# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is Mozilla build system. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Mozilla Foundation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Axel Hecht # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** '''jarmaker.py provides a python class to package up chrome content by processing jar.mn files. See the documentation for jar.mn on MDC for further details on the format. ''' import sys import os import os.path import re import logging from time import localtime from optparse import OptionParser from MozZipFile import ZipFile from cStringIO import StringIO from datetime import datetime from utils import pushback_iter from Preprocessor import Preprocessor __all__ = ['JarMaker'] class ZipEntry: '''Helper class for jar output. This class defines a simple file-like object for a zipfile.ZipEntry so that we can consecutively write to it and then close it. This methods hooks into ZipFile.writestr on close(). ''' def __init__(self, name, zipfile): self._zipfile = zipfile self._name = name self._inner = StringIO() def write(self, content): 'Append the given content to this zip entry' self._inner.write(content) return def close(self): 'The close method writes the content back to the zip file.' self._zipfile.writestr(self._name, self._inner.getvalue()) def getModTime(aPath): if not os.path.isfile(aPath): return 0 mtime = os.stat(aPath).st_mtime return localtime(mtime) class JarMaker(object): '''JarMaker reads jar.mn files and process those into jar files or flat directories, along with chrome.manifest files. ''' ignore = re.compile('\s*(\#.*)?$') jarline = re.compile('(?:(?P[\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+).jar\:)|(?:\s*(\#.*)?)\s*$') regline = re.compile('\%\s+(.*)$') entryre = '(?P\*)?(?P\+?)\s+' entryline = re.compile(entryre + '(?P[\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\((?P\%?)(?P[\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)\))?\s*$') def __init__(self, outputFormat = 'flat', useJarfileManifest = True, useChromeManifest = False): self.outputFormat = outputFormat self.useJarfileManifest = useJarfileManifest self.useChromeManifest = useChromeManifest self.pp = Preprocessor() def getCommandLineParser(self): '''Get a optparse.OptionParser for jarmaker. This OptionParser has the options for jarmaker as well as the options for the inner PreProcessor. ''' # HACK, we need to unescape the string variables we get, # the perl versions didn't grok strings right p = self.pp.getCommandLineParser(unescapeDefines = True) p.add_option('-f', type="choice", default="jar", choices=('jar', 'flat', 'symlink'), help="fileformat used for output", metavar="[jar, flat, symlink]") p.add_option('-v', action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="verbose output") p.add_option('-q', action="store_false", dest="verbose", help="verbose output") p.add_option('-e', action="store_true", help="create chrome.manifest instead of jarfile.manifest") p.add_option('--both-manifests', action="store_true", dest="bothManifests", help="create chrome.manifest and jarfile.manifest") p.add_option('-s', type="string", action="append", default=[], help="source directory") p.add_option('-t', type="string", help="top source directory") p.add_option('-c', '--l10n-src', type="string", action="append", help="localization directory") p.add_option('--l10n-base', type="string", action="append", default=[], help="base directory to be used for localization (multiple)") p.add_option('-j', type="string", help="jarfile directory") # backwards compat, not needed p.add_option('-a', action="store_false", default=True, help="NOT SUPPORTED, turn auto-registration of chrome off (installed-chrome.txt)") p.add_option('-d', type="string", help="UNUSED, chrome directory") p.add_option('-o', help="cross compile for auto-registration, ignored") p.add_option('-l', action="store_true", help="ignored (used to switch off locks)") p.add_option('-x', action="store_true", help="force Unix") p.add_option('-z', help="backwards compat, ignored") p.add_option('-p', help="backwards compat, ignored") return p def processIncludes(self, includes): '''Process given includes with the inner PreProcessor. Only use this for #defines, the includes shouldn't generate content. ''' self.pp.out = StringIO() for inc in includes: self.pp.do_include(inc) includesvalue = self.pp.out.getvalue() if includesvalue: logging.info("WARNING: Includes produce non-empty output") self.pp.out = None pass def finalizeJar(self, jarPath, chromebasepath, register, doZip=True): '''Helper method to write out the chrome registration entries to jarfile.manifest or