/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* representation of simple property values within CSS declarations */ #include "nsCSSValue.h" #include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h" #include "mozilla/StyleSheetInlines.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/Move.h" #include "mozilla/css/ImageLoader.h" #include "CSSCalc.h" #include "gfxFontConstants.h" #include "imgIRequest.h" #include "imgRequestProxy.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIPrincipal.h" #include "nsCSSProps.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsStyleUtil.h" #include "nsDeviceContext.h" #include "nsStyleSet.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::css; static bool IsLocalRefURL(nsStringBuffer* aString) { // Find the first non-"C0 controls + space" character. char16_t* current = static_cast(aString->Data()); for (; *current != '\0'; current++) { if (*current > 0x20) { // if the first non-"C0 controls + space" character is '#', this is a // local-ref URL. return *current == '#'; } } return false; } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(int32_t aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) : mUnit(aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(aUnit == eCSSUnit_Integer || aUnit == eCSSUnit_Enumerated || aUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor, "not an int value"); if (aUnit == eCSSUnit_Integer || aUnit == eCSSUnit_Enumerated || aUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor) { mValue.mInt = aValue; } else { mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; mValue.mInt = 0; } } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(float aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) : mUnit(aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(eCSSUnit_Percent <= aUnit, "not a float value"); if (eCSSUnit_Percent <= aUnit) { mValue.mFloat = aValue; MOZ_ASSERT(!mozilla::IsNaN(mValue.mFloat)); } else { mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; mValue.mInt = 0; } } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(const nsString& aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) : mUnit(aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(UnitHasStringValue(), "not a string value"); if (UnitHasStringValue()) { mValue.mString = BufferFromString(aValue).take(); } else { mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; mValue.mInt = 0; } } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(nsCSSValue::Array* aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) : mUnit(aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(UnitHasArrayValue(), "bad unit"); mValue.mArray = aValue; mValue.mArray->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(mozilla::css::URLValue* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_URL) { mValue.mURL = aValue; mValue.mURL->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(mozilla::css::ImageValue* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_Image) { mValue.mImage = aValue; mValue.mImage->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(nsCSSValueGradient* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_Gradient) { mValue.mGradient = aValue; mValue.mGradient->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(nsCSSValueTokenStream* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_TokenStream) { mValue.mTokenStream = aValue; mValue.mTokenStream->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(mozilla::css::GridTemplateAreasValue* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas) { mValue.mGridTemplateAreas = aValue; mValue.mGridTemplateAreas->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(css::FontFamilyListRefCnt* aValue) : mUnit(eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList) { mValue.mFontFamilyList = aValue; mValue.mFontFamilyList->AddRef(); } nsCSSValue::nsCSSValue(const nsCSSValue& aCopy) : mUnit(aCopy.mUnit) { if (mUnit <= eCSSUnit_DummyInherit) { // nothing to do, but put this important case first } else if (eCSSUnit_Percent <= mUnit) { mValue.mFloat = aCopy.mValue.mFloat; MOZ_ASSERT(!mozilla::IsNaN(mValue.mFloat)); } else if (UnitHasStringValue()) { mValue.mString = aCopy.mValue.mString; mValue.mString->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Integer <= mUnit && mUnit <= eCSSUnit_EnumColor) { mValue.mInt = aCopy.mValue.mInt; } else if (IsIntegerColorUnit()) { mValue.mColor = aCopy.mValue.mColor; } else if (IsFloatColorUnit()) { mValue.mFloatColor = aCopy.mValue.mFloatColor; mValue.mFloatColor->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_ComplexColor == mUnit) { mValue.mComplexColor = aCopy.mValue.mComplexColor; mValue.mComplexColor->AddRef(); } else if (UnitHasArrayValue()) { mValue.mArray = aCopy.mValue.mArray; mValue.mArray->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_URL == mUnit) { mValue.mURL = aCopy.mValue.mURL; mValue.mURL->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Image == mUnit) { mValue.mImage = aCopy.mValue.mImage; mValue.mImage->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Gradient == mUnit) { mValue.mGradient = aCopy.mValue.mGradient; mValue.mGradient->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_TokenStream == mUnit) { mValue.mTokenStream = aCopy.mValue.mTokenStream; mValue.mTokenStream->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Pair == mUnit) { mValue.mPair = aCopy.mValue.mPair; mValue.mPair->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Triplet == mUnit) { mValue.mTriplet = aCopy.mValue.mTriplet; mValue.mTriplet->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_Rect == mUnit) { mValue.mRect = aCopy.mValue.mRect; mValue.mRect->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_List == mUnit) { mValue.mList = aCopy.mValue.mList; mValue.mList->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_ListDep == mUnit) { mValue.mListDependent = aCopy.mValue.mListDependent; } else if (eCSSUnit_SharedList == mUnit) { mValue.mSharedList = aCopy.mValue.mSharedList; mValue.mSharedList->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_PairList == mUnit) { mValue.mPairList = aCopy.mValue.mPairList; mValue.mPairList->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_PairListDep == mUnit) { mValue.mPairListDependent = aCopy.mValue.mPairListDependent; } else if (eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas == mUnit) { mValue.mGridTemplateAreas = aCopy.mValue.mGridTemplateAreas; mValue.mGridTemplateAreas->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList == mUnit) { mValue.mFontFamilyList = aCopy.mValue.mFontFamilyList; mValue.mFontFamilyList->AddRef(); } else if (eCSSUnit_AtomIdent == mUnit) { mValue.mAtom = aCopy.mValue.mAtom; mValue.mAtom->AddRef(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unknown unit"); } } nsCSSValue& nsCSSValue::operator=(const nsCSSValue& aCopy) { if (this != &aCopy) { Reset(); new (this) nsCSSValue(aCopy); } return *this; } nsCSSValue& nsCSSValue::operator=(nsCSSValue&& aOther) { MOZ_ASSERT(this != &aOther, "Self assigment with rvalue reference"); Reset(); mUnit = aOther.mUnit; mValue = aOther.mValue; aOther.mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; return *this; } bool nsCSSValue::operator==(const nsCSSValue& aOther) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mUnit != eCSSUnit_ListDep && aOther.mUnit != eCSSUnit_ListDep && mUnit != eCSSUnit_PairListDep && aOther.mUnit != eCSSUnit_PairListDep, "don't use operator== with dependent lists"); if (mUnit == aOther.mUnit) { if (mUnit <= eCSSUnit_DummyInherit) { return true; } else if (UnitHasStringValue()) { return (NS_strcmp(GetBufferValue(mValue.mString), GetBufferValue(aOther.mValue.mString)) == 0); } else if ((eCSSUnit_Integer <= mUnit) && (mUnit <= eCSSUnit_EnumColor)) { return mValue.mInt == aOther.mValue.mInt; } else if (IsIntegerColorUnit()) { return mValue.mColor == aOther.mValue.mColor; } else if (IsFloatColorUnit()) { return *mValue.mFloatColor == *aOther.mValue.mFloatColor; } else if (eCSSUnit_ComplexColor == mUnit) { return *mValue.mComplexColor == *aOther.mValue.mComplexColor; } else if (UnitHasArrayValue()) { return *mValue.mArray == *aOther.mValue.mArray; } else if (eCSSUnit_URL == mUnit) { return mValue.mURL->Equals(*aOther.mValue.mURL); } else if (eCSSUnit_Image == mUnit) { return mValue.mImage->Equals(*aOther.mValue.mImage); } else if (eCSSUnit_Gradient == mUnit) { return *mValue.mGradient == *aOther.mValue.mGradient; } else if (eCSSUnit_TokenStream == mUnit) { return *mValue.mTokenStream == *aOther.mValue.mTokenStream; } else if (eCSSUnit_Pair == mUnit) { return *mValue.mPair == *aOther.mValue.mPair; } else if (eCSSUnit_Triplet == mUnit) { return *mValue.mTriplet == *aOther.mValue.mTriplet; } else if (eCSSUnit_Rect == mUnit) { return *mValue.mRect == *aOther.mValue.mRect; } else if (eCSSUnit_List == mUnit) { return nsCSSValueList::Equal(mValue.mList, aOther.mValue.mList); } else if (eCSSUnit_SharedList == mUnit) { return *mValue.mSharedList == *aOther.mValue.mSharedList; } else if (eCSSUnit_PairList == mUnit) { return nsCSSValuePairList::Equal(mValue.mPairList, aOther.mValue.mPairList); } else if (eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas == mUnit) { return *mValue.mGridTemplateAreas == *aOther.mValue.mGridTemplateAreas; } else if (eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList == mUnit) { return *mValue.mFontFamilyList == *aOther.mValue.mFontFamilyList; } else if (eCSSUnit_AtomIdent == mUnit) { return mValue.mAtom == aOther.mValue.mAtom; } else { return mValue.mFloat == aOther.mValue.mFloat; } } return false; } double nsCSSValue::GetAngleValueInRadians() const { double angle = GetFloatValue(); switch (GetUnit()) { case eCSSUnit_Radian: return angle; case eCSSUnit_Turn: return angle * 2 * M_PI; case eCSSUnit_Degree: return angle * M_PI / 180.0; case eCSSUnit_Grad: return angle * M_PI / 200.0; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unrecognized angular unit"); return 0.0; } } double nsCSSValue::GetAngleValueInDegrees() const { double angle = GetFloatValue(); switch (GetUnit()) { case eCSSUnit_Degree: return angle; case eCSSUnit_Grad: return angle * 0.9; // grad / 400 * 360 case eCSSUnit_Radian: return angle * 180.0 / M_PI; // rad / 2pi * 360 case eCSSUnit_Turn: return angle * 360.0; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unrecognized angular unit"); return 0.0; } } imgRequestProxy* nsCSSValue::GetImageValue(nsIDocument* aDocument) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mUnit == eCSSUnit_Image, "not an Image value"); return mValue.mImage->mRequests.GetWeak(aDocument); } already_AddRefed nsCSSValue::GetPossiblyStaticImageValue(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsPresContext* aPresContext) const { imgRequestProxy* req = GetImageValue(aDocument); if (aPresContext->IsDynamic()) { return do_AddRef(req); } return nsContentUtils::GetStaticRequest(req); } nscoord nsCSSValue::GetFixedLength(nsPresContext* aPresContext) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mUnit == eCSSUnit_PhysicalMillimeter, "not a fixed length unit"); float inches = mValue.mFloat / MM_PER_INCH_FLOAT; return NSToCoordFloorClamped(inches * float(aPresContext->DeviceContext()->AppUnitsPerPhysicalInch())); } nscoord nsCSSValue::GetPixelLength() const { MOZ_ASSERT(IsPixelLengthUnit(), "not a fixed length unit"); double scaleFactor; switch (mUnit) { case eCSSUnit_Pixel: return nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(mValue.mFloat); case eCSSUnit_Pica: scaleFactor = 16.0; break; case eCSSUnit_Point: scaleFactor = 4/3.0; break; case eCSSUnit_Inch: scaleFactor = 96.0; break; case eCSSUnit_Millimeter: scaleFactor = 96/25.4; break; case eCSSUnit_Centimeter: scaleFactor = 96/2.54; break; case eCSSUnit_Quarter: scaleFactor = 96/101.6; break; default: NS_ERROR("should never get here"); return 0; } return nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(float(mValue.mFloat*scaleFactor)); } // Assert