#!perl package CodeWarriorLib; =pod =head1 NAME CodeWarriorLib - supply interface to CodeWarrior =head1 SYNOPSIS #!perl use CodeWarriorLib; CodeWarriorLib::activate(); $had_errors = CodeWarriorLib::build_project( $project_path, $target_name, $recent_errors_file, $clean_build ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Replaces the AppleScript library I. =over 4 =cut use strict; use Mac::Types; use Mac::AppleEvents; use Mac::AppleEvents::Simple; use Mac::Processes; use Mac::MoreFiles; use Mac::StandardFile; use File::Basename; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '1.02'; my($app) = 'CWIE'; # 0 == don't switch CWIE to front app in do_event(), 1 == do switch # note: activate() still switches when called $Mac::AppleEvents::Simple::SWITCH = 0; # supply your own path to the source here #_test('PowerPudgeIV:mozilla:mozilla:'); =pod =item _get_project($full_path) A private routine returning a reference to the open project with the given name, or else the empty string (when that project is not open) full_path is a string identifying the project to be built and is of the form, e.g., "HD:ProjectFolder:MyProject.mcp". It must be supplied. =cut sub _get_project ($) { my( $full_path, $candidate_projects ) = @_; $candidate_projects = _doc_named(basename($full_path, '*')); if ($candidate_projects) { my($cps) = _get_dobj($candidate_projects); my($num) = AECountItems($cps); if ($num) { # is a list foreach (1 .. AECountItems($cps)) { my($cp) = AEGetNthDesc($cps, $_); if ($full_path eq _full_path($cp)) { return($cp); } } } else { # is only one, not a list if ($full_path eq _full_path($cps)) { return($cps); } } } return; } =pod =item build_project Build a selected target of a project, saving any errors to a file, if supplied. full_path is a string identifying the project to be built and is of the form, e.g., "HD:ProjectFolder:MyProject.mcp". It must be supplied. If target_name is the empty string, the current target of the selected project will be built, else, target_name should be a string matching a target name in the selected project. If error_path is the empty string, errors will not be saved to a file, else, error_path should be the full path of a file to save error messages into. =cut $CodeWarriorLib::CLOSE_PROJECTS_FIRST = 0; # If true we close then make. If false, make then close. my $last_project_built = ""; my $last_project_was_closed = 0; sub build_project ($;$$$) { my( $full_path, $target_name, $error_path, $remove_object, $p, $project_was_closed, $had_errors ) = @_; _close_errors_window(); if ($CodeWarriorLib::CLOSE_PROJECTS_FIRST && ($last_project_built ne $full_path)) { # If we're in "close first" mode, we don't close if the current project # is the same as the previous one. if ($last_project_was_closed) { $p = _get_project($last_project_built); _close($p); } $last_project_built = $full_path; $last_project_was_closed = 0; # now refers to the new project } $project_was_closed = 0; while (1) { $p = _get_project($full_path); if (!$p) { if ($project_was_closed) { print "### Error - request for project document failed after opening\n"; die "### possibly CW Pro 4 bug: be sure to close your Find window\n"; } $project_was_closed = 1; $last_project_was_closed = 1; _open_file($full_path); } else { last; } } $had_errors = 0; if ($target_name eq '') { if ($remove_object) {_remove_object($p)} _build($p); } else { if ($remove_object) {_remove_object($p, $target_name)} _build($p, $target_name); } if ($error_path ne '') { _save_errors_window($error_path); } $had_errors = _close_errors_window(); if (!$CodeWarriorLib::CLOSE_PROJECTS_FIRST) { if ($project_was_closed) { $p = _get_project($full_path); _close($p); } } return($had_errors); } =pod =item activate() Launches CodeWarrior and brings it to the front. Once found, path will be saved in ':idepath.txt' for future reference. Edit or delete this file to change the location of the IDE. If app is moved, C will prompt for a new location. First looks for an open CodeWarrior app. Second, tries to open previously saved location in ':idepath.txt'. Third, tries to find it and allow user to choose it with Navigation Services (if present). Fourth, uses good old GUSI routines built-in to MacPerl for a Choose Directory dialog box. =cut sub activate () { local(*F); my($filepath, $appath, $psi) = (':idepath.txt'); foreach $psi (values(%Process)) { if ($psi->processSignature() eq $app) { $appath = $psi->processAppSpec(), "\n"; _save_appath($filepath, $appath); last; } } if ((!$appath || ! -x $appath) && open(F, $filepath)) { $appath = ; close(F); } if (!