/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "ContentParent.h" #include "TabParent.h" #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(LINUX) # include # include #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK #include #include #endif #include "chrome/common/process_watcher.h" #include #include "mozilla/a11y/PDocAccessible.h" #include "AppProcessChecker.h" #include "AudioChannelService.h" #include "BlobParent.h" #include "CrashReporterParent.h" #include "DeviceStorageStatics.h" #include "GMPServiceParent.h" #include "HandlerServiceParent.h" #include "IHistory.h" #include "imgIContainer.h" #include "mozIApplication.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/CSSStyleSheet.h" #include "mozilla/DataStorage.h" #include "mozilla/devtools/HeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent.h" #include "mozilla/docshell/OfflineCacheUpdateParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DataStoreService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DataTransfer.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DOMStorageIPC.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/File.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ExternalHelperAppParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileSystemRequestParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/GeolocationBinding.h" #ifdef MOZ_EME #include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySystemAccess.h" #endif #include "mozilla/dom/Notification.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NuwaParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PContentBridgeParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PContentPermissionRequestParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PCycleCollectWithLogsParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PFMRadioParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PMemoryReportRequestParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerRegistrar.h" #include "mozilla/dom/bluetooth/PBluetoothParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/cellbroadcast/CellBroadcastParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/devicestorage/DeviceStorageRequestParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/icc/IccParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/indexedDB/IndexedDatabaseManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/mobileconnection/MobileConnectionParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/mobilemessage/SmsParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/power/PowerManagerService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PresentationParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PPresentationParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaManagerService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/telephony/TelephonyParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/time/DateCacheCleaner.h" #include "mozilla/dom/voicemail/VoicemailParent.h" #include "mozilla/embedding/printingui/PrintingParent.h" #include "mozilla/hal_sandbox/PHalParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/FileDescriptorSetParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/FileDescriptorUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/PFileDescriptorSetParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/TestShellParent.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/InputStreamUtils.h" #include "mozilla/jsipc/CrossProcessObjectWrappers.h" #include "mozilla/layers/CompositorParent.h" #include "mozilla/layers/ImageBridgeParent.h" #include "mozilla/layers/SharedBufferManagerParent.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/media/MediaParent.h" #include "mozilla/Move.h" #include "mozilla/net/NeckoParent.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PluginBridge.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/ProcessHangMonitor.h" #include "mozilla/ProcessHangMonitorIPC.h" #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS #include "mozilla/ProfileGatherer.h" #endif #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/WebBrowserPersistDocumentParent.h" #include "mozilla/unused.h" #include "nsAnonymousTemporaryFile.h" #include "nsAppRunner.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsCDefaultURIFixup.h" #include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsChromeRegistryChrome.h" #include "nsConsoleMessage.h" #include "nsConsoleService.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsDebugImpl.h" #include "nsFrameMessageManager.h" #include "nsGeolocationSettings.h" #include "nsHashPropertyBag.h" #include "nsIAlertsService.h" #include "nsIAppsService.h" #include "nsIClipboard.h" #include "nsContentPermissionHelper.h" #include "nsICycleCollectorListener.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMGeoGeolocation.h" #include "nsIDOMGeoPositionError.h" #include "nsIDragService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WakeLock.h" #include "nsIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsIExternalProtocolService.h" #include "nsIFormProcessor.h" #include "nsIGfxInfo.h" #include "nsIIdleService.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsIMemoryInfoDumper.h" #include "nsIMemoryReporter.h" #include "nsIMozBrowserFrame.h" #include "nsIMutable.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsIRemoteWindowContext.h" #include "nsIScriptError.h" #include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsISiteSecurityService.h" #include "nsISpellChecker.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsISystemMessagesInternal.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsIURIFixup.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h" #include "nsIXULWindow.h" #include "nsIDOMChromeWindow.h" #include "nsIWindowWatcher.h" #include "nsPIWindowWatcher.h" #include "nsWindowWatcher.h" #include "nsIXULRuntime.h" #include "gfxDrawable.h" #include "ImageOps.h" #include "mozilla/dom/nsMixedContentBlocker.h" #include "nsMemoryInfoDumper.h" #include "nsMemoryReporterManager.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsStyleSheetService.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsToolkitCompsCID.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "PreallocatedProcessManager.h" #include "ProcessPriorityManager.h" #include "SandboxHal.h" #include "ScreenManagerParent.h" #include "SourceSurfaceRawData.h" #include "TabParent.h" #include "URIUtils.h" #include "nsIWebBrowserChrome.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsDocShell.h" #include "nsOpenURIInFrameParams.h" #include "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h" #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "prio.h" #include "private/pprio.h" #include "ContentProcessManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ipc/StructuredCloneData.h" #include "mozilla/psm/PSMContentListener.h" #include "nsPluginHost.h" #include "nsPluginTags.h" #include "nsIBlocklistService.h" #include "nsIBidiKeyboard.h" #ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC #include "signaling/src/peerconnection/WebrtcGlobalParent.h" #endif #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(LINUX) #include "nsSystemInfo.h" #endif #if defined(XP_LINUX) #include "mozilla/Hal.h" #endif #ifdef ANDROID # include "gfxAndroidPlatform.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_PERMISSIONS # include "nsPermissionManager.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID # include "AndroidBridge.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK #include "nsIVolume.h" #include "nsVolumeService.h" #include "nsIVolumeService.h" #include "SpeakerManagerService.h" using namespace mozilla::system; #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK #include #endif #ifdef MOZ_B2G_BT #include "BluetoothParent.h" #include "BluetoothService.h" #endif #include "mozilla/RemoteSpellCheckEngineParent.h" #ifdef MOZ_B2G_FM #include "mozilla/dom/FMRadioParent.h" #endif #include "Crypto.h" #ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH #include "mozilla/dom/SpeechSynthesisParent.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS #include "BackgroundChildImpl.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/PBackgroundChild.h" #include "nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback.h" #endif #if defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) && defined(XP_LINUX) #include "mozilla/SandboxInfo.h" #include "mozilla/SandboxBroker.h" #include "mozilla/SandboxBrokerPolicyFactory.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_TOOLKIT_SEARCH #include "nsIBrowserSearchService.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS #include "nsIProfiler.h" #include "nsIProfileSaveEvent.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_GAMEPAD #include "mozilla/dom/GamepadMonitoring.h" #endif #include "VRManagerParent.h" // for VRManagerParent static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCClipboardCID, NS_CLIPBOARD_CID); #if defined(XP_WIN) // e10s forced enable pref, defined in nsAppRunner.cpp extern const char* kForceEnableE10sPref; #endif using base::ChildPrivileges; using base::KillProcess; #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS using mozilla::ProfileGatherer; #endif #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER using namespace CrashReporter; #endif using namespace mozilla::dom::bluetooth; using namespace mozilla::dom::cellbroadcast; using namespace mozilla::dom::devicestorage; using namespace mozilla::dom::icc; using namespace mozilla::dom::indexedDB; using namespace mozilla::dom::power; using namespace mozilla::dom::mobileconnection; using namespace mozilla::dom::mobilemessage; using namespace mozilla::dom::telephony; using namespace mozilla::dom::voicemail; using namespace mozilla::media; using namespace mozilla::embedding; using namespace mozilla::gmp; using namespace mozilla::hal; using namespace mozilla::ipc; using namespace mozilla::layers; using namespace mozilla::net; using namespace mozilla::jsipc; using namespace mozilla::psm; using namespace mozilla::widget; #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS class BackgroundTester final : public nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback, public nsIObserver { static uint32_t sCallbackCount; private: ~BackgroundTester() { } virtual void ActorCreated(PBackgroundChild* aActor) override { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aActor, "Failed to create a PBackgroundChild actor!"); NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(testStr, "0123456789"); PBackgroundTestChild* testActor = aActor->SendPBackgroundTestConstructor(testStr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(testActor); if (!sCallbackCount) { PBackgroundChild* existingBackgroundChild = BackgroundChild::GetForCurrentThread(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(existingBackgroundChild); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(existingBackgroundChild == aActor); bool ok = existingBackgroundChild-> SendPBackgroundTestConstructor(testStr); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ok); // Callback 3. ok = BackgroundChild::GetOrCreateForCurrentThread(this); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ok); } sCallbackCount++; } virtual void ActorFailed() override { MOZ_CRASH("Failed to create a PBackgroundChild actor!"); } NS_IMETHOD Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) override { nsCOMPtr observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(observerService); nsresult rv = observerService->RemoveObserver(this, aTopic); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-after-change")) { if (mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("pbackground.testing", false)) { rv = observerService->AddObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // Callback 1. bool ok = BackgroundChild::GetOrCreateForCurrentThread(this); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ok); BackgroundChildImpl::ThreadLocal* threadLocal = BackgroundChildImpl::GetThreadLocalForCurrentThread(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(threadLocal); // Callback 2. ok = BackgroundChild::GetOrCreateForCurrentThread(this); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ok); } return NS_OK; } if (!strcmp(aTopic, "xpcom-shutdown")) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(sCallbackCount == 3); return NS_OK; } MOZ_CRASH("Unknown observer topic!"); } public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS }; uint32_t BackgroundTester::sCallbackCount = 0; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(BackgroundTester, nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback, nsIObserver) #endif // ENABLE_TESTS void MaybeTestPBackground() { #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS // This test relies on running the event loop and XPCShell does not always // do so. Bail out here if we detect that we're running in XPCShell. if (PR_GetEnv("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR")) { return; } // This is called too early at startup to test preferences directly. We have // to install an observer to be notified when preferences are available. nsCOMPtr observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(observerService); nsCOMPtr observer = new BackgroundTester(); nsresult rv = observerService->AddObserver(observer, "profile-after-change", false); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); #endif } // XXX Workaround for bug 986973 to maintain the existing broken semantics template<> struct nsIConsoleService::COMTypeInfo { static const nsIID kIID; }; const nsIID