; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; RSHELL.INI FOR NETSCAPE 6 ; ; ; This rshell.ini specifies the configuration data used by the CD Shell ; program to dynamically create the CD install screens. To create custom ; versions of the shell, simply delete, fill-in or change the settings ; in this ini file. Make a copy of it first though! ; ; There are several sections in this rshell.ini file: ; ; [General] contains the data used by all the shell dialogs (screens). ; It specifies the settings for the browse, back and exit buttons. ; ; [Dialog*] contains the data used by each unique shell dialog (screen). ; Each [Dialog*] section is associated with one dialog. The sections are ; named [Dialog1] [Dialog2] [Dialog3], etc, one for each shell dialog. ; ; Notes: ; ; 1) Some of the file paths specified in this rshell.ini file need to be ; relative to the location of the exe file. Relative paths are specified ; with this format: ..\directory\filename. Each "..\" is one step back ; in the directory structure. So, if your CD has the following structure: ; ; \root ; \setup.exe ; \launch.ini ; \Netscape6\ [Netscape 6 software] ; \plugins\ ; \extras\clipart\ ; \shell\nsetup32\rshell.ini ; \shell\nsetup16\rshell.ini ; ; then ..\..\ would be required in the rshell.ini for the program to find ; the plugins directory or the Comm directory. ; ; Other file paths are absolute from the root level of the CD, and therefore ; will not need the "..\..\." For example, an absolute path for the clipart ; directory would just be: extras\clipart\. ; ; 2) To remove a section of settings, just delete it. For example, if you only ; want a single column on a dialog, delete all of the col2_ settings. If you ; only want 2 dialog (screens), delete all of the Dialog3 and greater ; sections. If you only want 2 buttons on a dialog, delete all of the ; settings for button3 and greater. ; ; 3) All widths and positions are in pixels. ; ; 4) All (x,y) positions are are relative to the top left corner of the dialog. ; ; 5) The background bitmaps included with the software are 640x480 pixels. ; ; 6) To prevent palette swapping problems when changing from one dialog screen ; to the next, it's best to put all 256 Windows palette colors into each ; background bitmap. Then if new buttons are introduced on a follow-on ; dialog, a palette swap won't occur (to accomodate the new colors). ; ; 7) When entering text for buttons and dialogs, leave extra space around the ; text to accomodate Windows "large fonts" mode. ; ; 8) For reference, here's a list of 16 common colors from the standard ; Windows palette: ; ; black: 0,0,0 ; white: 255,255,255 ; red: 255,0,0 ; green: 0,255,0 ; blue: 0,0,255 ; yellow: 255,255,0 ; magenta: 255,0,255 ; cyan: 0,255,255 ; dark red: 128,0,0 ; dark green: 0,128,0 ; dark yellow: 128,128,0 ; dark blue: 0,0,128 ; dark cyan: 0,128,128 ; dark gray: 128,128,128 ; dark magenta: 128,0,128 ; gray: 192,192,192 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;======================= general configurations ========================= [General] ; This section specifies the attributes of the control buttons: browse, ; back and exit. Either text or bitmaps can be used for the buttons, when ; both are set, bitmaps take precedence. ;--------------------------------------- browse_button_text=Browse &CD ; default setting: browse_button_text=Browse ; the "&" sets the C as the keyboard shortcut for this button ;--------------------------------------- browse_button_pos= ; e.g.: browse_button_pos=x1,y1,x2,y2 ; where (x1,y1) is the upper left corner of the button, ; (x2,y2) is the lower right corner of the button ; default setting: browse_button_pos= ; if left blank, the position calculation is based on the ; size of the dialogs; if bitmaps are used, (x2,y2) are not used. ;--------------------------------------- browse_button_bitmaps= ; defines button bitmap files ; e.g.: browse_button_bitmaps=brse_up.bmp,brse_dn.bmp,brse_sel.bmp,brse_dis.bmp ; 4 bitmaps specify the states of the buttons: up,down,selected,disabled. ; Selected and disabled are optional ; If the bitmaps are not specified, the dialog uses a standard ; Windows button with the text specified in browse_button_text ;--------------------------------------- back_button_text=&Back ; same as the settings of browse button ; the "&" sets the B as the keyboard shortcut for this button ;--------------------------------------- back_button_pos= ; same as the settings of browse button ;--------------------------------------- back_button_bitmaps= ; same as the settings of browse button ;--------------------------------------- exit_button_text=E&xit ; same as the settings of browse button ; the "&" sets the x as the keyboard shortcut for this button ;--------------------------------------- exit_button_pos= ; same as the settings of browse button ;--------------------------------------- exit_button_bitmaps= ; same as the settings of browse button ;--------------------------------------- ; check_netscape_registry=default ; defines registry/ini path check for Netscape 6 ; Used to check to be sure Netscape 6 is installed before installing ; plug-ins or applications. If set to default, uses a default method to check ; if Netscape 6 is installed that is version independant (any 4.x or later version). ; Check path for registry or ini can also be specified (for example, if you ; want to check for a different software program). Here's the formats: ; Win32 registry: registry_path,registry_key,registry_val ; Example: check__netscape_registry=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\netscape\netscape navigator\4.01 (en)\main,Install Directory,program\netscape.exe ; Win16 ini file: ini_file_name|ini_section,ini_entry,ini_val ; this determines if the ini_val is the value of ini_entry in the ini_section of ; the ini_file_name ; Example: check__netscape_registry=c:\windows\win.ini|netscape,ini,c:\netscape\netscape.ini ;-------------------------------------- ; check_netscape_registry_error_msg=Please install Netscape 6 before installing Bonus Plug-ins or Applications. ; error message shown to user if the registry check doesn't find the ; Netscape 6 key ;===================== dialog configurations ======================= [Dialog1] ; There are 3 types of data in this section - dialog data, column ; data and button data. ; The dialog data configures the global settings of the specific dialog ; (screen); in this case dialog 1. ; The column and buttons settings configure the columns and buttons. ;--------------------------------------- caption=Netscape 6 Client Customization Kit ; defines dialog caption text (the text that goes in the top bar of ; the Windows window) ;--------------------------------------- dialog_position= ; e.g.: dialog_position=x1,y1,x2,y2 ; defines dialog position on total screen (monitor) ; (x1,y1) is the upper-left corner and (x2,y2) is the lower-right corner ; of the dialog. ; If left blank, the dialog is placed at the center of the ; screen. if bitmaps are used, (x2,y2) are not used. ;--------------------------------------- bk_bitmap=..\bmps\cckit_bg.bmp ; defines background bitmap for the dialog. ; if the data is not present, the shell dialog is painted with ; the system background color. ;--------------------------------------- button_gap=25 ; defines vertical gap (y) between the buttons in the dialog. ;--------------------------------------- ;================= global text for dialog ======================= ; this section allows you to add a paragraph or line of text that ; you want to apply to the whole dialog (screen). Using the position ; setting, you can have this text appear anywhere -- along the top or ; bottom of the dialog screen, for example. ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_text=Welcome to the installer for Netscape 6 Client Customization Kit ; defines the dialog title text ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_pos=80,90,630,420 ; defines the dialog title text position (x1,y1,x2,y2) ; Text is written into a box where x1,y1 defines the position of ; the top left corner and x2,y2 is the bottom right corner ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_text_color=0,0,0 ; defines the dialog title text color ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_shadow_color= ; defines the dialog title text shadow color ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_shadow_depth= ; defines the dialog title text shadow depth ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_text_font=arial,10 ; defines the dialog title text font and font size ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_font_bold=TRUE ; disable/enable dialog title bold text; TRUE or FALSE ; default for no entry is FALSE ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_font_underline= ; disable/enable dialog title underline text; TRUE or FALSE ; default for no entry is FALSE ;--------------------------------------- dialog_title_font_italic= ; disable/enable dialog title italic text; TRUE or FALSE ; default for no entry is FALSE ;--------------------------------------- ;====== global text settings for all button text in dialog 1 ====== ;--------------------------------------- text_color_default=0,0,0 ; defines the default text color for all text on the dialog. ; e.g.: text_color_default=red,green,blue ;--------------------------------------- text_color_highlight=4,137,161 ; defines the color for mouse-over highlighting for all text ; on the dialog. ; e.g.: text_color_highlight=red,green,blue ;--------------------------------------- ;==== settings for button titles and button body text in dialog ===== ;-------------------------------------- button_title_text_font=arial,14 ; defines button title font