#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # DO NOT REMOVE THE -T ON THE FIRST LINE!!! # # _ _ # m o z i l l a |.| o r g | | # _ __ ___ ___ ___| |__ ___ | |_ # | '_ ` _ \ / _ \_ / '_ \ / _ \| __| # | | | | | | (_) / /| |_) | (_) | |_ # |_| |_| |_|\___/___|_.__/ \___/ \__| # ==================================== # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Harrison Page # Terry Weissman # Risto Kotalampi # Josh Soref # Ian Hickson # Ken Coar # Adam Di Carlo # # mozbot.pl harrison@netscape.com 1998-10-14 # "irc bot for the gang on #mozilla" # # mozbot.pl mozbot@hixie.ch 2000-07-04 # "irc bot engine for anyone" :-) # # hack on me! required reading: # # Net::IRC web page: # http://sourceforge.net/projects/net-irc/ # (free software) # or get it from CPAN @ http://www.perl.com/CPAN # # RFC 1459 (Internet Relay Chat Protocol): # http://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/ftp/doc/standard/rfc/14xx/1459 # # Please file bugs in Bugzilla, under the 'Webtools' product, # component 'Mozbot'. http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ # TO DO LIST # XXX Something that checks modules that failed to compile and then # reloads them when possible # XXX an HTML entity convertor for things that speak web page contents # XXX UModeChange # XXX minor checks # XXX throttle nick changing and away setting (from module API) # XXX compile self before run # XXX parse mode (+o, etc) # XXX customise gender # XXX optimisations # XXX maybe should catch hangup signal and go to background? # XXX protect the bot from DOS attacks causing server overload # XXX protect the server from an overflowing log (add log size limitter # or rotation) # XXX fix the "hack hack hack" bits to be better. ################################ # Initialisation # ################################ # -- #mozwebtools was here -- # syntax error at oopsbot.pl line 48, near "; }" # Execution of oopsbot.pl aborted due to compilation errors. # DOH! # hee hee. nice smily in the error message # catch nasty occurances $SIG{'INT'} = sub { &killed('INT'); }; $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { &killed('KILL'); }; $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { &killed('TERM'); }; # this allows us to exit() without shutting down (by exec($0)ing) BEGIN { exit() if ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--abort')); } # pragmas use strict; use diagnostics; # chroot if requested my $CHROOT = 0; if ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--chroot')) { # chroot chroot('.') or die "chroot failed: $!\nAborted"; # setuid # This is hardcoded to use user ids and group ids 60001. # You'll want to change this on your system. $> = 60001; # setuid nobody $) = 60001; # setgid nobody shift(@ARGV); use lib '/lib'; $CHROOT = 1; } elsif ((defined($ARGV[0])) and ($ARGV[0] eq '--assume-chrooted')) { shift(@ARGV); use lib '/lib'; $CHROOT = 1; } else { use lib 'lib'; } # important modules use Net::IRC 0.7; # 0.7 is not backwards compatible with 0.63 for CTCP responses use IO::SecurePipe; # internal based on IO::Pipe use IO::Select; use Socket; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use Carp qw(cluck confess); use Configuration; # internal use Mails; # internal # Note: Net::SMTP is also used, see the sendmail function in Mails. # force flushing $|++; # internal 'constants' my $USERNAME = "pid-$$"; my $LOGFILEPREFIX; # variables that should only be changed if you know what you are doing my $LOGGING = 1; # set to '0' to disable logging my $LOGFILEDIR; # set this to override the logging output directory if ($LOGGING) { # set up the log directory unless (defined($LOGFILEDIR)) { if ($CHROOT) { $LOGFILEDIR = '/log'; } else { # setpwent doesn't work on Windows, we should wrap this in some OS test setpwent; # reset the search settings for the getpwuid call below $LOGFILEDIR = (getpwuid($<))[7].'/log'; } } "$LOGFILEDIR/$0" =~ /^(.*)$/os; # untaints the evil $0. $LOGFILEPREFIX = $1; # for some reason, $0 is considered tainted here, but not in other cases... mkdir($LOGFILEDIR, 0700); # if this fails for a bad reason, we'll find out during the next line } # begin session log... &debug('-'x80); &debug('mozbot starting up'); &debug('compilation took '.&days($^T).'.'); if ($CHROOT) { &debug('mozbot chroot()ed successfully'); } # secure the environment # # XXX could automatically remove the current directory here but I am # more comfortable with people knowing it is not allowed -- see the # README file. if ($ENV{'PATH'} =~ /^(?:.*:)?\.?(?::.*)?$/os) { die 'SECURITY RISK. You cannot have \'.\' in the path. See the README. Aborted'; } $ENV{'PATH'} =~ /^(.*)$/os; $ENV{'PATH'} = $1; # we have to assume their path is otherwise safe, they called us! delete (@ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}); # read the configuration file my $cfgfile = shift || "$0.cfg"; $cfgfile =~ /^(.*)$/os; $cfgfile = $1; # untaint it -- we trust this, it comes from the admin. &debug("reading configuration from '$cfgfile'..."); # - setup variables # note: owner is only used by the Mails module my ($server, $port, $password, $localAddr, @nicks, @channels, %channelKeys, $owner, @ignoredUsers, @ignoredTargets); my $nick = 0; my $sleepdelay = 60; my $connectTimeout = 120; my $delaytime = 1.3; # amount of time to wait between outputs my $recentMessageCountLimit = 5; # upper limit my $recentMessageCountDecrementRate = 0.2; # how much to take off per $delaytime my $recentMessageCountPenalty = 10; # if we hit the limit, bump it up by this much my $variablepattern = '[-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+'; my %users = ('admin' => &newPassword('password')); # default password for admin my %userFlags = ('admin' => 3); # bitmask; 0x1 = admin, 0x2 = delete user a soon as other admin authenticates my $helpline = 'http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mozbot/'; # used in IRC name and in help my $serverRestrictsIRCNames = ''; my $serverExpectsValidUsername = ''; my $username = 0; # makes the username default to the pid ($USERNAME) my @modulenames = ('General', 'Greeting', 'Infobot', 'Parrot'); # - which variables can be saved. ®isterConfigVariables( [\$server, 'server'], [\$port, 'port'], [\$password, 'password'], [\$localAddr, 'localAddr'], [\@nicks, 'nicks'], [\$nick, 'currentnick'], # pointer into @nicks [\@channels, 'channels'], [\%channelKeys, 'channelKeys'], [\@ignoredUsers, 'ignoredUsers'], [\@ignoredTargets, 'ignoredTargets'], [\@modulenames, 'modules'], [\$owner, 'owner'], [\$sleepdelay, 'sleep'], [\$connectTimeout, 'connectTimeout'], [\$delaytime, 'throttleTime'], [\%users, 'users'], # usernames => &newPassword(passwords) [\%userFlags, 'userFlags'], # usernames => bits [\$variablepattern, 'variablepattern'], [\$helpline, 'helpline'], [\$username, 'username'], [\$serverRestrictsIRCNames, 'simpleIRCNameServer'], [\$serverExpectsValidUsername, 'validUsernameServer'], [\$Mails::smtphost, 'smtphost'], ); # - read file &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure()); # empty gets entire structure # - check variables are ok # note. Ensure only works on an interactive terminal (-t). # It will abort otherwise. { my $changed; # scope this variable $changed = &Configuration::Ensure([ ['Connect to which server?', \$server], ['To which port should I connect?', \$port], ['What is the server\'s password? (Leave blank if there isn\'t one.)', \$password], ['What channels should I join?', \@channels], ['What is the e-mail address of my owner?', \$owner], ['What is your SMTP host?', \$Mails::smtphost], ]); # - check we have some nicks until (@nicks) { $changed = &Configuration::Ensure([['What nicks should I use? (I need at least one.)', \@nicks]]) || $changed; # the original 'mozbot 2.0' development codename (and thus nick) was oopsbot. } # - check current nick pointer is valid # (we assume that no sillyness has happened with $[ as, # according to man perlvar, "Its use is highly discouraged".) $nick = 0 if (($nick > $#nicks) or ($nick < 0)); # - check channel names are all lowercase foreach (@channels) { $_ = lc; } # save configuration straight away, to make sure it is possible and to save # any initial settings on the first run, if anything changed. if ($changed) { &debug("saving configuration to '$cfgfile'..."); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure()); } } # close the scope for the $changed variable # ensure Mails is ready &debug("setting up Mails module..."); $Mails::debug = \&debug; $Mails::owner = \$owner; # setup the IRC variables &debug("setting up IRC variables..."); my $uptime; my $irc = new Net::IRC or confess("Could not create a new Net::IRC object. Aborting"); # connect &debug("attempting initial connection..."); &connect(); # hmm. # setup the modules array my @modules; # we initialize it lower down (at the bottom in fact) my $lastadmin; # nick of last admin to be seen my %authenticatedUsers; # hash of user@hostname=>users who have authenticated ################################ # Net::IRC handler subroutines # ################################ sub setEventArgs { my $event = shift; if ($Net::IRC::VERSION == 0.75) { # curses. This version of Net::IRC is broken. Work around # it here. return $event->args(\@_); } else { return $event->args(@_); } } my $lastNick; # setup connection sub connect { $uptime = time(); &debug("connecting to $server:$port using nick '$nicks[$nick]'..."); my ($bot, $mailed); $lastNick = undef; my $ircname = 'mozbot'; if ($serverRestrictsIRCNames ne $server) { $ircname = "[$ircname] $helpline"; } my $identd = getpwuid($<); if ($serverExpectsValidUsername ne $server) { $identd = $username || $USERNAME; } until (inet_aton($server) and # we check this first because Net::IRC::Connection doesn't $bot = $irc->newconn( Server => $server, Port => $port, Password => $password ne '' ? $password : undef, # '' will cause PASS to be sent Nick => $nicks[$nick], Ircname => $ircname, Username => $identd, LocalAddr => $localAddr, )) { &debug("Could not connect. Are you sure '$server:$port' is a valid host?"); unless (inet_aton($server)) { &debug('I couldn\'t resolve it.'); } if (defined($localAddr)) { &debug("Is '$localAddr' the correct address of the interface to use?"); } else { &debug("Try editing '$cfgfile' to set 'localAddr' to the address of the interface to use."); } if ($Net::IRC::VERSION < 0.73) { &debug("Note that to use 'localAddr' you need Net::IRC version 0.73 or higher (you have $Net::IRC::VERSION)"); } $mailed = &Mails::ServerDown($server, $port, $localAddr, $nicks[$nick], $ircname, $identd) unless $mailed; sleep($sleepdelay); &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$server, \$port, \$password, \@nicks, \$nick, \$owner, \$sleepdelay)); &debug("connecting to $server:$port again..."); } &debug("connected! woohoo!"); # add the handlers &debug("adding event handlers"); # $bot->debug(1); # this can help when debugging API stuff $bot->add_global_handler([ # Informational messages -- print these to the console 251, # RPL_LUSERCLIENT 252, # RPL_LUSEROP 253, # RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN 254, # RPL_LUSERCHANNELS 255, # RPL_LUSERME 302, # RPL_USERHOST 375, # RPL_MOTDSTART 372, # RPL_MOTD ], \&on_startup); $bot->add_global_handler([ # Informational messages -- print these to the console 'snotice', # server notices 461, # need more arguments for PASS command 409, # noorigin 405, # toomanychannels XXX should do something about this! 404, # cannot send to channel 403, # no such channel 401, # no such server 402, # no such nick 407, # too many targets ], \&on_notice); $bot->add_global_handler([ # should only be one command here - when to join channels 376, # RPL_ENDOFMOTD 422, # nomotd ], \&on_connect); $bot->add_handler('welcome', \&on_set_nick); # when we connect, to get our nick $bot->add_global_handler([ # when to change nick name 'erroneusnickname', 433, # ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 436, # nick collision ], \&on_nick_taken); $bot->add_handler('nick', \&on_nick); # when someone changes nick $bot->add_global_handler([ # when to give up and go home 'disconnect', 'kill', # bad connection, booted offline 465, # ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP ], \&on_disconnected); $bot->add_handler('destroy', \&on_destroy); # when object is GCed. $bot->add_handler('msg', \&on_private); # /msg bot hello $bot->add_handler('public', \&on_public); # hello $bot->add_handler('notice', \&on_noticemsg); # notice messages $bot->add_handler('join', \&on_join); # when someone else joins $bot->add_handler('part', \&on_part); # when someone else leaves $bot->add_handler('topic', \&on_topic); # when topic changes in a channel $bot->add_handler('notopic', \&on_topic); # when topic in a channel is cleared $bot->add_handler('invite', \&on_invite); # when someone invites us $bot->add_handler('quit', \&on_quit); # when someone quits IRC $bot->add_handler('kick', \&on_kick); # when someone (or us) is kicked $bot->add_handler('mode', \&on_mode); # when modes change $bot->add_handler('umode', \&on_umode); # when modes of user change (by IRCop or ourselves) # XXX could add handler for 474, # ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN $bot->add_handler([ # ones we handle to get our hostmask 311, # whoisuser ], \&on_whois); $bot->add_handler([ # ones we handle just by outputting to the console 312, # whoisserver 313, # whoisoperator 314, # whowasuser 315, # endofwho 316, # whoischanop 317, # whoisidle 318, # endofwhois 319, # whoischannels ], \&on_notice); $bot->add_handler([ # names (currently just ignored) 353, # RPL_NAMREPLY " :[[@|+] [[@|+] [...]]]" ], \&on_notice); $bot->add_handler([ # end of names (we use this to establish that we have entered a channel) 366, # RPL_ENDOFNAMES " :End of /NAMES list" ], \&on_join_channel); $bot->add_handler('cping', \&on_cping); # client to client ping $bot->add_handler('crping', \&on_cpong); # client to client ping (response) $bot->add_handler('cversion', \&on_version); # version info of mozbot.pl $bot->add_handler('csource', \&on_source); # where is mozbot.pl's source $bot->add_handler('caction', \&on_me); # when someone says /me $bot->add_handler('cgender', \&on_gender); # guess $bot->schedule($connectTimeout, \&on_check_connect); # and done. &Mails::ServerUp($server) if $mailed; } # called when the client receives a startup-related message sub on_startup { my ($self, $event) = @_; my (@args) = $event->args; shift(@args); &debug(join(' ', @args)); } # called when the client receives a server notice sub on_notice { my ($self, $event) = @_; &debug($event->type.': '.join(' ', $event->args)); } # called when the client receives whois data sub on_whois { my ($self, $event) = @_; &debug('collecting whois information: '.join('|', $event->args)); # XXX could cache this information and then autoop people from # the bot's host, or whatever } my ($nickFirstTried, $nickHadProblem, $nickProblemEscalated) = (0, 0, 0); # this is called both for the welcome message (001) and by the on_nick handler sub on_set_nick { my ($self, $event) = @_; ($lastNick) = $event->args; # (args can be either array or scalar, we want the first value) # Find nick's index. my $newnick = 0; $newnick++ while (($newnick < @nicks) and ($lastNick ne $nicks[$newnick])); # If nick isn't there, add it. if ($newnick >= @nicks) { push(@nicks, $lastNick); } # set variable $nick = $newnick; &debug("using nick '$nicks[$nick]'"); # try to get our hostname $self->whois($nicks[$nick]); if ($nickHadProblem) { Mails::NickOk($nicks[$nick]) if $nickProblemEscalated; $nickHadProblem = 0; } # save &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\$nick, \@nicks)); } sub on_nick_taken { my ($self, $event, $nickSlept) = @_, 0; return unless $self->connected(); if ($event->type eq 'erroneusnickname') { my ($currentNick, $triedNick, $err) = $event->args; # current, tried, errmsg &debug("requested nick ('$triedNick') refused by server ('$err')"); } elsif ($event->type eq 'nicknameinuse') { my ($currentNick, $triedNick, $err) = $event->args; # current, tried, errmsg &debug("requested nick ('$triedNick') already in use ('$err')"); } else { my $type = $event->type; my $args = join(' ', $event->args); &debug("message $type from server: $args"); } if (defined $lastNick) { &debug("silently abandoning nick change idea :-)"); return; } # at this point, we don't yet have a nick, but we need one if ($nickSlept) { &debug("waited for a bit -- reading $cfgfile then searching for a nick..."); &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &configStructure(\@nicks, \$nick)); $nick = 0 if ($nick > $#nicks) or ($nick < 0); # sanitise $nickFirstTried = $nick; } else { if (not $nickHadProblem) { $nickHadProblem = 1; $nickFirstTried = $nick; } ++$nick; $nick = 0 if $nick > $#nicks; # sanitise if ($nick == $nickFirstTried) { # looped! local $" = ", "; &debug("could not find an acceptable nick"); &debug("nicks tried: @nicks"); if (not -t) { &debug("edit $cfgfile to add more nicks *hint* *hint*"); $nickProblemEscalated ||= # only e-mail once (returns 0 on failure) Mails::NickShortage($cfgfile, $self->server, $self->port, $self->username, $self->ircname, @nicks) &debug("going to wait $sleepdelay seconds so as not to overload ourselves."); $self->schedule($sleepdelay, \&on_nick_taken, $event, 1); # try again return; # otherwise we no longer respond to pings. } # else, we're terminal bound, ask user for nick print "Please suggest a nick (blank to abort): "; my $new = <>; chomp($new); if (not $new) { &debug("Could not find an acceptable nick"); exit(1); } # XXX this could introduce duplicates @nicks = (@nicks[0..$nickFirstTried], $new, @nicks[$nickFirstTried+1..$#nicks]); $nick += 1; # try the new nick now $nickFirstTried = $nick; } } &debug("now going to try nick '$nicks[$nick]'"); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$nick, \@nicks)); $self->nick($nicks[$nick]); } # called when we connect. sub on_connect { my $self = shift; if (defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'})) { # HACK HACK HACK &debug('Uh oh. I connected anyway, even though I thought I had timed out.'); &debug('I\'m going to increase the timeout time by 20%.'); $connectTimeout = $connectTimeout * 1.2; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$connectTimeout)); $self->quit('having trouble connecting, brb...'); # XXX we don't call the SpottedQuit handlers here return; } # -- #mozwebtools was here -- # *** oopsbot (oopsbot@ has joined channel #mozwebtools # *** Mode change [+o oopsbot] on channel #mozwebtools by timeless # wow an oopsbot! # *** Signoff: oopsbot (oopsbot@ has left IRC [Leaving] # um # not very stable. # now load all modules my @modulesToLoad = @modulenames; @modules = (BotModules::Admin->create('Admin', '')); # admin commands @modulenames = ('Admin'); foreach (@modulesToLoad) { next if $_ eq 'Admin'; # Admin is static and is installed manually above my $result = LoadModule($_); if (ref($result)) { &debug("loaded $_"); } else { &debug("failed to load $_", $result); } } # mass-configure the modules &debug("loading module configurations..."); { my %struct; # scope this variable foreach my $module (@modules) { %struct = (%struct, %{$module->configStructure()}); } &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, \%struct); } # close the scope for the %struct variable # tell the modules they have joined IRC my $event = newEvent({ 'bot' => $self, }); foreach my $module (@modules) { $module->JoinedIRC($event); } # join the channels &debug('going to join: '.join(',', @channels)); foreach my $channel (@channels) { if (defined($channelKeys{$channel})) { $self->join($channel, $channelKeys{$channel}); } else { $self->join($channel); } } @channels = (); # tell the modules to set up the scheduled commands &debug('setting up scheduler...'); foreach my $module (@modules) { eval { $module->Schedule($event); }; if ($@) { &debug("Warning: An error occured while loading the module:\n$@"); } } # enable the drainmsgqueue &drainmsgqueue($self); $self->schedule($delaytime, \&lowerRecentMessageCount); # signal that we are connected (see next two functions) $self->{'__mozbot__active'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK # all done! &debug('initialisation took '.&days($uptime).'.'); $uptime = time(); } sub on_check_connect { my $self = shift; return if (defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'}) or defined($self->{'__mozbot__active'})); # HACK HACK HACK $self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK &debug("connection timed out -- trying again"); # XXX we don't call the SpottedQuit handlers here foreach (@modules) { $_->unload(); } @modules = (); $self->quit('connection timed out -- trying to reconnect'); &connect(); } # if something nasty happens sub on_disconnected { my ($self, $event) = @_; return if defined($self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'}); # HACK HACK HACK $self->{'__mozbot__shutdown'} = 1; # HACK HACK HACK # &do(@_, 'SpottedQuit'); # XXX do we want to do this? my($reason) = $event->args; if ($reason =~ /Connection timed out/osi and ($serverRestrictsIRCNames ne $server or $serverExpectsValidUsername ne $server)) { # try to set everything up as simple as possible $serverRestrictsIRCNames = $server; $serverExpectsValidUsername = $server; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$serverRestrictsIRCNames)); &debug("Hrm, $server is having issues."); &debug("We're gonna try again with different settings, hold on."); &debug("The full message from the server was: '$reason'"); } elsif ($reason =~ /Bad user info/osi and $serverRestrictsIRCNames ne $server) { # change our IRC name to something simpler by setting the flag $serverRestrictsIRCNames = $server; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$serverRestrictsIRCNames)); &debug("Hrm, $server didn't like our IRC name."); &debug("Trying again with a simpler one, hold on."); &debug("The full message from the server was: '$reason'"); } elsif ($reason =~ /identd/osi and $serverExpectsValidUsername ne $server) { # try setting our username to the actual username $serverExpectsValidUsername = $server; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$delaytime)); &debug("Hrm, $server said something about an identd problem."); &debug("Trying again with our real username, hold on."); &debug("The full message from the server was: '$reason'"); } elsif ($reason =~ /Excess Flood/osi) { # increase the delay by 20% $delaytime = $delaytime * 1.2; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$delaytime)); &debug('Hrm, we it seems flooded the server. Trying again with a delay 20% longer.'); &debug("The full message from the server was: '$reason'"); } elsif ($reason =~ /Bad Password/osi) { &debug('Hrm, we don\'t seem to know the server password.'); &debug("The full message from the server was: '$reason'"); if (-t) { print "Please enter the server password: "; $password = <>; chomp($password); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\$password)); } else { &debug("edit $cfgfile to set the password *hint* *hint*"); &debug("going to wait $sleepdelay seconds so as not to overload ourselves."); sleep $sleepdelay; } } else { &debug("eek! disconnected from network: '$reason'"); } foreach (@modules) { $_->unload(); } @modules = (); &connect(); } # on_join_channel: called when we join a channel sub on_join_channel { my ($self, $event) = @_; my ($nick, $channel) = $event->args; $channel = lc($channel); push(@channels, $channel); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &configStructure(\@channels)); &debug("joined $channel, about to autojoin modules..."); foreach (@modules) { $_->JoinedChannel(newEvent({ 'bot' => $self, 'channel' => $channel, 'target' => $channel, 'nick' => $nick }), $channel); } } # if something nasty happens sub on_destroy { &debug("Connection: garbage collected"); } sub targetted { my ($data, $nick) = @_; return $data =~ /^(\s*$nick(?:[\s,:;.!?]