nsIConsoleService::COMTypeInfo::kIID = NS_ICONSOLESERVICE_IID; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS int32_t ContentParent::sNuwaPid = 0; bool ContentParent::sNuwaReady = false; #endif #define NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_OFFLINE_TOPIC "ipc:network:set-offline" #define NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_CONNECTIVITY_TOPIC "ipc:network:set-connectivity" class MemoryReportRequestParent : public PMemoryReportRequestParent { public: explicit MemoryReportRequestParent(uint32_t aGeneration); virtual ~MemoryReportRequestParent(); virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override; virtual bool RecvReport(const MemoryReport& aReport) override; virtual bool Recv__delete__() override; private: const uint32_t mGeneration; // Non-null if we haven't yet called EndProcessReport() on it. RefPtr mReporterManager; ContentParent* Owner() { return static_cast(Manager()); } }; MemoryReportRequestParent::MemoryReportRequestParent(uint32_t aGeneration) : mGeneration(aGeneration) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(MemoryReportRequestParent); mReporterManager = nsMemoryReporterManager::GetOrCreate(); NS_WARN_IF(!mReporterManager); } bool MemoryReportRequestParent::RecvReport(const MemoryReport& aReport) { if (mReporterManager) { mReporterManager->HandleChildReport(mGeneration, aReport); } return true; } bool MemoryReportRequestParent::Recv__delete__() { // Notifying the reporter manager is done in ActorDestroy, because // it needs to happen even if the child process exits mid-report. // (The reporter manager will time out eventually, but let's avoid // that if possible.) return true; } void MemoryReportRequestParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { if (mReporterManager) { mReporterManager->EndProcessReport(mGeneration, aWhy == Deletion); mReporterManager = nullptr; } } MemoryReportRequestParent::~MemoryReportRequestParent() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mReporterManager); MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(MemoryReportRequestParent); } // IPC receiver for remote GC/CC logging. class CycleCollectWithLogsParent final : public PCycleCollectWithLogsParent { public: ~CycleCollectWithLogsParent() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(CycleCollectWithLogsParent); } static bool AllocAndSendConstructor(ContentParent* aManager, bool aDumpAllTraces, nsICycleCollectorLogSink* aSink, nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback* aCallback) { CycleCollectWithLogsParent *actor; FILE* gcLog; FILE* ccLog; nsresult rv; actor = new CycleCollectWithLogsParent(aSink, aCallback); rv = actor->mSink->Open(&gcLog, &ccLog); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { delete actor; return false; } return aManager-> SendPCycleCollectWithLogsConstructor(actor, aDumpAllTraces, FILEToFileDescriptor(gcLog), FILEToFileDescriptor(ccLog)); } private: virtual bool RecvCloseGCLog() override { Unused << mSink->CloseGCLog(); return true; } virtual bool RecvCloseCCLog() override { Unused << mSink->CloseCCLog(); return true; } virtual bool Recv__delete__() override { // Report completion to mCallback only on successful // completion of the protocol. nsCOMPtr gcLog, ccLog; mSink->GetGcLog(getter_AddRefs(gcLog)); mSink->GetCcLog(getter_AddRefs(ccLog)); Unused << mCallback->OnDump(gcLog, ccLog, /* parent = */ false); return true; } virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aReason) override { // If the actor is unexpectedly destroyed, we deliberately // don't call Close[GC]CLog on the sink, because the logs may // be incomplete. See also the nsCycleCollectorLogSinkToFile // implementaiton of those methods, and its destructor. } CycleCollectWithLogsParent(nsICycleCollectorLogSink *aSink, nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback *aCallback) : mSink(aSink), mCallback(aCallback) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(CycleCollectWithLogsParent); } nsCOMPtr mSink; nsCOMPtr mCallback; }; // A memory reporter for ContentParent objects themselves. class ContentParentsMemoryReporter final : public nsIMemoryReporter { ~ContentParentsMemoryReporter() {} public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIMEMORYREPORTER }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ContentParentsMemoryReporter, nsIMemoryReporter) NS_IMETHODIMP ContentParentsMemoryReporter::CollectReports(nsIMemoryReporterCallback* cb, nsISupports* aClosure, bool aAnonymize) { AutoTArray cps; ContentParent::GetAllEvenIfDead(cps); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cps.Length(); i++) { ContentParent* cp = cps[i]; MessageChannel* channel = cp->GetIPCChannel(); nsString friendlyName; cp->FriendlyName(friendlyName, aAnonymize); cp->AddRef(); nsrefcnt refcnt = cp->Release(); const char* channelStr = "no channel"; uint32_t numQueuedMessages = 0; if (channel) { if (channel->Unsound_IsClosed()) { channelStr = "closed channel"; } else { channelStr = "open channel"; } numQueuedMessages = channel->Unsound_NumQueuedMessages(); } nsPrintfCString path("queued-ipc-messages/content-parent" "(%s, pid=%d, %s, 0x%p, refcnt=%d)", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(friendlyName).get(), cp->Pid(), channelStr, static_cast(cp), refcnt); NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(desc, "The number of unset IPC messages held in this ContentParent's " "channel. A large value here might indicate that we're leaking " "messages. Similarly, a ContentParent object for a process that's no " "longer running could indicate that we're leaking ContentParents."); nsresult rv = cb->Callback(/* process */ EmptyCString(), path, KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, numQueuedMessages, desc, aClosure); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsDataHashtable* ContentParent::sAppContentParents; nsTArray* ContentParent::sNonAppContentParents; nsTArray* ContentParent::sPrivateContent; StaticAutoPtr > ContentParent::sContentParents; #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) UniquePtr ContentParent::sSandboxBrokerPolicyFactory; #endif #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // The pref updates sent to the Nuwa process. static nsTArray* sNuwaPrefUpdates; #endif // This is true when subprocess launching is enabled. This is the // case between StartUp() and ShutDown() or JoinAllSubprocesses(). static bool sCanLaunchSubprocesses; // Set to true if the DISABLE_UNSAFE_CPOW_WARNINGS environment variable is // set. static bool sDisableUnsafeCPOWWarnings = false; // The first content child has ID 1, so the chrome process can have ID 0. static uint64_t gContentChildID = 1; // We want the prelaunched process to know that it's for apps, but not // actually for any app in particular. Use a magic manifest URL. // Can't be a static constant. #define MAGIC_PREALLOCATED_APP_MANIFEST_URL NS_LITERAL_STRING("{{template}}") static const char* sObserverTopics[] = { "xpcom-shutdown", "profile-before-change", NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_OFFLINE_TOPIC, NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_CONNECTIVITY_TOPIC, "memory-pressure", "child-gc-request", "child-cc-request", "child-mmu-request", "last-pb-context-exited", "file-watcher-update", #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK NS_VOLUME_STATE_CHANGED, NS_VOLUME_REMOVED, "phone-state-changed", #endif #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY "a11y-init-or-shutdown", #endif "app-theme-changed", #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS "profiler-started", "profiler-stopped", "profiler-paused", "profiler-resumed", "profiler-subprocess-gather", "profiler-subprocess", #endif "gmp-changed", }; #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Contains the observer topics that can be sent to the Nuwa process after it // becomes ready. The ContentParent instance will unregister sObserverTopics // if not listed in sNuwaSafeObserverTopics. static const char* sNuwaSafeObserverTopics[] = { "xpcom-shutdown", "profile-before-change", #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK "phone-state-changed", #endif #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY "a11y-init-or-shutdown", #endif "nsPref:Changed" }; #endif /* static */ already_AddRefed ContentParent::RunNuwaProcess() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); RefPtr nuwaProcess = new ContentParent(/* aApp = */ nullptr, /* aOpener = */ nullptr, /* aIsForBrowser = */ false, /* aIsForPreallocated = */ true, /* aIsNuwaProcess = */ true); if (!nuwaProcess->LaunchSubprocess(PROCESS_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND)) { return nullptr; } nuwaProcess->Init(); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS sNuwaPid = nuwaProcess->Pid(); sNuwaReady = false; #endif return nuwaProcess.forget(); } // PreallocateAppProcess is called by the PreallocatedProcessManager. // ContentParent then takes this process back within // GetNewOrPreallocatedAppProcess. /*static*/ already_AddRefed ContentParent::PreallocateAppProcess() { RefPtr process = new ContentParent(/* app = */ nullptr, /* aOpener = */ nullptr, /* isForBrowserElement = */ false, /* isForPreallocated = */ true); if (!process->LaunchSubprocess(PROCESS_PRIORITY_PREALLOC)) { return nullptr; } process->Init(); return process.forget(); } /*static*/ already_AddRefed ContentParent::GetNewOrPreallocatedAppProcess(mozIApplication* aApp, ProcessPriority aInitialPriority, ContentParent* aOpener, /*out*/ bool* aTookPreAllocated) { MOZ_ASSERT(aApp); RefPtr process = PreallocatedProcessManager::Take(); if (process) { if (!process->SetPriorityAndCheckIsAlive(aInitialPriority)) { // Kill the process just in case it's not actually dead; we don't want // to "leak" this process! process->KillHard("GetNewOrPreallocatedAppProcess"); } else { nsAutoString manifestURL; if (NS_FAILED(aApp->GetManifestURL(manifestURL))) { NS_ERROR("Failed to get manifest URL"); return nullptr; } process->TransformPreallocatedIntoApp(aOpener, manifestURL); process->ForwardKnownInfo(); if (aTookPreAllocated) { *aTookPreAllocated = true; } return process.forget(); } } // XXXkhuey Nuwa wants the frame loader to try again later, but the // frame loader is really not set up to do that ... NS_WARNING("Unable to use pre-allocated app process"); process = new ContentParent(aApp, /* aOpener = */ aOpener, /* isForBrowserElement = */ false, /* isForPreallocated = */ false); if (!process->LaunchSubprocess(aInitialPriority)) { return nullptr; } process->Init(); process->ForwardKnownInfo(); if (aTookPreAllocated) { *aTookPreAllocated = false; } return process.forget(); } /*static*/ void ContentParent::StartUp() { // We could launch sub processes from content process // FIXME Bug 1023701 - Stop using ContentParent static methods in // child process sCanLaunchSubprocesses = true; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { return; } #if defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) && defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) && ANDROID_VERSION >= 19 // Require sandboxing on B2G >= KitKat. This condition must stay // in sync with ContentChild::RecvSetProcessSandbox. if (!SandboxInfo::Get().CanSandboxContent()) { // MOZ_CRASH strings are only for debug builds; make sure the // message is clear on non-debug builds as well: printf_stderr("Sandboxing support is required on this platform. " "Recompile kernel with CONFIG_SECCOMP_FILTER=y\n"); MOZ_CRASH("Sandboxing support is required on this platform."); } #endif // Note: This reporter measures all ContentParents. RegisterStrongMemoryReporter(new ContentParentsMemoryReporter()); mozilla::dom::time::InitializeDateCacheCleaner(); BlobParent::Startup(BlobParent::FriendKey()); BackgroundChild::Startup(); // Try to preallocate a process that we can transform into an app later. PreallocatedProcessManager::AllocateAfterDelay(); // Test the PBackground infrastructure on ENABLE_TESTS builds when a special // testing preference is set. MaybeTestPBackground(); sDisableUnsafeCPOWWarnings = PR_GetEnv("DISABLE_UNSAFE_CPOW_WARNINGS"); #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) sSandboxBrokerPolicyFactory = MakeUnique(); #endif } /*static*/ void ContentParent::ShutDown() { // No-op for now. We rely on normal process shutdown and // ClearOnShutdown() to clean up our state. sCanLaunchSubprocesses = false; #if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) sSandboxBrokerPolicyFactory = nullptr; #endif } /*static*/ void ContentParent::JoinProcessesIOThread(const nsTArray* aProcesses, Monitor* aMonitor, bool* aDone) { const nsTArray& processes = *aProcesses; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < processes.Length(); ++i) { if (GeckoChildProcessHost* process = processes[i]->mSubprocess) { process->Join(); } } { MonitorAutoLock lock(*aMonitor); *aDone = true; lock.Notify(); } // Don't touch any arguments to this function from now on. } /*static*/ void ContentParent::JoinAllSubprocesses() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); AutoTArray processes; GetAll(processes); if (processes.IsEmpty()) { printf_stderr("There are no live subprocesses."); return; } printf_stderr("Subprocesses are still alive. Doing emergency join.