/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/StateMachine.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/systemlibs.js"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSysMsgr", "@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1", "nsISystemMessagesInternal"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gNetworkManager", "@mozilla.org/network/manager;1", "nsINetworkManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gNetworkService", "@mozilla.org/network/service;1", "nsINetworkService"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["WifiP2pManager"]; const EVENT_IGNORED = -1; const EVENT_UNKNOWN = -2; // Events from supplicant for p2p. const EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_FOUND = 0; const EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_LOST = 1; const EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED = 2; const EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED = 3; const EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ = 4; const EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP = 5; const EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN = 6; const EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN = 7; const EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST = 8; const EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_SUCCESS = 9; const EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_FAILURE = 10; const EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS = 11; const EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE = 12; const EVENT_P2P_FIND_STOPPED = 13; const EVENT_P2P_INVITATION_RESULT = 14; const EVENT_P2P_INVITATION_RECEIVED = 15; const EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_FAILURE = 16; // Events from supplicant but not p2p specific. const EVENT_AP_STA_DISCONNECTED = 100; const EVENT_AP_STA_CONNECTED = 101; // Events from DOM. const EVENT_P2P_SET_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION = 1000; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_CONNECT = 1001; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISCONNECT = 1002; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE = 1003; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE = 1004; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE_SCAN = 1005; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE_SCAN = 1006; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_BLOCK_SCAN = 1007; const EVENT_P2P_CMD_UNBLOCK_SCAN = 1008; // Internal events. const EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION = 10000; const EVENT_TIMEOUT_NEG_REQ = 10001; const EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING = 10002; const EVENT_P2P_ENABLE_SUCCESS = 10003; const EVENT_P2P_ENABLE_FAILED = 10004; const EVENT_P2P_DISABLE_SUCCESS = 10005; // WPS method string. const WPS_METHOD_PBC = "pbc"; const WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY = "display"; const WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD = "keypad"; // Role string. const P2P_ROLE_GO = "GO"; const P2P_ROLE_CLIENT = "client"; // System message for pairing request. const PAIRING_REQUEST_SYS_MSG = "wifip2p-pairing-request"; // Configuration. const P2P_INTERFACE_NAME = "p2p0"; const DEFAULT_GO_INTENT = 15; const DEFAULT_P2P_DEVICE_NAME = "FirefoxPhone"; const P2P_SCAN_TIMEOUT_SEC = 120; const DEFAULT_P2P_WPS_METHODS = "virtual_push_button physical_display keypad"; // For wpa_supplicant. const DEFAULT_P2P_DEVICE_TYPE = "10-0050F204-5"; // For wpa_supplicant. const GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE = { ip: "", maskLength: 24, gateway: "", dns1: "", dns2: "", dhcpServer: "" }; const GO_DHCP_SERVER_IP_RANGE = { startIp: "", endIp: "" }; let gDebug = false; // Device Capability bitmap const DEVICE_CAPAB_SERVICE_DISCOVERY = 1; const DEVICE_CAPAB_CLIENT_DISCOVERABILITY = 1<<1; const DEVICE_CAPAB_CONCURRENT_OPER = 1<<2; const DEVICE_CAPAB_INFRA_MANAGED = 1<<3; const DEVICE_CAPAB_DEVICE_LIMIT = 1<<4; const DEVICE_CAPAB_INVITATION_PROCEDURE = 1<<5; // Group Capability bitmap const GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_OWNER = 1; const GROUP_CAPAB_PERSISTENT_GROUP = 1<<1; const GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_LIMIT = 1<<2; const GROUP_CAPAB_INTRA_BSS_DIST = 1<<3; const GROUP_CAPAB_CROSS_CONN = 1<<4; const GROUP_CAPAB_PERSISTENT_RECONN = 1<<5; const GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_FORMATION = 1<<6; // Constants defined in wpa_supplicants. const DEV_PW_REGISTRAR_SPECIFIED = 5; const DEV_PW_USER_SPECIFIED = 1; const DEV_PW_PUSHBUTTON = 4; this.WifiP2pManager = function (aP2pCommand, aNetUtil) { function debug(aMsg) { if (gDebug) { dump('-------------- WifiP2pManager: ' + aMsg); } } let manager = {}; let _stateMachine = P2pStateMachine(aP2pCommand, aNetUtil); // Set debug flag to true or false. // // @param aDebug Boolean to indicate enabling or disabling the debug flag. manager.setDebug = function(aDebug) { gDebug = aDebug; }; // Set observer of observing internal state machine events. // // @param aObserver Used to notify WifiWorker what's happening // in the internal p2p state machine. manager.setObserver = function(aObserver) { _stateMachine.setObserver(aObserver); }; // Handle wpa_supplicant events. // // @param aEventString string from wpa_supplicant. manager.handleEvent = function(aEventString) { let event = parseEventString(aEventString); if (EVENT_UNKNOWN === event.id || EVENT_IGNORED === event.id) { debug('Unknow or ignored event: ' + aEventString); return