/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "dlfcn.h" #include "NSSBridge.h" #include "APKOpen.h" #ifdef ANDROID #include #include #endif #include "ElfLoader.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define LOG(x...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "GeckoJNI", x) #else #define LOG(x...) #endif static bool initialized = false; #define NSS_WRAPPER_INT(name) name ## _t f_ ## name; NSS_WRAPPER_INT(NSS_Initialize) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(NSS_Shutdown) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(SECITEM_ZfreeItem) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PK11SDR_Encrypt) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PK11SDR_Decrypt) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PK11_NeedUserInit) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PK11_InitPin) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PR_ErrorToString) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PR_GetError) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PR_Free) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PL_Base64Encode) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PL_Base64Decode) NSS_WRAPPER_INT(PL_strfree) SECStatus doCrypto(JNIEnv* jenv, const char *path, const char *value, char** result, bool doEncrypt); SECStatus encode(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t srclen, char** result); SECStatus decode(const char* data, uint8_t** result, uint32_t* length); int setup_nss_functions(void *nss_handle, void *nspr_handle, void *plc_handle) { if (nss_handle == nullptr || nspr_handle == nullptr || plc_handle == nullptr) { LOG("Missing handle\n"); return FAILURE; } #define GETFUNC(name) f_ ## name = (name ## _t) (uintptr_t) __wrap_dlsym(nss_handle, #name); \ if (!f_ ##name) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "GeckoJNI", "missing %s", #name); return FAILURE; } GETFUNC(NSS_Initialize); GETFUNC(NSS_Shutdown); GETFUNC(PK11SDR_Encrypt); GETFUNC(PK11SDR_Decrypt); GETFUNC(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot); GETFUNC(PK11_NeedUserInit); GETFUNC(PK11_InitPin); GETFUNC(SECITEM_ZfreeItem); #undef GETFUNC #define NSPRFUNC(name) f_ ## name = (name ## _t) (uintptr_t) __wrap_dlsym(nspr_handle, #name); \ if (!f_ ##name) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "GeckoJNI", "missing %s", #name); return FAILURE; } NSPRFUNC(PR_ErrorToString); NSPRFUNC(PR_GetError); NSPRFUNC(PR_Free); #undef NSPRFUNC #define PLCFUNC(name) f_ ## name = (name ## _t) (uintptr_t) __wrap_dlsym(plc_handle, #name); \ if (!f_ ##name) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "GeckoJNI", "missing %s", #name); return FAILURE; } PLCFUNC(PL_Base64Encode); PLCFUNC(PL_Base64Decode); PLCFUNC(PL_strfree); #undef PLCFUNC return SUCCESS; } /* Throws the current NSS error. */ static void throwError(JNIEnv* jenv, const char * funcString) { char *msg; PRErrorCode perr = f_PR_GetError(); char * errString = f_PR_ErrorToString(perr, 0); asprintf(&msg, "%s returned error %d: %s\n", funcString, perr, errString); LOG("Throwing error: %s\n", msg); JNI_Throw(jenv, "java/lang/Exception", msg); free(msg); LOG("Error thrown\n"); } extern "C" APKOPEN_EXPORT jstring MOZ_JNICALL Java_org_mozilla_gecko_NSSBridge_nativeEncrypt(JNIEnv* jenv, jclass, jstring jPath, jstring jValue) { jstring ret = jenv->NewStringUTF(""); const char* path; path = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jPath, nullptr); const char* value; value = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jValue, nullptr); char* result; SECStatus rv = doCrypto(jenv, path, value, &result, true); if (rv == SECSuccess) { ret = jenv->NewStringUTF(result); free(result); } jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jValue, value); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jPath, path); return