#!/usr/bin/perl -wT -I.. use strict; use CGI; use Tinderbox3::DB; use Tinderbox3::XML; use Tinderbox3::Log; our $p = new CGI(); our $dbh = get_dbh(); $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die_xml_error($p, $dbh, $_[0]); }; my $tree = $p->param('tree') || ""; if (!$tree) { die_xml_error($p, $dbh, "Must specify tree!"); } my $machine_name = $p->param('machine_name') || ""; if (!$machine_name) { die_xml_error($p, $dbh, "Must specify a machine name!"); } my $os = $p->param('os') || ""; my $os_version = $p->param('os_version') || ""; my $compiler = $p->param('compiler') || ""; my $status = $p->param('status') || 0; my $clobber = $p->param('clobber') || 0; # # Get data for response # my $tree_info = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT new_machines_visible FROM tbox_tree WHERE tree_name = ?", undef, $tree); if (!defined($tree_info)) { die_xml_error($p, $dbh, "Could not get tree!"); } my ($new_machines_visible) = @{$tree_info}; my $patch_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT patch_id FROM tbox_patch WHERE tree_name = ? AND in_use", undef, $tree); if (!$patch_ids) { die_xml_error($p, $dbh, "Could not get patches!"); } # # Insert the machine into the machines table if it is not there # my $machine_info = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT machine_id, commands FROM tbox_machine WHERE tree_name = ? AND machine_name = ? AND os = ? AND os_version = ? AND compiler = ?", undef, $tree, $machine_name, $os, $os_version, $compiler); if (!defined($machine_info)) { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO tbox_machine (tree_name, machine_name, visible, os, os_version, compiler, clobber) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $tree, $machine_name, $new_machines_visible, $os, $os_version, $compiler, Tinderbox3::DB::sql_get_bool($clobber)); $machine_info = [ Tinderbox3::DB::sql_get_last_id($dbh, 'tbox_machine_machine_id_seq'), "" ] } else { $dbh->do("UPDATE tbox_machine SET clobber = ? WHERE machine_id = ?", undef, Tinderbox3::DB::sql_get_bool($clobber), $machine_info->[0]); } my ($machine_id, $commands) = @{$machine_info}; $commands ||= ""; $machine_id =~ /(\d+)/; $machine_id = $1; # # Get the machine config # my %machine_config; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, value FROM tbox_initial_machine_config WHERE tree_name = ?"); $sth->execute($tree); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $machine_config{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; } $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, value FROM tbox_machine_config WHERE machine_id = ?"); $sth->execute($machine_id); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $machine_config{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; } { # # Close the last old build info if there is one and it was incomplete # my $last_build = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT status, build_time, log FROM tbox_build WHERE machine_id = ? ORDER BY build_time DESC LIMIT 1", undef, $machine_id); if (defined($last_build) && $last_build->[0] >= 0 && $last_build->[0] < 100) { my $rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE tbox_build SET status = ? WHERE machine_id = ? AND build_time = ?", undef, $last_build->[0] + 300, $machine_id, $last_build->[1]); # We have to compress the log too, be a good citizen compress_log($machine_id, $last_build->[2]); } # Create logfile my $log = create_logfile_name($machine_id); my $fh = get_log_fh($machine_id, $log, ">"); close $fh; # # Insert a new build info signifying that the build has started # $dbh->do("INSERT INTO tbox_build (machine_id, build_time, status_time, status, log) VALUES (?, current_timestamp(), current_timestamp(), ?, ?)", undef, $machine_id, $status, $log); } # # If there are commands, we have delivered them. Set to blank. # if ($commands) { $dbh->do("UPDATE tbox_machine SET commands = '' WHERE machine_id = $machine_id"); } $dbh->commit; # # Print response # print $p->header("text/xml"); print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $patch_id (@{$patch_ids}) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "", $p->escapeHTML($commands), "\n"; while (my ($var, $val) = each %machine_config) { print "<$var>", $p->escapeHTML($val), "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; $dbh->disconnect;