+|\s*:-\s*|\s*--+\s*|\s*-+>?\s+))(.+)$/is ? (defined $2 ? $2 : '') : undef; } # on_public: messages received on channels sub on_public { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $data = join(' ', $event->args); if (defined($_ = targetted($data, quotemeta($nicks[$nick])))) { if ($_ ne '') { setEventArgs($event, $_); $event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'} = $data; &do($self, $event, 'Told', 'Baffled'); } else { &do($self, $event, 'Heard'); } } else { foreach my $nick (@ignoredTargets) { if (defined targetted($data, $nick)) { my $channel = &toToChannel($self, @{$event->to}); &debug("Ignored (target matched /$nick/): $channel <".$event->nick.'> '.join(' ', $event->args)); return; } } &do($self, $event, 'Heard'); } } # on_noticemsg: notice messages from the server, some service, or another # user. beware! it's generally Bad Juju to respond to these, but for # some things (like opn's NickServ) it's appropriate. sub on_noticemsg { my ($self, $event) = @_; &do($self, $event, 'Noticed'); } sub on_private { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $data = join(' ', $event->args); my $nick = quotemeta($nicks[$nick]); if (($data =~ /^($nick(?:[-\s,:;.!?]|\s*-+>?\s+))(.+)$/is) and ($2)) { # we do this so that you can say 'mozbot do this' in both channels # and /query screens alike (otherwise, in /query screens you would # have to remember to omit the bot name). setEventArgs($event, $2); } &do($self, $event, 'Told', 'Baffled'); } # on_me: /me actions (CTCP actually) sub on_me { my ($self, $event) = @_; my @data = $event->args; my $data = join(' ', @data); setEventArgs($event, $data); my $nick = quotemeta($nicks[$nick]); if ($data =~ /(?:^|[\s":<([])$nick(?:[])>.,?!\s'&":]|$)/is) { &do($self, $event, 'Felt'); } else { &do($self, $event, 'Saw'); } } # on_topic: for when someone changes the topic # also for when the server notifies us of the topic # ...so we have to parse it carefully. sub on_topic { my ($self, $event) = @_; if ($event->userhost eq '@') { # server notification # need to parse data my (undef, $channel, $topic) = $event->args; setEventArgs($event, $topic); $event->to($channel); } &do(@_, 'SpottedTopicChange'); } # on_kick: parse the kick event sub on_kick { my ($self, $event) = @_; my ($channel, $from) = $event->args; # from is already set anyway my $who = $event->to; $event->to($channel); foreach (@$who) { setEventArgs($event, $_); if ($_ eq $nicks[$nick]) { &do(@_, 'Kicked'); } else { &do(@_, 'SpottedKick'); } } } # Gives lag results for outgoing PINGs. sub on_cpong { my ($self, $event) = @_; &debug('completed CTCP PING with '.$event->nick.': '.days($event->args->[0])); # XXX should be able to use this then... see also Greeting module # in standard distribution } # -- #mozbot was here -- # $conn->add_handler('gender',\&on_ctcp_gender); # sub on_ctcp_gender{ # my (undef, $event)=@_; # my $nick=$event->nick; # # timeless this suspense is killing me! # $bot->ctcp_reply($nick, 'neuter'); # } # on_gender: What gender are we? sub on_gender { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $nick = $event->nick; $self->ctcp_reply($nick, 'female'); # changed to female by special request } # on_nick: A nick changed -- was it ours? sub on_nick { my ($self, $event) = @_; if ($event->nick eq $nicks[$nick]) { on_set_nick($self, $event); } &do(@_, 'SpottedNickChange'); } # simple handler for when users do various things and stuff sub on_join { &do(@_, 'SpottedJoin'); } sub on_part { &do(@_, 'SpottedPart'); } sub on_quit { &do(@_, 'SpottedQuit'); } sub on_invite { &do(@_, 'Invited'); } sub on_mode { &do(@_, 'ModeChange'); } # XXX need to parse modes # XXX on key change, change %channelKeys hash sub on_umode { &do(@_, 'UModeChange'); } sub on_version { &do(@_, 'CTCPVersion'); } sub on_source { &do(@_, 'CTCPSource'); } sub on_cping { &do(@_, 'CTCPPing'); } sub newEvent($) { my $event = shift; $event->{'time'} = time(); return $event; } sub toToChannel { my $self = shift; my $channel; foreach (@_) { if (/^[#&+\$]/os) { if (defined($channel)) { return ''; } else { $channel = $_; } } elsif ($_ eq $nicks[$nick]) { return ''; } } return lc($channel); # if message was sent to one person only, this is it } # XXX some code below calls this, on lines marked "hack hack hack". We # should fix this so that those are supported calls. sub do { my $self = shift @_; my $event = shift @_; my $to = $event->to; my $channel = &toToChannel($self, @$to); my $e = newEvent({ 'bot' => $self, '_event' => $event, # internal internal internal do not use... ;-) 'channel' => $channel, 'from' => $event->nick, 'target' => $channel || $event->nick, 'user' => $event->userhost, 'data' => join(' ', $event->args), 'fulldata' => defined($event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'}) ? $event->{'__mozbot__fulldata'} : join(' ', $event->args), 'to' => $to, 'subtype' => $event->type, 'firsttype' => $_[0], 'nick' => $nicks[$nick], # level (set below) # type (set below) }); # updated admin field if person is an admin if ($authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}) { if (($userFlags{$authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}} & 1) == 1) { $lastadmin = $event->nick; } $e->{'userName'} = $authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}; $e->{'userFlags'} = $userFlags{$authenticatedUsers{$event->userhost}}; } else { $e->{'userName'} = 0; } unless (scalar(grep $e->{'user'} =~ /^$_$/gi, @ignoredUsers)) { my $continue; do { my $type = shift @_; my $level = 0; my @modulesInNextLoop = @modules; $continue = 1; $e->{'type'} = $type; &debug("$type: $channel <".$event->nick.'> '.join(' ', $event->args)); do { $level++; $e->{'level'} = $level; my @modulesInThisLoop = @modulesInNextLoop; @modulesInNextLoop = (); foreach my $module (@modulesInThisLoop) { my $currentResponse; eval { $currentResponse = $module->do($self, $event, $type, $e); }; if ($@) { # $@ contains the error &debug("ERROR IN MODULE $module->{'_name'}!!!", $@); } elsif (!defined($currentResponse)) { &debug("ERROR IN MODULE $module->{'_name'}: invalid response code to event '$type'."); } else { if ($currentResponse > $level) { push(@modulesInNextLoop, $module); } $continue = ($continue and $currentResponse); } } } while ($continue and @modulesInNextLoop); } while ($continue and scalar(@_)); } else { &debug('Ignored (from \'' . $event->userhost . "'): $channel <".$event->nick.'> '.join(' ', $event->args)); } &doLog($e); } sub doLog { my $e = shift; foreach my $module (@modules) { eval { $module->Log($e); }; if ($@) { # $@ contains the error &debug("ERROR!!!", $@); } } } ################################ # internal utilities # ################################ my @msgqueue; my %recentMessages; my $timeLastSetAway = 0; # the time since the away flag was last set, so that we don't set it repeatedly. # Use this routine, always, instead of the standard "privmsg" routine. This # one makes sure we don't send more than one message every two seconds or so, # which will make servers not whine about us flooding the channel. # messages aren't the only type of flood :-( away is included sub sendmsg { my ($self, $who, $msg, $do) = (@_, 'msg'); unless ((defined($do) and defined($msg) and defined($who) and ($who ne '')) and ((($do eq 'msg') and (not ref($msg))) or (($do eq 'me') and (not ref($msg))) or (($do eq 'notice') and (not ref($msg))) or (($do eq 'ctcpSend') and (ref($msg) eq 'ARRAY') and (@$msg >= 2)) or (($do eq 'ctcpReply') and (not ref($msg))))) { cluck('Wrong arguments passed to sendmsg() - ignored'); } else { $self->schedule($delaytime / 2, \&drainmsgqueue) unless @msgqueue; if ($do eq 'msg' or $do eq 'me' or $do eq 'notice') { foreach (splitMessageAcrossLines($msg)) { push(@msgqueue, [$who, $_, $do]); } } else { push(@msgqueue, [$who, $msg, $do]); } } } # send any pending messages sub drainmsgqueue { my $self = shift; return unless $self->connected; my $qln = @msgqueue; if (@msgqueue > 0) { my ($who, $msg, $do) = getnextmsg(); unless (weHaveSaidThisTooManyTimesAlready($self, \$who, \$msg, \$do)) { my $type; if ($do eq 'msg') { &debug("->$who: $msg"); # XXX this makes logfiles large quickly... $self->privmsg($who, $msg); # it seems 'who' can be an arrayref and it works $type = 'Heard'; } elsif ($do eq 'me') { &debug("->$who * $msg"); # XXX $self->me($who, $msg); $type = 'Saw'; } elsif ($do eq 'notice') { &debug("=notice=>$who: $msg"); $self->notice($who, $msg); # $type = 'XXX'; } elsif ($do eq 'ctcpSend') { { local $" = ' '; &debug("->$who CTCP PRIVMSG @$msg"); } my $type = shift @$msg; # @$msg contains (type, args) $self->ctcp($type, $who, @$msg); # $type = 'XXX'; } elsif ($do eq 'ctcpReply') { &debug("->$who CTCP NOTICE $msg"); $self->ctcp_reply($who, $msg); # $type = 'XXX'; } else { &debug("Unknown action '$do' intended for '$who' (content: '$msg') ignored."); } if (defined($type)) { &doLog(newEvent({ 'bot' => $self, '_event' => undef, 'channel' => &toToChannel($self, $who), 'from' => $nicks[$nick], 'target' => $who, 'user' => undef, # XXX 'data' => $msg, 'fulldata' => $msg, 'to' => $who, 'subtype' => undef, 'firsttype' => $type, 'nick' => $nicks[$nick], 'level' => 0, 'type' => $type, })); } } if (@msgqueue > 0) { if ((@msgqueue % 10 == 0) and (time() - $timeLastSetAway > 5 * $delaytime)) { &bot_longprocess($self, "Long send queue. There were $qln, and I just sent one to $who."); $timeLastSetAway = time(); $self->schedule($delaytime * 4, # because previous one counts as message, plus you want to delay an extra bit regularly \&drainmsgqueue); } else { $self->schedule($delaytime, \&drainmsgqueue); } } else { &bot_back($self); # clear away state } } } sub weHaveSaidThisTooManyTimesAlready { my($self, $who, $msg, $do) = @_; my $key; if ($$do eq 'ctcpSend') { local $" = ','; $key = "$$who,$$do,@{$$msg}"; } else { $key = "$$who,$$do,$$msg"; } my $count = ++$recentMessages{$key}; if ($count >= $recentMessageCountLimit and $count < $recentMessageCountLimit + 1 and $$do ne 'ctcpSend') { $recentMessages{$key} += $recentMessageCountPenalty; my $text = $$msg; if (length($msg) > 23) { # arbitrary length (XXX) $text = substr($text, 0, 20) . '...'; } $$do = 'me'; $$msg = "was going to say '$text' but has said it too many times today already"; } elsif ($count >= $recentMessageCountLimit) { if ($$do eq 'msg') { &debug("MUTED: ->$$who: $$msg"); } elsif ($$do eq 'me') { &debug("MUTED: ->$$who * $$msg"); # XXX } elsif ($$do eq 'notice') { &debug("MUTED: =notice=>$$who: $$msg"); } elsif ($$do eq 'ctcpSend') { local $" = ' '; &debug("MUTED: ->$$who CTCP PRIVMSG @{$$msg}"); } elsif ($$do eq 'ctcpReply') { &debug("MUTED: ->$$who CTCP NOTICE $$msg"); } else { &debug("MUTED: Unknown action '$$do' intended for '$$who' (content: '$$msg') ignored."); } return 1; } return 0; } sub lowerRecentMessageCount { my $self = shift; return unless $self->connected; foreach my $key (keys %recentMessages) { $recentMessages{$key} -= $recentMessageCountDecrementRate; if ($recentMessages{$key} <= 0) { delete $recentMessages{$key}; } } $self->schedule($delaytime, \&lowerRecentMessageCount); } # wrap long lines at spaces and hard returns (\n) # this is for IRC, not for the console -- long can be up to 255 sub splitMessageAcrossLines { my ($str) = @_; my $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH = 255; my @output; # $str could be several lines split with \n, so split it first: foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $str)) { while (length($line) > $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH) { # position is zero-based index my $pos = rindex($line, ' ', $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - 1); if ($pos < 0) { $pos = $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - 1; } push(@output, substr($line, 0, $pos)); $line = substr($line, $pos); $line =~ s/^\s+//gos; } push(@output, $line) if length($line); } return @output; } # equivalent of shift or pop, but for the middle of the array. # used by getnextmsg() below to pull the messages out of the # msgqueue stack and shove them at the end. sub yank { my ($index, $list) = @_; my $result = @{$list}[$index]; @{$list} = (@{$list}[0..