and font size ; if left blank, the system font and font size are used. ;--------------------------------------- button_title_text_font_bold=TRUE ; flag to enable/disable button title bold text; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: button_title_text_font_bold=FALSE ; if left blank, the bold is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- button_title_text_font_underline= ; flag to enable/disable underline of button title text; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: button_title_text_font_underline=FALSE ; if left blank, the underline is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- button_title_text_font_italic= ; flag to enable/disable button title italic text; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: button_title_text_font_italic=FALSE ; if left blank, the italic is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- body_text_font=arial,10 ; defines the button body text font and font size. ; For each button desciptive text, there is body text and title text, ; and different fonts can be set for these two text areas. ; e.g.: body_text_font=roman,12 ; if left blank, the system font and font size are used. ;--------------------------------------- body_text_font_bold= ; flag to enable/disable the button body text bold font; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: body_text_font_bold=FALSE ; if left blank, the bold font is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- body_text_font_underline= ; flag to enable/disable the button body text underline; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: body_text_font_underline=FALSE ; if left blank, the underline is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- body_text_font_italic= ; flag to enable/disable the button body text italic font; TRUE or FALSE ; e.g.: body_text_font_italic=FALSE ; if left blank, the italic is disabled. ;--------------------------------------- ;==================== columns within dialogs ======================== ; Each dialog can have single or multiple columns. Each column can be ; customized with the follow settings. For multiple columns, the setting names ; are differentiated by the last digit of the name. For example, ; col1_button_pos is the button position of the column 1; col2_button_pos is ; the button position of the column 2. ; If you only want 1 column, delete all of the col2 or greater settings, or ; leave them blank. ;--------------------------------------- ;==================== column 1 for dialog 1 ========================= ;--------------------------------------- col1_button_pos=70,150 ; defines the button position of the first button in column 1. ; e.g.: col1_button_pos=x,y ; (x,y) is the upper-left corner of the first button of the column 1 ; relative to the upper left corner of the dialog. ;--------------------------------------- col1_text_offset=10 ; defines the offset between the button description text and the ; button position. ; there are two ways to specify the button descriptive text position, one is ; by the offset from the button, the other is by the absolute x position ; (see below). ; default setting if left blank: col1_text_offset=10 ;or use the next setting: ;--------------------------------------- col1_text_posx= ; defines absolute x position of button descriptive text. ; if both col1_text_offset and col1_text_posx are set, col1_text_posx ; overwrites col1_text_offset. ;--------------------------------------- col1_text_width=275 ; the x distance at which the button descriptive text word-wraps. ; default setting: if this setting is left blank, the text runs to 10 pixels ; away from the right edge of the dialog. ;--------------------------------------- ;====================== column 2 for dialog 1 ========================= ; If you don't want 2 columns, simply delete the settings in this section ; or leave them blank. ;--------------------------------------- col2_button_pos= ; see description for column 1 ;--------------------------------------- col2_text_offset= ; see description for column 1 ;--------------------------------------- col2_text_posx= ; see description for column 1 ;--------------------------------------- col2_text_width= ; see description for column 1 ;--------------------------------------- ;======================= buttons for dialog 1 ======================== ; Similiar to columns, each dialog (screen) can have one or multiple buttons. ; Each button can be customized with the follow settings. For multiple buttons, ; the setting names are differentiated by the last digit of the name. For ; example, button1_bitmaps specifies the button bitmaps of button 1, ; button2_bitmaps specifies the button bitmaps of button 2. ;--------------------------------------- button1_bitmaps=..\bmps\N6_up.bmp,..\bmps\N6_dn.bmp,..\bmps\N6_mo.bmp,..