\n"); bool done = false; Monitor monitor("mozilla.dom.ContentParent.JoinAllSubprocesses"); XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction( &ContentParent::JoinProcessesIOThread, &processes, &monitor, &done)); { MonitorAutoLock lock(monitor); while (!done) { lock.Wait(); } } sCanLaunchSubprocesses = false; } /*static*/ already_AddRefed ContentParent::GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess(bool aForBrowserElement, ProcessPriority aPriority, ContentParent* aOpener) { if (!sNonAppContentParents) sNonAppContentParents = new nsTArray(); int32_t maxContentProcesses = Preferences::GetInt("dom.ipc.processCount", 1); if (maxContentProcesses < 1) maxContentProcesses = 1; if (sNonAppContentParents->Length() >= uint32_t(maxContentProcesses)) { uint32_t startIdx = rand() % sNonAppContentParents->Length(); uint32_t currIdx = startIdx; do { RefPtr p = (*sNonAppContentParents)[currIdx]; NS_ASSERTION(p->IsAlive(), "Non-alive contentparent in sNonAppContntParents?"); if (p->mOpener == aOpener) { return p.forget(); } currIdx = (currIdx + 1) % sNonAppContentParents->Length(); } while (currIdx != startIdx); } // Try to take and transform the preallocated process into browser. RefPtr p = PreallocatedProcessManager::Take(); if (p) { p->TransformPreallocatedIntoBrowser(aOpener); } else { // Failed in using the preallocated process: fork from the chrome process. p = new ContentParent(/* app = */ nullptr, aOpener, aForBrowserElement, /* isForPreallocated = */ false); if (!p->LaunchSubprocess(aPriority)) { return nullptr; } p->Init(); } p->ForwardKnownInfo(); sNonAppContentParents->AppendElement(p); return p.forget(); } /*static*/ ProcessPriority ContentParent::GetInitialProcessPriority(Element* aFrameElement) { // Frames with mozapptype == critical which are expecting a system message // get FOREGROUND_HIGH priority. if (!aFrameElement) { return PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } if (aFrameElement->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::mozapptype, NS_LITERAL_STRING("inputmethod"), eCaseMatters)) { return PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND_KEYBOARD; } else if (!aFrameElement->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::mozapptype, NS_LITERAL_STRING("critical"), eCaseMatters)) { return PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } nsCOMPtr browserFrame = do_QueryInterface(aFrameElement); if (!browserFrame) { return PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } return browserFrame->GetIsExpectingSystemMessage() ? PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND_HIGH : PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } #if defined(XP_WIN) extern const wchar_t* kPluginWidgetContentParentProperty; /*static*/ void ContentParent::SendAsyncUpdate(nsIWidget* aWidget) { if (!aWidget || aWidget->Destroyed()) { return; } // Fire off an async request to the plugin to paint its window HWND hwnd = (HWND)aWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW); NS_ASSERTION(hwnd, "Expected valid hwnd value."); ContentParent* cp = reinterpret_cast( ::GetPropW(hwnd, kPluginWidgetContentParentProperty)); if (cp && !cp->IsDestroyed()) { cp->SendUpdateWindow((uintptr_t)hwnd); } } #endif // defined(XP_WIN) bool ContentParent::PreallocatedProcessReady() { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS return PreallocatedProcessManager::PreallocatedProcessReady(); #else return true; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvCreateChildProcess(const IPCTabContext& aContext, const hal::ProcessPriority& aPriority, const TabId& aOpenerTabId, ContentParentId* aCpId, bool* aIsForApp, bool* aIsForBrowser, TabId* aTabId) { #if 0 if (!CanOpenBrowser(aContext)) { return false; } #endif RefPtr cp; MaybeInvalidTabContext tc(aContext); if (!tc.IsValid()) { NS_ERROR(nsPrintfCString("Received an invalid TabContext from " "the child process. (%s)", tc.GetInvalidReason()).get()); return false; } nsCOMPtr ownApp = tc.GetTabContext().GetOwnApp(); if (ownApp) { cp = GetNewOrPreallocatedAppProcess(ownApp, aPriority, this); } else { cp = GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess(/* isBrowserElement = */ true, aPriority, this); } if (!cp) { *aCpId = 0; *aIsForApp = false; *aIsForBrowser = false; return true; } *aCpId = cp->ChildID(); *aIsForApp = cp->IsForApp(); *aIsForBrowser = cp->IsForBrowser(); ContentProcessManager *cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); cpm->AddContentProcess(cp, this->ChildID()); if (cpm->AddGrandchildProcess(this->ChildID(), cp->ChildID())) { // Pre-allocate a TabId here to save one time IPC call at app startup. *aTabId = AllocateTabId(aOpenerTabId, aContext, cp->ChildID()); return (*aTabId != 0); } return false; } bool ContentParent::RecvBridgeToChildProcess(const ContentParentId& aCpId) { ContentProcessManager *cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); ContentParent* cp = cpm->GetContentProcessById(aCpId); if (cp) { ContentParentId parentId; if (cpm->GetParentProcessId(cp->ChildID(), &parentId) && parentId == this->ChildID()) { return NS_SUCCEEDED(PContentBridge::Bridge(this, cp)); } } // You can't bridge to a process you didn't open! KillHard("BridgeToChildProcess"); return false; } static nsIDocShell* GetOpenerDocShellHelper(Element* aFrameElement) { // Propagate the private-browsing status of the element's parent // docshell to the remote docshell, via the chrome flags. nsCOMPtr frameElement = do_QueryInterface(aFrameElement); MOZ_ASSERT(frameElement); nsPIDOMWindowOuter* win = frameElement->OwnerDoc()->GetWindow(); if (!win) { NS_WARNING("Remote frame has no window"); return nullptr; } nsIDocShell* docShell = win->GetDocShell(); if (!docShell) { NS_WARNING("Remote frame has no docshell"); return nullptr; } return docShell; } bool ContentParent::RecvCreateGMPService() { return PGMPService::Open(this); } bool ContentParent::RecvGetGMPPluginVersionForAPI(const nsCString& aAPI, nsTArray&& aTags, bool* aHasVersion, nsCString* aVersion) { return GMPServiceParent::RecvGetGMPPluginVersionForAPI(aAPI, Move(aTags), aHasVersion, aVersion); } bool ContentParent::RecvIsGMPPresentOnDisk(const nsString& aKeySystem, const nsCString& aVersion, bool* aIsPresent, nsCString* aMessage) { #ifdef MOZ_EME *aIsPresent = MediaKeySystemAccess::IsGMPPresentOnDisk(aKeySystem, aVersion, *aMessage); #else *aIsPresent = false; #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvLoadPlugin(const uint32_t& aPluginId, nsresult* aRv, uint32_t* aRunID) { *aRv = NS_OK; return mozilla::plugins::SetupBridge(aPluginId, this, false, aRv, aRunID); } bool ContentParent::RecvUngrabPointer(const uint32_t& aTime) { #if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) NS_RUNTIMEABORT("This message only makes sense on GTK platforms"); return false; #else gdk_pointer_ungrab(aTime); return true; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvConnectPluginBridge(const uint32_t& aPluginId, nsresult* aRv) { *aRv = NS_OK; // We don't need to get the run ID for the plugin, since we already got it // in the first call to SetupBridge in RecvLoadPlugin, so we pass in a dummy // pointer and just throw it away. uint32_t dummy = 0; return mozilla::plugins::SetupBridge(aPluginId, this, true, aRv, &dummy); } bool ContentParent::RecvGetBlocklistState(const uint32_t& aPluginId, uint32_t* aState) { *aState = nsIBlocklistService::STATE_BLOCKED; RefPtr pluginHost = nsPluginHost::GetInst(); if (!pluginHost) { NS_WARNING("Plugin host not found"); return false; } nsPluginTag* tag = pluginHost->PluginWithId(aPluginId); if (!tag) { // Default state is blocked anyway NS_WARNING("Plugin tag not found. This should never happen, but to avoid a crash we're forcibly blocking it"); return true; } return NS_SUCCEEDED(tag->GetBlocklistState(aState)); } bool ContentParent::RecvFindPlugins(const uint32_t& aPluginEpoch, nsresult* aRv, nsTArray* aPlugins, uint32_t* aNewPluginEpoch) { *aRv = mozilla::plugins::FindPluginsForContent(aPluginEpoch, aPlugins, aNewPluginEpoch); return true; } /*static*/ TabParent* ContentParent::CreateBrowserOrApp(const TabContext& aContext, Element* aFrameElement, ContentParent* aOpenerContentParent) { PROFILER_LABEL_FUNC(js::ProfileEntry::Category::OTHER); if (!sCanLaunchSubprocesses) { return nullptr; } if (TabParent* parent = TabParent::GetNextTabParent()) { parent->SetOwnerElement(aFrameElement); return parent; } ProcessPriority initialPriority = GetInitialProcessPriority(aFrameElement); bool isInContentProcess = !XRE_IsParentProcess(); TabId tabId; nsIDocShell* docShell = GetOpenerDocShellHelper(aFrameElement); TabId openerTabId; if (docShell) { openerTabId = TabParent::GetTabIdFrom(docShell); } if (aContext.IsBrowserElement() || !aContext.HasOwnApp()) { RefPtr tp; RefPtr constructorSender; if (isInContentProcess) { MOZ_ASSERT(aContext.IsBrowserElement()); constructorSender = CreateContentBridgeParent(aContext, initialPriority, openerTabId, &tabId); } else { if (aOpenerContentParent) { constructorSender = aOpenerContentParent; } else { constructorSender = GetNewOrUsedBrowserProcess(aContext.IsBrowserElement(), initialPriority); if (!constructorSender) { return nullptr; } } tabId = AllocateTabId(openerTabId, aContext.AsIPCTabContext(), constructorSender->ChildID()); } if (constructorSender) { nsCOMPtr treeOwner; docShell->GetTreeOwner(getter_AddRefs(treeOwner)); if (!treeOwner) { return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr wbc = do_GetInterface(treeOwner); if (!wbc) { return nullptr; } uint32_t chromeFlags = 0; wbc->GetChromeFlags(&chromeFlags); nsCOMPtr loadContext = do_QueryInterface(docShell); if (loadContext && loadContext->UsePrivateBrowsing()) { chromeFlags |= nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_PRIVATE_WINDOW; } bool affectLifetime; docShell->GetAffectPrivateSessionLifetime(&affectLifetime); if (affectLifetime) { chromeFlags |= nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_PRIVATE_LIFETIME; } if (tabId == 0) { return nullptr; } RefPtr tp(new TabParent(constructorSender, tabId, aContext, chromeFlags)); tp->SetInitedByParent(); tp->SetOwnerElement(aFrameElement); PBrowserParent* browser = constructorSender->SendPBrowserConstructor( // DeallocPBrowserParent() releases this ref. tp.forget().take(), tabId, aContext.AsIPCTabContext(), chromeFlags, constructorSender->ChildID(), constructorSender->IsForApp(), constructorSender->IsForBrowser()); return TabParent::GetFrom(browser); } return nullptr; } // If we got here, we have an app and we're not a browser element. ownApp // shouldn't be null, because we otherwise would have gone into the // !HasOwnApp() branch above. RefPtr parent; bool reused = false; bool tookPreallocated = false; nsAutoString manifestURL; if (isInContentProcess) { parent = CreateContentBridgeParent(aContext, initialPriority, openerTabId, &tabId); } else { nsCOMPtr ownApp = aContext.GetOwnApp(); if (!sAppContentParents) { sAppContentParents = new nsDataHashtable(); } // Each app gets its own ContentParent instance unless it shares it with // a parent app. if (NS_FAILED(ownApp->GetManifestURL(manifestURL))) { NS_ERROR("Failed to get manifest URL"); return nullptr; } RefPtr p = sAppContentParents->Get(manifestURL); if (!p && Preferences::GetBool("dom.ipc.reuse_parent_app")) { nsAutoString parentAppManifestURL; aFrameElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::parentapp, parentAppManifestURL); nsAdoptingString systemAppManifestURL = Preferences::GetString("b2g.system_manifest_url"); nsCOMPtr appsService = do_GetService(APPS_SERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!parentAppManifestURL.IsEmpty() && !parentAppManifestURL.Equals(systemAppManifestURL) && appsService) { nsCOMPtr parentApp; nsCOMPtr app; appsService->GetAppByManifestURL(parentAppManifestURL, getter_AddRefs(parentApp)); appsService->GetAppByManifestURL(manifestURL, getter_AddRefs(app)); // Only let certified apps re-use the same process. unsigned short parentAppStatus = 0; unsigned short appStatus = 0; if (app && NS_SUCCEEDED(app->GetAppStatus(&appStatus)) && appStatus == nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED && parentApp && NS_SUCCEEDED(parentApp->GetAppStatus(&parentAppStatus)) && parentAppStatus == nsIPrincipal::APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED) { // Check if we can re-use the process of the parent app. p = sAppContentParents->Get(parentAppManifestURL); } } } if (p) { // Check that the process is still alive and set its priority. // Hopefully the process won't die after this point, if this call // succeeds. if (!p->SetPriorityAndCheckIsAlive(initialPriority)) { p = nullptr; } } reused = !!p; if (!p) { p = GetNewOrPreallocatedAppProcess(ownApp, initialPriority, nullptr, &tookPreallocated); MOZ_ASSERT(p); sAppContentParents->Put(manifestURL, p); } tabId = AllocateTabId(openerTabId, aContext.AsIPCTabContext(), p->ChildID()); parent = static_cast(p); } if (!parent || (tabId == 0)) { return nullptr; } uint32_t chromeFlags = 0; RefPtr tp = new TabParent(parent, tabId, aContext, chromeFlags); tp->SetInitedByParent(); tp->SetOwnerElement(aFrameElement); PBrowserParent* browser = parent->SendPBrowserConstructor( // DeallocPBrowserParent() releases this ref. RefPtr(tp).forget().take(), tabId, aContext.AsIPCTabContext(), chromeFlags, parent->ChildID(), parent->IsForApp(), parent->IsForBrowser()); if (isInContentProcess) { // Just return directly without the following check in content process. return TabParent::GetFrom(browser); } if (!browser) { // We failed to actually start the PBrowser. This can happen if the // other process has already died. if (!reused) { // Don't leave a broken ContentParent in the hashtable. parent->AsContentParent()->KillHard("CreateBrowserOrApp"); sAppContentParents->Remove(manifestURL); parent = nullptr; } // If we took the preallocated process and it was already dead, try // again with a non-preallocated process. We can be sure this won't // loop forever, because the next time through there will be no // preallocated process to take. if (tookPreallocated) { return ContentParent::CreateBrowserOrApp(aContext, aFrameElement, aOpenerContentParent); } // Otherwise