$index-1], @{$list}[$index+1..$#{$list}]); return $result; } # looks at the msgqueue stack and decides which message to send next. sub getnextmsg { my ($who, $msg, $do) = @{shift(@msgqueue)}; my @newmsgqueue; my $index = 0; while ($index < @msgqueue) { if ($msgqueue[$index]->[0] eq $who) { push(@newmsgqueue, &yank($index, \@msgqueue)); } else { $index++; } } push(@msgqueue, @newmsgqueue); return ($who, $msg, $do); } my $markedaway = 0; # mark bot as being away sub bot_longprocess { my $self = shift; &debug('[away: '.join(' ',@_).']'); $self->away(join(' ',@_)); $markedaway = @_; } # mark bot as not being away anymore sub bot_back { my $self = shift; $self->away('') if $markedaway; $markedaway = 0; } # internal routines for IO::Select handling sub bot_select { my ($pipe) = @_; $irc->removefh($pipe); # enable slurp mode for this function (see man perlvar for $/ documentation) local $/; undef $/; my $data = <$pipe>; &debug("child ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'} completed ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_ChildType'}". (${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'}->{'_shutdown'} ? ' (nevermind, module has shutdown)': '')); kill 9, ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'}; # ensure child is dead # non-blocking reap of any pending zombies 1 while waitpid(-1,WNOHANG) > 0; return if ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'}->{'_shutdown'}; # see unload() eval { ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Event'}->{'time'} = time(); # update the time field of the event ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'}->ChildCompleted( ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Event'}, ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_ChildType'}, $data, @{${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Data'}} ); }; if ($@) { # $@ contains the error &debug("ERROR!!!", $@); } } # internal routines for console output, stuff # print debugging info sub debug { my $line; foreach (@_) { $line = $_; # can't chomp $_ since it is a hardref to the arguments... chomp $line; # ...and they are probably a constant string! if (-t) { print &logdate() . " ($$) $line"; } if ($LOGGING) { # XXX this file grows without bounds!!! if (open(LOG, ">>$LOGFILEPREFIX.$$.log")) { print LOG &logdate() . " $line\n"; close(LOG); print "\n"; } else { print " [not logged, $!]\n"; } } } } # logdate: return nice looking date and time stamp sub logdate { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime(shift or time()); return sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } # days: how long ago was that? sub days { my $then = shift; # maths my $seconds = time() - $then; my $minutes = int ($seconds / 60); my $hours = int ($minutes / 60); my $days = int ($hours / 24); # english if ($seconds < 60) { return sprintf("%d second%s", $seconds, $seconds == 1 ? "" : "s"); } elsif ($minutes < 60) { return sprintf("%d minute%s", $minutes, $minutes == 1 ? "" : "s"); } elsif ($hours < 24) { return sprintf("%d hour%s", $hours, $hours == 1 ? "" : "s"); } else { return sprintf("%d day%s", $days, $days == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } # signal handler sub killed { my($sig) = @_; &debug("received signal $sig. shutting down..."); &debug('This is evil. You should /msg me a shutdown command instead.'); &debug('WARNING: SHUTTING ME DOWN LIKE THIS CAN CAUSE FORKED PROCESSES TO START UP AS BOTS!!!'); # XXX which we should fix, of course. exit(1); # sane exit, including shutting down any modules } # internal routines for configuration my %configStructure; # hash of cfg file keys and associated variable refs # ok. In strict 'refs' mode, you cannot use strings as refs. Fair enough. # However, hash keys are _always_ strings. Using a ref as a hash key turns # it into a string. So we have to keep a virgin copy of the ref around. # # So the structure of the %configStructure hash is: # "ref" => [ cfgName, ref ] # Ok? sub registerConfigVariables { my (@variables) = @_; foreach (@variables) { $configStructure{$$_[0]} = [$$_[1], $$_[0]]; } } # are you confused yet? sub configStructure { my (@variables) = @_; my %struct; @variables = keys %configStructure unless @variables; foreach (@variables) { confess("Function configStructure was passed something that is either not a ref or has not yet neem registered, so aborted") unless defined($configStructure{$_}); $struct{$configStructure{$_}[0]} = $configStructure{$_}[1]; } return \%struct; } # internal routines for handling the modules sub getModule { my ($name) = @_; foreach my $module (@modules) { # XXX this is not cached as a hash as performance is not a priority here return $module if $name eq $module->{'_name'}; } return undef; } sub LoadModule { my ($name) = @_; # sanitize the name $name =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9]/-/gos; # check the module is not already loaded foreach (@modules) { if ($_->{'_name'} eq $name) { return "Failed [0]: Module already loaded. Don't forget to enable it in the various channels (vars $name channels '+#channelname')."; } } # read the module in from a file my $filename = "./BotModules/$name.bm"; # bm = bot module my $result = open(my $file, "< $filename"); if ($result) { my $code = do { local $/ = undef; # enable "slurp" mode <$file>; # whole file now here }; if ($code) { # if ($code =~ /package\s+\QBotModules::$name\E\s*;/gos) { XXX doesn't work reliably?? XXX # eval the file $code =~ /^(.*)$/os; $code = $1; # completely defeat the tainting mechanism. # $code = "# FILE: $filename\n".$code; # "# file 1 '$filename' \n" would be good without Carp.pm { no warnings; # as per the warning, but doesn't work??? XXX eval($code); } if ($@) { # $@ contains the error return "Failed [4]: $@"; } else { # if ok, then create a module my $newmodule; eval(" \$newmodule = BotModules::$name->create('$name', '$filename'); "); if ($@) { # $@ contains the error return "Failed [5]: $@"; } else { # if ok, then add it to the @modules list push(@modules, $newmodule); push(@modulenames, $newmodule->{'_name'}); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@modulenames)); # Done!!! return $newmodule; } } # } else { # return "Failed [3]: Could not find valid module definition line."; # } } else { # $! contains the error if ($!) { return "Failed [2]: $!"; } else { return "Failed [2]: Module file is empty."; } } } else { # $! contains the error return "Failed [1]: $!"; } } sub UnloadModule { my ($name) = @_; # remove the reference from @modules my @newmodules; my @newmodulenames; foreach (@modules) { if ($name eq $_->{'_name'}) { if ($_->{'_static'}) { return 'Cannot unload this module, it is built in.'; } $_->unload(); } else { push(@newmodules, $_); push(@newmodulenames, $_->{'_name'}); } } if (@modules == @newmodules) { return 'Module not loaded. Are you sure you have the right name?'; } else { @modules = @newmodules; @modulenames = @newmodulenames; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@modulenames)); return; } } # password management functions sub getSalt { # straight from man perlfunc return join('', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]); } sub newPassword { my($text) = @_; return crypt($text, &getSalt()); } sub checkPassword { my($text, $password) = @_; return (crypt($text, $password) eq $password); } ################################ # Base Module # ################################ # And now, for my next trick, the base module (duh). package BotModules; 1; # nothing to see here... # ENGINE INTERFACE # create - create a new BotModules object. # Do not call this yourself. We call it. Ok? # Do not override this either, unless you know what # you are doing (I don't, and I wrote it...). If you # want to add variables to $self, use Initialise. # The paramter is the name of the module. sub create { my $class = shift; my ($name, $filename) = @_; my $self = { '_name' => $name, '_shutdown' => 0, # see unload() '_static' => 0, # set to 1 to prevent module being unloaded '_variables' => {}, '_config' => {}, '_filename' => $filename, '_filemodificationtime' => undef, }; bless($self, $class); $self->Initialise(); $self->RegisterConfig(); return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->debug('garbage collected'); } # called by &::UnloadModule(). # this removes any pointers to the module. # for example, it stops the scheduler from installing new timers, # so that the bot [eventually] severs its connection with the module. sub unload { my $self = shift; $self->{'_shutdown'} = 1; # see doScheduled and bot_select } # configStructure - return the hash needed for Configuration module sub configStructure { my $self = shift; return $self->{'_config'}; } # do - called to do anything (duh) (no, do, not duh) (oh, ok, sorry) sub do { my $self = shift; my ($bot, $event, $type, $e) = @_; # first, we check that the user is not banned from using this module. If he # is, then re give up straight away. return 1 if ($self->IsBanned($e)); # next we check that the module is actually enabled in this channel, and # if it is not we quit straight away as well. return 1 unless ($e->{'channel'} eq '') or ($self->InChannel($e)); # Ok, dispatch the event. if ($type eq 'Told') { return $self->Told($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Heard') { return $self->Heard($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Baffled') { return $self->Baffled($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Noticed') { return $self->Noticed($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Felt') { return $self->Felt($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Saw') { return $self->Saw($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Invited') { return $self->Invited($e, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Kicked') { return $self->Kicked($e, $e->{'channel'}); } elsif ($type eq 'ModeChange') { return $self->ModeChange($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'Authed') { return $self->Authed($e, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedNickChange') { return $self->SpottedNickChange($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedTopicChange') { return $self->SpottedTopicChange($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedJoin') { return $self->SpottedJoin($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedPart') { return $self->SpottedPart($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedKick') { return $self->SpottedKick($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedQuit') { return $self->SpottedQuit($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'CTCPPing') { return $self->CTCPPing($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'CTCPVersion') { return $self->CTCPVersion($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'}); } elsif ($type eq 'CTCPSource') { return $self->CTCPSource($e, $e->{'from'}, $e->{'data'}); # XXX have not implemented mode parsing yet } elsif ($type eq 'GotOpped') { return $self->GotOpped($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'GotDeopped') { return $self->GotDeopped($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedOpping') { return $self->SpottedOpping($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } elsif ($type eq 'SpottedDeopping') { return $self->SpottedDeopping($e, $e->{'channel'}, $e->{'from'}); } else { $self->debug("Unknown action type '$type'. Ignored."); # XXX UModeChange (not implemented yet) return 1; # could not do it } } # MODULE API - use these from the your routines. # prints output to the console sub debug { my $self = shift; foreach my $line (@_) { &::debug('Module '.$self->{'_name'}.': '.