/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var DEBUG = 0; var debug; if (DEBUG) { debug = function (s) { dump("-*- IndexedDBHelper: " + s + "\n"); } } else { debug = function (s) {} } var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["IndexedDBHelper"]; Cu.importGlobalProperties(["indexedDB"]); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, 'Services', 'resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm'); function getErrorName(err) { return err && err.name || "UnknownError"; } function IndexedDBHelper() { } IndexedDBHelper.prototype = { // Close the database close: function close() { if (this._db) { this._db.close(); this._db = null; } }, /** * Open a new database. * User has to provide upgradeSchema. * * @param successCb * Success callback to call once database is open. * @param failureCb * Error callback to call when an error is encountered. */ open: function open(aCallback) { if (aCallback && !this._waitForOpenCallbacks.has(aCallback)) { this._waitForOpenCallbacks.add(aCallback); if (this._waitForOpenCallbacks.size !== 1) { return; } } let self = this; let invokeCallbacks = err => { for (let callback of self._waitForOpenCallbacks) { callback(err); } self._waitForOpenCallbacks.clear(); }; if (DEBUG) debug("Try to open database:" + self.dbName + " " + self.dbVersion); let req; try { req = indexedDB.open(this.dbName, this.dbVersion); } catch (e) { if (DEBUG) debug("Error opening database: " + self.dbName); Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(() => invokeCallbacks(getErrorName(e))); return; } req.onsuccess = function (event) { if (DEBUG) debug("Opened database:" + self.dbName + " " + self.dbVersion); self._db = event.target.result; self._db.onversionchange = function(event) { if (DEBUG) debug("WARNING: DB modified from a different window."); } invokeCallbacks(); }; req.onupgradeneeded = function (aEvent) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Database needs upgrade:" + self.dbName + aEvent.oldVersion + aEvent.newVersion); debug("Correct new database version:" + (aEvent.newVersion == this.dbVersion)); } let _db = aEvent.target.result; self.upgradeSchema(req.transaction, _db, aEvent.oldVersion, aEvent.newVersion); }; req.onerror = function (aEvent) { if (DEBUG) debug("Failed to open database: " + self.dbName); invokeCallbacks(getErrorName(aEvent.target.error)); }; req.onblocked = function (aEvent) { if (DEBUG) debug("Opening database request is blocked."); }; }, /** * Use the cached DB or open a new one. * * @param successCb * Success callback to call. * @param failureCb * Error callback to call when an error is encountered. */ ensureDB: function ensureDB(aSuccessCb, aFailureCb) { if (this._db) { if (DEBUG) debug("ensureDB: already have a database, returning early."); if (aSuccessCb) { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(aSuccessCb); } return; } this.open(aError => { if (aError) { aFailureCb && aFailureCb(aError); } else { aSuccessCb && aSuccessCb(); } }); }, /** * Start a new transaction. * * @param txn_type * Type of transaction (e.g. "readwrite") * @param store_name * The object store you want to be passed to the callback * @param callback * Function to call when the transaction is available. It will * be invoked with the transaction and the `store' object store. * @param successCb * Success callback to call on a successful transaction commit. * The result is stored in txn.result (in the callback function). * @param failureCb * Error callback to call when an error is encountered. */ newTxn: function newTxn(txn_type, store_name, callback, successCb, failureCb) { this.ensureDB(() => { if (DEBUG) debug("Starting new transaction" + txn_type); let txn; try { txn = this._db.transaction(Array.isArray(store_name) ? store_name : this.dbStoreNames, txn_type); } catch (e) { if (DEBUG) debug("Error starting transaction: " + this.dbName); failureCb(getErrorName(e)); return; } if (DEBUG) debug("Retrieving object store: " + this.dbName); let stores; if (Array.isArray(store_name)) { stores = []; for (let i = 0; i < store_name.length; ++i) { stores.push(txn.objectStore(store_name[i])); } } else { stores = txn.objectStore(store_name); } txn.oncomplete = function () { if (DEBUG) debug("Transaction complete. Returning to callback."); /* * txn.result property is not part of the transaction object returned * by this._db.transaction method called above. * The property is expected to be set in the callback function. * However, it can happen that the property is not set for some reason, * so we have to check if the property exists before calling the * success callback. */ if (successCb) { if ("result" in txn) { successCb(txn.result); } else { successCb(); } } }; txn.onabort = function () { if (DEBUG) debug("Caught error on transaction"); /* * txn.error property is part of the transaction object returned by * this._db.transaction method called above. * The attribute is defined in IDBTranscation WebIDL interface. * It may be null. */ if (failureCb) { failureCb(getErrorName(txn.error)); } }; callback(txn, stores); }, failureCb); }, /** * Initialize the DB. Does not call open. * * @param aDBName * DB name for the open call. * @param aDBVersion * Current DB version. User has to implement upgradeSchema. * @param aDBStoreName * ObjectStore that is used. */ initDBHelper: function initDBHelper(aDBName, aDBVersion, aDBStoreNames) { this.dbName = aDBName; this.dbVersion = aDBVersion; this.dbStoreNames = aDBStoreNames; // Cache the database. this._db = null; this._waitForOpenCallbacks = new Set(); } }