/************************************************************************/ /* */ /* This file is automatically generated by ORBeline IDL compiler */ /* Do not modify this file. */ /* */ /* ORBeline (c) is copyrighted by PostModern Computing, Inc. */ /* */ /* The generated code conforms to OMG's IDL C++ mapping as */ /* specified in OMG Document Number: 94-9-14. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #include "ifaces_c.hh" Thing& Thing::operator=(const Thing& _s) { s = _s.s; i = _s.i; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const Thing& _s) { strm << _s.s; strm << _s.i; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, Thing& _s) { strm >> _s.s; strm >> _s.i; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const Thing& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct Thing {" << endl; strm << "\ts: " << _s.s << endl; strm << "\ti: " << _s.i << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo StringReciever::_class_info("StringReciever", "IDL:StringReciever:1.0", &StringReciever::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *StringReciever::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *StringReciever::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *StringReciever::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } StringReciever *StringReciever::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return StringReciever::_nil(); else return StringReciever::_duplicate((StringReciever_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *StringReciever::_factory() { return new StringReciever; } StringReciever *StringReciever::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { StringReciever *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "StringReciever", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new StringReciever(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "StringReciever", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (StringReciever *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = StringReciever::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } void StringReciever::recieveString( const char * arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "recieveString", 1, 335599); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { recieveString( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void StringReciever::bounce( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "bounce", 1, 2051); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { bounce( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } StringReciever_var::StringReciever_var() : _ptr(StringReciever::_nil()) {} StringReciever_var::StringReciever_var(StringReciever_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} StringReciever_var::StringReciever_var(const StringReciever_var& var) :_ptr(StringReciever::_duplicate((StringReciever_ptr)var)) {} StringReciever_var::~StringReciever_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } StringReciever_var& StringReciever_var::operator=(StringReciever_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, StringReciever_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const StringReciever_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, StringReciever_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const StringReciever_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo TestInterface::_class_info("TestInterface", "IDL:TestInterface:1.0", &TestInterface::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *TestInterface::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *TestInterface::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *TestInterface::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } TestInterface *TestInterface::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return TestInterface::_nil(); else return TestInterface::_duplicate((TestInterface_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *TestInterface::_factory() { return new TestInterface; } TestInterface *TestInterface::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { TestInterface *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "TestInterface", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new TestInterface(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "TestInterface", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (TestInterface *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = TestInterface::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } char * TestInterface::getFirstAppInList() { char *_ret = (char *)NULL; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getFirstAppInList", 1, 4459926); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getFirstAppInList(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void TestInterface::getAppNames( StringReciever_ptr arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getAppNames", 1, 71269); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { getAppNames( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } Thing* TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::allocbuf(CORBA::ULong nelems) { return new Thing[nelems]; } void TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::freebuf(Thing *data) { if (data) delete[] data; } Thing& TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } const Thing& TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) const { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& seq) { CORBA::ULong t_count; strm >> t_count; if (t_count > seq._count) { if (seq._num_allocated < t_count) { if (seq._release_flag) TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::freebuf(seq._contents); else seq._release_flag = 1; seq._contents = TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::allocbuf(t_count); seq._num_allocated = t_count; } } seq._count = t_count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm >> seq._contents[i]; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& seq) { strm << seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm << seq._contents[i]; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& seq) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "SEQUENCE NAME: TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing" << endl; strm << "NUM OF ELEMENTS: " << seq._count << endl; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) { strm << "ELEMENT NUM: " << i << " = "; strm << seq._contents[i] << endl; } } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << seq; } return strm; } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::sequence_of_Thing(CORBA::ULong max) { _num_allocated = max; _count = 0; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (Thing *)NULL; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::sequence_of_Thing(CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong len, Thing *data, CORBA::Boolean release_flag) { _num_allocated = max; _count = len; _contents = data; _release_flag = release_flag; _ref_count = 1; } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::sequence_of_Thing(const TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& seq) { _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; _count = seq._count; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (Thing *)NULL; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::~sequence_of_Thing() { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::operator=(const TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing& seq) { if (_count < seq._count) { if (_num_allocated < seq._count) { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _contents = allocbuf(seq._num_allocated); _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; } } _count = seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; return *this; } void TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing::length(CORBA::ULong newlen) { if (newlen > _num_allocated) { Thing *temp = allocbuf(newlen); for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) temp[i] = _contents[i]; if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _num_allocated = newlen; _contents = temp; } _count = newlen; } TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing * TestInterface::getThings() { TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing *_ret = (TestInterface::sequence_of_Thing *)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getThings", 1, 18125); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getThings(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void TestInterface::callBounce( StringReciever_ptr arg0, CORBA::Long arg1) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "callBounce", 1, 34307); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { callBounce( arg0, arg1); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } TestInterface_var::TestInterface_var() : _ptr(TestInterface::_nil()) {} TestInterface_var::TestInterface_var(TestInterface_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} TestInterface_var::TestInterface_var(const TestInterface_var& var) :_ptr(TestInterface::_duplicate((TestInterface_ptr)var)) {} TestInterface_var::~TestInterface_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } TestInterface_var& TestInterface_var::operator=(TestInterface_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, TestInterface_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const TestInterface_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, TestInterface_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const TestInterface_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo ISourceTextProvider::_class_info("ISourceTextProvider", "IDL:ISourceTextProvider:1.0", &ISourceTextProvider::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *ISourceTextProvider::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *ISourceTextProvider::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *ISourceTextProvider::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } ISourceTextProvider *ISourceTextProvider::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return ISourceTextProvider::_nil(); else return ISourceTextProvider::_duplicate((ISourceTextProvider_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *ISourceTextProvider::_factory() { return new ISourceTextProvider; } ISourceTextProvider *ISourceTextProvider::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { ISourceTextProvider *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "ISourceTextProvider", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new ISourceTextProvider(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "ISourceTextProvider", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (ISourceTextProvider *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = ISourceTextProvider::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& seq) { CORBA::ULong t_count; strm >> t_count; if (t_count > seq._count) { if (seq._num_allocated < t_count) { if (seq.release_on_copy()) ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::freebuf_elems(seq._buffer, seq._num_allocated); seq._buffer = ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::allocbuf(t_count); seq._num_allocated = t_count; seq.release_on_copy(1); } } seq._count = t_count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< t_count; i++) strm >> seq._buffer[i]; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& seq) { strm << seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm << seq._buffer[i]; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& seq) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "SEQUENCE NAME: ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string" << endl; strm << "NUM OF ELEMENTS: " << seq._count << endl; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) { strm << "ELEMENT NUM: " << i << " = "; strm << seq._buffer[i] << endl; } } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << seq; } return strm; } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::sequence_of_string(CORBA::ULong max) { _num_allocated = max; _count = 0; if (max > 0) _buffer = allocbuf(max); else _buffer = (char **)NULL; release_on_copy(1); _ref_count =1; } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::sequence_of_string(CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong len, char **data, CORBA::Boolean release_flag) { _num_allocated = max; _count = len; release_on_copy(release_flag); _buffer = data; _ref_count = 1; } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::sequence_of_string(const ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& seq) { _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; _count = seq._count; release_on_copy(1); _ref_count = 1; if (_num_allocated > 0) { _buffer = allocbuf(_num_allocated); for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) { if (seq._buffer[i]) { _buffer[i] = CORBA::string_alloc( strlen(seq._buffer[i])); strcpy(_buffer[i], seq._buffer[i]); } } } else _buffer = (char **)NULL; } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::~sequence_of_string() { if (release_on_copy()) freebuf_elems(_buffer, _num_allocated); } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::operator=(const ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string& seq) { if (release_on_copy() ) freebuf_elems(_buffer, _num_allocated); release_on_copy(1); _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; _count = seq._count; if (_num_allocated > 0) { _buffer = allocbuf(_num_allocated); for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) { if (seq._buffer[i]) { _buffer[i] = CORBA::string_alloc( strlen(seq._buffer[i])); strcpy(_buffer[i], seq._buffer[i]); } } } else _buffer = (char **)NULL; return *this; } void ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string::length(CORBA::ULong newlen) { if (newlen > _num_allocated) { char **temp = allocbuf(newlen); if (release_on_copy()) { for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) temp[i] = _buffer[i]; freebuf(_buffer); } _buffer = temp; _num_allocated = newlen; } _count = newlen; } ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string * ISourceTextProvider::getAllPages() { ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string *_ret = (ISourceTextProvider::sequence_of_string *)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getAllPages", 1, 70445); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getAllPages(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void ISourceTextProvider::refreshAllPages() { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "refreshAllPages", 1, 1375021); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { refreshAllPages(); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } CORBA::Boolean ISourceTextProvider::hasPage( const char * arg0) { CORBA::Boolean _ret = (CORBA::Boolean)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "hasPage", 1, 4799); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return hasPage( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Boolean ISourceTextProvider::loadPage( const char * arg0) { CORBA::Boolean _ret = (CORBA::Boolean)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "loadPage", 1, 9231); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return loadPage( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void ISourceTextProvider::refreshPage( const char * arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "refreshPage", 1, 85775); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { refreshPage( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } char * ISourceTextProvider::getPageText( const char * arg0) { char *_ret = (char *)NULL; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getPageText", 1, 72512); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getPageText( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Long ISourceTextProvider::getPageStatus( const char * arg0) { CORBA::Long _ret = (CORBA::Long)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getPageStatus", 1, 289953); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getPageStatus( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Long ISourceTextProvider::getPageAlterCount( const char * arg0) { CORBA::Long _ret = (CORBA::Long)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getPageAlterCount", 1, 4651316); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getPageAlterCount( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } ISourceTextProvider_var::ISourceTextProvider_var() : _ptr(ISourceTextProvider::_nil()) {} ISourceTextProvider_var::ISourceTextProvider_var(ISourceTextProvider_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} ISourceTextProvider_var::ISourceTextProvider_var(const ISourceTextProvider_var& var) :_ptr(ISourceTextProvider::_duplicate((ISourceTextProvider_ptr)var)) {} ISourceTextProvider_var::~ISourceTextProvider_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } ISourceTextProvider_var& ISourceTextProvider_var::operator=(ISourceTextProvider_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, ISourceTextProvider_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const ISourceTextProvider_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, ISourceTextProvider_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const ISourceTextProvider_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IScriptSection& _s) { strm << _s.base; strm << _s.extent; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IScriptSection& _s) { strm >> _s.base; strm >> _s.extent; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IScriptSection& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IScriptSection {" << endl; strm << "\tbase: " << _s.base << endl; strm << "\textent: " << _s.extent << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } IScriptSection* sequence_of_IScriptSection::allocbuf(CORBA::ULong nelems) { return new IScriptSection[nelems]; } void sequence_of_IScriptSection::freebuf(IScriptSection *data) { if (data) delete[] data; } IScriptSection& sequence_of_IScriptSection::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } const IScriptSection& sequence_of_IScriptSection::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) const { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, sequence_of_IScriptSection& seq) { CORBA::ULong t_count; strm >> t_count; if (t_count > seq._count) { if (seq._num_allocated < t_count) { if (seq._release_flag) sequence_of_IScriptSection::freebuf(seq._contents); else seq._release_flag = 1; seq._contents = sequence_of_IScriptSection::allocbuf(t_count); seq._num_allocated = t_count; } } seq._count = t_count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm >> seq._contents[i]; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const sequence_of_IScriptSection& seq) { strm << seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm << seq._contents[i]; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const sequence_of_IScriptSection& seq) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "SEQUENCE NAME: sequence_of_IScriptSection" << endl; strm << "NUM OF ELEMENTS: " << seq._count << endl; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) { strm << "ELEMENT NUM: " << i << " = "; strm << seq._contents[i] << endl; } } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << seq; } return strm; } sequence_of_IScriptSection::sequence_of_IScriptSection(CORBA::ULong max) { _num_allocated = max; _count = 0; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (IScriptSection *)NULL; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IScriptSection::sequence_of_IScriptSection(CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong len, IScriptSection *data, CORBA::Boolean release_flag) { _num_allocated = max; _count = len; _contents = data; _release_flag = release_flag; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IScriptSection::sequence_of_IScriptSection(const sequence_of_IScriptSection& seq) { _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; _count = seq._count; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (IScriptSection *)NULL; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IScriptSection::~sequence_of_IScriptSection() { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); } sequence_of_IScriptSection& sequence_of_IScriptSection::operator=(const sequence_of_IScriptSection& seq) { if (_count < seq._count) { if (_num_allocated < seq._count) { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _contents = allocbuf(seq._num_allocated); _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; } } _count = seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; return *this; } void sequence_of_IScriptSection::length(CORBA::ULong newlen) { if (newlen > _num_allocated) { IScriptSection *temp = allocbuf(newlen); for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) temp[i] = _contents[i]; if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _num_allocated = newlen; _contents = temp; } _count = newlen; } IScript& IScript::operator=(const IScript& _s) { url = _s.url; funname = _s.funname; base = _s.base; extent = _s.extent; jsdscript = _s.jsdscript; sections = _s.sections; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IScript& _s) { strm << _s.url; strm << _s.funname; strm << _s.base; strm << _s.extent; strm << _s.jsdscript; strm << _s.sections; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IScript& _s) { strm >> _s.url; strm >> _s.funname; strm >> _s.base; strm >> _s.extent; strm >> _s.jsdscript; strm >> _s.sections; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IScript& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IScript {" << endl; strm << "\turl: " << _s.url << endl; strm << "\tfunname: " << _s.funname << endl; strm << "\tbase: " << _s.base << endl; strm << "\textent: " << _s.extent << endl; strm << "\tjsdscript: " << _s.jsdscript << endl; strm << "\tsections: " << _s.sections << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } IJSPC& IJSPC::operator=(const IJSPC& _s) { script = _s.script; offset = _s.offset; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSPC& _s) { strm << _s.script; strm << _s.offset; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSPC& _s) { strm >> _s.script; strm >> _s.offset; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSPC& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IJSPC {" << endl; strm << "\tscript: " << _s.script << endl; strm << "\toffset: " << _s.offset << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } IJSSourceLocation& IJSSourceLocation::operator=(const IJSSourceLocation& _s) { line = _s.line; pc = _s.pc; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSSourceLocation& _s) { strm << _s.line; strm << _s.pc; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSSourceLocation& _s) { strm >> _s.line; strm >> _s.pc; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSSourceLocation& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IJSSourceLocation {" << endl; strm << "\tline: " << _s.line << endl; strm << "\tpc: " << _s.pc << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo IJSErrorReporter::_class_info("IJSErrorReporter", "IDL:IJSErrorReporter:1.0", &IJSErrorReporter::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *IJSErrorReporter::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *IJSErrorReporter::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *IJSErrorReporter::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } IJSErrorReporter *IJSErrorReporter::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return