/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * The performanceEntries actor emits events corresponding to performance * entries. It receives `performanceentry` events containing the performance * entry details and emits an event containing the name, type, origin, and * epoch of the performance entry. */ const { Actor, ActorClassWithSpec } = require("devtools/shared/protocol"); const performanceSpec = require("devtools/shared/specs/performance-entries"); const events = require("sdk/event/core"); var PerformanceEntriesActor = ActorClassWithSpec(performanceSpec, { listenerAdded: false, initialize: function (conn, tabActor) { Actor.prototype.initialize.call(this, conn); this.window = tabActor.window; }, /** * Start tracking the user timings. */ start: function () { if (!this.listenerAdded) { this.onPerformanceEntry = this.onPerformanceEntry.bind(this); this.window.addEventListener("performanceentry", this.onPerformanceEntry, true); this.listenerAdded = true; } }, /** * Stop tracking the user timings. */ stop: function () { if (this.listenerAdded) { this.window.removeEventListener("performanceentry", this.onPerformanceEntry, true); this.listenerAdded = false; } }, destroy: function () { this.stop(); Actor.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, onPerformanceEntry: function (e) { let emitDetail = { type: e.entryType, name: e.name, origin: e.origin, epoch: e.epoch }; events.emit(this, "entry", emitDetail); } }); exports.PerformanceEntriesActor = PerformanceEntriesActor;