/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var tests = []; /* Backup/restore tests example: var myTest = { populate: function () { ... add bookmarks ... }, validate: function () { ... query for your bookmarks ... } } this.push(myTest); */ /* test summary: - create folders with content - create a query bookmark for those folders - backs up bookmarks - restores bookmarks - confirms that the query has the new ids for the same folders scenarios: - 1 folder (folder shortcut) - n folders (single query) - n folders (multiple queries) */ const DEFAULT_INDEX = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX; var test = { _testRootId: null, _testRootTitle: "test root", _folderIds: [], _bookmarkURIs: [], _count: 3, populate: function populate() { // folder to hold this test PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeFolderChildren(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId); this._testRootId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, this._testRootTitle, DEFAULT_INDEX); // create test folders each with a bookmark for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { var folderId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(this._testRootId, "folder" + i, DEFAULT_INDEX); this._folderIds.push(folderId) var bookmarkURI = uri("http://" + i); PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(folderId, bookmarkURI, DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark" + i); this._bookmarkURIs.push(bookmarkURI); } // create a query URI with 1 folder (ie: folder shortcut) this._queryURI1 = uri("place:folder=" + this._folderIds[0] + "&queryType=1"); this._queryTitle1 = "query1"; PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(this._testRootId, this._queryURI1, DEFAULT_INDEX, this._queryTitle1); // create a query URI with _count folders this._queryURI2 = uri("place:folder=" + this._folderIds.join("&folder=") + "&queryType=1"); this._queryTitle2 = "query2"; PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(this._testRootId, this._queryURI2, DEFAULT_INDEX, this._queryTitle2); // create a query URI with _count queries (each with a folder) // first get a query object for each folder var queries = this._folderIds.map(function(aFolderId) { var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(); query.setFolders([aFolderId], 1); return query; }); var options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions(); options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS; this._queryURI3 = uri(PlacesUtils.history.queriesToQueryString(queries, queries.length, options)); this._queryTitle3 = "query3"; PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(this._testRootId, this._queryURI3, DEFAULT_INDEX, this._queryTitle3); }, clean: function () {}, validate: function validate() { // Throw a wrench in the works by inserting some new bookmarks, // ensuring folder ids won't be the same, when restoring. for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PlacesUtils.bookmarks. insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId, uri("http://aaaa"+i), DEFAULT_INDEX, ""); } var toolbar = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, false, true).root; do_check_true(toolbar.childCount, 1); var folderNode = toolbar.getChild(0); do_check_eq(folderNode.type, folderNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER); do_check_eq(folderNode.title, this._testRootTitle); folderNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode); folderNode.containerOpen = true; // |_count| folders + the query node do_check_eq(folderNode.childCount, this._count+3); for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { var subFolder = folderNode.getChild(i); do_check_eq(subFolder.title, "folder"+i); subFolder.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode); subFolder.containerOpen = true; do_check_eq(subFolder.childCount, 1); var child = subFolder.getChild(0); do_check_eq(child.title, "bookmark"+i); do_check_true(uri(child.uri).equals(uri("http://" + i))) } // validate folder shortcut this.validateQueryNode1(folderNode.getChild(this._count)); // validate folders query this.validateQueryNode2(folderNode.getChild(this._count + 1)); // validate multiple queries query this.validateQueryNode3(folderNode.getChild(this._count + 2)); // clean up folderNode.containerOpen = false; toolbar.containerOpen = false; }, validateQueryNode1: function validateQueryNode1(aNode) { do_check_eq(aNode.title, this._queryTitle1); do_check_true(PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(aNode)); aNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode); aNode.containerOpen = true; do_check_eq(aNode.childCount, 1); var child = aNode.getChild(0); do_check_true(uri(child.uri).equals(uri("http://0"))) do_check_eq(child.title, "bookmark0") aNode.containerOpen = false; }, validateQueryNode2: function validateQueryNode2(aNode) { do_check_eq(aNode.title, this._queryTitle2); do_check_true(PlacesUtils.nodeIsQuery(aNode)); aNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode); aNode.containerOpen = true; do_check_eq(aNode.childCount, this._count); for (var i = 0; i < aNode.childCount; i++) { var child = aNode.getChild(i); do_check_true(uri(child.uri).equals(uri("http://" + i))) do_check_eq(child.title, "bookmark" + i) } aNode.containerOpen = false; }, validateQueryNode3: function validateQueryNode3(aNode) { do_check_eq(aNode.title, this._queryTitle3); do_check_true(PlacesUtils.nodeIsQuery(aNode)); aNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode); aNode.containerOpen = true; do_check_eq(aNode.childCount, this._count); for (var i = 0; i < aNode.childCount; i++) { var child = aNode.getChild(i); do_check_true(uri(child.uri).equals(uri("http://" + i))) do_check_eq(child.title, "bookmark" + i) } aNode.containerOpen = false; } } tests.push(test); function run_test() { do_test_pending(); do_check_eq(typeof PlacesUtils, "object"); // make json file var jsonFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile); jsonFile.append("bookmarks.json"); if (jsonFile.exists()) jsonFile.remove(false); jsonFile.create(Ci.nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600); if (!jsonFile.exists()) do_throw("couldn't create file: bookmarks.exported.json"); // populate db tests.forEach(function(aTest) { aTest.populate(); // sanity aTest.validate(); }); // export json to file Task.spawn(function() { try { yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(jsonFile); } catch(ex) { do_throw("couldn't export to file: " + ex); } // clean tests.forEach(function(aTest) { aTest.clean(); }); // restore json file try { PlacesUtils.restoreBookmarksFromJSONFile(jsonFile); } catch(ex) { do_throw("couldn't import the exported file: " + ex); } // validate tests.forEach(function(aTest) { aTest.validate(); }); // clean up jsonFile.remove(false); do_test_finished(); }); }