IJSErrorReporter::_nil(); else return IJSErrorReporter::_duplicate((IJSErrorReporter_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *IJSErrorReporter::_factory() { return new IJSErrorReporter; } IJSErrorReporter *IJSErrorReporter::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { IJSErrorReporter *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "IJSErrorReporter", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new IJSErrorReporter(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "IJSErrorReporter", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (IJSErrorReporter *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = IJSErrorReporter::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } CORBA::Long IJSErrorReporter::reportError( const char * arg0, const char * arg1, CORBA::Long arg2, const char * arg3, CORBA::Long arg4) { CORBA::Long _ret = (CORBA::Long)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "reportError", 1, 86308); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; *_strm << arg2; *_strm << arg3; *_strm << arg4; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return reportError( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSErrorReporter_var::IJSErrorReporter_var() : _ptr(IJSErrorReporter::_nil()) {} IJSErrorReporter_var::IJSErrorReporter_var(IJSErrorReporter_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} IJSErrorReporter_var::IJSErrorReporter_var(const IJSErrorReporter_var& var) :_ptr(IJSErrorReporter::_duplicate((IJSErrorReporter_ptr)var)) {} IJSErrorReporter_var::~IJSErrorReporter_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } IJSErrorReporter_var& IJSErrorReporter_var::operator=(IJSErrorReporter_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSErrorReporter_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSErrorReporter_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, IJSErrorReporter_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSErrorReporter_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo IScriptHook::_class_info("IScriptHook", "IDL:IScriptHook:1.0", &IScriptHook::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *IScriptHook::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *IScriptHook::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *IScriptHook::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } IScriptHook *IScriptHook::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return IScriptHook::_nil(); else return IScriptHook::_duplicate((IScriptHook_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *IScriptHook::_factory() { return new IScriptHook; } IScriptHook *IScriptHook::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { IScriptHook *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "IScriptHook", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new IScriptHook(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "IScriptHook", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (IScriptHook *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = IScriptHook::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } void IScriptHook::justLoadedScript( const IScript& arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "justLoadedScript", 1, 2244464); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { justLoadedScript( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IScriptHook::aboutToUnloadScript( const IScript& arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "aboutToUnloadScript", 1, 17264752); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { aboutToUnloadScript( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } IScriptHook_var::IScriptHook_var() : _ptr(IScriptHook::_nil()) {} IScriptHook_var::IScriptHook_var(IScriptHook_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} IScriptHook_var::IScriptHook_var(const IScriptHook_var& var) :_ptr(IScriptHook::_duplicate((IScriptHook_ptr)var)) {} IScriptHook_var::~IScriptHook_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } IScriptHook_var& IScriptHook_var::operator=(IScriptHook_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IScriptHook_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IScriptHook_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, IScriptHook_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IScriptHook_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } IJSStackFrameInfo& IJSStackFrameInfo::operator=(const IJSStackFrameInfo& _s) { pc = _s.pc; jsdframe = _s.jsdframe; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSStackFrameInfo& _s) { strm << _s.pc; strm << _s.jsdframe; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSStackFrameInfo& _s) { strm >> _s.pc; strm >> _s.jsdframe; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSStackFrameInfo& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IJSStackFrameInfo {" << endl; strm << "\tpc: " << _s.pc << endl; strm << "\tjsdframe: " << _s.jsdframe << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } IJSStackFrameInfo* sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::allocbuf(CORBA::ULong nelems) { return new IJSStackFrameInfo[nelems]; } void sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::freebuf(IJSStackFrameInfo *data) { if (data) delete[] data; } IJSStackFrameInfo& sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } const IJSStackFrameInfo& sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::operator[](CORBA::ULong index) const { if (index >= _count) throw CORBA::BAD_PARAM(); return _contents[index]; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& seq) { CORBA::ULong t_count; strm >> t_count; if (t_count > seq._count) { if (seq._num_allocated < t_count) { if (seq._release_flag) sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::freebuf(seq._contents); else seq._release_flag = 1; seq._contents = sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::allocbuf(t_count); seq._num_allocated = t_count; } } seq._count = t_count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm >> seq._contents[i]; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& seq) { strm << seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) strm << seq._contents[i]; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& seq) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "SEQUENCE NAME: sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo" << endl; strm << "NUM OF ELEMENTS: " << seq._count << endl; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< seq._count; i++) { strm << "ELEMENT NUM: " << i << " = "; strm << seq._contents[i] << endl; } } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << seq; } return strm; } sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo(CORBA::ULong max) { _num_allocated = max; _count = 0; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (IJSStackFrameInfo *)NULL; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo(CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong len, IJSStackFrameInfo *data, CORBA::Boolean release_flag) { _num_allocated = max; _count = len; _contents = data; _release_flag = release_flag; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo(const sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& seq) { _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; _count = seq._count; if (_num_allocated > 0) _contents = allocbuf(_num_allocated); else _contents = (IJSStackFrameInfo *)NULL; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; _release_flag = 1; _ref_count = 1; } sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::~sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo() { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); } sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::operator=(const sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo& seq) { if (_count < seq._count) { if (_num_allocated < seq._count) { if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _contents = allocbuf(seq._num_allocated); _num_allocated = seq._num_allocated; } } _count = seq._count; for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) _contents[i] = seq._contents[i]; return *this; } void sequence_of_IJSStackFrameInfo::length(CORBA::ULong newlen) { if (newlen > _num_allocated) { IJSStackFrameInfo *temp = allocbuf(newlen); for (CORBA::ULong i=0; i< _count; i++) temp[i] = _contents[i]; if (_release_flag) freebuf(_contents); else _release_flag = 1; _num_allocated = newlen; _contents = temp; } _count = newlen; } IJSThreadState& IJSThreadState::operator=(const IJSThreadState& _s) { stack = _s.stack; continueState = _s.continueState; returnValue = _s.returnValue; status = _s.status; jsdthreadstate = _s.jsdthreadstate; id = _s.id; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSThreadState& _s) { strm << _s.stack; strm << _s.continueState; strm << _s.returnValue; strm << _s.status; strm << _s.jsdthreadstate; strm << _s.id; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSThreadState& _s) { strm >> _s.stack; strm >> _s.continueState; strm >> _s.returnValue; strm >> _s.status; strm >> _s.jsdthreadstate; strm >> _s.id; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSThreadState& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IJSThreadState {" << endl; strm << "\tstack: " << _s.stack << endl; strm << "\tcontinueState: " << _s.continueState << endl; strm << "\treturnValue: " << _s.returnValue << endl; strm << "\tstatus: " << _s.status << endl; strm << "\tjsdthreadstate: " << _s.jsdthreadstate << endl; strm << "\tid: " << _s.id << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo IJSExecutionHook::_class_info("IJSExecutionHook", "IDL:IJSExecutionHook:1.0", &IJSExecutionHook::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *IJSExecutionHook::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *IJSExecutionHook::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *IJSExecutionHook::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } IJSExecutionHook *IJSExecutionHook::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); else return IJSExecutionHook::_duplicate((IJSExecutionHook_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *IJSExecutionHook::_factory() { return new IJSExecutionHook; } IJSExecutionHook *IJSExecutionHook::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { IJSExecutionHook *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "IJSExecutionHook", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new IJSExecutionHook(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "IJSExecutionHook", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (IJSExecutionHook *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = IJSExecutionHook::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } void IJSExecutionHook::aboutToExecute( const IJSThreadState& arg0, const IJSPC& arg1) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "aboutToExecute", 1, 540113); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { aboutToExecute( arg0, arg1); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } IJSExecutionHook_var::IJSExecutionHook_var() : _ptr(IJSExecutionHook::_nil()) {} IJSExecutionHook_var::IJSExecutionHook_var(IJSExecutionHook_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} IJSExecutionHook_var::IJSExecutionHook_var(const IJSExecutionHook_var& var) :_ptr(IJSExecutionHook::_duplicate((IJSExecutionHook_ptr)var)) {} IJSExecutionHook_var::~IJSExecutionHook_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } IJSExecutionHook_var& IJSExecutionHook_var::operator=(IJSExecutionHook_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IJSExecutionHook_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IJSExecutionHook_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, IJSExecutionHook_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IJSExecutionHook_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; } IExecResult& IExecResult::operator=(const