$line); } } # saveConfig - call this when you change a configuration option. It resaves the config file. sub saveConfig { my $self = shift; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, $self->configStructure()); } # registerVariables - Registers a variable with the config system and the var setting system # parameters: ( # [ 'name', persistent ? 1:0, editable ? 1:0, $value ], # use undef instead of 0 or 1 to leave as is # use undef (or don't mention) the $value to not set the value # ) sub registerVariables { my $self = shift; my (@variables) = @_; foreach (@variables) { $self->{$$_[0]} = $$_[3] if defined($$_[3]); if (defined($$_[1])) { if ($$_[1]) { $self->{'_config'}->{$self->{'_name'}.'::'.$$_[0]} = \$self->{$$_[0]}; } else { delete($self->{'_config'}->{$self->{'_name'}.'::'.$$_[0]}); } } $self->{'_variables'}->{$$_[0]} = $$_[2] if defined($$_[2]); } } # internal implementation of the scheduler sub doScheduled { my $bot = shift; my ($self, $event, $time, $times, @data) = @_; return if ($self->{'_shutdown'}); # see unload() # $self->debug("scheduled event occured; $times left @ $time second interval"); eval { $event->{'time'} = time(); # update the time field of the event $self->Scheduled($event, @data); $self->schedule($event, $time, --$times, @data); }; if ($@) { # $@ contains the error &::debug("ERROR!!!", $@); } } # schedule - Sets a timer to call Scheduled later # for events that should be setup at startup, call this from Schedule(). sub schedule { my $self = shift; my ($event, $time, $times, @data) = @_; return if ($times == 0 or $self->{'_shutdown'}); # see unload() $times = -1 if ($times < 0); # pass a negative number to have a recurring timer my $delay = $time; if (ref($time)) { if (ref($time) eq 'SCALAR') { $delay = $$time; } else { return; # XXX maybe be useful? } } # if ($delay < 1) { # $self->debug("Vetoed aggressive scheduling; forcing to 1 second minimum"); # $delay = 1; # } $event->{'bot'}->schedule($delay, \&doScheduled, $self, $event, $time, $times, @data); } # spawnChild - spawns a child process and adds it to the list of file handles to monitor # eventually the bot calls ChildCompleted() with the output of the chlid process. sub spawnChild { my $self = shift; my ($event, $command, $arguments, $type, $data) = @_; # uses IO::SecurePipe and fork and exec # secure, predictable, no dependencies on external code # uses fork explicitly (and once implicitly) my $pipe = IO::SecurePipe->new(); if (defined($pipe)) { my $child = fork(); if (defined($child)) { if ($child) { # we are the parent process $pipe->reader(); ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Module'} = $self; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Event'} = $event; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_ChildType'} = $type; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Data'} = $data; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Command'} = $command; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_Arguments'} = $arguments; ${$pipe}->{'BotModules_PID'} = $child; $irc->addfh($pipe, \&::bot_select); local $" = ' '; $self->debug("spawned $child ($command @$arguments)"); return 0; } else { eval { # we are the child process # call $command and buffer the output $pipe->writer(); # get writing end of pipe, ready to output the result my $output; if (ref($command) eq 'CODE') { $output = &$command(@$arguments); } else { # it would be nice if some of this was on a timeout... my $result = IO::SecurePipe->new(); # create a new pipe for $command # call $command (implicit fork(), which may of course fail) $result->reader($command, @$arguments); local $/; # to not affect the rest of the program (what little there is) $/ = \(2*1024*1024); # slurp up to two megabytes $output = <$result>; # blocks until child process has finished close($result); # reap child } print $pipe $output if ($output); # output the lot in one go back to parent $pipe->close(); }; if ($@) { # $@ contains the error $self->debug('failed to spawn child', $@); } # -- #mozwebtools was here -- # when is that stupid bot going to get checked in? # after it stops fork bombing # which one? yours or hixies? # his, mine doesn't fork # see topic # are there plans to fix it? # yes. but he isn't sure exactly what went wrong # i think it's basically they fork for wget # why don't you help him? # i don't understand forking # that didn't stop hixie # not to mention the fact that his forking doesn't # work on windows # you have other machines. techbot1 runs on windows? # yeah it runs on windows # oh # get a real os, man # The bug causing the 'fork bombing' was that I only # did the following if $@ was true or if the call to # 'reader' succeeded -- so if some other error occured # that didn't trip the $@ test but still crashed out # of the eval, then the script would quite happily # continue, and when it eventually died (e.g. because # of a bad connection), it would respawn multiple # times (as many times as it had failed to fork) and # it would succeed in reconnecting as many times as # had been configured nicks... eval { $0 =~ m/^(.*)$/os; # untaint $0 so that we can call it below: exec { $1 } ($1, '--abort'); # do not call shutdown handlers # the previous line works because exec() bypasses # the perl object garbarge collection and simply # deallocates all the memory in one go. This means # the shutdown handlers (DESTROY and so on) are # never called for this fork. This is good, # because otherwise we would disconnect from IRC # at this point! }; $self->debug("failed to shutdown cleanly!!! $@"); exit(1); # exit in case exec($0) failed } } else { $self->debug("failed to fork: $!"); } } else { $self->debug("failed to open pipe: $!"); } return 1; } # getURI - Downloads a file and then calls GotURI sub getURI { my $self = shift; my ($event, $uri, @data) = @_; $self->spawnChild($event, 'wget', ['--quiet', '--passive', '--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; mozbot)"', '--output-document=-', $uri], 'URI', [$uri, @data]); } # returns a reference to a module -- DO NOT STORE THIS REFERENCE!!! sub getModule { my $self = shift; return &::getModule(@_); } # returns a reference to @msgqueue # manipulating this is probably not a good idea. In particular, # don't add anything to this array (use the appropriate methods # instead, those that use &::sendmsg, below). sub getMessageQueue { my $self = shift; return \@msgqueue; } # returns the value of $helpline sub getHelpLine { return $helpline; } # returns a sorted list of module names sub getModules { return sort(@modulenames); } # returns a filename with path suitable to use for logging sub getLogFilename { my $self = shift; my($name) = @_; return "$LOGFILEDIR/$name"; } # tellAdmin - may try to talk to an admin. # NO GUARANTEES! This will PROBABLY NOT reach anyone! sub tellAdmin { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; if ($lastadmin) { $self->debug("Trying to tell admin '$lastadmin' this: $data"); &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $lastadmin, $data); } else { $self->debug("Wanted to tell an admin '$data', but I've never seen one."); } } # ctcpSend - Sends a CTCP message to someone sub ctcpSend { my $self = shift; my ($event, $type, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, [$type, $data], 'ctcpSend'); } # ctcpReply - Sends a CTCP reply to someone sub ctcpReply { my $self = shift; my ($event, $type, $data) = @_; unless (defined($type)) { cluck('No type passed to ctcpReply - ignored'); } if (defined($data)) { &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, "$type $data", 'ctcpReply'); } else { &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $type, 'ctcpReply'); } } # notice - Sends a notice to a channel or person sub notice { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data, 'notice'); } # say - Sends a message to the channel sub say { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; return unless defined $event->{'target'}; $data =~ s/^\Q$event->{'target'}\E: //gs; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data); } # announce - Sends a message to every channel sub announce { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; foreach (@{$self->{'channels'}}) { &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $_, $data); } } # directSay - Sends a message to the person who spoke sub directSay { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $data); } # channelSay - Sends a message to the channel the message came from, IFF it came from a channel. sub channelSay { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'channel'}, $data) if $event->{'channel'}; } # -- #mozilla was here -- # timeless: it's focal review time, and they are working out # where to allocate the money. # timeless: needless to say i have a vested interest in this. # there's money in this? # richb yes; leaf always # how come nobody told me? # because leaf doesn't need money # for leaf it grows on trees # *wince* # emote - Sends an emote to the channel sub emote { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'target'}, $data, 'me'); } # directEmote - Sends an emote to the person who spoke sub directEmote { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; &::sendmsg($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'from'}, $data, 'me'); } # sayOrEmote - calls say() or emote() depending on whether the string starts with /me or not. sub sayOrEmote { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; if ($data =~ /^\/me\s+/osi) { $data =~ s/^\/me\s+//gosi; $self->emote($event, $data); } else { $self->say($event, $data); } } # directSayOrEmote - as sayOrEmote() but calls the direct versions instead sub directSayOrEmote { my $self = shift; my ($event, $data) = @_; if ($data =~ /^\/me\s+/osi) { $data =~ s/^\/me\s+//gosi; $self->directEmote($event, $data); } else { $self->directSay($event, $data); } } # isAdmin - Returns true if the person is an admin sub isAdmin { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; return (($event->{'userName'}) and (($event->{'userFlags'} & 1) == 1)); } # setAway - Set the bot's 'away' flag. A blank message will mark the bot as back. # Note: If you need this you are doing something wrong!!! sub setAway { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; $event->{'bot'}->away($message); } # setNick - Set the bot's nick. # Note: Best not to use this too much, especially not based on user input, # as it is not throttled. XXX sub setNick { my $self = shift; my ($event, $value) = @_; $event->{'bot'}->nick($value); } sub mode { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $mode, $arg) = @_; $event->{'bot'}->mode($channel, $mode, $arg); } sub invite { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $channel) = @_; $event->{'bot'}->invite($who, $channel); } # pretty printer for turning lists of varying length strings into # lists of roughly equal length strings without losing any data sub prettyPrint { my $self = shift; my ($preferredLineLength, $prefix, $indent, $divider, @input) = @_; # sort numerically descending by length @input = sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} @input; # if we have a prefix defined, it goes first (duh) unshift(@input, $prefix) if defined($prefix); my @output; my $index; while (@input) { push(@output, $indent . shift(@input)); $index = 0; while (($index <= $#input) and ((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[$#input])) < $preferredLineLength)) { # does this one fit? if ((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[$index])) < $preferredLineLength) { if (defined($prefix)) { # don't stick the divider between the prefix and the first item undef($prefix); } else { $output[$#output] .= $divider; } $output[$#output] .= splice(@input, $index, 1); } else { $index++; } } } return @output; } # wordWrap routines which takes a list and wraps it. A less pretty version # of prettyPrinter, but it keeps the order. sub wordWrap { my $self = shift; my ($preferredLineLength, $prefix, $indent, $divider, @input) = @_; unshift(@input, $prefix) if defined($prefix); $indent = '' unless defined($indent); my @output; while (@input) { push(@output, $indent . shift(@input)); while (($#input >= 0) and ((length($output[$#output]) + length($input[0])) < $preferredLineLength)) { $output[$#output] .