# MailStone workload configuration file. See sample.wld for detailed usage # Typical WMAP checks/reads # test specific config title WMAP reads clientCount 1 # since WMAP has long sleeps, use lots of clients # leaveMailOnServer 1 file en-1k.msg #numAddresses 200 numRecips 1 idleTime 2s # time between login and first download check loopDelay 5m # time between download checks numLoops 10 # how many check to do before closing the connection blockTime 2s # time between logout and next login (or other block) # This version pulls in everything (no caching) weight 20 # %s=referhost %s=host %d=content-length wmapClientHeader "\ Referer: http://%s/\r\n\ Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\ User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)\r\n\ Host: %s\r\n\ Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*\r\n\ Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n\ Accept-Language: en\r\n\ Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8\r\n" wmapBannerCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" wmapBannerCmds "GET /imx/N24b.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapLoginCmd "POST /login.msc HTTP/1.0" # %s=user %s=password wmapLoginData "user=%s&password=%s" # %s=sid # (this one is done automatically from the redirect URL) # wmapInboxCmds "GET /en/mail.html?sid=%s&\ #lang=en&host=http://toad.mcom.com/&cert=false HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /util.js HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /en/i18n.js HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /main.js HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /frame.html HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /cfg.msc?sid=%s&security=false HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /mbox_fs.html HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/N16.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/spacer.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/pull.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/compose.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/search.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/divider.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/trash.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/read.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/sort_dn.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/high-0.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /imx/read-1.gif HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapCheckCmds "GET /mbox.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=INBOX&\ start=-9999&count=9999&date=true&srch= HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid, %d=message uid wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /msg.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=INBOX&\ uid=13&process=js,link,target,html,binhex&maxtext=30720 HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /msg_fs.html HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /reply.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /reply_all.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /forward.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /prev-0.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /all-0.gif HTTP/1.0" wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /next-1.gif HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid #TODO wmapMsgDeleteCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid #TODO wmapMsgComposeCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid #TODO wmapMsgReplyCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid #TODO wmapMsgReplyallCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid #TODO wmapMsgForwardCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapMsgWriteCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapLogoutCmds "GET /cmd.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=&cmd=logout HTTP/1.0" # This version assumes all static URLs are cached weight 80 # %s=referhost %s=host %d=content-length wmapClientHeader "\ Referer: http://%s/\r\n\ Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\ User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; U)\r\n\ Host: %s\r\n\ Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*\r\n\ Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n\ Accept-Language: en\r\n\ Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8\r\n" wmapBannerCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" wmapLoginCmd "POST /login.msc HTTP/1.0" # %s=user %s=password wmapLoginData "user=%s&password=%s" # %s=sid # (this one is done automatically from the redirect URL) # wmapInboxCmds "GET /en/mail.html?sid=%s&\ #lang=en&host=http://toad.mcom.com/&cert=false HTTP/1.0" wmapInboxCmds "GET /cfg.msc?sid=%s&security=false HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapCheckCmds "GET /mbox.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=INBOX&\ start=-9999&count=9999&date=true&srch= HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid, %d=message uid wmapMsgReadCmds "GET /msg.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=INBOX&\ uid=13&process=js,link,target,html,binhex&maxtext=30720 HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapMsgWriteCmds "GET / HTTP/1.0" # %s=sid wmapLogoutCmds "GET /cmd.msc?sid=%s&security=false&mbox=&cmd=logout HTTP/1.0" ######################################################################## # # Typical Communicator 4.7 to Messenger Express 4.1 dataflow # High level requests (as seen using Network Monitor) and client [port] numbers # ### Login # # GET / # (gets login screen) # GET /imx/N24b.gif # (gets a gif as part of the screen) # POST /login.msc # Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # user=x&password=x # (performs the login, gets a Location: redirect with session ID) # Location: http://mailhost/en/mail.html?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&lang=en&host=http://mailhost/&cert=false # ### INBOX Listing # # (first fetch the redirect url) # GET /en/mail.html?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&lang=en&host=http://mailhost/&cert=false # (gets the inbox screen) # GET /util.js # GET /en/i18n.js # GET /main.js # GET /frame.html # GET /frame.html # GET /frame.html # GET /cfg.msc?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&security=false # GET /frame.html # GET /frame.html # # GET /mbox.msc?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&security=false&mbox=INBOX&start=-9999&count=9999&date=true&srch= # GET /mbox_fs.html # GET /imx/N16.gif # GET /imx/spacer.gif # GET /imx/pull.gif # GET /imx/compose.gif # GET /imx/divider.gif # GET /imx/trash.gif # GET /imx/search.gif # GET /imx/read.gif # GET /imx/sort_dn.gif # GET /imx/high-0.gif # GET /imx/read-1.gif # ### Reading a message # # GET /msg.msc?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&security=false&mbox=INBOX&uid=13&process=js,link,target,html,binhex&maxtext=30720 # GET /msg_fs.html # GET /imx/reply.gif # GET /imx/reply_all.gif # GET /imx/forward.gif # GET /imx/prev-0.gif # GET /imx/all-0.gif # GET /imx/next-1.gif # ### Logout # # GET /cmd.msc?sid=ebp32po0bt9u95rh&security=false&mbox=&cmd=logout # ########################################################################