chrome.manifest, or both. The actual file processing is done in updateManifest. ''' # rewrite the manifest, if entries given if not register: return if self.useJarfileManifest: self.updateManifest(jarPath + '.manifest', chromebasepath % '', register) if self.useChromeManifest: manifestPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(jarPath), '..', 'chrome.manifest') self.updateManifest(manifestPath, chromebasepath % 'chrome/', register) def updateManifest(self, manifestPath, chromebasepath, register): '''updateManifest replaces the % in the chrome registration entries with the given chrome base path, and updates the given manifest file. ''' myregister = dict.fromkeys(map(lambda s: s.replace('%', chromebasepath), register.iterkeys())) manifestExists = os.path.isfile(manifestPath) mode = (manifestExists and 'r+b') or 'wb' mf = open(manifestPath, mode) if manifestExists: # import previous content into hash, ignoring empty ones and comments imf = re.compile('(#.*)?$') for l in re.split('[\r\n]+', mf.read()): if imf.match(l): continue myregister[l] = None mf.seek(0) for k in myregister.iterkeys(): mf.write(k + os.linesep) mf.close() def makeJar(self, infile=None, jardir='', sourcedirs=[], topsourcedir='', localedirs=None): '''makeJar is the main entry point to JarMaker. It takes the input file, the output directory, the source dirs and the top source dir as argument, and optionally the l10n dirs. ''' if isinstance(infile, basestring): logging.info("processing " + infile) pp = self.pp.clone() pp.out = StringIO() pp.do_include(infile) lines = pushback_iter(pp.out.getvalue().splitlines()) try: while True: l = lines.next() m = self.jarline.match(l) if not m: raise RuntimeError(l) if m.group('jarfile') is None: # comment continue self.processJarSection(m.group('jarfile'), lines, jardir, sourcedirs, topsourcedir, localedirs) except StopIteration: # we read the file pass return def makeJars(self, infiles, l10nbases, jardir='', sourcedirs=[], topsourcedir='', localedirs=None): '''makeJars is the second main entry point to JarMaker. It takes an iterable sequence of input file names, the l10nbases, the output directory, the source dirs and the top source dir as argument, and optionally the l10n dirs. It iterates over all inputs, guesses srcdir and l10ndir from the path and topsourcedir and calls into makeJar. The l10ndirs are created by guessing the relativesrcdir, and resolving that against the l10nbases. l10nbases can either be path strings, or callables. In the latter case, that will be called with the relativesrcdir as argument, and is expected to return a path string. ''' topsourcedir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(topsourcedir)) def resolveL10nBase(relpath): def _resolve(base): if isinstance(base, basestring): return os.path.join(base, relpath) if callable(base): return base(relpath) return base return _resolve for infile in infiles: srcdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(infile))) l10ndir = srcdir if os.path.basename(srcdir) == 'locales': l10ndir = os.path.dirname(l10ndir) assert srcdir.startswith(topsourcedir), "src dir %s not in topsourcedir %s" % (srcdir, topsourcedir) rell10ndir = l10ndir[len(topsourcedir):].lstrip(os.sep) l10ndirs = map(resolveL10nBase(rell10ndir), l10nbases) if localedirs is not None: l10ndirs += [os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(s)) for s in localedirs] srcdirs = [os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(s)) for s in sourcedirs] + [srcdir] self.makeJar(infile=infile, sourcedirs=srcdirs, topsourcedir=topsourcedir, localedirs=l10ndirs, jardir=jardir) def processJarSection(self, jarfile, lines, jardir, sourcedirs, topsourcedir, localedirs): '''Internal method called by makeJar to actually process a section of a jar.mn file. jarfile is the basename of the jarfile or the directory name for flat output, lines is a pushback_iterator of the lines of jar.mn, the remaining options are carried over from makeJar. ''' # chromebasepath is used for chrome registration manifests # %s is getting replaced with chrome/ for chrome.manifest, and with # an empty string for jarfile.manifest chromebasepath = '%s' + jarfile if self.outputFormat == 'jar': chromebasepath = 'jar:' + chromebasepath + '.jar!' chromebasepath += '/' jarfile = os.path.join(jardir, jarfile) jf = None if self.outputFormat == 'jar': #jar jarfilepath = jarfile + '.jar' try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(jarfilepath)) except OSError: pass jf = ZipFile(jarfilepath, 'a', lock = True) outHelper = self.OutputHelper_jar(jf) else: outHelper = getattr(self, 'OutputHelper_' + self.outputFormat)(jarfile) register = {} # This