/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is JSIRC Library * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is New Dimensions Consulting, * Inc. Portions created by New Dimensions Consulting, Inc. are * Copyright (C) 1999 New Dimenstions Consulting, Inc. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Robert Ginda, rginda@ndcico.com, original author * * * JavaScript utility functions. * * 1999-08-15 rginda@ndcico.com v1.0 */ var DEBUG = true; var dumpln; var dd; if (typeof document == "undefined") /* in xpcshell */ dumpln = print; else if (typeof dump == "function") dumpln = function (str) {dump (str + "\n");} else if (jsenv.HAS_RHINO) dumpln = function (str) {var out = java.lang.System.out; out.println(str); out.flush(); } else dumpln = function () {} /* no suitable function */ if (DEBUG) dd = dumpln; else dd = function (){}; var jsenv = new Object(); jsenv.HAS_SECURITYMANAGER = ((typeof netscape == "object") && (typeof netscape.security == "object")); jsenv.HAS_XPCOM = ((typeof Components == "object") && (typeof Components.classes == "object")); jsenv.HAS_JAVA = (typeof java == "object"); jsenv.HAS_RHINO = (typeof defineClass == "function"); jsenv.HAS_DOCUMENT = (typeof document == "object"); jsenv.HAS_NSPR_EVENTQ = jsenv.HAS_DOCUMENT; function dumpObject (o, pfx, sep) { var p; var s = ""; sep = (typeof sep == "undefined") ? " = " : sep; pfx = (typeof pfx == "undefined") ? "" : pfx; for (p in o) { if (typeof (o[p]) != "function") s += pfx + p + sep + o[p] + "\n"; else s += pfx + p + sep + "function\n"; } return s; } /* Dumps an object in tree format, recurse specifiec the the number of objects * to recurse, compress is a boolean that can uncompress (true) the output * format, and level is the number of levels to intitialy indent (only useful * internally.) A sample dumpObjectTree (o, 1) is shown below. * * + parent (object) * + users (object) * | + jsbot (object) * | + mrjs (object) * | + nakkezzzz (object) * | * * + bans (object) * | * * + topic (string) 'ircclient.js:59: nothing is not defined' * + getUsersLength (function) 9 lines * * */ function dumpObjectTree (o, recurse, compress, level) { var s = ""; var pfx = ""; if (typeof recurse == "undefined") recurse = 0; if (typeof level == "undefined") level = 0; if (typeof compress == "undefined") compress = true; for (var i = 0; i < level; i++) pfx += (compress) ? "| " : "| "; var tee = (compress) ? "+ " : "+- "; for (i in o) { var t, ex; try { t = typeof o[i]; } catch (ex) { t = "ERROR"; } switch (t) { case "function": var sfunc = String(o[i]).split("\n"); if (sfunc[2] == " [native code]") sfunc = "[native code]"; else if (sfunc.length == 1) sfunc = String(sfunc); else sfunc = sfunc.length + " lines"; s += pfx + tee + i + " (function) " + sfunc + "\n"; break; case "object": s += pfx + tee + i + " (object)\n"; if (!compress) s += pfx + "|\n"; if ((i != "parent") && (recurse)) s += dumpObjectTree (o[i], recurse - 1, compress, level + 1); break; case "string": if (o[i].length > 200) s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " + o[i].length + " chars\n"; else s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") '" + o[i] + "'\n"; break; case "ERROR": s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") ?\n"; break; default: s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " + o[i] + "\n"; } if (!compress) s += pfx + "|\n"; } s += pfx + "*\n"; return s; } /* * Clones an existing object (Only the enumerable properties * of course.) use as a function.. * var c = Clone (obj); * or a constructor... * var c = new Clone (obj); */ function Clone (obj) { robj = new Object(); for (var p in obj) robj[p] = obj[p]; return robj; } /* * matches a real object against one or more pattern objects. * if you pass an array of pattern objects, |negate| controls wether to check * if the object matches ANY of the patterns, or NONE of the patterns. */ function matchObject (o, pattern, negate) { negate = Boolean(negate); function _match (o, pattern) { if (pattern instanceof Function) return pattern(o); for (p in pattern) { var val; /* nice to have, but slow as molases, allows you to match * properties of objects with obj$prop: "foo" syntax */ /* if (p[0] == "$") val = eval ("o." + p.substr(1,p.length).replace (/\$/g, ".")); else */ val = o[p]; if (pattern[p] instanceof Function) { if (!pattern[p](val)) return false; } else { var ary = (new String(val)).match(pattern[p]); if (ary == null) return false; else o.matchresult = ary; } } return true; } if (!(pattern instanceof Array)) return Boolean (negate ^ _match(o, pattern)); for (var i in pattern) if (_match (o, pattern[i])) return !negate; return negate; } function matchEntry (partialName, list) { if ((typeof partialName == "undefined") || (String(partialName) == "")) return list; var ary = new Array(); for (var i in list) { if (list[i].indexOf(partialName) == 0) ary.push (list[i]); } return ary; } function getCommonPfx (list) { var pfx = list[0]; var l = list.