false; } return _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Set the confirmation of pairing request. // // @param aResult Object of confirmation result which contains: // .accepted: user granted. // .pin: pin code which is displaying or input by user. // .wpsMethod: string of "pbc" or "display" or "keypad". manager.setPairingConfirmation = function(aResult) { let event = { id: EVENT_P2P_SET_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION, info: { accepted: aResult.accepted, pin: aResult.pin } }; _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Connect to a known peer. // // @param aAddress MAC address of the peer to connect. // @param aWpsMethod String of "pbc" or "display" or "keypad". // @param aGoIntent Number from 0 to 15. // @param aCallback Callback |true| on attempting to connect. // |false| on failed to connect. manager.connect = function(aAddress, aWpsMethod, aGoIntent, aCallback) { let event = { id: EVENT_P2P_CMD_CONNECT, info: { wpsMethod: aWpsMethod, address: aAddress, goIntent: aGoIntent, onDoConnect: aCallback } }; _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Disconnect with a known peer. // // @param aAddress The address the user desires to disconect. // @param aCallback Callback |true| on "attempting" to disconnect. // |false| on failed to disconnect. manager.disconnect = function(aAddress, aCallback) { let event = { id: EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISCONNECT, info: { address: aAddress, onDoDisconnect: aCallback } }; _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Enable/disable wifi p2p. // // @param aEnabled |true| to enable, |false| to disable. // @param aCallbacks object for callbacks: // .onEnabled // .onDisabled // .onSupplicantConnected manager.setEnabled = function(aEnabled, aCallbacks) { let event = { id: (aEnabled ? EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE : EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE), info: { onEnabled: aCallbacks.onEnabled, onDisabled: aCallbacks.onDisabled, onSupplicantConnected: aCallbacks.onSupplicantConnected } }; _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Enable/disable the wifi p2p scan. // // @param aEnabled |true| to enable scan, |false| to disable scan. // @param aCallback Callback |true| on success to enable/disable scan. // |false| on failed to enable/disable scan. manager.setScanEnabled = function(aEnabled, aCallback) { let event = { id: (aEnabled ? EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE_SCAN : EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE_SCAN), info: { callback: aCallback } }; _stateMachine.sendEvent(event); }; // Block wifi p2p scan. manager.blockScan = function() { _stateMachine.sendEvent({ id: EVENT_P2P_CMD_BLOCK_SCAN }); }; // Un-block and do the pending scan if any. manager.unblockScan = function() { _stateMachine.sendEvent({ id: EVENT_P2P_CMD_UNBLOCK_SCAN }); }; // Set the p2p device name. manager.setDeviceName = function(newDeivceName, callback) { aP2pCommand.setDeviceName(newDeivceName, callback); }; // Parse wps_supplicant event string. // // @param aEventString The raw event string from wpa_supplicant. // // @return Object: // .id: a number to represent an event. // .info: the additional information carried by this event string. function parseEventString(aEventString) { if (isIgnoredEvent(aEventString)) { return { id: EVENT_IGNORED }; } let match = RegExp("p2p_dev_addr=([0-9a-fA-F:]+) " + "pri_dev_type=([0-9a-zA-Z-]+) " + "name='(.*)' " + "config_methods=0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) " + "dev_capab=0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) " + "group_capab=0x([0-9a-fA-F]+) ").exec(aEventString + ' '); let tokens = aEventString.split(" "); let id = EVENT_UNKNOWN; // general info. let info = {}; if (match) { info = { address: match[1] ? match[1] : null, type: match[2] ? match[2] : null, name: match[3] ? match[3] : null, wpsFlag: match[4] ? parseInt(match[4], 16) : null, devFlag: match[5] ? parseInt(match[5], 16) : null, groupFlag: match[6] ? parseInt(match[6], 16) : null }; } if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-DEVICE-FOUND")) { id = EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_FOUND; info.wpsCapabilities = wpsFlagToCapabilities(info.wpsFlag); info.isGroupOwner = isPeerGroupOwner(info.groupFlag); } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-DEVICE-LOST")) { // e.g. "P2P-DEVICE-LOST p2p_dev_addr=5e:0a:5b:15:1f:80". id = EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_LOST; info.address = /p2p_dev_addr=([0-9a-f:]+)/.exec(aEventString)[1]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GROUP-STARTED")) { // e.g. "P2P-GROUP-STARTED wlan0-p2p-0 GO ssid="DIRECT-3F Testing // passphrase="12345678" go_dev_addr=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 [PERSISTENT]". id = EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED; let groupMatch = RegExp('ssid="(.