$appath || ! -x $appath) { # make sure that MacPerl is a front process #ActivateApplication('McPL'); MacPerl::Answer("Please locate the CodeWarrior application.", "OK"); # prompt user for the file name, and store it my $macFile = StandardGetFile( 0, "APPL"); if ( $macFile->sfGood() ) { $appath = $macFile->sfFile(); } else { die "Operation canceled\n"; } # if (eval {require Mac::Navigation}) { # my($options, $nav); # Mac::Navigation->import(); # $options = NavGetDefaultDialogOptions(); # $options->message('Where is CodeWarrior IDE?'); # $options->windowTitle('Find CodeWarrior IDE'); # $nav = NavChooseObject($Application{$app}, $options); # die "CodeWarrior IDE not found.\n" if (!$nav || !$nav->file(1)); # $appath = $nav->file(1); # } else { # local(*D); # my $cwd = `pwd`; # $appath = _get_folder( # 'Where is the CW IDE folder?', # dirname($Application{$app}) # ); # die "CodeWarrior IDE not found.\n" if !$appath; # opendir(D, $appath) or die $!; # chdir($appath); # foreach my $file (sort readdir (D)) { # my(@app) = MacPerl::GetFileInfo($file); # if ($app[0] && $app[1] && # $app[1] eq 'APPL' && $app[0] eq $app # ) { # $appath .= $file; # last; # } # } # chomp($cwd); # chdir($cwd); # } _save_appath($filepath, $appath); } my($lp) = LaunchParam->new( launchAppSpec => $appath, launchControlFlags => launchContinue() + launchNoFileFlags() ); unless (LaunchApplication($lp)) { unlink($filepath); die $^E; } } sub _build ($;$) { my($evt); if ($_[1]) { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:name, want:type(TRGT), seld:TEXT(@), from:" . AEPrint($_[0]) . '}'; $evt = do_event(qw/CWIE MAKE/, $app, $prm, $_[1]); } else { my($prm) = q"'----':" . AEPrint($_[0]); $evt = do_event(qw/CWIE MAKE/, $app, $prm); } } sub _remove_object ($;$) { my($evt); if ($_[1]) { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:name, want:type(TRGT), seld:TEXT(@), from:" . AEPrint($_[0]) . '}'; $evt = do_event(qw/CWIE RMOB/, $app, $prm, $_[1]); } else { my($prm) = q"'----':" . AEPrint($_[0]); $evt = do_event(qw/CWIE RMOB/, $app, $prm); } } sub _open_file ($) { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:name, want:type(alis), " . q"seld:TEXT(@), from:'null'()}"; do_event(qw/aevt odoc/, $app, $prm, $_[0]); } sub _doc_named ($) { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:test, want:type(docu), from:'null'(), " . q"seld:cmpd{relo:'= ', 'obj1':obj {form:prop, want:type" . q"(prop), seld:type(pnam), from:'exmn'()}, 'obj2':TEXT(@)}}"; my($evt) = do_event(qw/core getd/, $app, $prm, $_[0]); return($evt->{REPLY} eq 'aevt\ansr{}' ? undef : $evt); } sub _full_path ($) { my($obj) = $_[0]; my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:prop, want:type(prop), seld:type(FILE), " . q"from:" . AEPrint($_[0]) . q"}, rtyp:type(TEXT)"; my($evt) = do_event(qw/core getd/, $app, $prm); return MacPerl::MakePath( MacUnpack('fss ', ( AEGetParamDesc($evt->{REP}, keyDirectObject()))->data()->get() ) ); } sub _save_errors_window ($) { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:name, want:type(alis), seld:TEXT(@), from:'null'()}"; do_event(qw/MMPR SvMs/, $app, $prm, $_[0]); } sub _close_errors_window () { my($prm) = q"'----':obj {form:name, want:type(cwin), " . q"seld:TEXT(@), from:'null'()}"; my($evt) = do_event(qw/core clos/, $app, $prm, 'Errors & Warnings'); return($evt->{REPLY} eq 'aevt\ansr{}' ? 1 : 0); } sub _close () { my($prm) = q"'----':" . AEPrint($_[0]); do_event(qw/core clos/, $app, $prm); } sub _get_dobj ($) { return(AEGetParamDesc($_[0]->{REP}, keyDirectObject())); } sub _get_folder ($$) { require 'GUSI.ph'; my($prompt, $default) = @_; MacPerl::Choose( GUSI::AF_FILE(), 0, $prompt, '', GUSI::CHOOSE_DIR() + ($default ? &GUSI::CHOOSE_DEFAULT : 0), $default ); } sub _save_appath ($$) { open(F, '>' . $_[0]) or die $!; print F $_[1]; close(F); } sub _test ($) { activate(); my($path) = $_[0]; build_project( "${path}modules:xml:macbuild:XML.mcp", '', "${path}build:mac:Mozilla.BuildLog.part" ); } 1; =pod =back =head1 HISTORY =over 4 =item v1.02, September 23, 1998 Made fixes in finding and saving location of CodeWarrior IDE. =item v1.01, June 1, 1998 Made fixes to C in C, made C more robust in finding CodeWarrior IDE, added global variable to NOT switch to IDE for each sent event, a few other fixes. =item v1.00, May 30, 1998 First shot =back =head1 AUTHORS Chris Nandor Fpudge@pobox.comE>, and the author of the original I, Scott Collins Fscc@netscape.comE>. =head1 SEE ALSO BuildProject L. =head1 COPYRIGHT The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March 31, 1998. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): =cut