against resetting non-trivial CSS values from the parallel Servo // traversal, since the refcounts aren't thread-safe. // Note that the caller might be an OMTA thread, which is allowed to operate off // main thread because it owns all of the corresponding nsCSSValues and any that // they might be sharing members with. So pass false for aAssertServoOrMainThread. #define DO_RELEASE(member) { \ MOZ_ASSERT(!ServoStyleSet::IsInServoTraversal(false)); \ mValue.member->Release(); \ } void nsCSSValue::DoReset() { if (UnitHasStringValue()) { mValue.mString->Release(); } else if (IsFloatColorUnit()) { DO_RELEASE(mFloatColor); } else if (eCSSUnit_ComplexColor == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mComplexColor); } else if (UnitHasArrayValue()) { DO_RELEASE(mArray); } else if (eCSSUnit_URL == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mURL); } else if (eCSSUnit_Image == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mImage); } else if (eCSSUnit_Gradient == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mGradient); } else if (eCSSUnit_TokenStream == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mTokenStream); } else if (eCSSUnit_Pair == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mPair); } else if (eCSSUnit_Triplet == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mTriplet); } else if (eCSSUnit_Rect == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mRect); } else if (eCSSUnit_List == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mList); } else if (eCSSUnit_SharedList == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mSharedList); } else if (eCSSUnit_PairList == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mPairList); } else if (eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mGridTemplateAreas); } else if (eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mFontFamilyList); } else if (eCSSUnit_AtomIdent == mUnit) { DO_RELEASE(mAtom); } mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; } #undef DO_RELEASE void nsCSSValue::SetIntValue(int32_t aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(aUnit == eCSSUnit_Integer || aUnit == eCSSUnit_Enumerated || aUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor, "not an int value"); Reset(); if (aUnit == eCSSUnit_Integer || aUnit == eCSSUnit_Enumerated || aUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor) { mUnit = aUnit; mValue.mInt = aValue; } } void nsCSSValue::SetPercentValue(float aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Percent; mValue.mFloat = aValue; MOZ_ASSERT(!mozilla::IsNaN(mValue.mFloat)); } void nsCSSValue::SetFloatValue(float aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsFloatUnit(aUnit), "not a float value"); Reset(); if (IsFloatUnit(aUnit)) { mUnit = aUnit; mValue.mFloat = aValue; MOZ_ASSERT(!mozilla::IsNaN(mValue.mFloat)); } } void nsCSSValue::SetStringValue(const nsString& aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { Reset(); mUnit = aUnit; MOZ_ASSERT(UnitHasStringValue(), "not a string unit"); if (UnitHasStringValue()) { mValue.mString = BufferFromString(aValue).take(); } else mUnit = eCSSUnit_Null; } void nsCSSValue::SetColorValue(nscolor aValue) { SetIntegerColorValue(aValue, eCSSUnit_RGBAColor); } void nsCSSValue::SetIntegerColorValue(nscolor aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { Reset(); mUnit = aUnit; MOZ_ASSERT(IsIntegerColorUnit(), "bad unit"); mValue.mColor = aValue; } void nsCSSValue::SetIntegerCoordValue(nscoord aValue) { SetFloatValue(nsPresContext::AppUnitsToFloatCSSPixels(aValue), eCSSUnit_Pixel); } void nsCSSValue::SetFloatColorValue(float aComponent1, float aComponent2, float aComponent3, float aAlpha, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { Reset(); mUnit = aUnit; MOZ_ASSERT(IsFloatColorUnit(), "bad unit"); mValue.mFloatColor = new nsCSSValueFloatColor(aComponent1, aComponent2, aComponent3, aAlpha); mValue.mFloatColor->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetRGBAColorValue(const RGBAColorData& aValue) { SetFloatColorValue(aValue.mR, aValue.mG, aValue.mB, aValue.mA, eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor); } void nsCSSValue::SetComplexColorValue(already_AddRefed aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_ComplexColor; mValue.mComplexColor = aValue.take(); } void nsCSSValue::SetArrayValue(nsCSSValue::Array* aValue, nsCSSUnit aUnit) { Reset(); mUnit = aUnit; MOZ_ASSERT(UnitHasArrayValue(), "bad unit"); mValue.mArray = aValue; mValue.mArray->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetURLValue(mozilla::css::URLValue* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_URL; mValue.mURL = aValue; mValue.mURL->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetImageValue(mozilla::css::ImageValue* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Image; mValue.mImage = aValue; mValue.mImage->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetGradientValue(nsCSSValueGradient* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Gradient; mValue.mGradient = aValue; mValue.mGradient->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetTokenStreamValue(nsCSSValueTokenStream* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_TokenStream; mValue.mTokenStream = aValue; mValue.mTokenStream->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetGridTemplateAreas(mozilla::css::GridTemplateAreasValue* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas; mValue.mGridTemplateAreas = aValue; mValue.mGridTemplateAreas->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetFontFamilyListValue(css::FontFamilyListRefCnt* aValue) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList; mValue.mFontFamilyList = aValue; mValue.mFontFamilyList->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetPairValue(const nsCSSValuePair* aValue) { // pairs should not be used for null/inherit/initial values MOZ_ASSERT(aValue && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset, "missing or inappropriate pair value"); Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Pair; mValue.mPair = new nsCSSValuePair_heap(aValue->mXValue, aValue->mYValue); mValue.mPair->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetPairValue(const nsCSSValue& xValue, const nsCSSValue& yValue) { MOZ_ASSERT(xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset, "inappropriate pair value"); Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Pair; mValue.mPair = new nsCSSValuePair_heap(xValue, yValue); mValue.mPair->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetTripletValue(const nsCSSValueTriplet* aValue) { // triplet should not be used for null/inherit/initial values MOZ_ASSERT(aValue && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && aValue->mZValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && aValue->mZValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && aValue->mZValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && aValue->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && aValue->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && aValue->mZValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset, "missing or inappropriate triplet value"); Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Triplet; mValue.mTriplet = new nsCSSValueTriplet_heap(aValue->mXValue, aValue->mYValue, aValue->mZValue); mValue.mTriplet->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetTripletValue(const nsCSSValue& xValue, const nsCSSValue& yValue, const nsCSSValue& zValue) { // Only allow Null for the z component MOZ_ASSERT(xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && zValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && zValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && xValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && yValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && zValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset, "inappropriate triplet value"); Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Triplet; mValue.mTriplet = new nsCSSValueTriplet_heap(xValue, yValue, zValue); mValue.mTriplet->AddRef(); } nsCSSRect& nsCSSValue::SetRectValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Rect; mValue.mRect = new nsCSSRect_heap; mValue.mRect->AddRef(); return *mValue.mRect; } nsCSSValueList* nsCSSValue::SetListValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_List; mValue.mList = new nsCSSValueList_heap; mValue.mList->AddRef(); return mValue.mList; } void nsCSSValue::SetSharedListValue(nsCSSValueSharedList* aList) { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_SharedList; mValue.mSharedList = aList; mValue.mSharedList->AddRef(); } void nsCSSValue::SetDependentListValue(nsCSSValueList* aList) { Reset(); if (aList) { mUnit = eCSSUnit_ListDep; mValue.mListDependent = aList; } } void nsCSSValue::AdoptListValue(UniquePtr aValue) { // We have to copy the first element since for owned lists the first // element should be an nsCSSValueList_heap object. SetListValue(); mValue.mList->mValue = Move(aValue->mValue); mValue.mList->mNext = aValue->mNext; aValue->mNext = nullptr; aValue.reset(); } nsCSSValuePairList* nsCSSValue::SetPairListValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_PairList; mValue.mPairList = new nsCSSValuePairList_heap; mValue.mPairList->AddRef(); return mValue.mPairList; } void nsCSSValue::SetDependentPairListValue(nsCSSValuePairList* aList) { Reset(); if (aList) { mUnit = eCSSUnit_PairListDep; mValue.mPairListDependent = aList; } } void nsCSSValue::AdoptPairListValue(UniquePtr aValue) { // We have to copy the first element, since for owned pair lists, the first // element should be an nsCSSValuePairList_heap object. SetPairListValue(); mValue.mPairList->mXValue = Move(aValue->mXValue); mValue.mPairList->mYValue = Move(aValue->mYValue); mValue.mPairList->mNext = aValue->mNext; aValue->mNext = nullptr; aValue.reset(); } void nsCSSValue::SetAutoValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Auto; } void nsCSSValue::SetInheritValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Inherit; } void nsCSSValue::SetInitialValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Initial; } void nsCSSValue::SetUnsetValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Unset; } void nsCSSValue::SetNoneValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_None; } void nsCSSValue::SetAllValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_All; } void nsCSSValue::SetNormalValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Normal; } void nsCSSValue::SetSystemFontValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_System_Font; } void nsCSSValue::SetDummyValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_Dummy; } void nsCSSValue::SetDummyInheritValue() { Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_DummyInherit; } void nsCSSValue::SetCalcValue(const nsStyleCoord::CalcValue* aCalc) { RefPtr arr = nsCSSValue::Array::Create(1); if (!aCalc->mHasPercent) { arr->Item(0).SetIntegerCoordValue(aCalc->mLength); } else { nsCSSValue::Array *arr2 = nsCSSValue::Array::Create(2); arr->Item(0).SetArrayValue(arr2, eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus); arr2->Item(0).SetIntegerCoordValue(aCalc->mLength); arr2->Item(1).SetPercentValue(aCalc->mPercent); } SetArrayValue(arr, eCSSUnit_Calc); } nsStyleCoord::CalcValue nsCSSValue::GetCalcValue() const { MOZ_ASSERT(mUnit == eCSSUnit_Calc, "The unit should be eCSSUnit_Calc"); const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() == 1, "There should be a 1-length array"); const nsCSSValue& rootValue = array->Item(0); nsStyleCoord::CalcValue result; if (rootValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Pixel) { result.mLength = rootValue.GetFloatValue(); result.mPercent = 0.0f; result.mHasPercent = false; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(rootValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus, "Calc unit should be eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus"); const nsCSSValue::Array *calcPlusArray = rootValue.GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() == 2, "eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus should have a 2-length array"); const nsCSSValue& length = calcPlusArray->Item(0); const nsCSSValue& percent = calcPlusArray->Item(1); MOZ_ASSERT(length.