\bmps\N6_mo.bmp ; defines button bitmap files. ; e.g.: button1_bitmaps=btn_up.bmp, btn_dn.bmp, btn_sel.bmp, btn_dis.bmp ; 4 bitmaps specify the states of the button: up,down,selected,disabled. ; Selected and disabled are optional ;--------------------------------------- button1_cmdline=exe,ChangeDir.bat ; defines button action ; a button click can cause any of 6 actions: ; 1) launch a program: button1_cmdline=exe,program name ; e.g.: button1_cmdline=exe,setup.exe ; when the 1st argument is exe, it is a program and the 2nd argument ; is the relative program path ; 2) goto a different dialog screen: button1_cmdline=window,dialog# ; e.g.: button1_cmdline=window,dialog2 ; when the 1st argument is window, it is a goto for another dialog and ; the 2nd argument is the section name of that dialog. ; 3) open a file: button1_cmdline=open,file name ; eg.: button1_cmdline=open,myfile.txt ; when the 1st argument is open, the 2nd argument is the file to be ; opened. That file will be opened with whatever program the OS has ; associated for that file type. Association is handled by the file ; extension, which, in this example is .txt. If an association doesn't ; exist, the OS will ask user to create an association to open the file. ; 4) print a file: button1_cmdline=print,file name ; e.g.: button1_cmdline=print,myfile.txt ; when the 1st argument is print, the 2nd argument is the file to be ; printed. That file will be printed with whatever program the OS has ; associated for that file type. Association is handled by the file ; extension, which, in this example is .txt. If an association doesn't ; exist, the OS will ask user to create an association to open the file. ; Please note that printing of html files does not work through Windows. ; 5) explore a directory: button1_cmdline=explore,path to directory ; e.g.: button1_cmdline=explore,extras\clipart\ ; when the first argument is explore, the 2nd argument is the directory ; on the CD to browse to. The path to the directory must be specified as ; an absolute path from the root of the CD. In the example above, it would ; open the 'clipart' directory that is in the 'extras' directory, which is ; at the root level of the CD. ; 6) open file in Navigator: button1_cmdline=netscape,file name ; e.g.: button1_cmdline=netscape,myfile.html ; when the 1st argument is netscape, the 2nd argument is the file to be ; opened with the current installed version of Netscape Navigator. That file ; type may be an html file, or a .gif, or, if a plug-in is already installed, ; it could be an Adobe .pdf... ;--------------------------------------- button1_text_title=Client Customization Kit ; defines button descriptive title text. ;--------------------------------------- button1_text_body=Click here to install the Client Customization Kit -- Everything you need to customize Netscape 6. ; defines button descriptive body text. ;--------------------------------------- button1_offset= ; defines button x and y position offsets, which allows you to offset individual ; buttons from the column offset. This offset is in respect to the left side ; of the dialog. The button1 (x,y) position is calculated by: ; x = button1_offset + col1_button_pos(x) ; y = col1_button_pos(y); ; default setting if left blank: button1_offset=0;If you specify a y offset greater than 0 for button1, this y offset applies to ;all other buttons in the same column unless you also specify individual y offset ;values for the other buttons in the same column. If you do that, then each ;button uses the x,y offset values specified for it. ;--------------------------------------- button1_netscape_required=FALSE ; for apps which require a registry/ini check to make sure that Netscape 6 ; (or some other software) is installed. TRUE or FALSE. If left blank, default ; is FALSE. See check_netscape_registry in the [General] section. ;--------------------------------------- ;=================== buttons 2-6 for dialog 1 =========================== ; Note if you want fewer than 6 buttons, simply delete the button# groups ; higher than what you want or leave their settings blank. To add more than ; 6 buttons, just copy and paste a button group and increment the button#. button2_bitmaps=..\bmps\help_up.bmp,..\bmps\help_dn.bmp,..\bmps\help_mo.bmp,..\bmps\help_mo.bmp button2_cmdline=exe,..\..\Install.txt button2_text_title=Installation Guide button2_text_body=Click here to get all the information you need to install Netscape 6 Client Customization Kit. It is recommended that you read or print this information before installing. button2_offset= button2_netscape_required=FALSE ;button3_bitmaps=..\bmps\apps_up.bmp,..\bmps\apps_dn.bmp,..\bmps\apps_mo.bmp,..\bmps\apps_mo.bmp ;button3_cmdline=window,Dialog2 ;button3_text_title=Bonus Applications and Plug-ins ;button3_text_body=Click here to see the Bonus Applications and Plug-ins included with this CD. ;button3_offset= ;button3_netscape_required=FALSE ;=========================== dialog 2 =========================== [Dialog2] ;================ dialog config ================= caption=Bonus Applications and Plug-ins dialog_position= bk_bitmap=..