using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mozilla.XPCOM; namespace Mozilla.XPCOM { /* This doesn't need to be public, but making it 'internal' causes stress with * TypeDescriptor.op_Implicit(XPTType). */ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct XPTType { public const byte FlagMask = 0xE0; public const byte TagMask = 0x1F; public byte prefix; public byte arg1; public byte arg2; public byte padding; public UInt16 arg3; static public implicit operator XPTType(TypeInfo.TypeDescriptor td) { XPTType t = new XPTType(); t.prefix = (byte) ((byte)td.flags | (byte)td.tag); t.arg1 = td.arg1; t.arg2 = td.arg2; t.arg3 = td.arg3; return t; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct XPTParamDescriptor { public byte param_flags; public byte padding1; public XPTType type; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential,CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] struct XPTMethodDescriptor { public String name; public IntPtr args; /* XPTParamDescriptor */ public IntPtr result; /* XPTParamDescriptor */ public byte flags; public byte numArgs; } public class TypeInfo { [Flags] public enum TypeFlags : byte { Pointer = 0x80, UniquePointer = 0x40, Reference = 0x20 } public enum TypeTag : byte { Int8 = 0, Int16 = 1, Int32 = 2, Int64 = 3, UInt8 = 4, UInt16 = 5, UInt32 = 6, UInt64 = 7, Float = 8, Double = 9, Bool = 10, Char = 11, WChar = 12, Void = 13, NSIdPtr = 14, AString = 15, String = 16, WString = 17, Interface = 18, InterfaceIs = 19, Array = 20, StringSizeIs = 21, WStringSizeIs = 22, UTF8String = 23, CString = 24, AString_dup = 25 } public struct TypeDescriptor { public TypeFlags flags; public TypeTag tag; public byte arg1; public byte arg2; public UInt16 arg3; public override string ToString() { string res = String.Empty; if ((Int32)flags != 0) res = "[" + flags.ToString() + "]"; res += tag.ToString(); return res; } public bool IsScalar() { if (tag <= TypeTag.WChar || tag == TypeTag.String || tag == TypeTag.WString) { return true; } return false; } static public implicit operator TypeDescriptor(XPTType t) { TypeDescriptor td = new TypeInfo.TypeDescriptor(); td.flags = (TypeFlags)(t.prefix & XPTType.FlagMask); td.tag = (TypeTag)(t.prefix & XPTType.TagMask); td.arg1 = t.arg1; td.arg2 = t.arg2; td.arg3 = t.arg3; return td; } public Type AsCLRType() { switch (tag) { case TypeTag.Int8: return typeof(sbyte); case TypeTag.Int16: return typeof(Int16); case TypeTag.Int32: return typeof(Int32); case TypeTag.Int64: return typeof(Int64); case TypeTag.UInt8: return typeof(byte); case TypeTag.UInt16: return typeof(UInt16); case TypeTag.UInt32: return typeof(UInt32); case TypeTag.UInt64: return typeof(UInt64); case TypeTag.Float: return typeof(Single); case TypeTag.Double: return typeof(Double); case TypeTag.Bool: return typeof(bool); case TypeTag.String: return typeof(string); case TypeTag.WString: return typeof(string); case TypeTag.Interface: return typeof(object); case TypeTag.InterfaceIs: return typeof(object); case TypeTag.Char: return typeof(byte); case TypeTag.WChar: return typeof(char); case TypeTag.NSIdPtr: return Type.GetType("System.Guid&"); // return typeof(Guid).MakeByRefType(); NET_2_0 default: string msg = String.Format("type {0} not yet supported ", tag.ToString()); throw new Exception(msg); } } } [Flags] public enum ParamFlags : byte { In = 0x80, Out = 0x40, RetVal = 0x20, Shared = 0x10, Dipper = 0x08 } public struct ParamDescriptor { public MethodDescriptor method; public int index; public ParamFlags flags; public TypeDescriptor type; public Type GetCLRType() { Type t = type.AsCLRType(); if (IsOut() && !IsRetVal()) { Type reft = System.Type.GetType(t.FullName + "&"); Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", t.FullName, reft.FullName); t = reft; } return t; } public override string ToString() { return "[" + flags.ToString() + "] " + type.ToString(); } public string Name() { return method.Name() + ":" + index; } public bool IsOut() { return (flags & ParamFlags.Out) != 0; } public bool IsIn() { return (flags & ParamFlags.In) != 0; } public bool IsRetVal() { return (flags & ParamFlags.RetVal) != 0; } public Guid GetIID() { if (type.tag != TypeTag.Interface) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} not an interface type", this)); } Guid iid; int res; res = typeinfo_GetIIDForParam(method.ifaceName, method.index, index, out iid); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetIIDForParam failed: {0:X8}", res)); } return iid; } public string GetInterfaceName() { return TypeInfo.NameForIID(GetIID()); } } [Flags] public enum MethodFlags : byte { Getter = 0x80, Setter = 0x40, NotXPCOM = 0x20, Constructor = 0x10, Hidden = 0x08 } public class MethodDescriptor { public int index; public String name; public ParamDescriptor[] args; public ParamDescriptor result; public Type[] argTypes; public Type resultType; public MethodFlags flags; public String ifaceName; public bool IsVisible() { return (flags & (MethodFlags.Hidden | MethodFlags.NotXPCOM)) == 0; } public bool IsSetter() { return (flags & MethodFlags.Setter) != 0; } public bool IsGetter() { return (flags & MethodFlags.Getter) != 0; } public string Name() { return ifaceName + ":" + name + "(" + index + ")"; } public Type FindResultType() { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].IsRetVal()) return args[i].GetCLRType(); } return typeof(void); } public void BuildArgTypes() { if (!IsVisible()) { argTypes = new Type[] { }; return; } if (resultType != typeof(void)) argTypes = new Type[args.Length - 1]; else argTypes = new Type[args.Length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].IsRetVal()) continue; argTypes[j++] = args[i].GetCLRType(); } } public