#!/bin/tcsh #sspitzer@netscape.com # check args if ($#argv != 1) then if ($#argv != 2) then echo "Usage: $0 [theme-to-copy]" echo "\t is required" echo "\t[theme-to-copy] is optional. if none specified, uses modern" exit 1 endif endif # check if it exists test -d $1 if ($? == 0) then echo "$1 already exists" exit 1 endif if ($#argv == 1) then # copy modern skin \cp -r modern $1 else # make sure theme-to-copy exists test -d $2 if ($?) then echo "$2 does not exist" exit 1 endif \cp -r $2 $1 endif # remove the CVS files (cd $1; find . -name "CVS" -exec rm -rf {} \; >& /dev/null) # create a theme.mk echo "THEME=$1" > $1/theme.mk # create a new README echo "this is the $1 theme" > $1/README date >> $1/README # notify the user about what's left todo echo "$1 theme has been created. now you have to do cvs add and cvs commit. (don't forget -kb for binary files)" echo "you also have to fix mozilla/theme/makefiles, mozilla/themes/makefile.win, mozilla/themes/Makefile.in and mozilla/build/mac/NGLayoutBuildList.pm to add your $1 to the build."