IExecResult& _s) { result = _s.result; errorOccured = _s.errorOccured; errorMessage = _s.errorMessage; errorFilename = _s.errorFilename; errorLineNumber = _s.errorLineNumber; errorLineBuffer = _s.errorLineBuffer; errorTokenOffset = _s.errorTokenOffset; return *this; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IExecResult& _s) { strm << _s.result; strm << _s.errorOccured; strm << _s.errorMessage; strm << _s.errorFilename; strm << _s.errorLineNumber; strm << _s.errorLineBuffer; strm << _s.errorTokenOffset; return strm; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IExecResult& _s) { strm >> _s.result; strm >> _s.errorOccured; strm >> _s.errorMessage; strm >> _s.errorFilename; strm >> _s.errorLineNumber; strm >> _s.errorLineBuffer; strm >> _s.errorTokenOffset; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IExecResult& _s) { if (&strm == &cout || &strm == &cerr || &strm == &clog) { strm << "struct IExecResult {" << endl; strm << "\tresult: " << _s.result << endl; strm << "\terrorOccured: " << (int)_s.errorOccured << endl; strm << "\terrorMessage: " << _s.errorMessage << endl; strm << "\terrorFilename: " << _s.errorFilename << endl; strm << "\terrorLineNumber: " << _s.errorLineNumber << endl; strm << "\terrorLineBuffer: " << _s.errorLineBuffer << endl; strm << "\terrorTokenOffset: " << _s.errorTokenOffset << endl; strm << "}" << endl; } else { NCostream ostrm(strm); ostrm << _s; } return strm; } const CORBA::TypeInfo IDebugController::_class_info("IDebugController", "IDL:IDebugController:1.0", &IDebugController::_factory, CORBA::Object::_desc(), 0); const CORBA::TypeInfo *IDebugController::_desc() { return &_class_info; } const CORBA::TypeInfo *IDebugController::_type_info() const { return &_class_info; } void *IDebugController::_safe_narrow(const CORBA::TypeInfo& _info) const { if (_class_info == _info) return (void *) this; return CORBA_Object::_safe_narrow(_info); } IDebugController *IDebugController::_narrow(CORBA::Object *obj) { if (obj == CORBA::Object::_nil()) return IDebugController::_nil(); else return IDebugController::_duplicate((IDebugController_ptr)obj->_safe_narrow(_class_info)); } CORBA::Object *IDebugController::_factory() { return new IDebugController; } IDebugController *IDebugController::_bind(const char *_object_name, const char *_host_name, const CORBA::BindOptions *_opt) { IDebugController *_impl; CORBA::Object *_obj = _implementation( "IDebugController", _object_name, _host_name); if (!_obj) { _impl = new IDebugController(_object_name); try { _impl->CORBA_Object::_bind( "IDebugController", _object_name, _host_name, _opt); } catch(const CORBA::Exception& ) { delete _impl; _impl = (IDebugController *)NULL; throw; } } else _impl = IDebugController::_narrow(_obj); return _impl; } CORBA::Long IDebugController::getMajorVersion() { CORBA::Long _ret = (CORBA::Long)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getMajorVersion", 1, 1135244); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getMajorVersion(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Long IDebugController::getMinorVersion() { CORBA::Long _ret = (CORBA::Long)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getMinorVersion", 1, 1145484); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getMinorVersion(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSErrorReporter_ptr IDebugController::setErrorReporter( IJSErrorReporter_ptr arg0) { IJSErrorReporter_ptr _ret = IJSErrorReporter::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setErrorReporter", 1, 2678344); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return setErrorReporter( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSErrorReporter_ptr IDebugController::getErrorReporter() { IJSErrorReporter_ptr _ret = IJSErrorReporter::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getErrorReporter", 1, 2285128); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getErrorReporter(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IScriptHook_ptr IDebugController::setScriptHook( IScriptHook_ptr arg0) { IScriptHook_ptr _ret = IScriptHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setScriptHook", 1, 336969); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return setScriptHook( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IScriptHook_ptr IDebugController::getScriptHook() { IScriptHook_ptr _ret = IScriptHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getScriptHook", 1, 287817); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getScriptHook(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSPC * IDebugController::getClosestPC( const IScript& arg0, CORBA::Long arg1) { IJSPC *_ret = (IJSPC *)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getClosestPC", 1, 139355); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getClosestPC( arg0, arg1); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSSourceLocation * IDebugController::getSourceLocation( const IJSPC& arg0) { IJSSourceLocation *_ret = (IJSSourceLocation *)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getSourceLocation", 1, 4646404); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getSourceLocation( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::setInterruptHook( IJSExecutionHook_ptr arg0) { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setInterruptHook", 1, 2680393); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return setInterruptHook( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::getInterruptHook() { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getInterruptHook", 1, 2287177); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getInterruptHook(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::setDebugBreakHook( IJSExecutionHook_ptr