override string ToString() { string res = String.Empty; if (flags != 0) res = "[" + flags.ToString() + "] "; res += result.ToString() + " " + name + "("; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) res += ", "; res += args[i].ToString(); } res += ")"; return res; } } [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetAllMethodData(String iface, out IntPtr infos, out UInt16 count); [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetMethodData(String iface, int method, out IntPtr info); [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetMethodData_byname(String iface, String method, out UInt16 index, out IntPtr info); [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetMethodData_iid_index(ref Guid iid, int index, out IntPtr xptinfo); [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetIIDForParam(String iface, int method, int param, out Guid iid); [DllImport("")] static extern int typeinfo_GetNameForIID(ref Guid iid, out String name); [DllImport("")] public static extern IntPtr typeinfo_EnumerateInterfacesStart(); [DllImport("")] public static extern String typeinfo_EnumerateInterfacesNext(IntPtr e); [DllImport("")] public static extern void typeinfo_EnumerateInterfacesStop(IntPtr e); [DllImport("")] public static extern int typeinfo_GetParentInfo(String name, out String parentName, out UInt16 methodCount); public static String GetParentInfo(String name, out UInt16 methodCount) { String parentName; int res = typeinfo_GetParentInfo(name, out parentName, out methodCount); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetParentInfo({0}) " + "failed: {1:X8}", name, res)); } return parentName; } static ParamDescriptor BuildParamDescriptor(IntPtr paramptr, int index, MethodDescriptor method) { XPTParamDescriptor xptpd = (XPTParamDescriptor) Marshal.PtrToStructure(paramptr, typeof(XPTParamDescriptor)); ParamDescriptor pd = new ParamDescriptor(); pd.method = method; pd.index = index; pd.flags = (ParamFlags) xptpd.param_flags; pd.type = xptpd.type; return pd; } static ParamDescriptor BuildRetValDescriptor(IntPtr paramptr, MethodDescriptor method) { return BuildParamDescriptor(paramptr, -1, method); } static ParamDescriptor[] BuildParamDescriptorArray(IntPtr paramptr, int count, MethodDescriptor method) { ParamDescriptor[] parr = new ParamDescriptor[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { parr[i] = BuildParamDescriptor(paramptr, i, method); paramptr = (IntPtr)(paramptr.ToInt32() + 8); } return parr; } static MethodDescriptor ConvertMethodDescriptor(IntPtr xptinfo, string ifaceName, int index) { XPTMethodDescriptor info; info = (XPTMethodDescriptor) Marshal.PtrToStructure(xptinfo, typeof(XPTMethodDescriptor)); MethodDescriptor meth = new MethodDescriptor(); meth.ifaceName = ifaceName; meth.index = index; = System.Char.ToUpper([0]) +; meth.flags = (MethodFlags)info.flags; meth.args = BuildParamDescriptorArray(info.args, info.numArgs, meth); meth.result = BuildRetValDescriptor(info.result, meth); if (meth.IsVisible()) { meth.resultType = meth.FindResultType(); meth.BuildArgTypes(); } return meth; } static public MethodDescriptor[] GetMethodData(string ifaceName) { IntPtr buffer; UInt16 count; int res = typeinfo_GetAllMethodData(ifaceName, out buffer, out count); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetAllMethodData({0}) " + "failed: {1:X8}", ifaceName, res)); } MethodDescriptor[] methods = new MethodDescriptor[count]; for (int i = 0; i < (UInt16)count; i++) { IntPtr infoptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(buffer, i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))); try { methods[i] = ConvertMethodDescriptor(infoptr, ifaceName, i); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("skipping {0}[{1}]: {2}", ifaceName, i, e.Message); } } if (count > 0) Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(buffer); return methods; } static public MethodDescriptor GetMethodData(Guid iid, int index) { IntPtr xptinfo; int res = typeinfo_GetMethodData_iid_index(ref iid, index, out xptinfo); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetMethodData({0}.{1}) " + "failed: {2:X8}", iid, index, res)); } String name; res = typeinfo_GetNameForIID(ref iid, out name); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetNameForIID failed: {0:X8}", res)); } return ConvertMethodDescriptor(xptinfo, name, index); } static public String NameForIID(Guid iid) { String name; int res = typeinfo_GetNameForIID(ref iid, out name); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetNameForIID failed: {0:X8}", res)); } return name; } static public Type TypeForIID(Guid iid) { String ifaceName = "Mozilla.XPCOM.Interfaces." + NameForIID(iid) + ",Mozilla.XPCOM.Interfaces"; return System.Type.GetType(ifaceName); } static public MethodDescriptor GetMethodData(string ifaceName, string methodName) { IntPtr xptinfo; UInt16 index; int res = typeinfo_GetMethodData_byname(ifaceName, methodName, out index, out xptinfo); if (res != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetMethodData({0}.{1}) " + "failed: {2:X8}", ifaceName, methodName, res)); } // Console.WriteLine("{0} is index {1}", methodName, index); return ConvertMethodDescriptor(xptinfo, ifaceName, (int)index); } static public MethodDescriptor GetMethodData(String ifaceName, int methodIndex) { IntPtr xptinfo; int res = typeinfo_GetMethodData(ifaceName, methodIndex, out xptinfo); if (xptinfo == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception(String.Format("GetMethodData({0}:{1}) failed:" + " {2:X8}", ifaceName, methodIndex, res)); } return ConvertMethodDescriptor(xptinfo, ifaceName, methodIndex); } } } // namespace Mozilla.XPCOM