= $divider . shift(@input); } } return @output; } sub unescapeXML { my $self = shift; my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s/'/'/gos; $string =~ s/"/"/gos; $string =~ s/<//gos; $string =~ s/&/&/gos; return $string; } sub days { my $self = shift; my ($then) = @_; return &::days($then); } # return the argument if it is a valid regular expression, # otherwise quotes the argument and returns that. sub sanitizeRegexp { my $self = shift; my ($regexp) = @_; if (defined($regexp)) { eval { '' =~ /$regexp/; }; $self->debug("regexp |$regexp| returned error |$@|, quoting...") if $@; return $@ ? quotemeta($regexp) : $regexp; } else { $self->debug("blank regexp, returning wildcard regexp //..."); return ''; } } # MODULE INTERFACE (override these) # Initialise - Called when the module is loaded sub Initialise { my $self = shift; } # Schedule - Called after bot is set up, to set up any scheduled tasks # use $self->schedule($event, $delay, $times, $data) # where $times is 1 for a single event, -1 for recurring events, # and a +ve number for an event that occurs that many times. sub Schedule { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; } # JoinedIRC - Called before joining any channels (but after module is setup) # this does not get called for dynamically loaded modules sub JoinedIRC { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; } sub JoinedChannel { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; if ($self->{'autojoin'}) { push(@{$self->{'channels'}}, $channel) unless ((scalar(grep $_ eq $channel, @{$self->{'channels'}})) or (scalar(grep $_ eq $channel, @{$self->{'channelsBlocked'}}))); $self->saveConfig(); } } # Called by the Admin module's Kicked and SpottedPart handlers sub PartedChannel { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; if ($self->{'autojoin'}) { my %channels = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->{'channels'}}; if ($channels{$channel}) { delete($channels{$channel}); @{$self->{'channels'}} = keys %channels; $self->saveConfig(); } } } sub InChannel { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; return scalar(grep $_ eq $event->{'channel'}, @{$self->{'channels'}}); # XXX could be optimised - cache the list into a hash. } sub IsBanned { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; return 0 if scalar(grep { $_ = $self->sanitizeRegexp($_); $event->{'user'} =~ /^$_$/ } @{$self->{'allowusers'}}); return scalar(grep { $_ = $self->sanitizeRegexp($_); $event->{'user'} =~ /^$_$/ } @{$self->{'denyusers'}}); } # Baffled - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick which we don't understand sub Baffled { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # Told - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick sub Told { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # Noticed - Called for notice messages sub Noticed { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # Heard - Called for all messages sub Heard { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # Felt - Called for all emotes containing bot's nick sub Felt { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # -- #mozilla was here -- # * bryner tries to imagine the need for NS_TWIPS_TO_MILES # bryner: yeah, that isn't even a metric unit. should # be NS_TWIPS_TO_KILOMETERS # there's that too # oh # really? # yep # o_O # for when we use mozilla for surveying and such # lol # BTW. They aren't kidding. See: # http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/search?string=NS_TWIPS_TO_KILOMETERS # Saw - Called for all emotes sub Saw { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return 1; } # Invited - Called when bot is invited into another channel sub Invited { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; return 1; } # Kicked - Called when bot is kicked out of a channel sub Kicked { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; return 1; } # ModeChange - Called when channel or bot has a mode flag changed sub ModeChange { my $self = shift; my ($event, $what, $change, $who) = @_; return 1; } # GotOpped - Called when bot is opped sub GotOpped { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # GotDeopped - Called when bot is deopped sub GotDeopped { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedNickChange - Called when someone changes their nick # Remember that you cannot use directSay here, since $event # has the details of the old nick. And 'say' is useless # since the channel is the old userhost string... XXX sub SpottedNickChange { my $self = shift; my ($event, $from, $to) = @_; return 1; } # Authed - Called when someone authenticates with us. # Remember that you cannot use say here, since this # cannot actually be done in a channel... sub Authed { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedTopicChange - Called when someone thinks someone else said something funny sub SpottedTopicChange { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $new) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedJoin - Called when someone joins a channel sub SpottedJoin { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedPart - Called when someone leaves a channel sub SpottedPart { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedKick - Called when someone leaves a channel forcibly sub SpottedKick { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedQuit - Called when someone leaves a server # can't use say or directSay: no channel involved, and # user has quit (obviously). XXX sub SpottedQuit { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $why) = @_; return 1; } # CTCPPing - Called when we receive a CTCP Ping. sub CTCPPing { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $what) = @_; return 1; } # CTCPVersion - Called when we receive a CTCP Version. sub CTCPVersion { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $what) = @_; return 1; } # CTCPSource - Called when we receive a CTCP Source. sub CTCPSource { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $what) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedOpping - Called when someone is opped sub SpottedOpping { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # SpottedDeopping - Called when someone is... deopped, maybe? sub SpottedDeopping { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; return 1; } # Scheduled - Called when a scheduled timer triggers sub Scheduled { my $self = shift; my ($event, @data) = @_; if (ref($data[0]) eq 'CODE') { &{$data[0]}($event, @data); } else { $self->debug('Unhandled scheduled event... :-/'); } } # ChildCompleted - Called when a child process has quit sub ChildCompleted { my $self = shift; my ($event, $type, $output, @data) = @_; if ($type eq 'URI') { my $uri = shift(@data); $self->GotURI($event, $uri, $output, @data); } } # GotURI - Called when a requested URI has been downloaded sub GotURI { my $self = shift; my ($event, $uri, $contents, @data) = @_; } # Help - Called to fully explain the module (return hash of command/description pairs) # the string given for the '' key should be a module description sub Help { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; return {}; } # RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables sub RegisterConfig { my $self = shift; $self->registerVariables( # [ name, save?, settable?, value ] ['channels', 1, 1, []], ['channelsBlocked', 1, 1, []], # the channels in which this module will not autojoin regardless ['autojoin', 1, 1, 1], ['allowusers', 1, 1, []], ['denyusers', 1, 1, []], ); } # Set - called to set a variable to a particular value. sub Set { my $self = shift; my ($event, $variable, $value) = @_; if ($self->{'_variables'}->{$variable}) { if ((not defined($self->{$variable})) or (not ref($self->{$variable}))) { $self->{$variable} = $value; } elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'SCALAR') { ${$self->{$variable}} = $value; } elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'ARRAY') { if ($value =~ /^([-+])(.*)$/so) { if ($1 eq '+') { push(@{$self->{$variable}}, $2); } else { # We don't want to change the reference!!! # Other variables might be pointing to there, # it is *those* vars that affect the app. my @oldvalue = @{$self->{$variable}}; @{$self->{$variable}} = (); foreach (@oldvalue) { push(@{$self->{$variable}}, $_) unless ($2 eq $_); } # XXX no feedback if nothing is done } } else { return 3; # not the right format dude! } } elsif (ref($self->{$variable}) eq 'HASH') { if ($value =~ /^\+(.)(.*)\1(.*)$/so) { $self->{$variable}->{$2} = $3; return -2 if $1 =~ /[a-zA-Z]/so; } elsif ($value =~ /^\-(.*)$/so) { # XXX no feedback if nothing is done delete($self->{$variable}->{$1}); } else { return 4; # not the right format dude! } } else { return 1; # please to not be trying to set coderefs or arrayrefs or hashrefs or ... } } else { return 2; # please to not be trying to set variables I not understand! } $self->saveConfig(); return 0; } # Get - called to get a particular variable sub Get { my $self = shift; my ($event, $variable) = @_; return $self->{$variable}; } # Log - Called for every event sub Log { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; } ################################ # Admin Module # ################################ package BotModules::Admin; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(BotModules); 1; # Initialise - Called when the module is loaded sub Initialise { my $self = shift; $self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'} = {}; $self->{'_static'} = 1; } # RegisterConfig - Called when initialised, should call registerVariables sub RegisterConfig { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::RegisterConfig(@_); $self->registerVariables( # [ name, save?, settable?, value ] ['allowInviting', 1, 1, 1], # by default, anyone can invite a bot into their channel ['allowChannelAdmin', 1, 1, 0], # by default, one cannot admin from a channel ['sourceCodeCheckDelay', 1, 1, 20], # by default, wait 20 seconds between source code checks ['files', 1, 1, [$0, 'lib/Mails.pm', 'lib/Configuration.pm', 'lib/IO/SecurePipe.pm']], # files to check for source code changes ['channels', 0, 0, undef], # remove the 'channels' internal variable... ['autojoin', 0, 0, 0], # remove the 'autojoin' internal variable... ['errorMessagesMaxLines', 1, 1, 5], # by default, only have 5 lines in error messages, trim middle if more ); # now add in all the global variables... foreach (keys %configStructure) { $self->registerVariables([$configStructure{$_}[0], 0, 1, $configStructure{$_}[1]]) if (ref($configStructure{$_}[1]) =~ /^(?:SCALAR|ARRAY|HASH)$/go); } } # saveConfig - make sure we also save the main config variables... sub saveConfig { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::saveConfig(@_); &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure()); } # Set - called to set a variable to a particular value. sub Set { my $self = shift; my ($event, $variable, $value) = @_; # First let's special case some magic variables... if ($variable eq 'currentnick') { $self->setNick($event, $value); $self->say($event, "Attempted to change nick to '$value'."); return -1; } elsif ($variable eq 'nicks') { if ($value =~ /^([-+])(.