*)" ' + 'freq=([0-9]*) ' + '(passphrase|psk)=([^ ]+) ' + 'go_dev_addr=([0-9a-f:]+)').exec(aEventString); info.ssid = groupMatch[1]; info.freq = groupMatch[2]; if ('passphrase' === groupMatch[3]) { let s = groupMatch[4]; // e.g. "G7jHkkz9". info.passphrase = s.substring(1, s.length-1); // Trim the double quote. } else { // psk info.psk = groupMatch[4]; } info.goAddress = groupMatch[5]; info.ifname = tokens[1]; info.role = tokens[2]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GROUP-REMOVED")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED; // e.g. "P2P-GROUP-REMOVED wlan0-p2p-0 GO". info.ifname = tokens[1]; info.role = tokens[2]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-REQ")) { id = EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ; info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_PBC; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-RESP")) { id = EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP; // The address is different from the general pattern. info.address = aEventString.split(" ")[1]; info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_PBC; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN")) { id = EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN; // Obtain peer address and pin from tokens. info.address = tokens[1]; info.pin = tokens[2]; info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-PROV-DISC-ENTER-PIN")) { id = EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN; // Obtain peer address from tokens. info.address = tokens[1]; info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST; info.address = tokens[1]; switch (parseInt(tokens[2].split("=")[1], 10)) { case DEV_PW_REGISTRAR_SPECIFIED: // (5) Peer is display. info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD; break; case DEV_PW_USER_SPECIFIED: // (1) Peer is keypad. info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY; break; case DEV_PW_PUSHBUTTON: // (4) Peer is pbc. info.wpsMethod = WPS_METHOD_PBC; break; default: debug('Unknown wps method from event P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST'); break; } } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GO-NEG-SUCCESS")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_SUCCESS; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GO-NEG-FAILURE")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_FAILURE; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GROUP-FORMATION-FAILURE")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-GROUP-FORMATION-SUCCESS")) { id = EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-FIND-STOPPED")) { id = EVENT_P2P_FIND_STOPPED; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-INVITATION-RESULT")) { id = EVENT_P2P_INVITATION_RESULT; info.status = /status=([0-9]+)/.exec(aEventString)[1]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED")) { // e.g. "P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED sa=32:85:a9:da:e6:1f persistent=7". id = EVENT_P2P_INVITATION_RECEIVED; info.address = /sa=([0-9a-f:]+)/.exec(aEventString)[1]; info.netId = /persistent=([0-9]+)/.exec(aEventString)[1]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("P2P-PROV-DISC-FAILURE")) { id = EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_FAILURE; } else { // Not P2P event but we do receive it. Try to recognize it. if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("AP-STA-DISCONNECTED")) { id = EVENT_AP_STA_DISCONNECTED; info.address = tokens[1]; } else if (0 === aEventString.indexOf("AP-STA-CONNECTED")) { id = EVENT_AP_STA_CONNECTED; info.address = tokens[1]; } else { // Neither P2P event nor recognized supplicant event. debug('Unknwon event string: ' + aEventString); } } let event = {id: id, info: info}; debug('Event parsing result: ' + aEventString + ": " + JSON.stringify(event)); return event; } function isIgnoredEvent(aEventString) { const IGNORED_EVENTS = [ "CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED", "CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED", "CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS", "CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE", "WPS-AP-AVAILABLE", "WPS-ENROLLEE-SEEN" ]; for(let i = 0; i < IGNORED_EVENTS.length; i++) { if (0 === aEventString.indexOf(IGNORED_EVENTS[i])) { return true; } } return false; } function isPeerGroupOwner(aGroupFlag) { return (aGroupFlag & GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_OWNER) !== 0; } // Convert flag to a wps capability array. // // @param aWpsFlag Number that represents the wps capabilities. // @return Array of WPS flag. function wpsFlagToCapabilities(aWpsFlag) { let wpsCapabilities = []; if (aWpsFlag & 0x8) { wpsCapabilities.push(WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY); } if (aWpsFlag & 0x80) { wpsCapabilities.push(WPS_METHOD_PBC); } if (aWpsFlag & 0x100) { wpsCapabilities.push(WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD); } return wpsCapabilities; } _stateMachine.start(); return manager; }; function P2pStateMachine(aP2pCommand, aNetUtil) { function debug(aMsg) { if (gDebug) { dump('-------------- WifiP2pStateMachine: ' + aMsg); } } let p2pSm = {}; // The state machine to return. let _sm = StateMachine('WIFIP2P'); // The general purpose state machine. // Information we need to keep track across states. let _observer; let _onEnabled; let _onDisabled; let _onSupplicantConnected; let _savedConfig = {}; // Configuration used to do P2P_CONNECT. let _groupInfo = {}; // The information of the group we have formed. let _removedGroupInfo = {}; // Used to store the group info we are going to remove. let _scanBlocked = false; let _scanPostponded = false; let _localDevice = { address: "", deviceName: DEFAULT_P2P_DEVICE_NAME + "_" + libcutils.property_get("ro.build.product"), wpsCapabilities: [WPS_METHOD_PBC, WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD, WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY] }; let _p2pNetworkInterface = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINetworkInterface]), state: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED, type: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI_P2P, name: P2P_INTERFACE_NAME, ips: [], prefixLengths: [], dnses: [], gateways: [], httpProxyHost: null, httpProxyPort: null, // help registered: false, getAddresses: function (ips, prefixLengths) { ips.value = this.ips.slice(); prefixLengths.value = this.prefixLengths.slice(); return this.ips.length; }, getGateways: function (count) { if (count) { count.value = this.gateways.length; } return this.gateways.slice(); }, getDnses: function (count) { if (count) { count.value = this.dnses.length; } return this.dnses.slice(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // State machine APIs. //--------------------------------------------------------- // Register the observer which is implemented in WifiP2pWorkerObserver.jsm. // // @param aObserver: // .onEnabled // .onDisbaled // .onPeerFound // .onPeerLost // .onConnecting // .onConnected // .onDisconnected // .onLocalDeviceChanged p2pSm.setObserver = function(aObserver) { _observer = aObserver; }; p2pSm.start = function() { _sm.start(stateDisabled); }; p2pSm.sendEvent = function(aEvent) { let willBeHandled = isInP2pManagedState(_sm.getCurrentState()); _sm.sendEvent(aEvent); return willBeHandled; }; // Initialize internal state machine _sm. _sm.setDefaultEventHandler(handleEventCommon); //---------------------------------------------------------- // State definition. //---------------------------------------------------------- // The initial state. var stateDisabled = _sm.makeState("DISABLED", { enter: function() { _onEnabled = null; _onSupplicantConnected = null; _savedConfig = null; _groupInfo = null; _removedGroupInfo = null; _scanBlocked = false; _scanPostponded = false; unregisterP2pNetworkInteface(); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE: _onEnabled = aEvent.info.onEnabled; _onSupplicantConnected = aEvent.info.onSupplicantConnected; _sm.gotoState(stateEnabling); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; } }); // The state where we are trying to enable wifi p2p. var stateEnabling = _sm.makeState("ENABLING", { enter: function() { function onFailure() { _onEnabled(false); _observer.onDisabled(); _sm.gotoState(stateDisabled); } function onSuccess() { _onEnabled(true); _observer.onEnabled(); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); } _sm.pause(); // This function will only call back on success. function connectToSupplicantIfNeeded(callback) { if (aP2pCommand.getSdkVersion() >= 19) { // No need to connect to supplicant on KK. Call back directly. callback(); return; } aP2pCommand.connectToSupplicant(function (status) { if (0 !== status) { debug('Failed to connect to p2p0'); onFailure(); return; } debug('wpa_supplicant p2p0 connected!'); _onSupplicantConnected(); callback(); }); } // Step 1: Connect to p2p0 if needed. connectToSupplicantIfNeeded(function callback () { let detail; // Step 2: Get MAC address. if (!_localDevice.address) { aP2pCommand.getMacAddress(function (address) { if (!address) { debug('Failed to get MAC address....'); onFailure(); return; } debug('Got mac address: ' + address); _localDevice.address = address; _observer.onLocalDeviceChanged(_localDevice); }); } // Step 3: Enable p2p with the device name and wps methods. detail = { deviceName: _localDevice.deviceName, deviceType: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.wifi.p2p_device_type") || DEFAULT_P2P_DEVICE_TYPE, wpsMethods: libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.wifi.p2p_wps_methods") || DEFAULT_P2P_WPS_METHODS }; aP2pCommand.p2pEnable(detail, function (success) { if (!success) { debug('Failed to enable p2p'); onFailure(); return; } debug('P2P is enabled! Enabling net interface...'); // Step 4: Enable p2p0 net interface. wpa_supplicant may have // already done it for us. gNetworkService.enableInterface(P2P_INTERFACE_NAME, function (success) { onSuccess(); }); }); }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { // We won't receive any event since all of them will be blocked. return true; } }); // The state just after enabling wifi direct. var stateInactive = _sm.makeState("INACTIVE", { enter: function() { registerP2pNetworkInteface(); if (_sm.getPreviousState() !== stateEnabling) { _observer.onDisconnected(_savedConfig); } _savedConfig = null; // Used to connect p2p peer. _groupInfo = null; // The information of the formed group. }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { // Receiving the following 3 states implies someone is trying to // connect to me. case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ: case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN: case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN: debug('Someone is trying to connect to me: ' + JSON.stringify(aEvent.info)); _savedConfig = { name: aEvent.info.name, address: aEvent.info.address, wpsMethod: aEvent.info.wpsMethod, goIntent: DEFAULT_GO_INTENT, pin: aEvent.info.pin // EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN only. }; _sm.gotoState(stateWaitingForConfirmation); break; // Connect to a peer. case EVENT_P2P_CMD_CONNECT: debug('Trying to connect to peer: ' + JSON.stringify(aEvent.info)); _savedConfig = { address: aEvent.info.address, wpsMethod: aEvent.info.wpsMethod, goIntent: aEvent.info.goIntent }; _sm.gotoState(stateProvisionDiscovery); aEvent.info.onDoConnect(true); break; case EVENT_P2P_INVITATION_RECEIVED: _savedConfig = { address: aEvent.info.address, wpsMethod: WPS_METHOD_PBC, goIntent: DEFAULT_GO_INTENT, netId: aEvent.info.netId }; _sm.gotoState(stateWaitingForInvitationConfirmation); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED: // Most likely the peer just reinvoked a peristen group and succeeeded. _savedConfig = { address: aEvent.info.goAddress }; _sm.pause(); handleGroupStarted(aEvent.info, function (success) { _sm.resume(); }); break; case EVENT_AP_STA_DISCONNECTED: // We will hit this case when we used to be a group owner and // requested to remove the group we owned. break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, }); // Waiting for user's confirmation. var stateWaitingForConfirmation = _sm.makeState("WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { gSysMsgr.broadcastMessage(PAIRING_REQUEST_SYS_MSG, _savedConfig); this.