just give up. return nullptr; } parent->AsContentParent()->MaybeTakeCPUWakeLock(aFrameElement); return TabParent::GetFrom(browser); } /*static*/ ContentBridgeParent* ContentParent::CreateContentBridgeParent(const TabContext& aContext, const hal::ProcessPriority& aPriority, const TabId& aOpenerTabId, /*out*/ TabId* aTabId) { MOZ_ASSERT(aTabId); ContentChild* child = ContentChild::GetSingleton(); ContentParentId cpId; bool isForApp; bool isForBrowser; if (!child->SendCreateChildProcess(aContext.AsIPCTabContext(), aPriority, aOpenerTabId, &cpId, &isForApp, &isForBrowser, aTabId)) { return nullptr; } if (cpId == 0) { return nullptr; } if (!child->SendBridgeToChildProcess(cpId)) { return nullptr; } ContentBridgeParent* parent = child->GetLastBridge(); parent->SetChildID(cpId); parent->SetIsForApp(isForApp); parent->SetIsForBrowser(isForBrowser); return parent; } void ContentParent::GetAll(nsTArray& aArray) { aArray.Clear(); if (!sContentParents) { return; } for (ContentParent* cp = sContentParents->getFirst(); cp; cp = cp->LinkedListElement::getNext()) { if (cp->mIsAlive) { aArray.AppendElement(cp); } } } void ContentParent::GetAllEvenIfDead(nsTArray& aArray) { aArray.Clear(); if (!sContentParents) { return; } for (ContentParent* cp = sContentParents->getFirst(); cp; cp = cp->LinkedListElement::getNext()) { aArray.AppendElement(cp); } } void ContentParent::Init() { nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { size_t length = ArrayLength(sObserverTopics); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { obs->AddObserver(this, sObserverTopics[i], false); } } Preferences::AddStrongObserver(this, ""); if (obs) { nsAutoString cpId; cpId.AppendInt(static_cast(this->ChildID())); obs->NotifyObservers(static_cast(this), "ipc:content-created", cpId.get()); } #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY // If accessibility is running in chrome process then start it in content // process. if (nsIPresShell::IsAccessibilityActive()) { #if !defined(XP_WIN) Unused << SendActivateA11y(); #else // On Windows we currently only enable a11y in the content process // for testing purposes. if (Preferences::GetBool(kForceEnableE10sPref, false)) { Unused << SendActivateA11y(); } #endif } #endif #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS nsCOMPtr profiler(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/tools/profiler;1")); bool profilerActive = false; DebugOnly rv = profiler->IsActive(&profilerActive); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); if (profilerActive) { nsCOMPtr currentProfilerParams; rv = profiler->GetStartParams(getter_AddRefs(currentProfilerParams)); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr gatherer; rv = profiler->GetProfileGatherer(getter_AddRefs(gatherer)); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); mGatherer = static_cast(gatherer.get()); StartProfiler(currentProfilerParams); } #endif } void ContentParent::ForwardKnownInfo() { MOZ_ASSERT(mMetamorphosed); if (!mMetamorphosed) { return; } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK InfallibleTArray volumeInfo; RefPtr vs = nsVolumeService::GetSingleton(); if (vs) { vs->GetVolumesForIPC(&volumeInfo); Unused << SendVolumes(volumeInfo); } #endif /* MOZ_WIDGET_GONK */ nsCOMPtr systemMessenger = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1"); if (systemMessenger && !mIsForBrowser) { nsCOMPtr manifestURI; nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(manifestURI), mAppManifestURL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { systemMessenger->RefreshCache(mMessageManager, manifestURI); } } } namespace { class SystemMessageHandledListener final : public nsITimerCallback , public LinkedListElement { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS SystemMessageHandledListener() {} static void OnSystemMessageHandled() { if (!sListeners) { return; } SystemMessageHandledListener* listener = sListeners->popFirst(); if (!listener) { return; } // Careful: ShutDown() may delete |this|. listener->ShutDown(); } void Init(WakeLock* aWakeLock) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mWakeLock); MOZ_ASSERT(!mTimer); // mTimer keeps a strong reference to |this|. When this object's // destructor runs, it will remove itself from the LinkedList. if (!sListeners) { sListeners = new LinkedList(); ClearOnShutdown(&sListeners); } sListeners->insertBack(this); mWakeLock = aWakeLock; mTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); uint32_t timeoutSec = Preferences::GetInt("dom.ipc.systemMessageCPULockTimeoutSec", 30); mTimer->InitWithCallback(this, timeoutSec * 1000, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } NS_IMETHOD Notify(nsITimer* aTimer) override { // Careful: ShutDown() may delete |this|. ShutDown(); return NS_OK; } private: ~SystemMessageHandledListener() {} static StaticAutoPtr > sListeners; void ShutDown() { RefPtr kungFuDeathGrip = this; ErrorResult rv; mWakeLock->Unlock(rv); if (mTimer) { mTimer->Cancel(); mTimer = nullptr; } } RefPtr mWakeLock; nsCOMPtr mTimer; }; StaticAutoPtr > SystemMessageHandledListener::sListeners; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(SystemMessageHandledListener, nsITimerCallback) class RemoteWindowContext final : public nsIRemoteWindowContext , public nsIInterfaceRequestor { public: explicit RemoteWindowContext(TabParent* aTabParent) : mTabParent(aTabParent) { } NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIINTERFACEREQUESTOR NS_DECL_NSIREMOTEWINDOWCONTEXT private: ~RemoteWindowContext(); RefPtr mTabParent; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(RemoteWindowContext, nsIRemoteWindowContext, nsIInterfaceRequestor) RemoteWindowContext::~RemoteWindowContext() { } NS_IMETHODIMP RemoteWindowContext::GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aSink) { return QueryInterface(aIID, aSink); } NS_IMETHODIMP RemoteWindowContext::OpenURI(nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t aFlags) { URIParams uri; SerializeURI(aURI, uri); Unused << mTabParent->SendOpenURI(uri, aFlags); return NS_OK; } } // namespace void ContentParent::MaybeTakeCPUWakeLock(Element* aFrameElement) { // Take the CPU wake lock on behalf of this processs if it's expecting a // system message. We'll release the CPU lock once the message is // delivered, or after some period of time, which ever comes first. nsCOMPtr browserFrame = do_QueryInterface(aFrameElement); if (!browserFrame || !browserFrame->GetIsExpectingSystemMessage()) { return; } RefPtr pms = PowerManagerService::GetInstance(); RefPtr lock = pms->NewWakeLockOnBehalfOfProcess(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cpu"), this); // This object's Init() function keeps it alive. RefPtr listener = new SystemMessageHandledListener(); listener->Init(lock); } bool ContentParent::SetPriorityAndCheckIsAlive(ProcessPriority aPriority) { ProcessPriorityManager::SetProcessPriority(this, aPriority); // Now that we've set this process's priority, check whether the process is // still alive. Hopefully we've set the priority to FOREGROUND*, so the // process won't unexpectedly crash after this point! // // Bug 943174: use waitid() with WNOWAIT so that, if the process // did exit, we won't consume its zombie and confuse the // GeckoChildProcessHost dtor. Also, if the process isn't a // direct child because of Nuwa this will fail with ECHILD, and we // need to assume the child is alive in that case rather than // assuming it's dead (as is otherwise a reasonable fallback). #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK siginfo_t info; info.si_pid = 0; if (waitid(P_PID, Pid(), &info, WNOWAIT | WNOHANG | WEXITED) == 0 && info.si_pid != 0) { return false; } #endif return true; } // Helper for ContentParent::TransformPreallocatedIntoApp. static void TryGetNameFromManifestURL(const nsAString& aManifestURL, nsAString& aName) { aName.Truncate(); if (aManifestURL.IsEmpty() || aManifestURL == MAGIC_PREALLOCATED_APP_MANIFEST_URL) { return; } nsCOMPtr appsService = do_GetService(APPS_SERVICE_CONTRACTID); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(appsService); nsCOMPtr app; appsService->GetAppByManifestURL(aManifestURL, getter_AddRefs(app)); if (!app) { return; } app->GetName(aName); } void ContentParent::TransformPreallocatedIntoApp(ContentParent* aOpener, const nsAString& aAppManifestURL) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsPreallocated()); mMetamorphosed = true; mOpener = aOpener; mAppManifestURL = aAppManifestURL; TryGetNameFromManifestURL(aAppManifestURL, mAppName); } void ContentParent::TransformPreallocatedIntoBrowser(ContentParent* aOpener) { // Reset mAppManifestURL, mIsForBrowser and mOSPrivileges for browser. mMetamorphosed = true; mOpener = aOpener; mAppManifestURL.Truncate(); mIsForBrowser = true; } void ContentParent::ShutDownProcess(ShutDownMethod aMethod) { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS if (aMethod == SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE && IsNuwaProcess()) { // We shouldn't send shutdown messages to frozen Nuwa processes, // so just close the channel. aMethod = CLOSE_CHANNEL; } #endif // Shutting down by sending a shutdown message works differently than the // other methods. We first call Shutdown() in the child. After the child is // ready, it calls FinishShutdown() on us. Then we close the channel. if (aMethod == SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE) { if (mIPCOpen && !mShutdownPending && SendShutdown()) { mShutdownPending = true; // Start the force-kill timer if we haven't already. StartForceKillTimer(); } // If call was not successful, the channel must have been broken // somehow, and we will clean up the error in ActorDestroy. return; } using mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManagerService; if (QuotaManagerService* quotaManagerService = QuotaManagerService::Get()) { quotaManagerService->AbortOperationsForProcess(mChildID); } // If Close() fails with an error, we'll end up back in this function, but // with aMethod = CLOSE_CHANNEL_WITH_ERROR. It's important that we call // CloseWithError() in this case; see bug 895204. if (aMethod == CLOSE_CHANNEL && !mCalledClose) { // Close() can only be called once: It kicks off the destruction // sequence. mCalledClose = true; Close(); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Kill Nuwa process forcibly to break its IPC channels and finalize // corresponding parents. if (IsNuwaProcess()) { KillHard("ShutDownProcess"); } #endif } if (aMethod == CLOSE_CHANNEL_WITH_ERROR && !mCalledCloseWithError) { MessageChannel* channel = GetIPCChannel(); if (channel) { mCalledCloseWithError = true; channel->CloseWithError(); } } const ManagedContainer& ocuParents = ManagedPOfflineCacheUpdateParent(); for (auto iter = ocuParents.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { RefPtr ocuParent = static_cast(iter.Get()->GetKey()); ocuParent->StopSendingMessagesToChild(); } // NB: must MarkAsDead() here so that this isn't accidentally // returned from Get*() while in the midst of shutdown. MarkAsDead(); // A ContentParent object might not get freed until after XPCOM shutdown has // shut down the cycle collector. But by then it's too late to release any // CC'ed objects, so we need to null them out here, while we still can. See // bug 899761. ShutDownMessageManager(); } bool ContentParent::RecvFinishShutdown() { // At this point, we already called ShutDownProcess once with // SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE. To actually close the channel, we call // ShutDownProcess again with CLOSE_CHANNEL. MOZ_ASSERT(mShutdownPending); ShutDownProcess(CLOSE_CHANNEL); return true; } void ContentParent::ShutDownMessageManager() { if (!mMessageManager) { return; } mMessageManager->ReceiveMessage( static_cast(mMessageManager.get()), nullptr, CHILD_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); mMessageManager->Disconnect(); mMessageManager = nullptr; } void ContentParent::MarkAsDead() { if (!mAppManifestURL.IsEmpty()) { if (sAppContentParents) { sAppContentParents->Remove(mAppManifestURL); if (!sAppContentParents->Count()) { delete sAppContentParents; sAppContentParents = nullptr; } } } else if (sNonAppContentParents) { sNonAppContentParents->RemoveElement(this); if (!sNonAppContentParents->Length()) { delete sNonAppContentParents; sNonAppContentParents = nullptr; } } if (sPrivateContent) { sPrivateContent->RemoveElement(this); if (!sPrivateContent->Length()) { delete sPrivateContent; sPrivateContent = nullptr; } } mIsAlive = false; } void ContentParent::OnChannelError() { RefPtr content(this); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Handle app or Nuwa process exit before normal channel error handling. PreallocatedProcessManager::MaybeForgetSpare(this); #endif PContentParent::OnChannelError(); } void ContentParent::OnChannelConnected(int32_t pid) { SetOtherProcessId(pid); #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(LINUX) // Check nice preference int32_t nice = Preferences::GetInt("dom.ipc.content.nice", 0); // Environment variable overrides preference char* relativeNicenessStr = getenv("MOZ_CHILD_PROCESS_RELATIVE_NICENESS"); if (relativeNicenessStr) { nice = atoi(relativeNicenessStr); } /* make the GUI thread have higher priority on single-cpu devices */ nsCOMPtr infoService = do_GetService(NS_SYSTEMINFO_CONTRACTID); if (infoService) { int32_t cpus; nsresult rv = infoService->GetPropertyAsInt32(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cpucount"), &cpus); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { cpus = 1; } if (nice != 0 && cpus == 1) { setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, pid, getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, pid) + nice); } } #endif } void ContentParent::ProcessingError(Result aCode, const char* aReason) { if (MsgDropped == aCode) { return; } // Other errors are big deals. KillHard(aReason); } typedef std::pair > IDPair; namespace { std::map >& NestedBrowserLayerIds() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); static std::map > sNestedBrowserIds; return sNestedBrowserIds; } } // namespace bool ContentParent::RecvAllocateLayerTreeId(uint64_t* aId) { *aId = CompositorParent::AllocateLayerTreeId(); auto iter = NestedBrowserLayerIds().find(this); if (iter == NestedBrowserLayerIds().end()) { std::set ids; ids.insert(*aId); NestedBrowserLayerIds().insert(IDPair(this, ids)); } else { iter->second.insert(*aId); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvDeallocateLayerTreeId(const uint64_t& aId) { auto iter = NestedBrowserLayerIds().find(this); if (iter != NestedBrowserLayerIds().end() && iter->second.find(aId) != iter->second.end()) { CompositorParent::DeallocateLayerTreeId(aId); } else { // You can't deallocate layer tree ids that you didn't allocate KillHard("DeallocateLayerTreeId"); } return true; } namespace { void DelayedDeleteSubprocess(GeckoChildProcessHost* aSubprocess) { XRE_GetIOMessageLoop() ->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new DeleteTask(aSubprocess)); } // This runnable only exists to delegate ownership of the // ContentParent to this runnable, until it's deleted by the event // system. struct DelayedDeleteContentParentTask : public nsRunnable { explicit DelayedDeleteContentParentTask(ContentParent* aObj) : mObj(aObj) { } // No-op NS_IMETHODIMP Run() { return NS_OK; } RefPtr mObj; }; } // namespace void ContentParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) { if (mForceKillTimer) { mForceKillTimer->Cancel(); mForceKillTimer = nullptr; } // Signal shutdown completion regardless of error state, so we can // finish waiting in the xpcom-shutdown/profile-before-change observer. mIPCOpen = false; if (mHangMonitorActor) { ProcessHangMonitor::RemoveProcess(mHangMonitorActor); mHangMonitorActor = nullptr; } if (why == NormalShutdown && !mCalledClose) { // If we shut down normally but haven't called Close, assume somebody // else called Close on us. In that case, we still need to call // ShutDownProcess below to perform other necessary clean up. mCalledClose = true; } // Make sure we always clean up. ShutDownProcess(why == NormalShutdown ? CLOSE_CHANNEL : CLOSE_CHANNEL_WITH_ERROR); RefPtr kungFuDeathGrip(this); nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { size_t length = ArrayLength(sObserverTopics); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { obs->RemoveObserver(static_cast(this), sObserverTopics[i]); } } // remove the global remote preferences observers Preferences::RemoveObserver(this, ""); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Remove the pref update requests. if (IsNuwaProcess() && sNuwaPrefUpdates) { delete sNuwaPrefUpdates; sNuwaPrefUpdates = nullptr; } #endif RecvRemoveGeolocationListener(); mConsoleService = nullptr; #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS if (mGatherer && !mProfile.IsEmpty()) { mGatherer->OOPExitProfile(mProfile); } #endif if (obs) { RefPtr props = new nsHashPropertyBag(); props->SetPropertyAsUint64(NS_LITERAL_STRING("childID"), mChildID); if (AbnormalShutdown == why) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SUBPROCESS_ABNORMAL_ABORT, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("content"), 1); props->SetPropertyAsBool(NS_LITERAL_STRING("abnormal"), true); #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER // There's a window in which child processes can crash // after IPC is established, but before a crash reporter // is created. if (PCrashReporterParent* p = LoneManagedOrNullAsserts(ManagedPCrashReporterParent())) { CrashReporterParent* crashReporter = static_cast(p); // If we're an app process, always stomp the latest URI // loaded in the child process with our manifest URL. We // would rather associate the crashes with apps than // random child windows loaded in them. // // XXX would be nice if we could get both ... if (!mAppManifestURL.IsEmpty()) { crashReporter->AnnotateCrashReport(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("URL"), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAppManifestURL)); } // if mCreatedPairedMinidumps is true, we've already generated // parent/child dumps for dekstop crashes. if (!mCreatedPairedMinidumps) { crashReporter->GenerateCrashReport(this, nullptr); } nsAutoString dumpID(crashReporter->ChildDumpID()); props->SetPropertyAsAString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("dumpID"), dumpID); } #endif } nsAutoString cpId; cpId.AppendInt(static_cast(this->ChildID())); obs->NotifyObservers((nsIPropertyBag2*) props, "ipc:content-shutdown", cpId.get()); } // Remove any and all idle listeners. nsCOMPtr idleService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1"); MOZ_ASSERT(idleService); RefPtr listener; for (int32_t i = mIdleListeners.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { listener = static_cast(mIdleListeners[i].get()); idleService->RemoveIdleObserver(listener, listener->mTime); } mIdleListeners.Clear(); MessageLoop::current()-> PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(DelayedDeleteSubprocess, mSubprocess)); mSubprocess = nullptr; // IPDL rules require actors to live on past ActorDestroy, but it // may be that the kungFuDeathGrip above is the last reference to // |this|. If so, when we go out of scope here, we're deleted and // all hell breaks loose. // // This runnable ensures that a reference to |this| lives on at // least until after the current task finishes running. NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(new DelayedDeleteContentParentTask(this)); // Release the appId's reference count of any processes // created by this ContentParent and the frame opened by this ContentParent // if this ContentParent crashes. ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); nsTArray childIDArray = cpm->GetAllChildProcessById(this->ChildID()); if (why == AbnormalShutdown) { nsCOMPtr permMgr = services::GetPermissionManager(); if(permMgr) { // Release the appId's reference count of its child-processes for (uint32_t i = 0; i < childIDArray.Length(); i++) { nsTArray tabCtxs = cpm->GetTabContextByContentProcess(childIDArray[i]); for (uint32_t j = 0 ; j < tabCtxs.Length() ; j++) { if (tabCtxs[j].OwnOrContainingAppId() != nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID) { permMgr->ReleaseAppId(tabCtxs[j].OwnOrContainingAppId()); } } } // Release the appId's reference count belong to itself nsTArray tabCtxs = cpm->GetTabContextByContentProcess(mChildID); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tabCtxs.Length() ; i++) { if (tabCtxs[i].OwnOrContainingAppId()!= nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID) { permMgr->ReleaseAppId(tabCtxs[i].OwnOrContainingAppId()); } } } } // Destroy any processes created by this ContentParent for(uint32_t i = 0; i < childIDArray.Length(); i++) { ContentParent* cp = cpm->GetContentProcessById(childIDArray[i]); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(cp, &ContentParent::ShutDownProcess, SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE)); } cpm->RemoveContentProcess(this->ChildID()); if (mDriverCrashGuard) { mDriverCrashGuard->NotifyCrashed(); } } void ContentParent::NotifyTabDestroying(const TabId& aTabId, const ContentParentId& aCpId) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { // There can be more than one PBrowser for a given app process // because of popup windows. PBrowsers can also destroy // concurrently. When all the PBrowsers are destroying, kick off // another task to ensure the child process *really* shuts down, // even if the PBrowsers themselves never finish destroying. ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); ContentParent* cp = cpm->GetContentProcessById(aCpId); if (!cp) { return; } ++cp->mNumDestroyingTabs; nsTArray tabIds = cpm->GetTabParentsByProcessId(aCpId); if (static_cast(cp->mNumDestroyingTabs) != tabIds.Length()) { return; } // We're dying now, so prevent this content process from being // recycled during its shutdown procedure. cp->MarkAsDead(); cp->StartForceKillTimer(); } else { ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendNotifyTabDestroying(aTabId, aCpId); } } void ContentParent::StartForceKillTimer() { if (mForceKillTimer || !mIPCOpen) { return; } int32_t timeoutSecs = Preferences::GetInt("dom.ipc.tabs.shutdownTimeoutSecs", 5); if (timeoutSecs > 0) { mForceKillTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); MOZ_ASSERT(mForceKillTimer); mForceKillTimer->InitWithFuncCallback(ContentParent::ForceKillTimerCallback, this, timeoutSecs * 1000, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } void ContentParent::NotifyTabDestroyed(const TabId& aTabId, bool aNotifiedDestroying) { if (aNotifiedDestroying) { --mNumDestroyingTabs; } nsTArray parentArray = nsContentPermissionUtils::GetContentPermissionRequestParentById(aTabId); // Need to close undeleted ContentPermissionRequestParents before tab is closed. for (auto& permissionRequestParent : parentArray) { Unused << PContentPermissionRequestParent::Send__delete__(permissionRequestParent); } // There can be more than one PBrowser for a given app process // because of popup windows. When the last one closes, shut // us down. ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); nsTArray tabIds = cpm->GetTabParentsByProcessId(this->ChildID()); if (tabIds.Length() == 1) { // In the case of normal shutdown, send a shutdown message to child to // allow it to perform shutdown tasks. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ContentParent::ShutDownProcess, SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE)); } } jsipc::CPOWManager* ContentParent::GetCPOWManager() { if (PJavaScriptParent* p = LoneManagedOrNullAsserts(ManagedPJavaScriptParent())) { return CPOWManagerFor(p); } return nullptr; } TestShellParent* ContentParent::CreateTestShell() { return static_cast(SendPTestShellConstructor()); } bool ContentParent::DestroyTestShell(TestShellParent* aTestShell) { return PTestShellParent::Send__delete__(aTestShell); } TestShellParent* ContentParent::GetTestShellSingleton() { PTestShellParent* p = LoneManagedOrNullAsserts(ManagedPTestShellParent()); return static_cast(p); } void ContentParent::InitializeMembers() { mSubprocess = nullptr; mChildID = gContentChildID++; mGeolocationWatchID = -1; mNumDestroyingTabs = 0; mIsAlive = true; mMetamorphosed = false; mSendPermissionUpdates = false; mSendDataStoreInfos = false; mCalledClose = false; mCalledCloseWithError = false; mCalledKillHard = false; mCreatedPairedMinidumps = false; mShutdownPending = false; mIPCOpen = true; mHangMonitorActor = nullptr; mHasGamepadListener = false; } bool ContentParent::LaunchSubprocess(ProcessPriority aInitialPriority /* = PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND */) { PROFILER_LABEL_FUNC(js::ProfileEntry::Category::OTHER); std::vector extraArgs; if (mIsNuwaProcess) { extraArgs.push_back("-nuwa"); } if (!mSubprocess->LaunchAndWaitForProcessHandle(extraArgs)) { MarkAsDead(); return false; } Open(mSubprocess->GetChannel(), base::GetProcId(mSubprocess->GetChildProcessHandle())); InitInternal(aInitialPriority, true, /* Setup off-main thread compositing */ true /* Send registered chrome */); ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton()->AddContentProcess(this); ProcessHangMonitor::AddProcess(this); // Set a reply timeout for CPOWs. SetReplyTimeoutMs(Preferences::GetInt("dom.ipc.cpow.timeout", 0)); return true; } ContentParent::ContentParent(mozIApplication* aApp, ContentParent* aOpener, bool aIsForBrowser, bool aIsForPreallocated, bool aIsNuwaProcess /* = false */) : nsIContentParent() , mOpener(aOpener) , mIsForBrowser(aIsForBrowser) , mIsNuwaProcess(aIsNuwaProcess) { InitializeMembers(); // Perform common initialization. // No more than one of !!aApp, aIsForBrowser, aIsForPreallocated should be // true. MOZ_ASSERT(!!aApp + aIsForBrowser + aIsForPreallocated <= 1); // Only the preallocated process uses Nuwa. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aIsNuwaProcess, aIsForPreallocated); if (!aIsNuwaProcess && !aIsForPreallocated) { mMetamorphosed = true; } // Insert ourselves into the global linked list of ContentParent objects. if (!sContentParents) { sContentParents = new LinkedList(); } if (!aIsNuwaProcess) { sContentParents->insertBack(this); } if (aApp) { aApp->GetManifestURL(mAppManifestURL); aApp->GetName(mAppName); } else if (aIsForPreallocated) { mAppManifestURL = MAGIC_PREALLOCATED_APP_MANIFEST_URL; } // From this point on, NS_WARNING, NS_ASSERTION, etc. should print out the // PID along with the warning. nsDebugImpl::SetMultiprocessMode("Parent"); #if defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(MOZ_B2G) // Request Windows message deferral behavior on our side of the PContent // channel. Generally only applies to the situation where we get caught in // a deadlock with the plugin process when sending CPOWs. GetIPCChannel()->SetChannelFlags(MessageChannel::REQUIRE_DEFERRED_MESSAGE_PROTECTION); #endif NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); ChildPrivileges privs = aIsNuwaProcess ? base::PRIVILEGES_INHERIT : base::PRIVILEGES_DEFAULT; mSubprocess = new GeckoChildProcessHost(GeckoProcessType_Content, privs); IToplevelProtocol::SetTransport(mSubprocess->GetChannel()); } #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS static const mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor* FindFdProtocolFdMapping(const nsTArray& aFds, ProtocolId aProtoId) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aFds.Length(); i++) { if (aFds[i].protocolId() == aProtoId) { return &aFds[i].fd(); } } return nullptr; } /** * This constructor is used for new content process cloned from a template. * * For Nuwa. */ ContentParent::ContentParent(ContentParent* aTemplate, const nsAString& aAppManifestURL, base::ProcessHandle aPid, InfallibleTArray&& aFds) : mAppManifestURL(aAppManifestURL) , mIsForBrowser(false) , mIsNuwaProcess(false) { InitializeMembers(); // Perform common initialization. sContentParents->insertBack(this); // From this point on, NS_WARNING, NS_ASSERTION, etc. should print out the // PID along with the warning. nsDebugImpl::SetMultiprocessMode("Parent"); NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); const FileDescriptor* fd = FindFdProtocolFdMapping(aFds, GetProtocolId()); NS_ASSERTION(fd != nullptr, "IPC Channel for PContent is necessary!"); mSubprocess = new GeckoExistingProcessHost(GeckoProcessType_Content, aPid, *fd); mSubprocess->LaunchAndWaitForProcessHandle(); // Clone actors routed by aTemplate for this instance. IToplevelProtocol::SetTransport(mSubprocess->GetChannel()); ProtocolCloneContext cloneContext; cloneContext.SetContentParent(this); CloneManagees(aTemplate, &cloneContext); CloneOpenedToplevels(aTemplate, aFds, aPid, &cloneContext); Open(mSubprocess->GetChannel(), base::GetProcId(mSubprocess->GetChildProcessHandle())); // Set the subprocess's priority (bg if we're a preallocated process, fg // otherwise). We do this first because we're likely /lowering/ its CPU and // memory priority, which it has inherited from this process. ProcessPriority priority; if (IsPreallocated()) { priority = PROCESS_PRIORITY_PREALLOC; } else { priority = PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } InitInternal(priority, false, /* Setup Off-main thread compositing */ false /* Send registered chrome */); ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton()->AddContentProcess(this); } #endif // MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS ContentParent::~ContentParent() { if (mForceKillTimer) { mForceKillTimer->Cancel(); } NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); // We should be removed from all these lists in ActorDestroy. MOZ_ASSERT(!sPrivateContent || !sPrivateContent->Contains(this)); if (mAppManifestURL.IsEmpty()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!sNonAppContentParents || !sNonAppContentParents->Contains(this)); } else { // In general, we expect sAppContentParents->Get(mAppManifestURL) to be // nullptr. But it could be that we created another ContentParent for // this app after we did this->ActorDestroy(), so the right check is // that sAppContentParents->Get(mAppManifestURL) != this. MOZ_ASSERT(!sAppContentParents || sAppContentParents->Get(mAppManifestURL) != this); } #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS if (IsNuwaProcess()) { sNuwaReady = false; sNuwaPid = 0; } #endif } void ContentParent::InitInternal(ProcessPriority aInitialPriority, bool aSetupOffMainThreadCompositing, bool aSendRegisteredChrome) { if (aSendRegisteredChrome) { nsCOMPtr registrySvc = nsChromeRegistry::GetService(); nsChromeRegistryChrome* chromeRegistry = static_cast(registrySvc.get()); chromeRegistry->SendRegisteredChrome(this); } if (gAppData) { nsCString version(gAppData->version); nsCString buildID(gAppData->buildID); nsCString name(gAppData->name); nsCString UAName(gAppData->UAName); nsCString ID(gAppData->ID); nsCString vendor(gAppData->vendor); // Sending all information to content process. Unused << SendAppInfo(version, buildID, name, UAName, ID, vendor); } // Initialize the message manager (and load delayed scripts) now that we // have established communications with the child. mMessageManager->InitWithCallback(this); // Set the subprocess's priority. We do this early on because we're likely // /lowering/ the process's CPU and memory priority, which it has inherited // from this process. // // This call can cause us to send IPC messages to the child process, so it // must come after the Open() call above. ProcessPriorityManager::SetProcessPriority(this, aInitialPriority); if (aSetupOffMainThreadCompositing) { // NB: internally, this will send an IPC message to the child // process to get it to create the CompositorChild. This // message goes through the regular IPC queue for this // channel, so delivery will happen-before any other messages // we send. The CompositorChild must be created before any // PBrowsers are created, because they rely on the Compositor // already being around. (Creation is async, so can't happen // on demand.) bool useOffMainThreadCompositing = !!CompositorParent::CompositorLoop(); if (useOffMainThreadCompositing) { DebugOnly opened = PCompositor::Open(this); MOZ_ASSERT(opened); opened = PImageBridge::Open(this); MOZ_ASSERT(opened); opened = gfx::PVRManager::Open(this); MOZ_ASSERT(opened); } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK DebugOnly opened = PSharedBufferManager::Open(this); MOZ_ASSERT(opened); #endif } if (gAppData) { // Sending all information to content process. Unused << SendAppInit(); } nsStyleSheetService *sheetService = nsStyleSheetService::GetInstance(); if (sheetService) { // This looks like a lot of work, but in a normal browser session we just // send two loads. for (CSSStyleSheet* sheet : *sheetService->AgentStyleSheets()) { URIParams uri; SerializeURI(sheet->GetSheetURI(), uri); Unused << SendLoadAndRegisterSheet(uri, nsIStyleSheetService::AGENT_SHEET); } for (CSSStyleSheet* sheet : *sheetService->UserStyleSheets()) { URIParams uri; SerializeURI(sheet->GetSheetURI(), uri); Unused << SendLoadAndRegisterSheet(uri, nsIStyleSheetService::USER_SHEET); } for (CSSStyleSheet* sheet : *sheetService->AuthorStyleSheets()) { URIParams uri; SerializeURI(sheet->GetSheetURI(), uri); Unused << SendLoadAndRegisterSheet(uri, nsIStyleSheetService::AUTHOR_SHEET); } } #ifdef MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX bool shouldSandbox = true; #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS if (IsNuwaProcess()) { shouldSandbox = false; } #endif MaybeFileDesc brokerFd = void_t(); #ifdef XP_LINUX if (shouldSandbox) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mSandboxBroker); UniquePtr policy = sSandboxBrokerPolicyFactory->GetContentPolicy(Pid()); if (policy) { brokerFd = FileDescriptor(); mSandboxBroker = SandboxBroker::Create(Move(policy), Pid(), brokerFd); if (!mSandboxBroker) { KillHard("SandboxBroker::Create failed"); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast(brokerFd).IsValid()); } } #endif if (shouldSandbox && !SendSetProcessSandbox(brokerFd)) { KillHard("SandboxInitFailed"); } #endif } bool ContentParent::IsAlive() const { return mIsAlive; } bool ContentParent::IsForApp() const { return !mAppManifestURL.IsEmpty(); } #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS bool ContentParent::IsNuwaProcess() const { return mIsNuwaProcess; } #endif int32_t ContentParent::Pid() const { if (!mSubprocess || !mSubprocess->GetChildProcessHandle()) { return -1; } return base::GetProcId(mSubprocess->GetChildProcessHandle()); } bool ContentParent::RecvReadPrefsArray(InfallibleTArray* aPrefs) { Preferences::GetPreferences(aPrefs); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvReadFontList(InfallibleTArray* retValue) { #ifdef ANDROID gfxAndroidPlatform::GetPlatform()->GetSystemFontList(retValue); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvReadDataStorageArray(const nsString& aFilename, InfallibleTArray* aValues) { // Ensure the SSS is initialized before we try to use its storage. nsCOMPtr sss = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"); RefPtr storage = DataStorage::Get(aFilename); storage->GetAll(aValues); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvReadPermissions(InfallibleTArray* aPermissions) { #ifdef MOZ_PERMISSIONS nsCOMPtr permissionManagerIface = services::GetPermissionManager(); nsPermissionManager* permissionManager = static_cast(permissionManagerIface.get()); MOZ_ASSERT(permissionManager, "We have no permissionManager in the Chrome process !"); nsCOMPtr enumerator; DebugOnly rv = permissionManager->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Could not get enumerator!"); while(1) { bool hasMore; enumerator->HasMoreElements(&hasMore); if (!hasMore) break; nsCOMPtr supp; enumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(supp)); nsCOMPtr perm = do_QueryInterface(supp); nsCOMPtr principal; perm->GetPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(principal)); nsCString origin; if (principal) { principal->GetOrigin(origin); } nsCString type; perm->GetType(type); uint32_t capability; perm->GetCapability(&capability); uint32_t expireType; perm->GetExpireType(&expireType); int64_t expireTime; perm->GetExpireTime(&expireTime); aPermissions->AppendElement(IPC::Permission(origin, type, capability, expireType, expireTime)); } // Ask for future changes mSendPermissionUpdates = true; #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvSetClipboard(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer, const bool& aIsPrivateData, const int32_t& aWhichClipboard) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr clipboard(do_GetService(kCClipboardCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); nsCOMPtr trans = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); trans->Init(nullptr); const nsTArray& items = aDataTransfer.items(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < items.Length(); ++j) { const IPCDataTransferItem& item = items[j]; trans->AddDataFlavor(item.flavor().get()); if (item.data().type() == IPCDataTransferData::TnsString) { nsCOMPtr dataWrapper = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); nsString text = item.data().get_nsString(); rv = dataWrapper->SetData(text); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); rv = trans->SetTransferData(item.flavor().get(), dataWrapper, text.Length() * sizeof(char16_t)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); } else if (item.data().type() == IPCDataTransferData::TnsCString) { if (item.flavor().EqualsLiteral(kNativeImageMime) || item.flavor().EqualsLiteral(kJPEGImageMime) || item.flavor().EqualsLiteral(kJPGImageMime) || item.flavor().EqualsLiteral(kPNGImageMime) || item.flavor().EqualsLiteral(kGIFImageMime)) { const IPCDataTransferImage& imageDetails = item.imageDetails(); const gfx::IntSize size(imageDetails.width(), imageDetails.height()); if (!size.width || !size.height) { return true; } nsCString text = item.data().get_nsCString(); RefPtr image = new mozilla::gfx::SourceSurfaceRawData(); mozilla::gfx::SourceSurfaceRawData* raw = static_cast(image.get()); raw->InitWrappingData( reinterpret_cast(const_cast(text).BeginWriting()), size, imageDetails.stride(), static_cast(imageDetails.format()), false); raw->GuaranteePersistance(); RefPtr drawable = new gfxSurfaceDrawable(image, size); nsCOMPtr imageContainer(image::ImageOps::CreateFromDrawable(drawable)); nsCOMPtr imgPtr(do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_INTERFACE_POINTER_CONTRACTID, &rv)); rv = imgPtr->SetData(imageContainer); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); trans->SetTransferData(item.flavor().get(), imgPtr, sizeof(nsISupports*)); } else { nsCOMPtr dataWrapper = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_CSTRING_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); const nsCString& text = item.data().get_nsCString(); rv = dataWrapper->SetData(text); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); rv = trans->SetTransferData(item.flavor().get(), dataWrapper, text.Length()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); } } } trans->SetIsPrivateData(aIsPrivateData); clipboard->SetData(trans, nullptr, aWhichClipboard); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetClipboard(nsTArray&& aTypes, const int32_t& aWhichClipboard, IPCDataTransfer* aDataTransfer) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr clipboard(do_GetService(kCClipboardCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); nsCOMPtr trans = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); trans->Init(nullptr); for (uint32_t t = 0; t < aTypes.Length(); t++) { trans->AddDataFlavor(aTypes[t].get()); } clipboard->GetData(trans, aWhichClipboard); nsContentUtils::TransferableToIPCTransferable(trans, aDataTransfer, true, nullptr, this); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvEmptyClipboard(const int32_t& aWhichClipboard) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr clipboard(do_GetService(kCClipboardCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); clipboard->EmptyClipboard(aWhichClipboard); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvClipboardHasType(nsTArray&& aTypes, const int32_t& aWhichClipboard, bool* aHasType) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr clipboard(do_GetService(kCClipboardCID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); const char** typesChrs = new const char *[aTypes.Length()]; for (uint32_t t = 0; t < aTypes.Length(); t++) { typesChrs[t] = aTypes[t].get(); } clipboard->HasDataMatchingFlavors(typesChrs, aTypes.Length(), aWhichClipboard, aHasType); delete [] typesChrs; return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetSystemColors(const uint32_t& colorsCount, InfallibleTArray* colors) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID NS_ASSERTION(AndroidBridge::Bridge() != nullptr, "AndroidBridge is not available"); if (AndroidBridge::Bridge() == nullptr) { // Do not fail - the colors won't be right, but it's not critical return true; } colors->AppendElements(colorsCount); // The array