/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "XPathGenerator.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "Element.h" #include "nsTArray.h" /** * Check whether a character is a non-word character. A non-word character is a * character that isn't in ('a'..'z') or in ('A'..'Z') or a number or an underscore. * */ bool IsNonWordCharacter(const char16_t& aChar) { if (((char16_t('A') <= aChar) && (aChar <= char16_t('Z'))) || ((char16_t('a') <= aChar) && (aChar <= char16_t('z'))) || ((char16_t('0') <= aChar) && (aChar <= char16_t('9'))) || (aChar == char16_t('_'))) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Check whether a string contains a non-word character. * */ bool ContainNonWordCharacter(const nsAString& aStr) { const char16_t* cur = aStr.BeginReading(); const char16_t* end = aStr.EndReading(); for (; cur < end; ++cur) { if (IsNonWordCharacter(*cur)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the prefix according to the given namespace and assign the result to aResult. * */ void GetPrefix(const nsINode* aNode, nsAString& aResult) { if (aNode->IsXULElement()) { aResult.AssignLiteral(u"xul"); } else if (aNode->IsHTMLElement()) { aResult.AssignLiteral(u"xhtml"); } } void GetNameAttribute(const nsINode* aNode, nsAString& aResult) { if (aNode->HasName()) { const Element* elem = aNode->AsElement(); elem->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::name, aResult); } } /** * Put all sequences of ' in a string in between '," and ",' . And then put * the result string in between concat(' and '). * * For example, a string 'a'' will return result concat('',"'",'a',"''",'') * */ void GenerateConcatExpression(const nsAString& aStr, nsAString& aResult) { const char16_t* cur = aStr.BeginReading(); const char16_t* end = aStr.EndReading(); // Put all sequences of ' in between '," and ",' nsAutoString result; const char16_t* nonQuoteBeginPtr = nullptr; const char16_t* quoteBeginPtr = nullptr; for (; cur < end; ++cur) { if (char16_t('\'') == *cur) { if (nonQuoteBeginPtr) { result.Append(nonQuoteBeginPtr, cur - nonQuoteBeginPtr); nonQuoteBeginPtr = nullptr; } if (!quoteBeginPtr) { result.AppendLiteral(u"\',\""); quoteBeginPtr = cur; } } else { if (!nonQuoteBeginPtr) { nonQuoteBeginPtr = cur; } if (quoteBeginPtr) { result.Append(quoteBeginPtr, cur - quoteBeginPtr); result.AppendLiteral(u"\",\'"); quoteBeginPtr = nullptr; } } } if (quoteBeginPtr) { result.Append(quoteBeginPtr, cur - quoteBeginPtr); result.AppendLiteral(u"\",\'"); } else if (nonQuoteBeginPtr) { result.Append(nonQuoteBeginPtr, cur - nonQuoteBeginPtr); } // Prepend concat(' and append '). aResult.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("concat(\'") + result + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\')")); } void XPathGenerator::QuoteArgument(const nsAString& aArg, nsAString& aResult) { if (!aArg.Contains('\'')) { aResult.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\'") + aArg + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\'")); } else if (!aArg.Contains('\"')) { aResult.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\"") + aArg + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\"")); } else { GenerateConcatExpression(aArg, aResult); } } void XPathGenerator::EscapeName(const nsAString& aName, nsAString& aResult) { if (ContainNonWordCharacter(aName)) { nsAutoString quotedArg; QuoteArgument(aName, quotedArg); aResult.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("*[local-name()=") + quotedArg + NS_LITERAL_STRING("]")); } else { aResult.Assign(aName); } } void XPathGenerator::Generate(const nsINode* aNode, nsAString& aResult) { if (!aNode->GetParentNode()) { aResult.Truncate(); return; } nsAutoString nodeNamespaceURI; aNode->GetNamespaceURI(nodeNamespaceURI); const nsString& nodeLocalName = aNode->LocalName(); nsAutoString prefix; nsAutoString tag; nsAutoString nodeEscapeName; GetPrefix(aNode, prefix); EscapeName(nodeLocalName, nodeEscapeName); if (prefix.IsEmpty()) { tag.Assign(nodeEscapeName); } else { tag.Assign(prefix + NS_LITERAL_STRING(":") + nodeEscapeName); } if (aNode->HasID()) { // this must be an element const Element* elem = aNode->AsElement(); nsAutoString elemId; nsAutoString quotedArgument; elem->GetId(elemId); QuoteArgument(elemId, quotedArgument); aResult.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("//") + tag + NS_LITERAL_STRING("[@id=") + quotedArgument + NS_LITERAL_STRING("]")); return; } int32_t count = 1; nsAutoString nodeNameAttribute; GetNameAttribute(aNode, nodeNameAttribute); for (const Element* e = aNode->GetPreviousElementSibling(); e; e = e->GetPreviousElementSibling()) { nsAutoString elementNamespaceURI; e->GetNamespaceURI(elementNamespaceURI); nsAutoString elementNameAttribute; GetNameAttribute(e, elementNameAttribute); if (e->LocalName().Equals(nodeLocalName) && elementNamespaceURI.Equals(nodeNamespaceURI) && (nodeNameAttribute.IsEmpty() || elementNameAttribute.Equals(nodeNameAttribute))) { ++count; } } nsAutoString namePart; nsAutoString countPart; if (!nodeNameAttribute.IsEmpty()) { nsAutoString quotedArgument; QuoteArgument(nodeNameAttribute, quotedArgument); namePart.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("[@name=") + quotedArgument + NS_LITERAL_STRING("]")); } if (count != 1) { countPart.AssignLiteral(u"["); countPart.AppendInt(count); countPart.AppendLiteral(u"]"); } Generate(aNode->GetParentNode(), aResult); aResult.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("/") + tag + namePart + countPart); }