arg0) { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setDebugBreakHook", 1, 5255577); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return setDebugBreakHook( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::getDebugBreakHook() { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getDebugBreakHook", 1, 4469145); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getDebugBreakHook(); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::setInstructionHook( IJSExecutionHook_ptr arg0, const IJSPC& arg1) { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setInstructionHook", 1, 10713353); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return setInstructionHook( arg0, arg1); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } IJSExecutionHook_ptr IDebugController::getInstructionHook( const IJSPC& arg0) { IJSExecutionHook_ptr _ret = IJSExecutionHook::_nil(); CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "getInstructionHook", 1, 9140489); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return getInstructionHook( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void IDebugController::setThreadContinueState( CORBA::Long arg0, CORBA::Long arg1) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setThreadContinueState", 1, 172101753); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { setThreadContinueState( arg0, arg1); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::setThreadReturnValue( CORBA::Long arg0, const char * arg1) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "setThreadReturnValue", 1, 43043479); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { setThreadReturnValue( arg0, arg1); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::sendInterrupt() { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "sendInterrupt", 1, 328272); try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { sendInterrupt(); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::sendInterruptStepInto( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "sendInterruptStepInto", 1, 84044887); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { sendInterruptStepInto( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::sendInterruptStepOver( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "sendInterruptStepOver", 1, 84044856); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { sendInterruptStepOver( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::sendInterruptStepOut( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "sendInterruptStepOut", 1, 42022450); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { sendInterruptStepOut( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::reinstateStepper( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "reinstateStepper", 1, 2708072); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { reinstateStepper( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } IExecResult * IDebugController::executeScriptInStackFrame( CORBA::Long arg0, const IJSStackFrameInfo& arg1, const char * arg2, const char * arg3, CORBA::Long arg4) { IExecResult *_ret = (IExecResult *)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "executeScriptInStackFrame", 1, 1235747307); *_strm << arg0; *_strm << arg1; *_strm << arg2; *_strm << arg3; *_strm << arg4; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return executeScriptInStackFrame( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Boolean IDebugController::isRunningHook( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::Boolean _ret = (CORBA::Boolean)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "isRunningHook", 1, 319929); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return isRunningHook( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } CORBA::Boolean IDebugController::isWaitingForResume( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::Boolean _ret = (CORBA::Boolean)0; CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "isWaitingForResume", 1, 10157539); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { return isWaitingForResume( arg0); } *_strm >> _ret; _strm->flushRead(); return _ret; } void IDebugController::leaveThreadSuspended( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "leaveThreadSuspended", 1, 40876894); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { leaveThreadSuspended( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::resumeThread( CORBA::Long arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "resumeThread", 1, 177762); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { resumeThread( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } void IDebugController::iterateScripts( IScriptHook_ptr arg0) { CORBA::MarshalStream *_strm = _create_request( "iterateScripts", 1, 530707); *_strm << arg0; try { _invoke(); } catch (const CORBA::TRANSIENT& ) { iterateScripts( arg0); return; } _strm->flushRead(); } IDebugController_var::IDebugController_var() : _ptr(IDebugController::_nil()) {} IDebugController_var::IDebugController_var(IDebugController_ptr ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {} IDebugController_var::IDebugController_var(const IDebugController_var& var) :_ptr(IDebugController::_duplicate((IDebugController_ptr)var)) {} IDebugController_var::~IDebugController_var() { CORBA::release(_ptr); } IDebugController_var& IDebugController_var::operator=(IDebugController_ptr p) { if (_ptr != p) { CORBA::release(_ptr); _ptr = p; } return *this; } NCistream& operator>>(NCistream& strm, IDebugController_var& var) { strm >> var._ptr; return strm; } NCostream& operator<<(NCostream& strm, const IDebugController_var& var) { strm << var._ptr; return strm; } istream& operator>>(istream& strm, IDebugController_var& var) { NCistream istrm(strm); istrm >> var._ptr; return strm; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& strm, const IDebugController_var& var) { strm << (CORBA::Object_ptr)var._ptr; return strm; }