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { for (var c = 0; c < pfx.length; ++c) { if (c >= list[i].length) { pfx = pfx.substr (0, c); break; } else { if (pfx[c] != list[i][c]) pfx = pfx.substr (0, c); } } } return pfx; } function renameProperty (obj, oldname, newname) { if (oldname == newname) return; obj[newname] = obj[oldname]; delete obj[oldname]; } function newObject(contractID, iface) { if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM) return null; var obj = Components.classes[contractID].createInstance(); var rv; switch (typeof iface) { case "string": rv = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces[iface]); break; case "object": rv = obj.QueryInterface[iface]; break; default: rv = null; break; } return rv; } function getPriv (priv) { if (!jsenv.HAS_SECURITYMANAGER) return true; var rv = true; try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege(priv); } catch (e) { dd ("getPriv: unable to get privlege '" + priv + "': " + e); rv = false; } return rv; } function keys (o) { var rv = new Array(); for (var p in o) rv.push(p); return rv; } function stringTrim (s) { if (!s) return ""; s = s.replace (/^\s+/, ""); return s.replace (/\s+$/, ""); } /* the offset should be in seconds, it will be rounded to 2 decimal places */ function formatDateOffset (offset, format) { var seconds = roundTo(offset % 60, 2); var minutes = parseInt(offset / 60); var hours = parseInt(minutes / 60); minutes = minutes % 60; var days = parseInt(hours / 24); hours = hours % 24; if (!format) { var ary = new Array(); if (days > 0) ary.push (days + " days"); if (hours > 0) ary.push (hours + " hours"); if (minutes > 0) ary.push (minutes + " minutes"); if (seconds > 0 || offset == 0) ary.push (seconds + " seconds"); format = ary.join(", "); } else { format = format.replace ("%d", days); format = format.replace ("%h", hours); format = format.replace ("%m", minutes); format = format.replace ("%s", seconds); } return format; } function arrayContains (ary, elem) { return (arrayIndexOf (ary, elem) != -1); } function arrayIndexOf (ary, elem) { for (var i in ary) if (ary[i] == elem) return i; return -1; } function arrayInsertAt (ary, i, o) { ary.splice (i, 0, o); /* doh, forgot about that 'splice' thing if (ary.length < i) { this[i] = o; return; } for (var j = ary.length; j > i; j--) ary[j] = ary[j - 1]; ary[i] = o; */ } function arrayRemoveAt (ary, i) { ary.splice (i, 1); /* doh, forgot about that 'splice' thing if (ary.length < i) return false; for (var j = i; j < ary.length; j++) ary[j] = ary[j + 1]; ary.length--; */ } /* length should be an even number >= 6 */ function abbreviateWord (str, length) { if (str.length <= length || length < 6) return str; var left = str.substr (0, (length / 2) - 1); var right = str.substr (str.length - (length / 2) + 1); return left + "..." + right; } /* * Inserts the string |hyphen| into string |str| every |pos| characters. * If there are any wordbreaking characters in |str| within -/+5 characters of * of a |pos| then the hyphen is inserted there instead, in order to produce a * "cleaner" break. */ function hyphenateWord (str, pos, hyphen) { if (str.length <= pos) return str; if (typeof hyphen == "undefined") hyphen = " "; /* search for a nice place to break the word, fuzzfactor of +/-5, centered * around |pos| */ var splitPos = str.substring(pos - 5, pos + 5).search(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/); splitPos = (splitPos != -1) ? pos - 4 + splitPos : pos; var left = str.substr (0, splitPos); var right = hyphenateWord(str.substr (splitPos), pos, hyphen); return left + hyphen + right; } /* * Like hyphenateWord, except individual chunks of the word are returned as * elements of an array. */ function splitLongWord (str, pos) { if (str.length <= pos) return [str]; var ary = new Array(); var right = str; while (right.length > pos) { /* search for a nice place to break the word, fuzzfactor of +/-5, * centered around |pos| */ var splitPos = right.substring(pos - 5, pos + 5).search(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/); splitPos = (splitPos != -1) ? pos - 4 + splitPos : pos; ary.push(right.substr (0, splitPos)); right = right.substr (splitPos); } ary.push (right); return ary; } function getRandomElement (ary) { return ary[Math.floor(Math.random() * ary.length)]; } function roundTo (num, prec) { return Math.round(num * Math.pow (10, prec)) / Math.pow (10, prec); } function randomRange (min, max) { if (typeof min == "undefined") min = 0; if (typeof max == "undefined") max = 1; return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function getStackTrace () { if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM) return "No stack trace available."; var frame = Components.stack.caller; var str = ""; while (frame) { var name = frame.name ? frame.name : "[anonymous]"; str += "\n" + name + "@" + frame.lineNumber; frame = frame.caller; } return str; } function getInterfaces (cls) { if (!jsenv.HAS_XPCOM) return null; var rv = new Object(); var e; for (var i in Components.interfaces) { try { var ifc = Components.interfaces[i]; cls.QueryInterface(ifc); rv[i] = ifc; } catch (e) { /* nada */ } } return rv; } /** * Calls a named function for each element in an array, sending * the same parameter each call. * * @param ary an array of objects * @param func_name string name of function to call. * @param data data object to pass to each object. */ function mapObjFunc(ary, func_name, data) { /* * WARNING: Caller assumes resonsibility to verify ary * and func_name */ for (var i in ary) ary[i][func_name](data); } /** * Passes each element of an array to a given function object. * * @param func a function object. * @param ary an array of values. */ function map(func, ary) { /* * WARNING: Caller assumnes responsibility to verify * func and ary. */ for (var i in ary) func(ary[i]); }