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Pixel, "The first value should be eCSSUnit_Pixel"); MOZ_ASSERT(percent.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Percent, "The first value should be eCSSUnit_Percent"); result.mLength = length.GetFloatValue(); result.mPercent = percent.GetPercentValue(); result.mHasPercent = true; } return result; } void nsCSSValue::StartImageLoad(nsIDocument* aDocument) const { MOZ_ASSERT(eCSSUnit_URL == mUnit, "Not a URL value!"); mozilla::css::ImageValue* image = new mozilla::css::ImageValue(mValue.mURL->GetURI(), mValue.mURL->mString, mValue.mURL->mBaseURI, mValue.mURL->mReferrer, mValue.mURL->mOriginPrincipal, aDocument); nsCSSValue* writable = const_cast(this); writable->SetImageValue(image); } nscolor nsCSSValue::GetColorValue() const { MOZ_ASSERT(IsNumericColorUnit(), "not a color value"); if (IsFloatColorUnit()) { return mValue.mFloatColor->GetColorValue(mUnit); } return mValue.mColor; } bool nsCSSValue::IsNonTransparentColor() const { // We have the value in the form it was specified in at this point, so we // have to look for both the keyword 'transparent' and its equivalent in // rgba notation. nsDependentString buf; return (IsIntegerColorUnit() && NS_GET_A(GetColorValue()) > 0) || (IsFloatColorUnit() && mValue.mFloatColor->IsNonTransparentColor()) || (mUnit == eCSSUnit_Ident && !nsGkAtoms::transparent->Equals(GetStringValue(buf))) || (mUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor); } nsCSSValue::Array* nsCSSValue::InitFunction(nsCSSKeyword aFunctionId, uint32_t aNumArgs) { RefPtr func = Array::Create(aNumArgs + 1); func->Item(0).SetIntValue(aFunctionId, eCSSUnit_Enumerated); SetArrayValue(func, eCSSUnit_Function); return func; } bool nsCSSValue::EqualsFunction(nsCSSKeyword aFunctionId) const { if (mUnit != eCSSUnit_Function) { return false; } nsCSSValue::Array* func = mValue.mArray; MOZ_ASSERT(func && func->Count() >= 1 && func->Item(0).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "illegally structured function value"); nsCSSKeyword thisFunctionId = func->Item(0).GetKeywordValue(); return thisFunctionId == aFunctionId; } // static already_AddRefed nsCSSValue::BufferFromString(const nsString& aValue) { RefPtr buffer = nsStringBuffer::FromString(aValue); if (buffer) { return buffer.forget(); } nsString::size_type length = aValue.Length(); // NOTE: Alloc prouduces a new, already-addref'd (refcnt = 1) buffer. // NOTE: String buffer allocation is currently fallible. size_t sz = (length + 1) * sizeof(char16_t); buffer = nsStringBuffer::Alloc(sz); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!buffer)) { NS_ABORT_OOM(sz); } char16_t* data = static_cast(buffer->Data()); nsCharTraits::copy(data, aValue.get(), length); // Null-terminate. data[length] = 0; return buffer.forget(); } void nsCSSValue::AtomizeIdentValue() { MOZ_ASSERT(mUnit == eCSSUnit_Ident); nsCOMPtr atom = NS_Atomize(GetStringBufferValue()); Reset(); mUnit = eCSSUnit_AtomIdent; mValue.mAtom = atom.forget().take(); } namespace { struct CSSValueSerializeCalcOps { CSSValueSerializeCalcOps(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) : mProperty(aProperty), mResult(aResult), mValueSerialization(aSerialization) { } typedef nsCSSValue input_type; typedef nsCSSValue::Array input_array_type; static nsCSSUnit GetUnit(const input_type& aValue) { return aValue.GetUnit(); } void Append(const char* aString) { mResult.AppendASCII(aString); } void AppendLeafValue(const input_type& aValue) { MOZ_ASSERT(aValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Percent || aValue.IsLengthUnit() || aValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Number, "unexpected unit"); aValue.AppendToString(mProperty, mResult, mValueSerialization); } void AppendCoefficient(const input_type& aValue) { MOZ_ASSERT(aValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Number, "unexpected unit"); aValue.AppendToString(mProperty, mResult, mValueSerialization); } private: nsCSSPropertyID mProperty; nsAString &mResult; nsCSSValue::Serialization mValueSerialization; }; } // namespace void nsCSSValue::AppendPolygonToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() > 1 && array->Count() <= 3, "Polygons must have name and at least one more value."); // When the array has 2 elements, the item on index 1 is the coordinate // pair list. // When the array has 3 elements, the item on index 1 is a fill-rule // and item on index 2 is the coordinate pair list. size_t index = 1; if (array->Count() == 3) { const nsCSSValue& fillRuleValue = array->Item(index); MOZ_ASSERT(fillRuleValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "Expected polygon fill rule."); int32_t fillRule = fillRuleValue.GetIntValue(); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(fillRule, nsCSSProps::kFillRuleKTable), aResult); aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); ++index; } array->Item(index).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } inline void nsCSSValue::AppendPositionCoordinateToString( const nsCSSValue& aValue, nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { if (aValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated) { int32_t intValue = aValue.GetIntValue(); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kShapeRadiusKTable), aResult); } else { aValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } void nsCSSValue::AppendCircleOrEllipseToString(nsCSSKeyword aFunctionId, nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); size_t count = aFunctionId == eCSSKeyword_circle ? 2 : 3; MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() == count + 1, "wrong number of arguments"); bool hasRadii = array->Item(1).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null; // closest-side is the default, so we don't need to // output it if all values are closest-side. if (array->Item(1).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && StyleShapeRadius(array->Item(1).GetIntValue()) == StyleShapeRadius::ClosestSide && (aFunctionId == eCSSKeyword_circle || (array->Item(2).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && StyleShapeRadius(array->Item(2).GetIntValue()) == StyleShapeRadius::ClosestSide))) { hasRadii = false; } else { AppendPositionCoordinateToString(array->Item(1), aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (hasRadii && aFunctionId == eCSSKeyword_ellipse) { aResult.Append(' '); AppendPositionCoordinateToString(array->Item(2), aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } if (hasRadii) { aResult.Append(' '); } // Any position specified? if (array->Item(count).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Array) { MOZ_ASSERT(array->Item(count).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null, "unexpected value"); // We only serialize to the 2 or 4 value form // |circle()| is valid, but should be expanded // to |circle(at 50% 50%)| aResult.AppendLiteral("at 50% 50%"); return; } aResult.AppendLiteral("at "); array->Item(count).AppendBasicShapePositionToString(aResult, aSerialization); } // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes/#basic-shape-serialization // basic-shape asks us to omit a lot of redundant things whilst serializing // position values. Other specs are not clear about this // (https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/368), so for now we special-case // basic shapes only void nsCSSValue::AppendBasicShapePositionToString(nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); // We always parse these into an array of four elements MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() == 4, "basic-shape position value doesn't have enough elements"); const nsCSSValue &xEdge = array->Item(0); const nsCSSValue &xOffset = array->Item(1); const nsCSSValue &yEdge = array->Item(2); const nsCSSValue &yOffset = array->Item(3); MOZ_ASSERT(xEdge.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && yEdge.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && xOffset.IsLengthPercentCalcUnit() && yOffset.IsLengthPercentCalcUnit() && xEdge.GetIntValue() != NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_CENTER && yEdge.GetIntValue() != NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_CENTER, "Ensure invariants from ParsePositionValueBasicShape " "haven't been modified"); if (xEdge.GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_LEFT && yEdge.GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_TOP) { // We can omit these defaults xOffset.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); yOffset.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, aResult, aSerialization); } else { // We only serialize to the two or four valued form xEdge.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_object_position, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); xOffset.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); yEdge.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_object_position, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); yOffset.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN, aResult, aSerialization); } } // Helper to append |aString| with the shorthand sides notation used in e.g. // 'padding'. |aProperties| and |aValues| are expected to have 4 elements. /*static*/ void nsCSSValue::AppendSidesShorthandToString(const nsCSSPropertyID aProperties[], const nsCSSValue* aValues[], nsAString& aString, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) { const nsCSSValue& value1 = *aValues[0]; const nsCSSValue& value2 = *aValues[1]; const nsCSSValue& value3 = *aValues[2]; const nsCSSValue& value4 = *aValues[3]; MOZ_ASSERT(value1.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null, "null value 1"); value1.AppendToString(aProperties[0], aString, aSerialization); if (value1 != value2 || value1 != value3 || value1 != value4) { aString.Append(char16_t(' ')); MOZ_ASSERT(value2.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null, "null value 2"); value2.AppendToString(aProperties[1], aString, aSerialization); if (value1 != value3 || value2 != value4) { aString.Append(char16_t(' ')); MOZ_ASSERT(value3.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null, "null value 3"); value3.AppendToString(aProperties[2], aString, aSerialization); if (value2 != value4) { aString.Append(char16_t(' ')); MOZ_ASSERT(value4.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null, "null value 4"); value4.AppendToString(aProperties[3], aString, aSerialization); } } } } /*static*/ void nsCSSValue::AppendBasicShapeRadiusToString(const nsCSSPropertyID aProperties[], const nsCSSValue* aValues[], nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) { bool needY = false; const nsCSSValue* xVals[4]; const nsCSSValue* yVals[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (aValues[i]->GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Pair) { needY = true; xVals[i] = &aValues[i]->GetPairValue().mXValue; yVals[i] = &aValues[i]->GetPairValue().mYValue; } else { xVals[i] = yVals[i] = aValues[i]; } } AppendSidesShorthandToString(aProperties, xVals, aResult, aSerialization); if (needY) { aResult.AppendLiteral(" / "); AppendSidesShorthandToString(aProperties, yVals, aResult, aSerialization); } } void nsCSSValue::AppendInsetToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() == 6, "inset function has wrong number of arguments"); if (array->Item(1).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { array->Item(1).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (array->Item(2).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(' '); array->Item(2).