check HTTP error codes on 1st line deal with content type "text/html " take stats on domain names e.g., URL char stats e.g. 8-bit, escaped 8-bit, etc hierachical tag and attribute stats, not flat attr space more checking in ISO 2022 code detect UCS-2, UCS-4 deal with multiple charset parameters in one content-type FRAME SRC URLs IMG SRC URLs other URLs? NNTP robot FTP robot DNS robot IP robot parse URLs properly a la RFC improve hashing (grow tables, prime numbers) parse where "..." appears as attribute-name-like thing run purify to find memory leaks use less memory in URL hash table (value not needed, only key needed) use less memory in URL list (use array, remove processed URLs, randomize?) get to work (problem in io.c's read whole stream routine) --- 2/17/99 use nm to find all system calls, and do proper error checking on all of them e.g. write() to catch SIGPIPE-like stuff(?)