loop exits on either # - the end of the jar.mn file # - an line in the jar.mn file that's not part of a jar section # - on an exception raised, close the jf in that case in a finally try: while True: try: l = lines.next() except StopIteration: # we're done with this jar.mn, and this jar section self.finalizeJar(jarfile, chromebasepath, register) if jf is not None: jf.close() # reraise the StopIteration for makeJar raise if self.ignore.match(l): continue m = self.regline.match(l) if m: rline = m.group(1) register[rline] = 1 continue m = self.entryline.match(l) if not m: # neither an entry line nor chrome reg, this jar section is done self.finalizeJar(jarfile, chromebasepath, register) if jf is not None: jf.close() lines.pushback(l) return self._processEntryLine(m, sourcedirs, topsourcedir, localedirs, outHelper, jf) finally: if jf is not None: jf.close() return def _processEntryLine(self, m, sourcedirs, topsourcedir, localedirs, outHelper, jf): out = m.group('output') src = m.group('source') or os.path.basename(out) # pick the right sourcedir -- l10n, topsrc or src if m.group('locale'): src_base = localedirs elif src.startswith('/'): # path/in/jar/file_name.xul (/path/in/sourcetree/file_name.xul) # refers to a path relative to topsourcedir, use that as base # and strip the leading '/' src_base = [topsourcedir] src = src[1:] else: # use srcdirs and the objdir (current working dir) for relative paths src_base = sourcedirs + ['.'] # check if the source file exists realsrc = None for _srcdir in src_base: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_srcdir, src)): realsrc = os.path.join(_srcdir, src) break if realsrc is None: if jf is not None: jf.close() raise RuntimeError("file not found: " + src) if m.group('optPreprocess'): outf = outHelper.getOutput(out) inf = open(realsrc) pp = self.pp.clone() if src[-4:] == '.css': pp.setMarker('%') pp.out = outf pp.do_include(inf) outf.close() inf.close() return # copy or symlink if newer or overwrite if (m.group('optOverwrite') or (getModTime(realsrc) > outHelper.getDestModTime(m.group('output')))): if self.outputFormat == 'symlink' and hasattr(os, 'symlink'): outHelper.symlink(realsrc, out) return outf = outHelper.getOutput(out) # open in binary mode, this can be images etc inf = open(realsrc, 'rb') outf.write(inf.read()) outf.close() inf.close() class OutputHelper_jar(object): '''Provide getDestModTime and getOutput for a given jarfile. ''' def __init__(self, jarfile): self.jarfile = jarfile def getDestModTime(self, aPath): try : info = self.jarfile.getinfo(aPath) return info.date_time except: return 0 def getOutput(self, name): return ZipEntry(name, self.jarfile) class OutputHelper_flat(object): '''Provide getDestModTime and getOutput for a given flat output directory. The helper method ensureDirFor is used by the symlink subclass. ''' def __init__(self, basepath): self.basepath = basepath def getDestModTime(self, aPath): return getModTime(os.path.join(self.basepath, aPath)) def getOutput(self, name): out = self.ensureDirFor(name) # remove previous link or file try: os.remove(out) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 2: raise return open(out, 'wb') def ensureDirFor(self, name): out = os.path.join(self.basepath, name) outdir = os.path.dirname(out) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) return out class OutputHelper_symlink(OutputHelper_flat): '''Subclass of OutputHelper_flat that provides a helper for creating a symlink including creating the parent directories. ''' def symlink(self, src, dest): out = self.ensureDirFor(dest) # remove previous link or file try: os.remove(out) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 2: raise os.symlink(src, out) def main(): jm = JarMaker() p = jm.getCommandLineParser() (options, args) = p.parse_args() jm.processIncludes(options.I) jm.outputFormat = options.f if options.e: jm.useChromeManifest = True jm.useJarfileManifest = False if options.bothManifests: jm.useChromeManifest = True jm.useJarfileManifest = True noise = logging.INFO if options.verbose is not None: noise = (options.verbose and logging.DEBUG) or logging.WARN if sys.version_info[:2] > (2,3): logging.basicConfig(format = "%(message)s") else: logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(noise) topsrc = options.t topsrc = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(topsrc)) if not args: jm.makeJar(infile=sys.stdin, sourcedirs=options.s, topsourcedir=topsrc, localedirs=options.l10n_src, jardir=options.j) else: jm.makeJars(args, options.l10n_base, jardir=options.j, sourcedirs=options.s, topsourcedir=topsrc, localedirs=options.l10n_src) if __name__ == "__main__": main()