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (array->Item(3).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(' '); array->Item(3).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (array->Item(4).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(' '); array->Item(4).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } } } if (array->Item(5).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Array) { const nsCSSPropertyID* subprops = nsCSSProps::SubpropertyEntryFor(eCSSProperty_border_radius); const nsCSSValue::Array* radius = array->Item(5).GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(radius->Count() == 4, "expected 4 radii values"); const nsCSSValue* vals[4] = { &(radius->Item(0)), &(radius->Item(1)), &(radius->Item(2)), &(radius->Item(3)) }; aResult.AppendLiteral(" round "); AppendBasicShapeRadiusToString(subprops, vals, aResult, aSerialization); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(array->Item(5).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null, "unexpected value"); } } /* static */ void nsCSSValue::AppendAlignJustifyValueToString(int32_t aValue, nsAString& aResult) { auto legacy = aValue & NS_STYLE_ALIGN_LEGACY; if (legacy) { aValue &= ~legacy; aResult.AppendLiteral("legacy "); } auto overflowPos = aValue & (NS_STYLE_ALIGN_SAFE | NS_STYLE_ALIGN_UNSAFE); aValue &= ~overflowPos; MOZ_ASSERT(!(aValue & NS_STYLE_ALIGN_FLAG_BITS), "unknown bits in align/justify value"); MOZ_ASSERT((aValue != NS_STYLE_ALIGN_AUTO && aValue != NS_STYLE_ALIGN_NORMAL && aValue != NS_STYLE_ALIGN_BASELINE && aValue != NS_STYLE_ALIGN_LAST_BASELINE) || (!legacy && !overflowPos), "auto/normal/baseline/'last baseline' never have any flags"); MOZ_ASSERT(legacy == 0 || overflowPos == 0, "'legacy' together with "); if (aValue == NS_STYLE_ALIGN_LAST_BASELINE) { aResult.AppendLiteral("last "); aValue = NS_STYLE_ALIGN_BASELINE; } const auto& kwtable(nsCSSProps::kAlignAllKeywords); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(aValue, kwtable), aResult); // Don't serialize the 'unsafe' keyword; it's the default. if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(overflowPos == NS_STYLE_ALIGN_SAFE)) { aResult.Append(' '); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(overflowPos, kwtable), aResult); } } void nsCSSValue::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, Serialization aSerialization) const { // eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN gets used for some recursive calls below. MOZ_ASSERT((0 <= aProperty && aProperty <= eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands) || aProperty == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN || aProperty == eCSSProperty_DOM, "property ID out of range"); nsCSSUnit unit = GetUnit(); if (unit == eCSSUnit_Null) { return; } if (eCSSUnit_String <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Attr) { if (unit == eCSSUnit_Attr) { aResult.AppendLiteral("attr("); } nsAutoString buffer; GetStringValue(buffer); if (unit == eCSSUnit_String) { nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString(buffer, aResult); } else { nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(buffer, aResult); } } else if (eCSSUnit_Array <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Symbols) { switch (unit) { case eCSSUnit_Counter: aResult.AppendLiteral("counter("); break; case eCSSUnit_Counters: aResult.AppendLiteral("counters("); break; case eCSSUnit_Cubic_Bezier: aResult.AppendLiteral("cubic-bezier("); break; case eCSSUnit_Steps: aResult.AppendLiteral("steps("); break; case eCSSUnit_Symbols: aResult.AppendLiteral("symbols("); break; default: break; } nsCSSValue::Array *array = GetArrayValue(); bool mark = false; for (size_t i = 0, i_end = array->Count(); i < i_end; ++i) { if (mark && array->Item(i).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { if ((unit == eCSSUnit_Array && eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function != aProperty) || unit == eCSSUnit_Symbols) aResult.Append(' '); else if (unit != eCSSUnit_Steps) aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } if (unit == eCSSUnit_Steps && i == 1) { MOZ_ASSERT(array->Item(i).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "unexpected value"); int32_t side = array->Item(i).GetIntValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(side == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_START || side == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_END || side == -1, "unexpected value"); if (side == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_START) { aResult.AppendLiteral(", start"); } else if (side == NS_STYLE_TRANSITION_TIMING_FUNCTION_STEP_END) { aResult.AppendLiteral(", end"); } continue; } if (unit == eCSSUnit_Symbols && i == 0) { MOZ_ASSERT(array->Item(i).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "unexpected value"); int32_t system = array->Item(i).GetIntValue(); if (system != NS_STYLE_COUNTER_SYSTEM_SYMBOLIC) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword( system, nsCSSProps::kCounterSystemKTable), aResult); mark = true; } continue; } nsCSSPropertyID prop = ((eCSSUnit_Counter <= unit && unit <= eCSSUnit_Counters) && i == array->Count() - 1) ? eCSSProperty_list_style_type : aProperty; if (array->Item(i).GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { array->Item(i).AppendToString(prop, aResult, aSerialization); mark = true; } } if (eCSSUnit_Array == unit && aProperty == eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function) { aResult.Append(')'); } } /* Although Function is backed by an Array, we'll handle it separately * because it's a bit quirky. */ else if (eCSSUnit_Function == unit) { const nsCSSValue::Array* array = GetArrayValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(array->Count() >= 1, "Functions must have at least one element for the name."); const nsCSSValue& functionName = array->Item(0); MOZ_ASSERT(functionName.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "Functions must have an enumerated name."); // The first argument is always of nsCSSKeyword type. const nsCSSKeyword functionId = functionName.GetKeywordValue(); // minmax(auto, ) is equivalent to (and is our internal representation // of) , and both are serialized as if (functionId == eCSSKeyword_minmax && array->Count() == 3 && array->Item(1).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Auto && array->Item(2).GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_FlexFraction) { array->Item(2).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); MOZ_ASSERT(aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_template_columns || aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_template_rows || aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_auto_columns || aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_auto_rows); return; } /* Append the function name. */ NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 ident(nsCSSKeywords::GetStringValue(functionId)); // Bug 721136: Normalize the identifier to lowercase, except that things // like scaleX should have the last character capitalized. This matches // what other browsers do. switch (functionId) { case eCSSKeyword_rotatex: case eCSSKeyword_scalex: case eCSSKeyword_skewx: case eCSSKeyword_translatex: ident.Replace(ident.Length() - 1, 1, char16_t('X')); break; case eCSSKeyword_rotatey: case eCSSKeyword_scaley: case eCSSKeyword_skewy: case eCSSKeyword_translatey: ident.Replace(ident.Length() - 1, 1, char16_t('Y')); break; case eCSSKeyword_rotatez: case eCSSKeyword_scalez: case eCSSKeyword_translatez: ident.Replace(ident.Length() - 1, 1, char16_t('Z')); break; default: break; } nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(ident, aResult); aResult.Append('('); switch (functionId) { case eCSSKeyword_polygon: AppendPolygonToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); break; case eCSSKeyword_circle: case eCSSKeyword_ellipse: AppendCircleOrEllipseToString(functionId, aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); break; case eCSSKeyword_inset: AppendInsetToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); break; default: { // Now, step through the function contents, writing each of // them as we go. for (size_t index = 1; index < array->Count(); ++index) { array->Item(index).AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); /* If we're not at the final element, append a comma. */ if (index + 1 != array->Count()) aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } } } /* Finally, append the closing parenthesis. */ aResult.Append(')'); } else if (IsCalcUnit()) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Calc, "unexpected unit"); CSSValueSerializeCalcOps ops(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); css::SerializeCalc(*this, ops); } else if (eCSSUnit_Integer == unit) { aResult.AppendInt(GetIntValue(), 10); } else if (eCSSUnit_Enumerated == unit) { int32_t intValue = GetIntValue(); switch(aProperty) { case eCSSProperty_text_combine_upright: if (intValue <= NS_STYLE_TEXT_COMBINE_UPRIGHT_ALL) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue), aResult); } else if (intValue == NS_STYLE_TEXT_COMBINE_UPRIGHT_DIGITS_2) { aResult.AppendLiteral("digits 2"); } else if (intValue == NS_STYLE_TEXT_COMBINE_UPRIGHT_DIGITS_3) { aResult.AppendLiteral("digits 3"); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("digits 4"); } break; case eCSSProperty_text_decoration_line: if (NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_NONE == intValue) { AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue), aResult); } else { // Ignore the "override all" internal value. // (It doesn't have a string representation.) intValue &= ~NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_OVERRIDE_ALL; nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue( aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_UNDERLINE, NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_PREF_ANCHORS, aResult); } break; case eCSSProperty_paint_order: static_assert (NS_STYLE_PAINT_ORDER_BITWIDTH * NS_STYLE_PAINT_ORDER_LAST_VALUE <= 8, "SVGStyleStruct::mPaintOrder and the following cast not big enough"); nsStyleUtil::AppendPaintOrderValue(static_cast(GetIntValue()), aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_font_synthesis: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_FONT_SYNTHESIS_WEIGHT, NS_FONT_SYNTHESIS_STYLE, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_font_variant_east_asian: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_FONT_VARIANT_EAST_ASIAN_JIS78, NS_FONT_VARIANT_EAST_ASIAN_RUBY, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_font_variant_ligatures: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_FONT_VARIANT_LIGATURES_NONE, NS_FONT_VARIANT_LIGATURES_NO_CONTEXTUAL, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_font_variant_numeric: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_FONT_VARIANT_NUMERIC_LINING, NS_FONT_VARIANT_NUMERIC_ORDINAL, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_grid_auto_flow: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_GRID_AUTO_FLOW_ROW, NS_STYLE_GRID_AUTO_FLOW_DENSE, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_grid_column_start: case eCSSProperty_grid_column_end: case eCSSProperty_grid_row_start: case eCSSProperty_grid_row_end: // "span" is the only enumerated-unit value for these properties aResult.AppendLiteral("span"); break; case eCSSProperty_touch_action: nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_TOUCH_ACTION_NONE, NS_STYLE_TOUCH_ACTION_MANIPULATION, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_clip_path: AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kClipPathGeometryBoxKTable), aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_shape_outside: AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kShapeOutsideShapeBoxKTable), aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_contain: if (intValue & NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_STRICT) { NS_ASSERTION(intValue == (NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_STRICT | NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_ALL_BITS), "contain: strict should imply contain: layout style paint"); // Only output strict. intValue = NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_STRICT; } nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_STRICT, NS_STYLE_CONTAIN_PAINT, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_align_content: case eCSSProperty_justify_content: { AppendAlignJustifyValueToString(intValue & NS_STYLE_ALIGN_ALL_BITS, aResult); auto fallback = intValue >> NS_STYLE_ALIGN_ALL_SHIFT; if (fallback) { MOZ_ASSERT(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeywordEnum(fallback & ~NS_STYLE_ALIGN_FLAG_BITS, nsCSSProps::kAlignSelfPosition) != eCSSKeyword_UNKNOWN, "unknown fallback value"); aResult.Append(' '); AppendAlignJustifyValueToString(fallback, aResult); } break; } case eCSSProperty_align_items: case eCSSProperty_align_self: case eCSSProperty_justify_items: case eCSSProperty_justify_self: AppendAlignJustifyValueToString(intValue, aResult); break; case eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_position: { nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue, NS_STYLE_TEXT_EMPHASIS_POSITION_OVER, NS_STYLE_TEXT_EMPHASIS_POSITION_RIGHT, aResult); break; } case eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_style: { auto fill = intValue & NS_STYLE_TEXT_EMPHASIS_STYLE_FILL_MASK; AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword( fill, nsCSSProps::kTextEmphasisStyleFillKTable), aResult); aResult.Append(' '); auto shape = intValue & NS_STYLE_TEXT_EMPHASIS_STYLE_SHAPE_MASK; AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword( shape, nsCSSProps::kTextEmphasisStyleShapeKTable), aResult); break; } default: const nsAFlatCString& name = nsCSSProps::LookupPropertyValue(aProperty, intValue); AppendASCIItoUTF16(name, aResult); break; } } else if (eCSSUnit_EnumColor == unit) { // we can lookup the property in the ColorTable and then // get a string mapping the name nsAutoCString str; if (nsCSSProps::GetColorName(GetIntValue(), str)){ AppendASCIItoUTF16(str, aResult); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "bad color value"); } } else if (IsNumericColorUnit(unit)) { if (aSerialization == eNormalized || unit == eCSSUnit_RGBColor || unit == eCSSUnit_RGBAColor) { nscolor color = GetColorValue(); // For brevity, we omit the alpha component if it's equal to 255 (full // opaque). Also, we use "rgba" rather than "rgb" when the color includes // the non-opaque alpha value, for backwards-compat (even though they're // aliases as of css-color-4). // e.g.: // rgba(1, 2, 3, 1.0) => rgb(1, 2, 3) // rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5) => rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5) uint8_t a = NS_GET_A(color); bool showAlpha = (a != 255); if (showAlpha) { aResult.AppendLiteral("rgba("); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("rgb("); } NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(comma, ", "); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_R(color), 10); aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_G(color), 10); aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_B(color), 10); if (showAlpha) { aResult.Append(comma); aResult.AppendFloat(nsStyleUtil::ColorComponentToFloat(a)); } aResult.Append(char16_t(')')); } else if (eCSSUnit_HexColor == unit || eCSSUnit_HexColorAlpha == unit) { nscolor color = GetColorValue(); aResult.Append('#'); aResult.AppendPrintf("%02x", NS_GET_R(color)); aResult.AppendPrintf("%02x", NS_GET_G(color)); aResult.AppendPrintf("%02x", NS_GET_B(color)); if (eCSSUnit_HexColorAlpha == unit) { aResult.AppendPrintf("%02x", NS_GET_A(color)); } } else if (eCSSUnit_ShortHexColor == unit || eCSSUnit_ShortHexColorAlpha == unit) { nscolor color = GetColorValue(); aResult.Append('#'); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_R(color) / 0x11, 16); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_G(color) / 0x11, 16); aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_B(color) / 0x11, 16); if (eCSSUnit_ShortHexColorAlpha == unit) { aResult.AppendInt(NS_GET_A(color) / 0x11, 16); } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(IsFloatColorUnit()); mValue.mFloatColor->AppendToString(unit, aResult); } } else if (eCSSUnit_ComplexColor == unit) { StyleComplexColor color = GetStyleComplexColorValue(); nsCSSValue serializable; if (color.IsCurrentColor()) { serializable.SetIntValue(NS_COLOR_CURRENTCOLOR, eCSSUnit_EnumColor); } else if (color.IsNumericColor()) { serializable.SetColorValue(color.mColor); } else { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Cannot serialize a complex color"); } serializable.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else if (eCSSUnit_URL == unit || eCSSUnit_Image == unit) { aResult.AppendLiteral("url("); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString( nsDependentString(GetOriginalURLValue()), aResult); aResult.Append(')'); } else if (eCSSUnit_Element == unit) { aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-element(#"); nsAutoString tmpStr; GetStringValue(tmpStr); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(tmpStr, aResult); aResult.Append(')'); } else if (eCSSUnit_Percent == unit) { aResult.AppendFloat(GetPercentValue() * 100.0f); } else if (eCSSUnit_Percent < unit) { // length unit aResult.AppendFloat(GetFloatValue()); } else if (eCSSUnit_Gradient == unit) { nsCSSValueGradient* gradient = GetGradientValue(); if (gradient->mIsLegacySyntax) { aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-"); } if (gradient->mIsRepeating) { aResult.AppendLiteral("repeating-"); } if (gradient->mIsRadial) { aResult.AppendLiteral("radial-gradient("); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("linear-gradient("); } bool needSep = false; if (gradient->mIsRadial && !gradient->mIsLegacySyntax) { if (!gradient->mIsExplicitSize) { if (gradient->GetRadialShape().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->GetRadialShape().GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient shape"); int32_t intValue = gradient->GetRadialShape().GetIntValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(intValue != NS_STYLE_GRADIENT_SHAPE_LINEAR, "radial gradient with linear shape?!"); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientShapeKTable), aResult); needSep = true; } if (gradient->GetRadialSize().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { if (needSep) { aResult.Append(' '); } MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->GetRadialSize().GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient size"); int32_t intValue = gradient->GetRadialSize().GetIntValue(); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientSizeKTable), aResult); needSep = true; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->GetRadiusX().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None, "bad unit for radial gradient explicit size"); gradient->GetRadiusX().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (gradient->GetRadiusY().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { aResult.Append(' '); gradient->GetRadiusY().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } needSep = true; } } if (!gradient->mIsRadial && !gradient->mIsLegacySyntax) { if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_None); MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "unexpected unit"); aResult.AppendLiteral("to"); if (!(gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetIntValue() & NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_CENTER)) { aResult.Append(' '); gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position_x, aResult, aSerialization); } if (!(gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetIntValue() & NS_STYLE_IMAGELAYER_POSITION_CENTER)) { aResult.Append(' '); gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position_y, aResult, aSerialization); } needSep = true; } else if (gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mAngle.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); needSep = true; } } else if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { if (needSep) { aResult.Append(' '); } if (gradient->mIsRadial && !gradient->mIsLegacySyntax) { aResult.AppendLiteral("at "); } if (gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mBgPos.mXValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position_x, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); } if (gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { gradient->mBgPos.mYValue.AppendToString(eCSSProperty_background_position_y, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(' '); } if (gradient->mAngle.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->mIsLegacySyntax, "angle is allowed only for legacy syntax"); gradient->mAngle.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } needSep = true; } if (gradient->mIsRadial && gradient->mIsLegacySyntax && (gradient->GetRadialShape().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None || gradient->GetRadialSize().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None)) { MOZ_ASSERT(!gradient->mIsExplicitSize); if (needSep) { aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } if (gradient->GetRadialShape().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->GetRadialShape().GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient shape"); int32_t intValue = gradient->GetRadialShape().GetIntValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(intValue != NS_STYLE_GRADIENT_SHAPE_LINEAR, "radial gradient with linear shape?!"); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientShapeKTable), aResult); aResult.Append(' '); } if (gradient->GetRadialSize().GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { MOZ_ASSERT(gradient->GetRadialSize().GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Enumerated, "bad unit for radial gradient size"); int32_t intValue = gradient->GetRadialSize().GetIntValue(); AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsCSSProps::ValueToKeyword(intValue, nsCSSProps::kRadialGradientSizeKTable), aResult); } needSep = true; } if (needSep) { aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } for (uint32_t i = 0 ;;) { bool isInterpolationHint = gradient->mStops[i].mIsInterpolationHint; if (!isInterpolationHint) { gradient->mStops[i].mColor.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } if (gradient->mStops[i].mLocation.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_None) { if (!isInterpolationHint) { aResult.Append(' '); } gradient->mStops[i].mLocation.