Table Reflow Internals
Tech Talk

Aug 5, 2002

Chris Karnaze


Review of Reflow

Review of Reflow

Review of Reflow

Kinds of reflows

Kinds of reflows

Table Frames

Table Reflow

Table Reflow

Table reflow optimizations

Table incremental reflow

Table incremental reflow

Special height reflow

Special height reflow

Special height reflow

Special height reflow

Special height reflow

Intro to paganated reflow

Intro to paganated reflow

Intro to paganated reflow

Intro to paganated reflow

Intro to paganated reflow

Table paginated reflow

Table paginated reflow

Table paginated reflow

Managing style contexts

Managing style contexts

Dynamic changes to content

Dynamic changes to content

Dynamic changes to content: optimizations

Style attribute changes

Style sheet addition and removal

Style rule changes

The style system

Style sheets & rules

Rule tree

Style context interface