; theBuffer[0]=0; for(int i=1;i