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } if (++i == gradient->mStops.Length()) { break; } aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } aResult.Append(')'); } else if (eCSSUnit_TokenStream == unit) { nsCSSPropertyID shorthand = mValue.mTokenStream->mShorthandPropertyID; if (shorthand == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN || nsCSSProps::PropHasFlags(shorthand, CSS_PROPERTY_IS_ALIAS) || aProperty == eCSSProperty__x_system_font) { // We treat serialization of aliases like '-moz-transform' as a special // case, since it really wants to be serialized as if it were a longhand // even though it is implemented as a shorthand. We also need to // serialize -x-system-font's token stream value, even though the // value is set through the font shorthand. This serialization // of -x-system-font is needed when we need to output the // 'font' shorthand followed by a number of overriding font // longhand components. aResult.Append(mValue.mTokenStream->mTokenStream); } } else if (eCSSUnit_Pair == unit) { if (eCSSProperty_font_variant_alternates == aProperty) { int32_t intValue = GetPairValue().mXValue.GetIntValue(); nsAutoString out; // simple, enumerated values nsStyleUtil::AppendBitmaskCSSValue(aProperty, intValue & NS_FONT_VARIANT_ALTERNATES_ENUMERATED_MASK, NS_FONT_VARIANT_ALTERNATES_HISTORICAL, NS_FONT_VARIANT_ALTERNATES_HISTORICAL, out); // functional values const nsCSSValueList *list = GetPairValue().mYValue.GetListValue(); AutoTArray altValues; nsStyleUtil::ComputeFunctionalAlternates(list, altValues); nsStyleUtil::SerializeFunctionalAlternates(altValues, out); aResult.Append(out); } else { GetPairValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } else if (eCSSUnit_Triplet == unit) { GetTripletValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else if (eCSSUnit_Rect == unit) { GetRectValue().AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else if (eCSSUnit_List == unit || eCSSUnit_ListDep == unit) { GetListValue()->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else if (eCSSUnit_SharedList == unit) { GetSharedListValue()->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else if (eCSSUnit_PairList == unit || eCSSUnit_PairListDep == unit) { switch (aProperty) { case eCSSProperty_font_feature_settings: nsStyleUtil::AppendFontFeatureSettings(*this, aResult); break; default: GetPairListValue()->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); break; } } else if (eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas == unit) { const mozilla::css::GridTemplateAreasValue* areas = GetGridTemplateAreas(); MOZ_ASSERT(!areas->mTemplates.IsEmpty(), "Unexpected empty array in GridTemplateAreasValue"); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString(areas->mTemplates[0], aResult); for (uint32_t i = 1; i < areas->mTemplates.Length(); i++) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSString(areas->mTemplates[i], aResult); } } else if (eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList == unit) { nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSFontFamilyList(*mValue.mFontFamilyList, aResult); } else if (eCSSUnit_AtomIdent == unit) { nsDependentAtomString buffer(GetAtomValue()); nsStyleUtil::AppendEscapedCSSIdent(buffer, aResult); } switch (unit) { case eCSSUnit_Null: break; case eCSSUnit_Auto: aResult.AppendLiteral("auto"); break; case eCSSUnit_Inherit: aResult.AppendLiteral("inherit"); break; case eCSSUnit_Initial: aResult.AppendLiteral("initial"); break; case eCSSUnit_Unset: aResult.AppendLiteral("unset"); break; case eCSSUnit_None: aResult.AppendLiteral("none"); break; case eCSSUnit_Normal: aResult.AppendLiteral("normal"); break; case eCSSUnit_System_Font: aResult.AppendLiteral("-moz-use-system-font"); break; case eCSSUnit_All: aResult.AppendLiteral("all"); break; case eCSSUnit_Dummy: case eCSSUnit_DummyInherit: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "should never serialize"); break; case eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList: break; case eCSSUnit_String: break; case eCSSUnit_Ident: break; case eCSSUnit_AtomIdent: break; case eCSSUnit_URL: break; case eCSSUnit_Image: break; case eCSSUnit_Element: break; case eCSSUnit_Array: break; case eCSSUnit_Attr: case eCSSUnit_Cubic_Bezier: case eCSSUnit_Steps: case eCSSUnit_Symbols: case eCSSUnit_Counter: case eCSSUnit_Counters: aResult.Append(char16_t(')')); break; case eCSSUnit_Local_Font: break; case eCSSUnit_Font_Format: break; case eCSSUnit_Function: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Minus: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_L: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_R: break; case eCSSUnit_Calc_Divided: break; case eCSSUnit_Integer: break; case eCSSUnit_Enumerated: break; case eCSSUnit_EnumColor: break; case eCSSUnit_RGBColor: break; case eCSSUnit_RGBAColor: break; case eCSSUnit_HexColor: break; case eCSSUnit_ShortHexColor: break; case eCSSUnit_HexColorAlpha: break; case eCSSUnit_ShortHexColorAlpha: break; case eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBColor: break; case eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor: break; case eCSSUnit_HSLColor: break; case eCSSUnit_HSLAColor: break; case eCSSUnit_ComplexColor: break; case eCSSUnit_Percent: aResult.Append(char16_t('%')); break; case eCSSUnit_Number: break; case eCSSUnit_Gradient: break; case eCSSUnit_TokenStream: break; case eCSSUnit_Pair: break; case eCSSUnit_Triplet: break; case eCSSUnit_Rect: break; case eCSSUnit_List: break; case eCSSUnit_ListDep: break; case eCSSUnit_SharedList: break; case eCSSUnit_PairList: break; case eCSSUnit_PairListDep: break; case eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas: break; case eCSSUnit_Inch: aResult.AppendLiteral("in"); break; case eCSSUnit_Millimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("mm"); break; case eCSSUnit_PhysicalMillimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("mozmm"); break; case eCSSUnit_Centimeter: aResult.AppendLiteral("cm"); break; case eCSSUnit_Point: aResult.AppendLiteral("pt"); break; case eCSSUnit_Pica: aResult.AppendLiteral("pc"); break; case eCSSUnit_Quarter: aResult.AppendLiteral("q"); break; case eCSSUnit_ViewportWidth: aResult.AppendLiteral("vw"); break; case eCSSUnit_ViewportHeight: aResult.AppendLiteral("vh"); break; case eCSSUnit_ViewportMin: aResult.AppendLiteral("vmin"); break; case eCSSUnit_ViewportMax: aResult.AppendLiteral("vmax"); break; case eCSSUnit_EM: aResult.AppendLiteral("em"); break; case eCSSUnit_XHeight: aResult.AppendLiteral("ex"); break; case eCSSUnit_Char: aResult.AppendLiteral("ch"); break; case eCSSUnit_RootEM: aResult.AppendLiteral("rem"); break; case eCSSUnit_Pixel: aResult.AppendLiteral("px"); break; case eCSSUnit_Degree: aResult.AppendLiteral("deg"); break; case eCSSUnit_Grad: aResult.AppendLiteral("grad"); break; case eCSSUnit_Radian: aResult.AppendLiteral("rad"); break; case eCSSUnit_Turn: aResult.AppendLiteral("turn"); break; case eCSSUnit_Hertz: aResult.AppendLiteral("Hz"); break; case eCSSUnit_Kilohertz: aResult.AppendLiteral("kHz"); break; case eCSSUnit_Seconds: aResult.Append(char16_t('s')); break; case eCSSUnit_Milliseconds: aResult.AppendLiteral("ms"); break; case eCSSUnit_FlexFraction: aResult.AppendLiteral("fr"); break; } } size_t nsCSSValue::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; switch (GetUnit()) { // No value: nothing extra to measure. case eCSSUnit_Null: case eCSSUnit_Auto: case eCSSUnit_Inherit: case eCSSUnit_Initial: case eCSSUnit_Unset: case eCSSUnit_None: case eCSSUnit_Normal: case eCSSUnit_System_Font: case eCSSUnit_All: case eCSSUnit_Dummy: case eCSSUnit_DummyInherit: break; // String case eCSSUnit_String: case eCSSUnit_Ident: case eCSSUnit_Attr: case eCSSUnit_Local_Font: case eCSSUnit_Font_Format: case eCSSUnit_Element: n += mValue.mString->SizeOfIncludingThisIfUnshared(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Array case eCSSUnit_Array: case eCSSUnit_Counter: case eCSSUnit_Counters: case eCSSUnit_Cubic_Bezier: case eCSSUnit_Steps: case eCSSUnit_Symbols: case eCSSUnit_Function: case eCSSUnit_Calc: case eCSSUnit_Calc_Plus: case eCSSUnit_Calc_Minus: case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_L: case eCSSUnit_Calc_Times_R: case eCSSUnit_Calc_Divided: break; // URL case eCSSUnit_URL: n += mValue.mURL->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Image case eCSSUnit_Image: // Not yet measured. Measurement may be added later if DMD finds it // worthwhile. break; // Gradient case eCSSUnit_Gradient: n += mValue.mGradient->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // TokenStream case eCSSUnit_TokenStream: n += mValue.mTokenStream->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Pair case eCSSUnit_Pair: n += mValue.mPair->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Triplet case eCSSUnit_Triplet: n += mValue.mTriplet->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Rect case eCSSUnit_Rect: n += mValue.mRect->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // List case eCSSUnit_List: n += mValue.mList->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // ListDep: not measured because it's non-owning. case eCSSUnit_ListDep: break; // SharedList case eCSSUnit_SharedList: // Makes more sense not to measure, since it most cases the list // will be shared. break; // PairList case eCSSUnit_PairList: n += mValue.mPairList->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // PairListDep: not measured because it's non-owning. case eCSSUnit_PairListDep: break; // GridTemplateAreas case eCSSUnit_GridTemplateAreas: n += mValue.mGridTemplateAreas->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; case eCSSUnit_FontFamilyList: n += mValue.mFontFamilyList->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Atom is always shared, and thus should not be counted. case eCSSUnit_AtomIdent: break; // Int: nothing extra to measure. case eCSSUnit_Integer: case eCSSUnit_Enumerated: case eCSSUnit_EnumColor: break; // Integer Color: nothing extra to measure. case eCSSUnit_RGBColor: case eCSSUnit_RGBAColor: case eCSSUnit_HexColor: case eCSSUnit_ShortHexColor: case eCSSUnit_HexColorAlpha: case eCSSUnit_ShortHexColorAlpha: break; // Float Color case eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBColor: case eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor: case eCSSUnit_HSLColor: case eCSSUnit_HSLAColor: n += mValue.mFloatColor->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Complex Color case eCSSUnit_ComplexColor: n += mValue.mComplexColor->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); break; // Float: nothing extra to measure. case eCSSUnit_Percent: case eCSSUnit_Number: case eCSSUnit_PhysicalMillimeter: case eCSSUnit_ViewportWidth: case eCSSUnit_ViewportHeight: case eCSSUnit_ViewportMin: case eCSSUnit_ViewportMax: case eCSSUnit_EM: case eCSSUnit_XHeight: case eCSSUnit_Char: case eCSSUnit_RootEM: case eCSSUnit_Point: case eCSSUnit_Inch: case eCSSUnit_Millimeter: case eCSSUnit_Centimeter: case eCSSUnit_Pica: case eCSSUnit_Pixel: case eCSSUnit_Quarter: case eCSSUnit_Degree: case eCSSUnit_Grad: case eCSSUnit_Turn: case eCSSUnit_Radian: case eCSSUnit_Hertz: case eCSSUnit_Kilohertz: case eCSSUnit_Seconds: case eCSSUnit_Milliseconds: case eCSSUnit_FlexFraction: break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "bad nsCSSUnit"); break; } return n; } // --- nsCSSValueList ----------------- nsCSSValueList::~nsCSSValueList() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsCSSValueList); NS_CSS_DELETE_LIST_MEMBER(nsCSSValueList, this, mNext); } nsCSSValueList* nsCSSValueList::Clone() const { nsCSSValueList* result = new nsCSSValueList(*this); nsCSSValueList* dest = result; const nsCSSValueList* src = this->mNext; while (src) { dest->mNext = new nsCSSValueList(*src); dest = dest->mNext; src = src->mNext; } MOZ_ASSERT(result, "shouldn't return null; supposed to be infallible"); return result; } void nsCSSValueList::CloneInto(nsCSSValueList* aList) const { NS_ASSERTION(!aList->mNext, "Must be an empty list!"); aList->mValue = mValue; aList->mNext = mNext ? mNext->Clone() : nullptr; } static void AppendValueListToString(const nsCSSValueList* val, nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) { for (;;) { val->mValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); val = val->mNext; if (!val) break; if (nsCSSProps::PropHasFlags(aProperty, CSS_PROPERTY_VALUE_LIST_USES_COMMAS)) aResult.Append(char16_t(',')); aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); } } static void AppendGridTemplateToString(const nsCSSValueList* val, nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) { // This is called for the "list" that's the top-level value of the property. bool isSubgrid = false; for (;;) { bool addSpaceSeparator = true; nsCSSUnit unit = val->mValue.GetUnit(); if (unit == eCSSUnit_Enumerated && val->mValue.GetIntValue() == NS_STYLE_GRID_TEMPLATE_SUBGRID) { MOZ_ASSERT(!isSubgrid, "saw subgrid once already"); isSubgrid = true; aResult.AppendLiteral("subgrid"); } else if (unit == eCSSUnit_Pair) { // This is a repeat 'auto-fill' / 'auto-fit'. const