\bmps\comm.bmp button_gap=70 dialog_title_text=Be sure to install Netscape 6 before you install any Applications or Plug-ins. dialog_title_pos=100,400,630,420 dialog_title_text_color=255,255,255 dialog_title_shadow_color=0,0,0 dialog_title_shadow_depth= dialog_title_text_font=arial,10 dialog_title_font_bold=TRUE dialog_title_font_underline= dialog_title_font_italic= text_color_default=0,0,0 text_color_highlight=255,255,255 button_title_text_font=arial,14 button_title_text_font_bold=TRUE button_title_text_font_underline= button_title_text_font_italic= body_text_font=arial,10 body_text_font_bold= body_text_font_underline= body_text_font_italic= ;========== column 1 for dialog 2 ========== col1_button_pos=80,130 col1_text_offset=15 col1_text_posx= col1_text_width=200 ;========== column 2 for dialog 2 ========== col2_button_pos=350,130 col2_text_offset=15 col2_text_posx= col2_text_width=200 ;========== buttons for dialog 2 ========== button1_bitmaps=..\bmps\32b_up.bmp,..\bmps\32b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp button1_cmdline=exe,..\..\apps\app1\app1.exe button1_text_title=Application1 button1_text_body=descriptive text button1_offset= button1_netscape_required= button2_bitmaps=..\bmps\32b_up.bmp,..\bmps\32b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp button2_cmdline=exe,..\..\apps\app2\app2.exe button2_text_title=Application2 button2_text_body=descriptive text button2_offset= button2_netscape_required= button3_bitmaps=..\bmps\32b_up.bmp,..\bmps\32b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp button3_cmdline=exe,..\..\apps\app3\app3.exe button3_text_title=Plug-in1 button3_text_body=descriptive text button3_offset= button3_netscape_required= button4_bitmaps=..\bmps\32b_up.bmp,..\bmps\32b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\32b_mo.bmp button4_cmdline=exe,..\..\apps\app4\app4.exe button4_text_title=Plug-in2 button4_text_body=descriptive text button4_offset= button4_netscape_required= ;============================== dialog 3 ============================== [Dialog3] ;============= dialog config =============== caption=Bonus Plug-ins dialog_position= bk_bitmap=..\bmps\comm.bmp button_gap=50 dialog_title_text=Be sure to install Netscape 6 before you install any Plug-ins. dialog_title_pos=120,400,630,420 dialog_title_text_color=255,255,255 dialog_title_shadow_color= dialog_title_shadow_depth= dialog_title_text_font=arial,10 dialog_title_font_bold=TRUE dialog_title_font_underline= dialog_title_font_italic= text_color_default=0,0,0 text_color_highlight=255,255,255 button_title_text_font=arial,14 button_title_text_font_bold=TRUE button_title_text_font_underline= button_title_text_font_italic= body_text_font=arial,10 body_text_font_bold= body_text_font_underline= body_text_font_italic= ;========== column 1 for dialog 3 ========== col1_button_pos=80,110 col1_text_offset=15 col1_text_posx= col1_text_width=200 ;========== column 2 for dialog 3 ========== col2_button_pos=350,110 col2_text_offset=15 col2_text_posx= col2_text_width=200 ;========== buttons for dialog 3 ========== button1_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button1_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin1\32plugin1.exe button1_text_title=Plug-in1 button1_text_body=descriptive text button1_offset= button1_netscape_required=TRUE button2_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button2_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin2\32plug2.exe button2_text_title=Plug-in2 button2_text_body=descriptive text button2_offset= button2_netscape_required=TRUE button3_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button3_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin3\32plug3.exe button3_text_title=Plug-in3 button3_text_body=descriptive text button3_offset= button3_netscape_required=TRUE button4_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button4_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin4\32plug4.exe button4_text_title=Plug-in4 button4_text_body=descriptive text button4_offset= button4_netscape_required=TRUE button5_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button5_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin5\32plug5.exe button5_text_title=Plug-in5 button5_text_body=descriptive text button5_offset= button5_netscape_required=TRUE button6_bitmaps=..\bmps\16b_up.bmp,..\bmps\16b_dn.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp,..\bmps\16b_mo.bmp button6_cmdline=exe,..\..\plugins\plugin6\32plug6.exe button6_text_title=Plug-in6 button6_text_body=descriptive text button6_offset= button6_netscape_required=TRUE ;----------------------------------------------------------