ret; } extern "C" APKOPEN_EXPORT jstring MOZ_JNICALL Java_org_mozilla_gecko_NSSBridge_nativeDecrypt(JNIEnv* jenv, jclass, jstring jPath, jstring jValue) { jstring ret = jenv->NewStringUTF(""); const char* path; path = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jPath, nullptr); const char* value; value = jenv->GetStringUTFChars(jValue, nullptr); char* result; SECStatus rv = doCrypto(jenv, path, value, &result, false); if (rv == SECSuccess) { ret = jenv->NewStringUTF(result); free(result); } jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jValue, value); jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jPath, path); return ret; } /* Encrypts or decrypts a string. result should be freed with free() when done */ SECStatus doCrypto(JNIEnv* jenv, const char *path, const char *value, char** result, bool encrypt) { SECStatus rv; PK11SlotInfo *slot; if (!initialized) { LOG("Initialize crypto in %s\n", path); rv = f_NSS_Initialize(path, "", "", "secmod.db", NSS_INIT_NOROOTINIT); if (rv != SECSuccess) { throwError(jenv, "NSS_Initialize"); return rv; } initialized = true; } slot = f_PK11_GetInternalKeySlot(); if (!slot) { throwError(jenv, "PK11_GetInternalKeySlot"); return SECFailure; } if (f_PK11_NeedUserInit(slot)) { LOG("Initializing key3.db with default blank password.\n"); rv = f_PK11_InitPin(slot, nullptr, nullptr); if (rv != SECSuccess) { throwError(jenv, "PK11_InitPin"); return rv; } } SECItem request; SECItem reply; reply.data = 0; reply.len = 0; if (encrypt) { // This can print sensitive data. Uncomment if you need it. // LOG("Encrypting: %s\n", value); request.data = (unsigned char*)value; request.len = strlen(value); SECItem keyid; keyid.data = 0; keyid.len = 0; rv = f_PK11SDR_Encrypt(&keyid, &request, &reply, nullptr); if (rv == SECSuccess) { rv = encode(reply.data, reply.len, result); if (rv == SECSuccess) { LOG("Encrypted: %s\n", *result); } else { throwError(jenv, "encode"); } } else { throwError(jenv, "PK11SDR_Encrypt"); } } else { LOG("Decoding: %s\n", value); rv = decode(value, &request.data, &request.len); if (rv != SECSuccess) { throwError(jenv, "decode"); return rv; } rv = f_PK11SDR_Decrypt(&request, &reply, nullptr); if (rv == SECSuccess) { *result = static_cast(malloc(reply.len + 1)); strncpy(*result, reinterpret_cast(reply.data), reply.len); (*result)[reply.len] = '\0'; // This can print sensitive data. Uncomment if you need it. // LOG("Decoded %i letters: %s\n", reply.len, *result); } else { throwError(jenv, "PK11SDR_Decrypt"); } free(request.data); } f_SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&reply, false); return rv; } /* * Base64 encodes the data passed in. The caller must deallocate _retval using free(); */ SECStatus encode(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t srclen, char** result) { if (srclen > (PR_UINT32_MAX / 4) * 3) { return SECFailure; } const uint32_t dstlen = ((srclen + 2) / 3) * 4; char* const buffer = static_cast(malloc(dstlen + 1)); if (!buffer || !f_PL_Base64Encode(reinterpret_cast(data), srclen, buffer)) { free(buffer); *result = nullptr; return SECFailure; } buffer[dstlen] = '\0'; *result = buffer; return SECSuccess; } /* * Base64 decodes the data passed in. The caller must deallocate result using free(); */ SECStatus decode(const char* data, uint8_t** result, uint32_t* length) { uint32_t srclen = strlen(data); while (srclen && data[srclen - 1] == '=') { srclen--; } // Avoid overflow when calculating result length. const uint32_t dstlen = (srclen / 4) * 3 + ((srclen % 4) * 3) / 4; // At most 2 extra bytes due to padding in input. uint8_t* const buffer = static_cast(malloc(dstlen + 2)); if (!buffer || !f_PL_Base64Decode(data, srclen, reinterpret_cast(buffer))) { free(buffer); *result = nullptr; *length = 0; return SECFailure; } buffer[dstlen] = '\0'; *result = buffer; *length = dstlen; return SECSuccess; }