nsCSSValuePair& pair = val->mValue.GetPairValue(); switch (pair.mXValue.GetIntValue()) { case NS_STYLE_GRID_REPEAT_AUTO_FILL: aResult.AppendLiteral("repeat(auto-fill, "); break; case NS_STYLE_GRID_REPEAT_AUTO_FIT: aResult.AppendLiteral("repeat(auto-fit, "); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unexpected enum value"); } const nsCSSValueList* repeatList = pair.mYValue.GetListValue(); if (repeatList->mValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append('['); AppendValueListToString(repeatList->mValue.GetListValue(), aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(']'); if (!isSubgrid) { aResult.Append(' '); } } else if (isSubgrid) { aResult.AppendLiteral("[]"); } if (!isSubgrid) { repeatList = repeatList->mNext; repeatList->mValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); repeatList = repeatList->mNext; if (repeatList->mValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.AppendLiteral(" ["); AppendValueListToString(repeatList->mValue.GetListValue(), aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(']'); } } aResult.Append(')'); } else if (unit == eCSSUnit_Null) { // Empty or omitted . if (isSubgrid) { aResult.AppendLiteral("[]"); } else { // Serializes to nothing. addSpaceSeparator = false; // Avoid a double space. } } else if (unit == eCSSUnit_List || unit == eCSSUnit_ListDep) { // Non-empty aResult.Append('['); AppendValueListToString(val->mValue.GetListValue(), aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(']'); } else { // val->mValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (!isSubgrid && val->mNext && val->mNext->mValue.GetUnit() == eCSSUnit_Null && !val->mNext->mNext) { // Break out of the loop early to avoid a trailing space. break; } } val = val->mNext; if (!val) { break; } if (addSpaceSeparator) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); } } } void nsCSSValueList::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { if (aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_template_columns || aProperty == eCSSProperty_grid_template_rows) { AppendGridTemplateToString(this, aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else { AppendValueListToString(this, aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } /* static */ bool nsCSSValueList::Equal(const nsCSSValueList* aList1, const nsCSSValueList* aList2) { if (aList1 == aList2) { return true; } const nsCSSValueList *p1 = aList1, *p2 = aList2; for ( ; p1 && p2; p1 = p1->mNext, p2 = p2->mNext) { if (p1->mValue != p2->mValue) return false; } return !p1 && !p2; // true if same length, false otherwise } size_t nsCSSValueList::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; const nsCSSValueList* v = this; while (v) { n += aMallocSizeOf(v); n += v->mValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); v = v->mNext; } return n; } size_t nsCSSValueList_heap::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mNext ? mNext->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf) : 0; } return n; } // --- nsCSSValueSharedList ----------------- nsCSSValueSharedList::~nsCSSValueSharedList() { if (mHead) { NS_CSS_DELETE_LIST_MEMBER(nsCSSValueList, mHead, mNext); delete mHead; } } void nsCSSValueSharedList::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { if (mHead) { mHead->AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } bool nsCSSValueSharedList::operator==(const nsCSSValueSharedList& aOther) const { return nsCSSValueList::Equal(mHead, aOther.mHead); } size_t nsCSSValueSharedList::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mHead->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } // --- nsCSSRect ----------------- nsCSSRect::nsCSSRect(void) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSRect); } nsCSSRect::nsCSSRect(const nsCSSRect& aCopy) : mTop(aCopy.mTop), mRight(aCopy.mRight), mBottom(aCopy.mBottom), mLeft(aCopy.mLeft) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSRect); } nsCSSRect::~nsCSSRect() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsCSSRect); } void nsCSSRect::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mTop.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null && mTop.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && mTop.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && mTop.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset, "parser should have used a bare value"); if (eCSSProperty_border_image_slice == aProperty || eCSSProperty_border_image_width == aProperty || eCSSProperty_border_image_outset == aProperty || eCSSProperty_DOM == aProperty) { NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(space, " "); mTop.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(space); mRight.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(space); mBottom.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(space); mLeft.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } else { NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(comma, ", "); aResult.AppendLiteral("rect("); mTop.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(comma); mRight.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(comma); mBottom.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(comma); mLeft.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); aResult.Append(char16_t(')')); } } void nsCSSRect::SetAllSidesTo(const nsCSSValue& aValue) { mTop = aValue; mRight = aValue; mBottom = aValue; mLeft = aValue; } size_t nsCSSRect_heap::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mTop .SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mRight .SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mBottom.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mLeft .SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } static_assert(eSideTop == 0 && eSideRight == 1 && eSideBottom == 2 && eSideLeft == 3, "box side constants not top/right/bottom/left == 0/1/2/3"); /* static */ const nsCSSRect::side_type nsCSSRect::sides[4] = { &nsCSSRect::mTop, &nsCSSRect::mRight, &nsCSSRect::mBottom, &nsCSSRect::mLeft, }; // --- nsCSSValuePair ----------------- void nsCSSValuePair::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { mXValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); mYValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } size_t nsCSSValuePair::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; n += mXValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mYValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); return n; } size_t nsCSSValuePair_heap::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mXValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mYValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } // --- nsCSSValueTriplet ----------------- void nsCSSValueTriplet::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { mXValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); mYValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (mZValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); mZValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } } } size_t nsCSSValueTriplet_heap::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mXValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mYValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mZValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } // --- nsCSSValuePairList ----------------- nsCSSValuePairList::~nsCSSValuePairList() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsCSSValuePairList); NS_CSS_DELETE_LIST_MEMBER(nsCSSValuePairList, this, mNext); } nsCSSValuePairList* nsCSSValuePairList::Clone() const { nsCSSValuePairList* result = new nsCSSValuePairList(*this); nsCSSValuePairList* dest = result; const nsCSSValuePairList* src = this->mNext; while (src) { dest->mNext = new nsCSSValuePairList(*src); dest = dest->mNext; src = src->mNext; } MOZ_ASSERT(result, "shouldn't return null; supposed to be infallible"); return result; } void nsCSSValuePairList::AppendToString(nsCSSPropertyID aProperty, nsAString& aResult, nsCSSValue::Serialization aSerialization) const { const nsCSSValuePairList* item = this; for (;;) { MOZ_ASSERT(item->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null, "unexpected null unit"); item->mXValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); if (item->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Inherit && item->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Initial && item->mXValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Unset && item->mYValue.GetUnit() != eCSSUnit_Null) { aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); item->mYValue.AppendToString(aProperty, aResult, aSerialization); } item = item->mNext; if (!item) break; if (nsCSSProps::PropHasFlags(aProperty, CSS_PROPERTY_VALUE_LIST_USES_COMMAS) || aProperty == eCSSProperty_clip_path || aProperty == eCSSProperty_shape_outside) aResult.Append(char16_t(',')); aResult.Append(char16_t(' ')); } } /* static */ bool nsCSSValuePairList::Equal(const nsCSSValuePairList* aList1, const nsCSSValuePairList* aList2) { if (aList1 == aList2) { return true; } const nsCSSValuePairList *p1 = aList1, *p2 = aList2; for ( ; p1 && p2; p1 = p1->mNext, p2 = p2->mNext) { if (p1->mXValue != p2->mXValue || p1->mYValue != p2->mYValue) return false; } return !p1 && !p2; // true if same length, false otherwise } size_t nsCSSValuePairList::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; const nsCSSValuePairList* v = this; while (v) { n += aMallocSizeOf(v); n += v->mXValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += v->mYValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); v = v->mNext; } return n; } size_t nsCSSValuePairList_heap::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mXValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mYValue.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mNext ? mNext->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf) : 0; } return n; } size_t nsCSSValue::Array::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = aMallocSizeOf(this); for (size_t i = 0; i < mCount; i++) { n += mArray[i].SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } css::URLValueData::URLValueData(already_AddRefed> aURI, nsStringBuffer* aString, already_AddRefed> aBaseURI, already_AddRefed> aReferrer, already_AddRefed> aOriginPrincipal) : mURI(Move(aURI)) , mBaseURI(Move(aBaseURI)) , mString(aString) , mReferrer(Move(aReferrer)) , mOriginPrincipal(Move(aOriginPrincipal)) , mURIResolved(true) , mIsLocalRef(IsLocalRefURL(aString)) { MOZ_ASSERT(mString); MOZ_ASSERT(mBaseURI); MOZ_ASSERT(mOriginPrincipal); } css::URLValueData::URLValueData(nsStringBuffer* aString, already_AddRefed> aBaseURI, already_AddRefed> aReferrer, already_AddRefed> aOriginPrincipal) : mBaseURI(Move(aBaseURI)) , mString(aString) , mReferrer(Move(aReferrer)) , mOriginPrincipal(Move(aOriginPrincipal)) , mURIResolved(false) , mIsLocalRef(IsLocalRefURL(aString)) { MOZ_ASSERT(aString); MOZ_ASSERT(mBaseURI); MOZ_ASSERT(mOriginPrincipal); } bool css::URLValueData::Equals(const URLValueData& aOther) const { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); bool eq; // Cast away const so we can call nsIPrincipal::Equals. auto& self = *const_cast(this); auto& other = const_cast(aOther); return NS_strcmp(nsCSSValue::GetBufferValue(mString), nsCSSValue::GetBufferValue(aOther.mString)) == 0 && (GetURI() == aOther.GetURI() || // handles null == null (mURI && aOther.mURI && NS_SUCCEEDED(mURI->Equals(aOther.mURI, &eq)) && eq)) && (mBaseURI == aOther.mBaseURI || (NS_SUCCEEDED(self.mBaseURI.get()->Equals(other.mBaseURI.get(), &eq)) && eq)) && (mOriginPrincipal == aOther.mOriginPrincipal || self.mOriginPrincipal.get()->Equals(other.mOriginPrincipal.get())) && mIsLocalRef == aOther.mIsLocalRef; } bool css::URLValueData::DefinitelyEqualURIs(const URLValueData& aOther) const { return mBaseURI == aOther.mBaseURI && (mString == aOther.mString || NS_strcmp(nsCSSValue::GetBufferValue(mString), nsCSSValue::GetBufferValue(aOther.mString)) == 0); } bool css::URLValueData::DefinitelyEqualURIsAndPrincipal( const URLValueData& aOther) const { return mOriginPrincipal == aOther.mOriginPrincipal && DefinitelyEqualURIs(aOther); } nsIURI* css::URLValueData::GetURI() const { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!mURIResolved) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mURI); nsCOMPtr newURI; NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(newURI), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(nsCSSValue::GetBufferValue(mString)), nullptr, const_cast(mBaseURI.get())); mURI = new PtrHolder(newURI.forget()); mURIResolved = true; } return mURI; } bool css::URLValueData::HasRef() const { if (IsLocalRef()) { return true; } nsIURI* uri = GetURI(); if (!uri) { return false; } nsAutoCString ref; nsresult rv = uri->GetRef(ref); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !ref.IsEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } already_AddRefed css::URLValueData::ResolveLocalRef(nsIURI* aURI) const { nsCOMPtr result = GetURI(); if (result && mIsLocalRef) { nsCString ref; mURI->GetRef(ref); aURI->Clone(getter_AddRefs(result)); result->SetRef(ref); } return result.forget(); } already_AddRefed css::URLValueData::ResolveLocalRef(nsIContent* aContent) const { nsCOMPtr url = aContent->GetBaseURI(); return ResolveLocalRef(url); } void css::URLValueData::GetSourceString(nsString& aRef) const { nsIURI* uri = GetURI(); if (!uri) { aRef.Truncate(); return; } nsCString cref; if (mIsLocalRef) { // XXXheycam It's possible we can just return mString in this case, since // it should be the "#fragment" string the URLValueData was created with. uri->GetRef(cref); cref.Insert('#', 0); } else { // It's not entirely clear how to best handle failure here. Ensuring the // string is empty seems safest. nsresult rv = uri->GetSpec(cref); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { cref.Truncate(); } } aRef = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(cref); } bool css::URLValueData::EqualsExceptRef(nsIURI* aURI) const { nsIURI* uri = GetURI(); if (!uri) { return false; } bool ret = false; uri->EqualsExceptRef(aURI, &ret); return ret; } size_t css::URLValueData::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; n += mString->SizeOfIncludingThisIfUnshared(aMallocSizeOf); // Measurement of the following members may be added later if DMD finds it // is worthwhile: // - mURI // - mReferrer // - mOriginPrincipal return n; } URLValue::URLValue(nsStringBuffer* aString, nsIURI* aBaseURI, nsIURI* aReferrer, nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal) : URLValueData(aString, do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aBaseURI)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aReferrer)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aOriginPrincipal))) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); } URLValue::URLValue(nsIURI* aURI, nsStringBuffer* aString, nsIURI* aBaseURI, nsIURI* aReferrer, nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal) : URLValueData(do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aURI)), aString, do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aBaseURI)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aReferrer)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aOriginPrincipal))) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); } size_t css::URLValue::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += URLValueData::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } css::ImageValue::ImageValue(nsIURI* aURI, nsStringBuffer* aString, nsIURI* aBaseURI, nsIURI* aReferrer, nsIPrincipal* aOriginPrincipal, nsIDocument* aDocument) : URLValueData(do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aURI)), aString, do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aBaseURI, false)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aReferrer)), do_AddRef(new PtrHolder(aOriginPrincipal))) { Initialize(aDocument); } css::ImageValue::ImageValue( nsStringBuffer* aString, already_AddRefed> aBaseURI, already_AddRefed> aReferrer, already_AddRefed> aOriginPrincipal) : URLValueData(aString, Move(aBaseURI), Move(aReferrer), Move(aOriginPrincipal)) { } void css::ImageValue::Initialize(nsIDocument* aDocument) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MOZ_ASSERT(!mInitialized); // NB: If aDocument is not the original document, we may not be able to load // images from aDocument. Instead we do the image load from the original doc // and clone it to aDocument. nsIDocument* loadingDoc = aDocument->GetOriginalDocument(); if (!loadingDoc) { loadingDoc = aDocument; } loadingDoc->StyleImageLoader()->LoadImage(GetURI(), mOriginPrincipal, mReferrer, this); if (loadingDoc != aDocument) { aDocument->StyleImageLoader()->MaybeRegisterCSSImage(this); } #ifdef DEBUG mInitialized = true; #endif } css::ImageValue::~ImageValue() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread() || mRequests.Count() == 0, "Destructor should run on main thread, or on non-main thread " "when mRequest is empty!"); for (auto iter = mRequests.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsIDocument* doc = iter.Key(); RefPtr& proxy = iter.Data(); if (doc) { doc->StyleImageLoader()->DeregisterCSSImage(this); } if (proxy) { proxy->CancelAndForgetObserver(NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } iter.Remove(); } } size_t css::ComplexColorValue::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); } return n; } nsCSSValueGradientStop::nsCSSValueGradientStop() : mLocation(eCSSUnit_None), mColor(eCSSUnit_Null), mIsInterpolationHint(false) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSValueGradientStop); } nsCSSValueGradientStop::nsCSSValueGradientStop(const nsCSSValueGradientStop& aOther) : mLocation(aOther.mLocation), mColor(aOther.mColor), mIsInterpolationHint(aOther.mIsInterpolationHint) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSValueGradientStop); } nsCSSValueGradientStop::~nsCSSValueGradientStop() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsCSSValueGradientStop); } size_t nsCSSValueGradientStop::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t n = 0; n += mLocation.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mColor .SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); return n; } nsCSSValueGradient::nsCSSValueGradient(bool aIsRadial, bool aIsRepeating) : mIsRadial(aIsRadial), mIsRepeating(aIsRepeating), mIsLegacySyntax(false), mIsExplicitSize(false), mBgPos(eCSSUnit_None), mAngle(eCSSUnit_None) { mRadialValues[0].SetNoneValue(); mRadialValues[1].SetNoneValue(); } size_t nsCSSValueGradient::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mBgPos.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mAngle.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mRadialValues[0].SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mRadialValues[1].SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mStops.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mStops.Length(); i++) { n += mStops[i].SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } } return n; } // --- nsCSSValueTokenStream ------------ nsCSSValueTokenStream::nsCSSValueTokenStream() : mPropertyID(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN) , mShorthandPropertyID(eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN) , mLevel(SheetType::Count) {} nsCSSValueTokenStream::~nsCSSValueTokenStream() {} size_t nsCSSValueTokenStream::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mTokenStream.SizeOfExcludingThisIfUnshared(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; } // --- nsCSSValueFloatColor ------------- bool nsCSSValueFloatColor::operator==(nsCSSValueFloatColor& aOther) const { return mComponent1 == aOther.mComponent1 && mComponent2 == aOther.mComponent2 && mComponent3 == aOther.mComponent3 && mAlpha == aOther.mAlpha; } nscolor nsCSSValueFloatColor::GetColorValue(nsCSSUnit aUnit) const { MOZ_ASSERT(nsCSSValue::IsFloatColorUnit(aUnit), "unexpected unit"); // We should clamp each component value since eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBColor // and eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor may store values greater than 1.0. if (aUnit == eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBColor || aUnit == eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor) { return NS_RGBA( // We need to clamp before multiplying by 255.0f to avoid overflow. NSToIntRound(mozilla::clamped(mComponent1, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f), NSToIntRound(mozilla::clamped(mComponent2, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f), NSToIntRound(mozilla::clamped(mComponent3, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f), NSToIntRound(mozilla::clamped(mAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f)); } // HSL color MOZ_ASSERT(aUnit == eCSSUnit_HSLColor || aUnit == eCSSUnit_HSLAColor); nscolor hsl = NS_HSL2RGB(mComponent1, mComponent2, mComponent3); return NS_RGBA(NS_GET_R(hsl), NS_GET_G(hsl), NS_GET_B(hsl), NSToIntRound(mAlpha * 255.0f)); } bool nsCSSValueFloatColor::IsNonTransparentColor() const { return mAlpha > 0.0f; } void nsCSSValueFloatColor::AppendToString(nsCSSUnit aUnit, nsAString& aResult) const { // Similar to the rgb()/rgba() case in nsCSSValue::AppendToString. We omit the // alpha component if it's equal to 1.0f (full opaque). Also, we try to // preserve the author-specified function name, unless it's rgba()/hsla() and // we're omitting the alpha component - then we use rgb()/hsl(). MOZ_ASSERT(nsCSSValue::IsFloatColorUnit(aUnit), "unexpected unit"); bool showAlpha = (mAlpha != 1.0f); bool isHSL = (aUnit == eCSSUnit_HSLColor || aUnit == eCSSUnit_HSLAColor); if (isHSL) { aResult.AppendLiteral("hsl"); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("rgb"); } if (showAlpha && (aUnit == eCSSUnit_HSLAColor || aUnit == eCSSUnit_PercentageRGBAColor)) { aResult.AppendLiteral("a("); } else { aResult.Append('('); } if (isHSL) { aResult.AppendFloat(mComponent1 * 360.0f); aResult.AppendLiteral(", "); } else { aResult.AppendFloat(mComponent1 * 100.0f); aResult.AppendLiteral("%, "); } aResult.AppendFloat(mComponent2 * 100.0f); aResult.AppendLiteral("%, "); aResult.AppendFloat(mComponent3 * 100.0f); if (showAlpha) { aResult.AppendLiteral("%, "); aResult.AppendFloat(mAlpha); aResult.Append(')'); } else { aResult.AppendLiteral("%)"); } } size_t nsCSSValueFloatColor::SizeOfIncludingThis( mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); } return n; } // --- nsCSSCornerSizes ----------------- nsCSSCornerSizes::nsCSSCornerSizes(void) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSCornerSizes); } nsCSSCornerSizes::nsCSSCornerSizes(const nsCSSCornerSizes& aCopy) : mTopLeft(aCopy.mTopLeft), mTopRight(aCopy.mTopRight), mBottomRight(aCopy.mBottomRight), mBottomLeft(aCopy.mBottomLeft) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsCSSCornerSizes); } nsCSSCornerSizes::~nsCSSCornerSizes() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsCSSCornerSizes); } void nsCSSCornerSizes::Reset() { NS_FOR_CSS_FULL_CORNERS(corner) { this->GetCorner(corner).Reset(); } } static_assert(eCornerTopLeft == 0 && eCornerTopRight == 1 && eCornerBottomRight == 2 && eCornerBottomLeft == 3, "box corner constants not tl/tr/br/bl == 0/1/2/3"); /* static */ const nsCSSCornerSizes::corner_type nsCSSCornerSizes::corners[4] = { &nsCSSCornerSizes::mTopLeft, &nsCSSCornerSizes::mTopRight, &nsCSSCornerSizes::mBottomRight, &nsCSSCornerSizes::mBottomLeft, }; size_t mozilla::css::GridTemplateAreasValue::SizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Only measure it if it's unshared, to avoid double-counting. size_t n = 0; if (mRefCnt <= 1) { n += aMallocSizeOf(this); n += mNamedAreas.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); n += mTemplates.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return n; }