*)$/so) { if ($1 eq '+') { # check it isn't there already and is not '' my $value = $2; if ($value eq '') { $self->say($event, "The empty string is not a valid nick."); return -1; } my $thenick = 0; $thenick++ while (($thenick < @nicks) and ($value ne $nicks[$thenick])); if ($thenick < @nicks) { $self->say($event, "That nick (value) is already on the list of possible nicks."); return -1; } } else { if ($2 eq $nicks[$nick]) { $self->say($event, "You cannot remove the current nick ('$nicks[$nick]') from the list of allowed nicks... Change the 'currentnick' variable first!"); return -1; } } } } return $self->SUPER::Set($event, $variable, $value); } # Get - called to get a particular variable. sub Get { my $self = shift; my ($event, $variable) = @_; # First let's special case some magic variables... if ($variable eq 'currentnick') { return $event->{'nick'}; } elsif ($variable eq 'users') { my @users = sort keys %users; return \@users; } else { # else, check for known global variables... my $configStructure = &::configStructure(); if (defined($configStructure->{$variable})) { return $configStructure->{$variable}; } else { return $self->SUPER::Get($event, $variable); } } } # Schedule - called when bot connects to a server, to install any schedulers # use $self->schedule($event, $delay, $times, $data) # where $times is 1 for a single event, -1 for recurring events, # and a +ve number for an event that occurs that many times. sub Schedule { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; $self->schedule($event, \$self->{'sourceCodeCheckDelay'}, -1, {'action'=>'source'}); $self->SUPER::Schedule($event); } sub Help { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; my $result = { 'auth' => 'Authenticate yourself. Append the word \'quiet\' after your password if you don\'t want confirmation. Syntax: auth [quiet]', 'password' => 'Change your password: password ', 'newuser' => 'Registers a new username and password (with no privileges). Syntax: newuser ', }; if ($self->isAdmin($event)) { $result->{''} = 'The administration module is used to perform tasks that fundamentally affect the bot.'; $result->{'shutdown'} = 'Shuts the bot down completely.'; $result->{'shutup'} = 'Clears the output queue (you actually have to say \'shutup please\' or nothing will happen).'; $result->{'restart'} = 'Shuts the bot down completely then restarts it, so that any source changes take effect.'; $result->{'cycle'} = 'Makes the bot disconnect from the server then try to reconnect.'; $result->{'changepassword'} = 'Change a user\'s password: changepassword ', $result->{'vars'} = 'Manage variables: vars [ [ [\'\']]], say \'vars\' for more details.'; $result->{'join'} = 'Makes the bot attempt to join a channel. The same effect can be achieved using /invite. Syntax: join '; $result->{'part'} = 'Makes the bot leave a channel. The same effect can be achieved using /kick. Syntax: part '; $result->{'load'} = 'Loads a module from disk, if it is not already loaded: load '; $result->{'unload'} = 'Unloads a module from memory: load '; $result->{'reload'} = 'Unloads and then loads a module: reload '; $result->{'bless'} = 'Sets the \'admin\' flag on a registered user. Syntax: bless '; $result->{'unbless'} = 'Resets the \'admin\' flag on a registered user. Syntax: unbless '; $result->{'deleteuser'} = 'Deletes a user from the bot. Syntax: deleteuser ', } return $result; } # Told - Called for messages prefixed by the bot's nick sub Told { my $self = shift; my ($event, $message) = @_; return $self->SUPER::Told(@_) unless $self->{allowChannelAdmin} or $event->{channel} eq ''; if ($message =~ /^\s*auth\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)(\s+quiet)?\s*$/osi) { if (not $event->{'channel'}) { if (defined($users{$1})) { if (&::checkPassword($2, $users{$1})) { $authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}} = $1; if (not defined($3)) { $self->directSay($event, "Hi $1!"); } &::do($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'_event'}, 'Authed'); # hack hack hack } else { $self->directSay($event, "No..."); } } else { $self->directSay($event, "You have not been added as a user yet. Try the \'newuser\' command (see \'help newuser\' for details)."); } } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*password\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s*$/osi) { if (not $event->{'channel'}) { if ($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}) { if ($2 ne $3) { $self->say($event, 'New passwords did not match. Try again.'); } elsif (&::checkPassword($1, $users{$authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}})) { $users{$authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}} = &::newPassword($2); delete($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}); $self->say($event, 'Password changed. Please reauthenticate.'); $self->saveConfig(); } else { delete($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}); $self->say($event, 'That is not your current password. Please reauthenticate.'); } } } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*new\s*user\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s*$/osi) { if (not $event->{'channel'}) { if (defined($users{$1})) { $self->say($event, 'That user already exists in my list, you can\'t add them again!'); } elsif ( $2 ne $3 ) { $self->say($event, 'New passwords did not match. Try again.'); } elsif ($1) { $users{$1} = &::newPassword($2); $userFlags{$1} = 0; $self->directSay($event, "New user '$1' added with password '$2' and no rights."); $self->saveConfig(); } else { $self->say($event, 'That is not a valid user name.'); } } } elsif ($self->isAdmin($event)) { if ($message =~ /^\s*(?:shutdown,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { $self->say($event, 'But of course. Have a nice day!'); my $reason = 'I was told to shutdown by '.$event->{'from'}.'. :-('; # XXX should do something like &::do($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'_event'}, 'SpottedQuit'); # hack hack hack # ...but it should have the right channel/nick/reason info # XXX we don't unload the modules here? $event->{'bot'}->quit($reason); exit(0); # prevents any other events happening... } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*shutdown/osi) { $self->say($event, 'If you really want me to shutdown, use the magic word.'); $self->schedule($event, 7, 1, 'i.e., please.'); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*(?:restart,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { $self->Restart($event, "I was told to restart by $event->{'from'} -- brb"); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*restart/osi) { $self->say($event, 'If you really want me to restart, use the magic word.'); $self->schedule($event, 7, 1, 'i.e., please.'); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*delete\s*user\s+($variablepattern)\s*$/osi) { if (not defined($users{$1})) { $self->say($event, "I don't know of a user called '$1', sorry."); } else { # check user is not last admin my $doomedUser = $1; my $count; if (($userFlags{$doomedUser} & 1) == 1) { # deleting an admin. Count how many are left. $count = 0; foreach my $user (keys %users) { ++$count if ($user ne $doomedUser and ($userFlags{$user} & 1) == 1); } } else { # not deleting an admin. We know there is an admin in there, it's # the user doing the deleting. So we're safe. $count = 1; } if ($count) { $self->deleteUser($doomedUser); $self->say($event, "User '$doomedUser' deleted."); } else { $self->say($event, "Can't delete user '$doomedUser', that would leave you with no admins!"); } } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*change\s*password\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s+($variablepattern)\s*$/osi) { if (not defined($users{$1})) { $self->say($event, "I don't know of a user called '$1', sorry."); } elsif ($2 ne $3) { $self->say($event, 'New passwords did not match. Try again.'); } else { $users{$1} = &::newPassword($2); my $count = 0; foreach my $user (keys %authenticatedUsers) { if ($authenticatedUsers{$user} eq $1) { delete($authenticatedUsers{$user}); ++$count; } } if ($count) { $self->say($event, "Password changed for user '$1'. They must reauthenticate."); } else { $self->say($event, "Password changed for user '$1'."); } $self->saveConfig(); } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*(?:shut\s*up,?\s+please)\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { my $lost = @msgqueue; @msgqueue = (); if ($lost) { $self->say($event, "Ok, threw away $lost messages."); } else { $self->say($event, 'But I wasn\'t saying anything!'); } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*cycle(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { my $reason = 'I was told to cycle by '.$event->{'from'}.'. BRB!'; # XXX should do something like &::do($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'_event'}, 'SpottedQuit'); # hack hack hack # ...but it should have the right channel/nick/reason info # XXX we don't unload the modules here? $event->{'bot'}->quit($reason); &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, &::configStructure()); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*join\s+([&#+][^\s]+)(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { $self->Invited($event, $1); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*part\s+([&#+][^\s]+)(?:\s+please)?\s*[?!.]*\s*$/osi) { $event->{'bot'}->part("$1 :I was told to leave by $event->{'from'}. :-("); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*bless\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) { if (defined($users{$2})) { $userFlags{$2} = $userFlags{$2} || 1; $self->saveConfig(); $self->say($event, "Ok, $2 is now an admin."); } else { $self->say($event, 'I don\'t know that user. Try the \'newuser\' command (see \'help newuser\' for details).'); } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*unbless\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) { if (defined($users{$2})) { $userFlags{$2} = $userFlags{$2} &~ 1; $self->saveConfig(); $self->say($event, "Ok, $2 is now a mundane luser."); } else { $self->say($event, 'I don\'t know that user. Check your spelling!'); } } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*load\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) { $self->LoadModule($event, $2, 1); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*reload\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) { $self->ReloadModule($event, $2, 1); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*unload\s+('?)($variablepattern)\1\s*$/osi) { $self->UnloadModule($event, $2, 1); } elsif ($message =~ /^\s*vars(?:\s+($variablepattern)(?:\s+($variablepattern)(?:\s+'(.*)')?)?|(.*))?\s*$/osi) { $self->Vars($event, $1, $2, $3, $4); } else { return $self->SUPER::Told(@_); } } else { return $self->SUPER::Told(@_); } return 0; # if made it here then we did it! } sub Scheduled { my $self = shift; my ($event, $type) = @_; if ((ref($type) eq 'HASH') and ($type->{'action'} eq 'source')) { $self->CheckSource($event); } elsif (ref($type)) { $self->SUPER::Scheduled(@_); } else { $self->directSay($event, $type); } } # remove any (other) temporary administrators when an admin authenticates sub Authed { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who) = @_; if ($self->isAdmin($event)) { foreach (keys %userFlags) { if ((($userFlags{$_} & 2) == 2) and ($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}} ne $_)) { $self->deleteUser($_); $self->directSay($event, "Temporary administrator '$_' removed from user list."); } } } return $self->SUPER::Authed(@_); # this should not stop anything else happening } # SpottedQuit - Called when someone leaves a server sub SpottedQuit { my $self = shift; my ($event, $who, $why) = @_; delete($authenticatedUsers{$event->{'user'}}); # XXX this doesn't deal with a user who has authenticated twice. return $self->SUPER::SpottedQuit(@_); } sub CheckSource { my $self = shift; my ($event) = @_; foreach my $file (@{$self->{'files'}}) { my $lastModifiedTime = $self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'}->{$file}; my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($file); $self->{'_fileModifiedTimes'}->{$file} = $mtime; if (defined($lastModifiedTime) and ($mtime > $lastModifiedTime)) { $self->debug("Noticed that source code of $file had changed"); # compile new bot using perl -cwT XXX if (1) { # XXX replace 1 with "did compile succeed" test $self->Restart($event, 'someone seems to have changed my source code. brb, unless I get a compile error!'); } else { # tellAdmin that it did not compile XXX # debug that it did not compile } } } my @updatedModules; foreach my $module (@modules) { if ($module->{'_filename'}) { my $lastModifiedTime = $module->{'_fileModificationTime'}; my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($module->{'_filename'}); $module->{'_fileModificationTime'} = $mtime; if (defined($lastModifiedTime) and ($mtime > $lastModifiedTime)) { push(@updatedModules, $module->{'_name'}); } } } foreach my $module (@updatedModules) { $self->ReloadModule($event, $module, 0); } } sub Restart { my $self = shift; my ($event, $reason) = @_; # XXX should do something like &::do($event->{'bot'}, $event->{'_event'}, 'SpottedQuit'); # hack hack hack # ...but it should have the right channel/nick/reason info # ...and it is broken if called from CheckSource, which is a # scheduled event handler, since $event is then a very basic # incomplete hash. # XXX we don't unload modules here? $event->{'bot'}->quit($reason); # Note that `exec' will not call our `END' blocks, nor will it # call any `DESTROY' methods in our objects. So we fork a child to # do that first. my $parent = $$; my $child = fork(); if (defined($child)) { if ($child) { # we are the parent process who is # about to exec($0), so wait for # child to shutdown. $self->debug("spawned $child to handle shutdown..."); waitpid($child, 0); } else { # we are the child process who is # in charge of shutting down cleanly. $self->debug("initiating shutdown for parent process $parent..."); exit(0); } } else { $self->debug("failed to fork: $!"); } $self->debug("About to defer to a new $0 process..."); # we have done our best to shutdown, so go for it! eval { $0 =~ m/^(.