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(30000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_SET_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: if (!aEvent.info.accepted) { debug('User rejected this request'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); // Reset to inactive state. break; } debug('User accepted this request'); // The only information we may have to grab from user. _savedConfig.pin = aEvent.info.pin; // The case that user requested to form a group ealier on. // Just go to connecting state and do p2p_connect. if (_sm.getPreviousState() === stateProvisionDiscovery) { _sm.gotoState(stateConnecting); break; } // Otherwise, wait for EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST. _sm.gotoState(stateWaitingForNegReq); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: debug('Confirmation timeout!'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST: _sm.deferEvent(aEvent); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); this.timeoutTimer = null; } }); var stateWaitingForNegReq = _sm.makeState("WAITING_FOR_NEG_REQ", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { debug('Wait for EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST'); this.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(30000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_NEG_REQ); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_REQUEST: if (aEvent.info.wpsMethod !== _savedConfig.wpsMethod) { debug('Unmatched wps method: ' + aEvent.info.wpsMethod + ", " + _savedConfig.wpsMetho); } _sm.gotoState(stateConnecting); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_NEG_REQ: debug("Waiting for NEG-REQ timeout"); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); this.timeoutTimer = null; } }); // Waiting for user's confirmation for invitation. var stateWaitingForInvitationConfirmation = _sm.makeState("WAITING_FOR_INV_CONFIRMATION", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { gSysMsgr.broadcastMessage(PAIRING_REQUEST_SYS_MSG, _savedConfig); this.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(30000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_SET_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: if (!aEvent.info.accepted) { debug('User rejected this request'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); // Reset to inactive state. break; } debug('User accepted this request'); _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pGetGroupCapab(_savedConfig.address, function (gc) { let isPeeGroupOwner = gc & GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_OWNER; _sm.gotoState(isPeeGroupOwner ? stateGroupAdding : stateReinvoking); }); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: debug('Confirmation timeout!'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); this.timeoutTimer = null; } }); var stateGroupAdding = _sm.makeState("GROUP_ADDING", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { let self = this; _observer.onConnecting(_savedConfig); _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pGroupAdd(_savedConfig.netId, function (success) { if (!success) { _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); return; } // Waiting for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED. self.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(60000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING); _sm.resume(); }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED: _sm.pause(); handleGroupStarted(aEvent.info, function (success) { _sm.resume(); }); break; case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_FAILURE: debug('Negotiation failure. Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING: debug('Connecting timeout! Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS: case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_SUCCESS: break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE: debug('Group formation failure'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED: debug('Received P2P-GROUP-REMOVED due to previous failed handleGroupdStarted()'); _removedGroupInfo = { role: aEvent.info.role, ifname: aEvent.info.ifname }; _sm.gotoState(stateDisconnecting); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); this.timeoutTimer = null; } }); var stateReinvoking = _sm.makeState("REINVOKING", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { let self = this; _observer.onConnecting(_savedConfig); _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pReinvoke(_savedConfig.netId, _savedConfig.address, function(success) { if (!success) { _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); return; } // Waiting for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED. self.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(60000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING); _sm.resume(); }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED: _sm.pause(); handleGroupStarted(aEvent.info, function(success) { _sm.resume(); }); break; case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_FAILURE: debug('Negotiation failure. Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING: debug('Connecting timeout! Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS: case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_SUCCESS: break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE: debug('Group formation failure'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED: debug('Received P2P-GROUP-REMOVED due to previous failed handleGroupdStarted()'); _removedGroupInfo = { role: aEvent.info.role, ifname: aEvent.info.ifname }; _sm.gotoState(stateDisconnecting); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); } }); var stateProvisionDiscovery = _sm.makeState("PROVISION_DISCOVERY", { enter: function() { function onDiscoveryCommandSent(success) { if (!success) { _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); debug('Failed to send p2p_prov_disc. Go back to inactive state.'); return; } debug('p2p_prov_disc has been sent.'); _sm.resume(); // Waiting for EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP or // EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN or // EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN. } _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pProvDiscovery(_savedConfig.address, toPeerWpsMethod(_savedConfig.wpsMethod), onDiscoveryCommandSent); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP: _sm.gotoState(stateConnecting); // No need for local user grant. break; case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN: case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN: if (aEvent.info.wpsMethod !== _savedConfig.wpsMethod) { debug('Unmatched wps method: ' + aEvent.info.wpsMethod + ":" + _savedConfig.wpsMethod); } if (EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN === aEvent.id) { _savedConfig.pin = aEvent.info.pin; } _sm.gotoState(stateWaitingForConfirmation); break; case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_FAILURE: _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; } }); // We are going to connect to the peer. // |_savedConfig| is supposed to have been filled properly. var stateConnecting = _sm.makeState("CONNECTING", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { let self = this; if (null === _savedConfig.goIntent) { _savedConfig.goIntent = DEFAULT_GO_INTENT; } _observer.onConnecting(_savedConfig); let wpsMethodWithPin; if (WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD === _savedConfig.wpsMethod || WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY === _savedConfig.wpsMethod) { // e.g. '12345678 display or '12345678 keypad'. wpsMethodWithPin = (_savedConfig.pin + ' ' + _savedConfig.wpsMethod); } else { // e.g. 'pbc'. wpsMethodWithPin = _savedConfig.wpsMethod; } _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pGetGroupCapab(_savedConfig.address, function(gc) { debug('group capabilities of ' + _savedConfig.address + ': ' + gc); let isPeerGroupOwner = gc & GROUP_CAPAB_GROUP_OWNER; let config = { address: _savedConfig.address, wpsMethodWithPin: wpsMethodWithPin, goIntent: _savedConfig.goIntent, joinExistingGroup: isPeerGroupOwner }; aP2pCommand.p2pConnect(config, function (success) { if (!success) { debug('Failed to send p2p_connect'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); return; } debug('Waiting for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED.'); self.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(60000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING); _sm.resume(); }); }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_STARTED: _sm.pause(); handleGroupStarted(aEvent.info, function (success) { _sm.resume(); }); break; case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_FAILURE: debug('Negotiation failure. Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_CONNECTING: debug('Connecting timeout! Go back to inactive state'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS: case EVENT_P2P_GO_NEG_SUCCESS: break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE: debug('Group formation failure'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED: debug('Received P2P-GROUP-REMOVED due to previous failed ' + 'handleGroupdStarted()'); _removedGroupInfo = { role: aEvent.info.role, ifname: aEvent.info.ifname }; _sm.gotoState(stateDisconnecting); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); } }); var stateConnected = _sm.makeState("CONNECTED", { groupOwner: null, enter: function() { this.groupOwner = { macAddress: _groupInfo.goAddress, ipAddress: _groupInfo.networkInterface.gateways[0], passphrase: _groupInfo.passphrase, ssid: _groupInfo.ssid, freq: _groupInfo.freq, isLocal: _groupInfo.isGroupOwner }; if (!