Preprocessor ============ This is a very primitive line based preprocessor, for times when using a C preprocessor isn't an option. Instructions ------------ Any line starting with a hash # and a letter is considered to be a preprocessor instruction. Other lines starting with a hash are ignored as comments. The following preprocessor instructions are recognised. #define VARIABLE #define VARIABLE STRING #undef VARIABLE #ifdef VARIABLE #ifndef VARIABLE #if VARIABLE #if !VARIABLE #if VARIABLE==STRING #if VARIABLE!=STRING #else #elifdef VARIABLE #elifndef VARIABLE #elif VARIABLE #elif !VARIABLE #elif VARIABLE==STRING #elif VARIABLE!=STRING #endif #error STRING #include FILENAME #includesubst @VAR@FILENAME #expand STRING #literal STRING #filter FILTER1 FILTER2 ... FILTERn #unfilter FILTER1 FILTER2 ... FILTERn Whitespace is significant -- for instance, '#define TEST foo' is not the same as '#define TEST foo '. The first defines TEST to be a three character string, the second defines it to be four characters long. The conditionals (#ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #else, #elifdef, #elifndef, #elif, #endif) can be nested to arbitrary depth. An #else section can be followed by an #else section, as in: #if 1 used #else not used #else used again #endif Whether this is wise or not is left up to the reader to decide. The #elifdef, #elifndef, and #elif instructions are equivalent to #else instructions combined with the relevant conditional. For example, #ifdef foo block 1 #elifdef bar block 2 #endif ...could be written as: #ifdef foo block 1 #else #ifdef bar block 2 #endif #endif #else blocks need not come last, which can lead to some odd constructs. #ifdef foo included if foo is defined #else included if foo is not defined #elifdef bar included if foo is defined and bar is defined #else included if either foo or bar are not defined #endif Note in particular the following holds: #if 1 always included #elif 1 never included #else always included #endif That is to say, #else is relative to whether the previous conditional was included _only_. It isn't an "and" relationship with previous conditionals. This is arguably a bug. The #error instruction stops execution at this point with a fatal error. The error message will include the given STRING. The #include instruction causes the specified file FILENAME to be recursively processed, as if it was inserted at the current position in the file. This means conditionals can be started in one file and ended in another, although this practice is strongly discouraged. There is no predefined limit to the depth of #includes, and there is no restriction on self-inclusion, so care should be taken to avoid infinite loops. The #includesubst instruction behaves like #include, except that any variables in @ATSIGNS@ are expanded, like the substitution filter. The #expand instruction will print the given STRING with variable substitutions. See the substitution section below. The #literal instruction will print the given STRING with a newline, with absolutely no other fixups, guaranteed. This can be used to output lines starting with a #, which would otherwise be stripped out as comments. The #filter instruction enables the specified filters. You can turn off filters using #unfilter. See the Filters section below. Variables --------- Variables consist of any alphanumeric string. They are defined using the -D command line argument and the #define instruction. To define all environment variables, so that you can use __HOME__, etc, with #expand, use the -E argument. Note that arguments that use non-word characters (like "!") are not included. (In particular, cygwin is known to include all kinds of weird characters in its environment variables.) Two special variables are predefined, FILE and LINE. They can be passed to #define and #undef, but FILE is automatically redefined at the top of each file, and LINE is increased by one at the start of each line. The variable '1' is predefined with value 1. The variable '0' is not defined. This allows constructs such as #if 0 ... #endif be used to quickly comment out large sections. Note, however, that these are simply variables, and can be redefined. This is strongly discouraged. Substitution ------------ In any line starting with the instruction #expand, variable names contained between double underscores, like __THIS__, are expanded to their string values, or the empty string if they are not defined. For example to print the current filename: #expand Normal lines are not affected. See also the substitution filter below. Filters ------- The following filters are supported: emptyLines Strips blank lines from the output. slashslash Strips everything from the first two consecutive slash (/) characters until the end of the line. spaces Collapses sequences of spaces into a single space. substitution Replaces occurrences of "@foo@" by the value of the variable "foo". If @foo@ is not defined, the preprocessor will terminate with a fatal error. attemptSubstitution Replaces occurrences of "@foo@" by the value of the variable "foo". If @foo@ is not defined, the empty string is used instead. Filters are run in alphabetical order, on a per-line basis. Command Line Arguments ---------------------- Syntax: [-Dvariable[=value]] [-E] [-Ffilter] [-Ifilename] [-d] [--marker=] [--] filenames... -Dvariable Set variable to 1 before processing the files. -Dvariable=value Set variable to value before processing the files. -E Define all environment variables. -Ffilter Enables the specified filter. -Ifilename Include filename before any other files. -d Run through the files on the command line, listing the files they depend on given the specified environment variables and filters. Doesn't recurse into those files. The output is given as one dependency per line, and filenames are given relative to the current directory. --line-endings=type Set the type of line endings to use. "type" can be either "cr", "lf", or "crlf". The default is whatever your platform uses for perl's "\n" character. --marker= Use the character instead of '#' as the marker for preprocessor instructions. -- Indicates the end of non-filename arguments. - Indicates that input should come from standard input. If no filenames are provided, standard input is used instead. If many files are provided, they are processed sequentially, as if they were one big file. -I files are handled before the other files, in the order specified, but after handling any -D, -E, -F, and -d arguments. Contact Details --------------- Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions: Ian Hickson