*)$/os; # untaint $0 so that we can call it below (as $1) if ($CHROOT) { exec { $1 } ($1, '--assume-chrooted', $cfgfile); } else { exec { $1 } ($1, $cfgfile); } # I am told (by some nice people in #perl on Efnet) that our # memory is all cleared up for us. So don't worry that even # though we don't call DESTROY in _this_ instance, we leave # memory behind. }; $self->debug("That failed!!! Bailing out to prevent all hell from breaking loose! $@ :-|"); exit(1); # we never get here unless exec fails } # handles the 'vars' command sub Vars { my $self = shift; my ($event, $modulename, $variable, $value, $nonsense) = @_; if (defined($modulename)) { my $module = $self->getModule($modulename); if (defined($module)) { if (defined($variable)) { if (defined($value)) { my $result = $module->Set($event, $variable, $value); if ((not defined($result)) or ($result == 0)) { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' has changed."); } elsif ($result == 1) { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is of type ".ref($module->{$variable}).' and I do not know how to set that kind of variable!'); } elsif ($result == 2) { # we don't know that variable! if ($module->{$variable}) { # well we do, but only to read $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is read-only, sorry."); } else { # not known $self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' does not have a variable '$variable' as far as I can tell."); } } elsif ($result == 3) { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is a list. To add to a list, please use the '+' symbol before the value (vars '+'). To remove from a list, use the '-' symbol (vars '-')."); } elsif ($result == 4) { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' is a hash. To add to a hash, please use the '+' symbol before the '|key|value' pair (vars '+||'). The separator symbol ('|' in this example) could be anything. To remove from a list, use the '-' symbol (vars '-')."); } elsif ($result == -1) { # already reported success } elsif ($result == -2) { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' has changed, but may not be what you expect since it appears to me that you used a letter to delimit the sections. I hope that is what you meant to do..."); } elsif ($result > 0) { # negative = success $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' could not be set for some reason unknown to me."); } } else { # else give variable's current value $value = $module->Get($event, $variable); if (defined($value)) { my $type = ref($value); if ($type eq 'SCALAR') { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is set to: '$$value'"); } elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { # XXX need a 'maximum number of items' feature to prevent flooding ourselves to pieces (or is shutup please enough?) if (@$value) { local $" = '\', \''; $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is a list with the following values: '@$value'"); } else { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is an empty list."); } } elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { # XXX need a 'maximum number of items' feature to prevent flooding ourselves to pieces (or is shutup please enough?) $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is a hash with the following values:"); foreach (sort keys %$value) { $self->say($event, " '$_' => '".($value->{$_}).'\' '); } $self->say($event, "End of dump of variable '$variable'."); } else { $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is set to: '$value'"); } } else { # we don't know that variable if ($module->{'_variables'}->{$variable}) { # well we do, but only to write $self->say($event, "Variable '$variable' in module '$modulename' is write-only, sorry."); } else { # not known $self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' does not have a variable '$variable' as far as I can tell."); } } } } else { # else list variables my @variables; # then enumerate its variables foreach my $variable (sort keys %{$module->{'_variables'}}) { push(@variables, $variable) if $module->{'_variables'}->{$variable}; } # then list 'em if (@variables) { local $" = '\', \''; $self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' has the following published variables: '@variables'"); } else { $self->say($event, "Module '$modulename' has no settable variables."); } } } else { # complain no module $self->say($event, "I didn't recognise that module name ('$modulename'). Try just 'vars' on its own for help."); } } elsif ($nonsense) { $self->say($event, 'I didn\'t quite understand that. Try just \'vars\' on its own for help.'); $self->say($event, 'If you are trying to set a variable, don\'t forget the quotes around the value!'); } else { # else give help $self->say($event, 'The \'vars\' command gives you an interface to the module variables in the bot.'); $self->say($event, 'To list the variables in a module: vars '); $self->say($event, 'To get the value of a variable: vars '); $self->say($event, 'To set the value of a variable: vars \'\''); $self->say($event, 'Note the quotes around the value. They are required. If the value contains quotes itself, that is fine.'); } } # This is also called when we are messaged a 'join' command sub Invited { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channelName) = @_; # $channelName is the name as requested and as should be /joined. # This is important so that case is kept in the list of channels # on the server should the bot join first. my $channel = lc($channelName); if (grep $_ eq $channel, @channels) { $self->directSay($event, "I thought I was already *in* channel $channel! Oh well."); } if ($self->isAdmin($event) || $self->{'allowInviting'}) { $self->debug("Joining $channel, since I was invited."); if (defined($channelKeys{$channel})) { $event->{'bot'}->join($channel, $channelKeys{$channel}); } else { $event->{'bot'}->join($channel); } } else { $self->debug($event->{'from'}." asked me to join $channel, but I refused."); $self->directSay($event, "Please contact one of my administrators if you want me to join $channel."); $self->tellAdmin($event, "Excuse me, but ".$event->{'from'}." asked me to join $channel. I thought you should know."); } return $self->SUPER::Invited($event, $channel); } sub Kicked { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; $self->debug("kicked from $channel by ".$event->{'from'}); $self->debug('about to autopart modules...'); foreach (@modules) { $_->PartedChannel($event, $channel); } return $self->SUPER::Kicked($event, $channel); } sub SpottedPart { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel, $who) = @_; if (lc $who eq lc $event->{'nick'}) { $self->debug("parted $channel"); $self->debug('about to autopart modules...'); foreach (@modules) { $_->PartedChannel($event, $channel); } } return $self->SUPER::SpottedPart($event, $channel, $who); } sub PartedChannel { my $self = shift; my ($event, $channel) = @_; $channel = lc($channel); my %channels = map { $_ => 1 } @channels; delete($channels{$channel}); @channels = keys %channels; &Configuration::Save($cfgfile, &::configStructure(\@channels)); return $self->SUPER::PartedChannel($event, $channel); } sub LoadModule { my $self = shift; my ($event, $name, $requested) = @_; my $newmodule = &::LoadModule($name); if (ref($newmodule)) { # configure module $newmodule->{'channels'} = [@channels]; &Configuration::Get($cfgfile, $newmodule->configStructure()); eval { $newmodule->Schedule($event); }; if ($@) { $self->debug("Warning: An error occured while loading the module:\n$@"); if ($requested) { $self->say($event, "Warning: an error occured while loading module '$name'. Ignored."); } } $newmodule->saveConfig(); $self->debug("Successfully loaded module '$name'."); if ($requested) { $self->say($event, "Loaded module '$name'."); } } else { if ($requested) { # it failed, $newmodule contains error message my @errors = split(/[\n\r]/os, $newmodule); if (scalar(@errors) > $self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'}) { # remove lines from the middle if the log is too long @errors = (@errors[0..int($self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'} / 2)-1], '...', @errors[-(int($self->{'errorMessagesMaxLines'} / 2))..-1]); } local $" = "\n"; $self->say($event, "@errors"); } $self->debug($newmodule); } } sub UnloadModule { my $self = shift; my ($event, $name, $requested) = @_; my $result = &::UnloadModule($name); if (defined($result)) { # failed if ($requested) { $self->say($event, $result); } else { $self->debug($result); } } else { if ($requested) { $self->say($event, "Unloaded module '$name'."); } else { $self->debug("Successfully unloaded module '$name'."); } } } sub ReloadModule { my $self = shift; # XXX there used to be a memory leak around this code. It seems to be fixed # now. However if your bot process suddenly balloons to 90M+, here would be a good # place to start looking. Of course if that happens and you never reloaded modules # then it is also a good time to remove this comment... ;-) $self->UnloadModule(@_); $self->LoadModule(@_); } sub deleteUser { my $self = shift; my ($who) = @_; delete($userFlags{$who}); delete($users{$who}); # if they authenticated, remove the entry to prevent dangling links foreach my $user (keys %authenticatedUsers) { if ($authenticatedUsers{$user} eq $who) { delete($authenticatedUsers{$user}); } } $self->saveConfig(); } ################################ # Startup (aka main) # ################################ package main; # -- #mozilla was here -- # is the bug with zilla hanging on startup on every # platform fixed in today's nightlies? # no # heh # NEVER # we're shipping with it. # helps hide our other bugs # Do this at the very end, so we can intersperse "my" initializations outside # of routines above and be assured that they will run. &debug('starting up command loop...'); END { &debug('perl is shutting down...'); } $irc->start(); # -- #mozilla was here -- # Maybe I'll file a bug about netcenter and that will # get some attention # "Browser won't render home.netscape.com.. because it # won't start up" # alecf how about "cant view banner ads - wont start up" # even better # all bugs are dependent on this one! # *** Disconnected from irc.mozilla.org