_groupInfo.isGroupOwner) { _observer.onConnected(this.groupOwner, _savedConfig); } else { // If I am a group owner, notify onConnected until EVENT_AP_STA_CONNECTED // is received. } _removedGroupInfo = null; }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_AP_STA_CONNECTED: if (_groupInfo.isGroupOwner) { _observer.onConnected(this.groupOwner, _savedConfig); } break; case EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED: _removedGroupInfo = { role: aEvent.info.role, ifname: aEvent.info.ifname }; _sm.gotoState(stateDisconnecting); break; case EVENT_AP_STA_DISCONNECTED: debug('Client disconnected: ' + aEvent.info.address); // Now we suppose it's the only client. Remove my group. _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pGroupRemove(_groupInfo.ifname, function (success) { debug('Requested to remove p2p group. Wait for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED.'); _sm.resume(); }); break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISCONNECT: // Since we only support single connection, we can ignore // the given peer address. _sm.pause(); aP2pCommand.p2pGroupRemove(_groupInfo.ifname, function(success) { aEvent.info.onDoDisconnect(true); _sm.resume(); }); debug('Sent disconnect command. Wait for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED.'); break; case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ: case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN: case EVENT_P2P_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN: debug('Someone is trying to connect to me: ' + JSON.stringify(aEvent.info)); _savedConfig = { name: aEvent.info.name, address: aEvent.info.address, wpsMethod: aEvent.info.wpsMethod, pin: aEvent.info.pin }; _sm.gotoState(stateWaitingForJoiningConfirmation); break; default: return false; } // end of switch return true; } }); var stateWaitingForJoiningConfirmation = _sm.makeState("WAITING_FOR_JOINING_CONFIRMATION", { timeoutTimer: null, enter: function() { gSysMsgr.broadcastMessage(PAIRING_REQUEST_SYS_MSG, _savedConfig); this.timeoutTimer = initTimeoutTimer(30000, EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION); }, handleEvent: function (aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_SET_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: if (!aEvent.info.accepted) { debug('User rejected invitation!'); _sm.gotoState(stateConnected); break; } let onWpsCommandSent = function(success) { _observer.onConnecting(_savedConfig); _sm.gotoState(stateConnected); }; _sm.pause(); if (WPS_METHOD_PBC === _savedConfig.wpsMethod) { aP2pCommand.wpsPbc(onWpsCommandSent, _groupInfo.ifname); } else { let detail = { pin: _savedConfig.pin, iface: _groupInfo.ifname }; aP2pCommand.wpsPin(detail, onWpsCommandSent); } break; case EVENT_TIMEOUT_PAIRING_CONFIRMATION: debug('WAITING_FOR_JOINING_CONFIRMATION timeout!'); _sm.gotoState(stateConnected); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; }, exit: function() { this.timeoutTimer.cancel(); this.timeoutTimer = null; } }); var stateDisconnecting = _sm.makeState("DISCONNECTING", { enter: function() { _sm.pause(); handleGroupRemoved(_removedGroupInfo, function (success) { if (!success) { debug('Failed to handle group removed event. What can I do?'); } _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { return false; // We will not receive any event in this state. } }); var stateDisabling = _sm.makeState("DISABLING", { enter: function() { _sm.pause(); aNetUtil.stopDhcpServer(function (success) { // Stopping DHCP server is harmless. debug('Stop DHCP server result: ' + success); aP2pCommand.p2pDisable(function(success) { debug('P2P function disabled'); closeSupplicantConnectionIfNeeded(function() { debug('Supplicant connection closed'); gNetworkService.disableInterface(P2P_INTERFACE_NAME, function (success){ debug('Disabled interface: ' + P2P_INTERFACE_NAME); _onDisabled(true); _observer.onDisabled(); _sm.gotoState(stateDisabled); }); }); }); }); function closeSupplicantConnectionIfNeeded(callback) { // No need to connect to supplicant on KK. Call back directly. if (aP2pCommand.getSdkVersion() >= 19) { callback(); return; } aP2pCommand.closeSupplicantConnection(callback); } }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { return false; // We will not receive any event in this state. } }); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions. //---------------------------------------------------------- // Handle 'P2P_GROUP_STARTED' event. Note that this function // will also do the state transitioning and error handling. // // @param aInfo Information carried by "P2P_GROUP_STARTED" event: // .role: P2P_ROLE_GO or P2P_ROLE_CLIENT // .ssid: // .freq: // .passphrase: Used to connect to GO for legacy device. // .goAddress: // .ifname: e.g. p2p-p2p0 // // @param aCallback Callback function. function handleGroupStarted(aInfo, aCallback) { debug('handleGroupStarted: ' + JSON.stringify(aInfo)); function onSuccess() { _sm.gotoState(stateConnected); aCallback(true); } function onFailure() { debug('Failed to handleGroupdStarted(). Remove the group...'); aP2pCommand.p2pGroupRemove(aInfo.ifname, function (success) { aCallback(false); if (success) { return; // Stay in current state and wait for EVENT_P2P_GROUP_REMOVED. } debug('p2pGroupRemove command error!'); _sm.gotoState(stateInactive); }); } // Save this group information. _groupInfo = aInfo; _groupInfo.isGroupOwner = (P2P_ROLE_GO === aInfo.role); if (_groupInfo.isGroupOwner) { debug('Group owner. Start DHCP server'); let dhcpServerConfig = { ifname: aInfo.ifname, startIp: GO_DHCP_SERVER_IP_RANGE.startIp, endIp: GO_DHCP_SERVER_IP_RANGE.endIp, serverIp: GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE.ip, maskLength: GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE.maskLength }; aNetUtil.startDhcpServer(dhcpServerConfig, function (success) { if (!success) { debug('Failed to start DHCP server'); onFailure(); return; } // Update p2p network interface. _p2pNetworkInterface.state = Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED; _p2pNetworkInterface.ips = [GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE.ip]; _p2pNetworkInterface.prefixLengths = [GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE.maskLength]; _p2pNetworkInterface.gateways = [GO_NETWORK_INTERFACE.ip]; handleP2pNetworkInterfaceStateChanged(); _groupInfo.networkInterface = _p2pNetworkInterface; debug('Everything is done. Happy p2p GO~'); onSuccess(); }); return; } // We are the client. debug("Client. Request IP from DHCP server on interface: " + _groupInfo.ifname); aNetUtil.runDhcp(aInfo.ifname, function(dhcpData) { if(!dhcpData || !dhcpData.info) { debug('Failed to run DHCP client'); onFailure(); return; } // Save network interface. debug("DHCP request success: " + JSON.stringify(dhcpData.info)); // Update p2p network interface. let maskLength = netHelpers.getMaskLength(netHelpers.stringToIP(dhcpData.info.mask_str)); if (!maskLength) { maskLength = 32; // max prefix for IPv4. } _p2pNetworkInterface.state = Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED; _p2pNetworkInterface.ips = [dhcpData.info.ipaddr_str]; _p2pNetworkInterface.prefixLengths = [maskLength]; if (typeof dhcpData.info.dns1_str == "string" && dhcpData.info.dns1_str.length) { _p2pNetworkInterface.dnses.push(dhcpData.info.dns1_str); } if (typeof dhcpData.info.dns2_str == "string" && dhcpData.info.dns2_str.length) { _p2pNetworkInterface.dnses.push(dhcpData.info.dns2_str); } _p2pNetworkInterface.gateways = [dhcpData.info.gateway_str]; handleP2pNetworkInterfaceStateChanged(); _groupInfo.networkInterface = _p2pNetworkInterface; debug('Happy p2p client~'); onSuccess(); }); } function resetP2pNetworkInterface() { _p2pNetworkInterface.state = Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED; _p2pNetworkInterface.ips = []; _p2pNetworkInterface.prefixLengths = []; _p2pNetworkInterface.dnses = []; _p2pNetworkInterface.gateways = []; } function registerP2pNetworkInteface() { if (!_p2pNetworkInterface.registered) { resetP2pNetworkInterface(); gNetworkManager.registerNetworkInterface(_p2pNetworkInterface); _p2pNetworkInterface.registered = true; } } function unregisterP2pNetworkInteface() { if (_p2pNetworkInterface.registered) { resetP2pNetworkInterface(); gNetworkManager.unregisterNetworkInterface(_p2pNetworkInterface); _p2pNetworkInterface.registered = false; } } function handleP2pNetworkInterfaceStateChanged() { gNetworkManager.updateNetworkInterface(_p2pNetworkInterface); } // Handle 'P2P_GROUP_STARTED' event. // // @param aInfo information carried by "P2P_GROUP_REMOVED" event: // .ifname // .role: "GO" or "client". // // @param aCallback Callback function. function handleGroupRemoved(aInfo, aCallback) { if (!_groupInfo) { debug('No group info. Why?'); aCallback(true); return; } if (_groupInfo.ifname !== aInfo.ifname || _groupInfo.role !== aInfo.role) { debug('Unmatched group info: ' + JSON.stringify(_groupInfo) + ' v.s. ' + JSON.stringify(aInfo)); } // Update p2p network interface. _p2pNetworkInterface.state = Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED; handleP2pNetworkInterfaceStateChanged(); if (P2P_ROLE_GO === aInfo.role) { aNetUtil.stopDhcpServer(function(success) { debug('Stop DHCP server result: ' + success); aCallback(true); }); } else { aNetUtil.stopDhcp(aInfo.ifname, function() { aCallback(true); }); } } // Non state-specific event handler. function handleEventCommon(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.id) { case EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_FOUND: _observer.onPeerFound(aEvent.info); break; case EVENT_P2P_DEVICE_LOST: _observer.onPeerLost(aEvent.info); break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE: _onDisabled = aEvent.info.onDisabled; _sm.gotoState(stateDisabling); break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_ENABLE_SCAN: if (_scanBlocked) { _scanPostponded = true; aEvent.info.callback(true); break; } aP2pCommand.p2pEnableScan(P2P_SCAN_TIMEOUT_SEC, aEvent.info.callback); break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISABLE_SCAN: aP2pCommand.p2pDisableScan(aEvent.info.callback); break; case EVENT_P2P_FIND_STOPPED: break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_BLOCK_SCAN: _scanBlocked = true; aP2pCommand.p2pDisableScan(function(success) {}); break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_UNBLOCK_SCAN: _scanBlocked = false; if (_scanPostponded) { aP2pCommand.p2pEnableScan(P2P_SCAN_TIMEOUT_SEC, function(success) {}); } break; case EVENT_P2P_CMD_CONNECT: case EVENT_P2P_CMD_DISCONNECT: debug("The current state couldn't handle connect/disconnect request. Ignore it."); break; default: return false; } // End of switch. return true; } function isInP2pManagedState(aState) { let p2pManagedStates = [stateWaitingForConfirmation, stateWaitingForNegReq, stateProvisionDiscovery, stateWaitingForInvitationConfirmation, stateGroupAdding, stateReinvoking, stateConnecting, stateConnected, stateDisconnecting]; for (let i = 0; i < p2pManagedStates.length; i++) { if (aState === p2pManagedStates[i]) { return true; } } return false; } function initTimeoutTimer(aTimeoutMs, aTimeoutEvent) { let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); function onTimerFired() { _sm.sendEvent({ id: aTimeoutEvent }); timer = null; } timer.initWithCallback(onTimerFired.bind(this), aTimeoutMs, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return timer; } // Converts local WPS method to peer WPS method. function toPeerWpsMethod(aLocalWpsMethod) { switch (aLocalWpsMethod) { case WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY: return WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD; case WPS_METHOD_KEYPAD: return WPS_METHOD_DISPLAY; case WPS_METHOD_PBC: return WPS_METHOD_PBC; default: return WPS_METHOD_PBC; // Use "push button" as the default method. } } return p2pSm; } this.WifiP2pManager.INTERFACE_NAME = P2P_INTERFACE_NAME;