elements correspond to the members of AndroidSystemColors structure, // so just pass the pointer to the elements buffer AndroidBridge::Bridge()->GetSystemColors((AndroidSystemColors*)colors->Elements()); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetIconForExtension(const nsCString& aFileExt, const uint32_t& aIconSize, InfallibleTArray* bits) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID NS_ASSERTION(AndroidBridge::Bridge() != nullptr, "AndroidBridge is not available"); if (AndroidBridge::Bridge() == nullptr) { // Do not fail - just no icon will be shown return true; } bits->AppendElements(aIconSize * aIconSize * 4); AndroidBridge::Bridge()->GetIconForExtension(aFileExt, aIconSize, bits->Elements()); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetShowPasswordSetting(bool* showPassword) { // default behavior is to show the last password character *showPassword = true; #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID NS_ASSERTION(AndroidBridge::Bridge() != nullptr, "AndroidBridge is not available"); *showPassword = mozilla::widget::GeckoAppShell::GetShowPasswordSetting(); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvFirstIdle() { // When the ContentChild goes idle, it sends us a FirstIdle message // which we use as a good time to prelaunch another process. If we // prelaunch any sooner than this, then we'll be competing with the // child process and slowing it down. PreallocatedProcessManager::AllocateAfterDelay(); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvAudioChannelChangeDefVolChannel(const int32_t& aChannel, const bool& aHidden) { RefPtr service = AudioChannelService::GetOrCreate(); MOZ_ASSERT(service); service->SetDefaultVolumeControlChannelInternal(aChannel, aHidden, mChildID); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvAudioChannelServiceStatus( const bool& aTelephonyChannel, const bool& aContentOrNormalChannel, const bool& aAnyChannel) { RefPtr service = AudioChannelService::GetOrCreate(); MOZ_ASSERT(service); service->ChildStatusReceived(mChildID, aTelephonyChannel, aContentOrNormalChannel, aAnyChannel); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvDataStoreGetStores( const nsString& aName, const nsString& aOwner, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, InfallibleTArray* aValue) { RefPtr service = DataStoreService::GetOrCreate(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!service)) { return false; } nsresult rv = service->GetDataStoresFromIPC(aName, aOwner, aPrincipal, aValue); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return false; } mSendDataStoreInfos = true; return true; } void ContentParent::ForkNewProcess(bool aBlocking) { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS uint32_t pid; auto fds = MakeUnique>(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsNuwaProcess() && mNuwaParent); if (mNuwaParent->ForkNewProcess(pid, mozilla::Move(fds), aBlocking)) { OnNewProcessCreated(pid, mozilla::Move(fds)); } #else NS_ERROR("ContentParent::ForkNewProcess() not implemented!"); #endif } #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Keep only observer topics listed in sNuwaSafeObserverTopics and unregister // all the other registered topics. static void KeepNuwaSafeObserverTopics(ContentParent* aNuwaContentParent) { MOZ_ASSERT(aNuwaContentParent && aNuwaContentParent->IsNuwaProcess()); nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return; } size_t topicLength = ArrayLength(sObserverTopics); for (size_t i = 0; i < topicLength; ++i) { bool nuwaSafe = false; size_t safeTopicLength = ArrayLength(sNuwaSafeObserverTopics); for (size_t j = 0; j < safeTopicLength; j++) { if (!nsCRT::strcmp(sObserverTopics[i], sNuwaSafeObserverTopics[j])) { // In the whitelist: don't need to unregister. nuwaSafe = true; break; } } if (!nuwaSafe) { obs->RemoveObserver(aNuwaContentParent, sObserverTopics[i]); } } } #endif void ContentParent::OnNuwaReady() { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Protection from unauthorized IPC message is done in PNuwa protocol. // Just assert that this actor is really for the Nuwa process. MOZ_ASSERT(IsNuwaProcess()); sNuwaReady = true; KeepNuwaSafeObserverTopics(this); PreallocatedProcessManager::OnNuwaReady(); return; #else NS_ERROR("ContentParent::OnNuwaReady() not implemented!"); return; #endif } void ContentParent::OnNewProcessCreated(uint32_t aPid, UniquePtr>&& aFds) { #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS // Protection from unauthorized IPC message is done in PNuwa protocol. // Just assert that this actor is really for the Nuwa process. MOZ_ASSERT(IsNuwaProcess()); RefPtr content; content = new ContentParent(this, MAGIC_PREALLOCATED_APP_MANIFEST_URL, aPid, Move(*aFds.get())); content->Init(); size_t numNuwaPrefUpdates = sNuwaPrefUpdates ? sNuwaPrefUpdates->Length() : 0; // Resend pref updates to the forked child. for (size_t i = 0; i < numNuwaPrefUpdates; i++) { mozilla::Unused << content->SendPreferenceUpdate(sNuwaPrefUpdates->ElementAt(i)); } // Update offline settings. bool isOffline, isLangRTL; bool isConnected; InfallibleTArray unusedDictionaries; ClipboardCapabilities clipboardCaps; DomainPolicyClone domainPolicy; StructuredCloneData initialData; RecvGetXPCOMProcessAttributes(&isOffline, &isConnected, &isLangRTL, &unusedDictionaries, &clipboardCaps, &domainPolicy, &initialData); mozilla::Unused << content->SendSetOffline(isOffline); mozilla::Unused << content->SendSetConnectivity(isConnected); MOZ_ASSERT(!clipboardCaps.supportsSelectionClipboard() && !clipboardCaps.supportsFindClipboard(), "Unexpected values"); PreallocatedProcessManager::PublishSpareProcess(content); return; #else NS_ERROR("ContentParent::OnNewProcessCreated() not implemented!"); return; #endif } // We want ContentParent to show up in CC logs for debugging purposes, but we // don't actually cycle collect it. NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_0(ContentParent) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(ContentParent) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(ContentParent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(ContentParent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContentParent) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMETHODIMP ContentParent::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { if (mSubprocess && (!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-before-change") || !strcmp(aTopic, "xpcom-shutdown"))) { // Okay to call ShutDownProcess multiple times. ShutDownProcess(SEND_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE); // Wait for shutdown to complete, so that we receive any shutdown // data (e.g. telemetry) from the child before we quit. // This loop terminate prematurely based on mForceKillTimer. while (mIPCOpen && !mCalledKillHard) { NS_ProcessNextEvent(nullptr, true); } NS_ASSERTION(!mSubprocess, "Close should have nulled mSubprocess"); } if (!mIsAlive || !mSubprocess) return NS_OK; // The Nuwa process unregisters the topics after it becomes ready except for // the ones listed in sNuwaSafeObserverTopics. If the topic needs to be // observed by the Nuwa process, either for: // 1. The topic is safe for the Nuwa process, either: // 1.1 The state can safely happen (only run on the main thread) in the Nuwa // process (e.g. "a11y-init-or-shutdown"), or // 1.2 The topic doesn't send an IPC message (e.g. "xpcom-shutdown"). // 2. The topic needs special handling (e.g. nsPref:Changed), // add the topic to sNuwaSafeObserverTopics and then handle it if necessary. // listening for memory pressure event if (!strcmp(aTopic, "memory-pressure") && !StringEndsWith(nsDependentString(aData), NS_LITERAL_STRING("-no-forward"))) { Unused << SendFlushMemory(nsDependentString(aData)); } // listening for remotePrefs... else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "nsPref:changed")) { // We know prefs are ASCII here. NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII strData(aData); PrefSetting pref(strData, null_t(), null_t()); Preferences::GetPreference(&pref); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS if (IsReadyNuwaProcess()) { // Don't send the pref update to the Nuwa process. Save the update // to send to the forked child. if (!sNuwaPrefUpdates) { sNuwaPrefUpdates = new nsTArray(); } sNuwaPrefUpdates->AppendElement(pref); } else if (!SendPreferenceUpdate(pref)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } #else if (!SendPreferenceUpdate(pref)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } #endif } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_OFFLINE_TOPIC)) { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 dataStr(aData); const char *offline = dataStr.get(); if (!SendSetOffline(!strcmp(offline, "true") ? true : false)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, NS_IPC_IOSERVICE_SET_CONNECTIVITY_TOPIC)) { if (!SendSetConnectivity(NS_LITERAL_STRING("true").Equals(aData))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } // listening for alert notifications else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "alertfinished") || !strcmp(aTopic, "alertclickcallback") || !strcmp(aTopic, "alertshow") || !strcmp(aTopic, "alertdisablecallback") || !strcmp(aTopic, "alertsettingscallback")) { if (!SendNotifyAlertsObserver(nsDependentCString(aTopic), nsDependentString(aData))) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "child-gc-request")){ Unused << SendGarbageCollect(); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "child-cc-request")){ Unused << SendCycleCollect(); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "child-mmu-request")){ Unused << SendMinimizeMemoryUsage(); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "last-pb-context-exited")) { Unused << SendLastPrivateDocShellDestroyed(); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "file-watcher-update")) { nsCString creason; CopyUTF16toUTF8(aData, creason); DeviceStorageFile* file = static_cast(aSubject); Unused << SendFilePathUpdate(file->mStorageType, file->mStorageName, file->mPath, creason); } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK else if(!strcmp(aTopic, NS_VOLUME_STATE_CHANGED)) { nsCOMPtr vol = do_QueryInterface(aSubject); if (!vol) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsString volName; nsString mountPoint; int32_t state; int32_t mountGeneration; bool isMediaPresent; bool isSharing; bool isFormatting; bool isFake; bool isUnmounting; bool isRemovable; bool isHotSwappable; vol->GetName(volName); vol->GetMountPoint(mountPoint); vol->GetState(&state); vol->GetMountGeneration(&mountGeneration); vol->GetIsMediaPresent(&isMediaPresent); vol->GetIsSharing(&isSharing); vol->GetIsFormatting(&isFormatting); vol->GetIsFake(&isFake); vol->GetIsUnmounting(&isUnmounting); vol->GetIsRemovable(&isRemovable); vol->GetIsHotSwappable(&isHotSwappable); Unused << SendFileSystemUpdate(volName, mountPoint, state, mountGeneration, isMediaPresent, isSharing, isFormatting, isFake, isUnmounting, isRemovable, isHotSwappable); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "phone-state-changed")) { nsString state(aData); Unused << SendNotifyPhoneStateChange(state); } else if(!strcmp(aTopic, NS_VOLUME_REMOVED)) { nsString volName(aData); Unused << SendVolumeRemoved(volName); } #endif #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY // Make sure accessibility is running in content process when accessibility // gets initiated in chrome process. else if (aData && (*aData == '1') && !strcmp(aTopic, "a11y-init-or-shutdown")) { #if !defined(XP_WIN) Unused << SendActivateA11y(); #else // On Windows we currently only enable a11y in the content process // for testing purposes. if (Preferences::GetBool(kForceEnableE10sPref, false)) { Unused << SendActivateA11y(); } #endif } #endif else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "app-theme-changed")) { Unused << SendOnAppThemeChanged(); } #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-started")) { nsCOMPtr params(do_QueryInterface(aSubject)); StartProfiler(params); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-stopped")) { mGatherer = nullptr; Unused << SendStopProfiler(); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-paused")) { Unused << SendPauseProfiler(true); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-resumed")) { Unused << SendPauseProfiler(false); } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-subprocess-gather")) { if (mGatherer) { mGatherer->WillGatherOOPProfile(); Unused << SendGatherProfile(); } } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profiler-subprocess")) { nsCOMPtr pse = do_QueryInterface(aSubject); if (pse) { if (!mProfile.IsEmpty()) { pse->AddSubProfile(mProfile.get()); mProfile.Truncate(); } } } #endif else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "gmp-changed")) { Unused << SendNotifyGMPsChanged(); } return NS_OK; } PGMPServiceParent* ContentParent::AllocPGMPServiceParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return GMPServiceParent::Create(aTransport, aOtherProcess); } PCompositorParent* ContentParent::AllocPCompositorParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return CompositorParent::Create(aTransport, aOtherProcess); } gfx::PVRManagerParent* ContentParent::AllocPVRManagerParent(Transport* aTransport, ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return gfx::VRManagerParent::CreateCrossProcess(aTransport, aOtherProcess); } PImageBridgeParent* ContentParent::AllocPImageBridgeParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return ImageBridgeParent::Create(aTransport, aOtherProcess); } PBackgroundParent* ContentParent::AllocPBackgroundParent(Transport* aTransport, ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return BackgroundParent::Alloc(this, aTransport, aOtherProcess); } PProcessHangMonitorParent* ContentParent::AllocPProcessHangMonitorParent(Transport* aTransport, ProcessId aOtherProcess) { mHangMonitorActor = CreateHangMonitorParent(this, aTransport, aOtherProcess); return mHangMonitorActor; } PSharedBufferManagerParent* ContentParent::AllocPSharedBufferManagerParent(mozilla::ipc::Transport* aTransport, base::ProcessId aOtherProcess) { return SharedBufferManagerParent::Create(aTransport, aOtherProcess); } bool ContentParent::RecvGetProcessAttributes(ContentParentId* aCpId, bool* aIsForApp, bool* aIsForBrowser) { *aCpId = mChildID; *aIsForApp = IsForApp(); *aIsForBrowser = mIsForBrowser; return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetXPCOMProcessAttributes(bool* aIsOffline, bool* aIsConnected, bool* aIsLangRTL, InfallibleTArray* dictionaries, ClipboardCapabilities* clipboardCaps, DomainPolicyClone* domainPolicy, StructuredCloneData* aInitialData) { nsCOMPtr io(do_GetIOService()); MOZ_ASSERT(io, "No IO service?"); DebugOnly rv = io->GetOffline(aIsOffline); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Failed getting offline?"); rv = io->GetConnectivity(aIsConnected); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Failed getting connectivity?"); nsIBidiKeyboard* bidi = nsContentUtils::GetBidiKeyboard(); *aIsLangRTL = false; if (bidi) { bidi->IsLangRTL(aIsLangRTL); } nsCOMPtr spellChecker(do_GetService(NS_SPELLCHECKER_CONTRACTID)); MOZ_ASSERT(spellChecker, "No spell checker?"); spellChecker->GetDictionaryList(dictionaries); nsCOMPtr clipboard(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1")); MOZ_ASSERT(clipboard, "No clipboard?"); rv = clipboard->SupportsSelectionClipboard(&clipboardCaps->supportsSelectionClipboard()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); rv = clipboard->SupportsFindClipboard(&clipboardCaps->supportsFindClipboard()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // Let's copy the domain policy from the parent to the child (if it's active). nsIScriptSecurityManager* ssm = nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ssm, false); ssm->CloneDomainPolicy(domainPolicy); if (nsFrameMessageManager* mm = nsFrameMessageManager::sParentProcessManager) { AutoJSAPI jsapi; if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(xpc::PrivilegedJunkScope()))) { return false; } JS::RootedValue init(jsapi.cx()); nsresult result = mm->GetInitialProcessData(jsapi.cx(), &init); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return false; } ErrorResult rv; aInitialData->Write(jsapi.cx(), init, rv); if (NS_WARN_IF(rv.Failed())) { return false; } } return true; } mozilla::jsipc::PJavaScriptParent * ContentParent::AllocPJavaScriptParent() { MOZ_ASSERT(ManagedPJavaScriptParent().IsEmpty()); return nsIContentParent::AllocPJavaScriptParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPJavaScriptParent(PJavaScriptParent *parent) { return nsIContentParent::DeallocPJavaScriptParent(parent); } PBrowserParent* ContentParent::AllocPBrowserParent(const TabId& aTabId, const IPCTabContext& aContext, const uint32_t& aChromeFlags, const ContentParentId& aCpId, const bool& aIsForApp, const bool& aIsForBrowser) { return nsIContentParent::AllocPBrowserParent(aTabId, aContext, aChromeFlags, aCpId, aIsForApp, aIsForBrowser); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPBrowserParent(PBrowserParent* frame) { return nsIContentParent::DeallocPBrowserParent(frame); } PDeviceStorageRequestParent* ContentParent::AllocPDeviceStorageRequestParent(const DeviceStorageParams& aParams) { RefPtr result = new DeviceStorageRequestParent(aParams); if (!result->EnsureRequiredPermissions(this)) { return nullptr; } result->Dispatch(); return result.forget().take(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPDeviceStorageRequestParent(PDeviceStorageRequestParent* doomed) { DeviceStorageRequestParent *parent = static_cast(doomed); NS_RELEASE(parent); return true; } PFileSystemRequestParent* ContentParent::AllocPFileSystemRequestParent(const FileSystemParams& aParams) { RefPtr result = new FileSystemRequestParent(); if (!result->Dispatch(this, aParams)) { return nullptr; } return result.forget().take(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPFileSystemRequestParent(PFileSystemRequestParent* doomed) { FileSystemRequestParent* parent = static_cast(doomed); NS_RELEASE(parent); return true; } PBlobParent* ContentParent::AllocPBlobParent(const BlobConstructorParams& aParams) { return nsIContentParent::AllocPBlobParent(aParams); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPBlobParent(PBlobParent* aActor) { return nsIContentParent::DeallocPBlobParent(aActor); } bool ContentParent::RecvPBlobConstructor(PBlobParent* aActor, const BlobConstructorParams& aParams) { const ParentBlobConstructorParams& params = aParams.get_ParentBlobConstructorParams(); if (params.blobParams().type() == AnyBlobConstructorParams::TKnownBlobConstructorParams) { return aActor->SendCreatedFromKnownBlob(); } return true; } mozilla::PRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent * ContentParent::AllocPRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent() { mozilla::RemoteSpellcheckEngineParent *parent = new mozilla::RemoteSpellcheckEngineParent(); return parent; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent(PRemoteSpellcheckEngineParent *parent) { delete parent; return true; } /* static */ void ContentParent::ForceKillTimerCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure) { #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS // We don't want to time out the content process during XPCShell tests. This // is the easiest way to ensure that. if (PR_GetEnv("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR")) { return; } #endif auto self = static_cast(aClosure); self->KillHard("ShutDownKill"); } void ContentParent::KillHard(const char* aReason) { PROFILER_LABEL_FUNC(js::ProfileEntry::Category::OTHER); // On Windows, calling KillHard multiple times causes problems - the // process handle becomes invalid on the first call, causing a second call // to crash our process - more details in bug 890840. if (mCalledKillHard) { return; } mCalledKillHard = true; mForceKillTimer = nullptr; #if defined(MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) && !defined(MOZ_B2G) // We're about to kill the child process associated with this content. // Something has gone wrong to get us here, so we generate a minidump // of the parent and child for submission to the crash server. if (PCrashReporterParent* p = LoneManagedOrNullAsserts(ManagedPCrashReporterParent())) { CrashReporterParent* crashReporter = static_cast(p); // GeneratePairedMinidump creates two minidumps for us - the main // one is for the content process we're about to kill, and the other // one is for the main browser process. That second one is the extra // minidump tagging along, so we have to tell the crash reporter that // it exists and is being appended. nsAutoCString additionalDumps("browser"); crashReporter->AnnotateCrashReport( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("additional_minidumps"), additionalDumps); if (IsKillHardAnnotationSet()) { crashReporter->AnnotateCrashReport( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("kill_hard"), GetKillHardAnnotation()); } nsDependentCString reason(aReason); crashReporter->AnnotateCrashReport( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("ipc_channel_error"), reason); // Generate the report and insert into the queue for submittal. mCreatedPairedMinidumps = crashReporter->GenerateCompleteMinidump(this); } #endif ProcessHandle otherProcessHandle; if (!base::OpenProcessHandle(OtherPid(), &otherProcessHandle)) { NS_ERROR("Failed to open child process when attempting kill."); return; } if (!KillProcess(otherProcessHandle, base::PROCESS_END_KILLED_BY_USER, false)) { NS_WARNING("failed to kill subprocess!"); } if (mSubprocess) { mSubprocess->SetAlreadyDead(); } // EnsureProcessTerminated has responsibilty for closing otherProcessHandle. XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&ProcessWatcher::EnsureProcessTerminated, otherProcessHandle, /*force=*/true)); } bool ContentParent::IsPreallocated() const { return mAppManifestURL == MAGIC_PREALLOCATED_APP_MANIFEST_URL; } void ContentParent::FriendlyName(nsAString& aName, bool aAnonymize) { aName.Truncate(); #ifdef MOZ_NUWA_PROCESS if (IsNuwaProcess()) { aName.AssignLiteral("(Nuwa)"); } else #endif if (IsPreallocated()) { aName.AssignLiteral("(Preallocated)"); } else if (mIsForBrowser) { aName.AssignLiteral("Browser"); } else if (aAnonymize) { aName.AssignLiteral(""); } else if (!mAppName.IsEmpty()) { aName = mAppName; } else if (!mAppManifestURL.IsEmpty()) { aName.AssignLiteral("Unknown app: "); aName.Append(mAppManifestURL); } else { aName.AssignLiteral("???"); } } PCrashReporterParent* ContentParent::AllocPCrashReporterParent(const NativeThreadId& tid, const uint32_t& processType) { #ifdef MOZ_CRASHREPORTER return new CrashReporterParent(); #else return nullptr; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvPCrashReporterConstructor(PCrashReporterParent* actor, const NativeThreadId& tid, const uint32_t& processType) { static_cast(actor)->SetChildData(tid, processType); return true; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPCrashReporterParent(PCrashReporterParent* crashreporter) { delete crashreporter; return true; } hal_sandbox::PHalParent* ContentParent::AllocPHalParent() { return hal_sandbox::CreateHalParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPHalParent(hal_sandbox::PHalParent* aHal) { delete aHal; return true; } devtools::PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent* ContentParent::AllocPHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent() { return devtools::HeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent::Create(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent( devtools::PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent* aHeapSnapshotHelper) { delete aHeapSnapshotHelper; return true; } PIccParent* ContentParent::AllocPIccParent(const uint32_t& aServiceId) { if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "mobileconnection")) { return nullptr; } IccParent* parent = new IccParent(aServiceId); // We release this ref in DeallocPIccParent(). parent->AddRef(); return parent; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPIccParent(PIccParent* aActor) { // IccParent is refcounted, must not be freed manually. static_cast(aActor)->Release(); return true; } PMemoryReportRequestParent* ContentParent::AllocPMemoryReportRequestParent(const uint32_t& aGeneration, const bool &aAnonymize, const bool &aMinimizeMemoryUsage, const MaybeFileDesc &aDMDFile) { MemoryReportRequestParent* parent = new MemoryReportRequestParent(aGeneration); return parent; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPMemoryReportRequestParent(PMemoryReportRequestParent* actor) { delete actor; return true; } PCycleCollectWithLogsParent* ContentParent::AllocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(const bool& aDumpAllTraces, const FileDescriptor& aGCLog, const FileDescriptor& aCCLog) { MOZ_CRASH("Don't call this; use ContentParent::CycleCollectWithLogs"); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPCycleCollectWithLogsParent(PCycleCollectWithLogsParent* aActor) { delete aActor; return true; } bool ContentParent::CycleCollectWithLogs(bool aDumpAllTraces, nsICycleCollectorLogSink* aSink, nsIDumpGCAndCCLogsCallback* aCallback) { return CycleCollectWithLogsParent::AllocAndSendConstructor(this, aDumpAllTraces, aSink, aCallback); } PTestShellParent* ContentParent::AllocPTestShellParent() { return new TestShellParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPTestShellParent(PTestShellParent* shell) { delete shell; return true; } PMobileConnectionParent* ContentParent::AllocPMobileConnectionParent(const uint32_t& aClientId) { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL RefPtr parent = new MobileConnectionParent(aClientId); // We release this ref in DeallocPMobileConnectionParent(). parent->AddRef(); return parent; #else MOZ_CRASH("No support for mobileconnection on this platform!"); #endif } bool ContentParent::DeallocPMobileConnectionParent(PMobileConnectionParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL // MobileConnectionParent is refcounted, must not be freed manually. static_cast(aActor)->Release(); return true; #else MOZ_CRASH("No support for mobileconnection on this platform!"); #endif } PNeckoParent* ContentParent::AllocPNeckoParent() { return new NeckoParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPNeckoParent(PNeckoParent* necko) { delete necko; return true; } PPrintingParent* ContentParent::AllocPPrintingParent() { #ifdef NS_PRINTING return new PrintingParent(); #else return nullptr; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvPPrintingConstructor(PPrintingParent* aActor) { return true; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPPrintingParent(PPrintingParent* printing) { delete printing; return true; } PScreenManagerParent* ContentParent::AllocPScreenManagerParent(uint32_t* aNumberOfScreens, float* aSystemDefaultScale, bool* aSuccess) { return new ScreenManagerParent(aNumberOfScreens, aSystemDefaultScale, aSuccess); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPScreenManagerParent(PScreenManagerParent* aActor) { delete aActor; return true; } PPSMContentDownloaderParent* ContentParent::AllocPPSMContentDownloaderParent(const uint32_t& aCertType) { RefPtr downloader = new PSMContentDownloaderParent(aCertType); return downloader.forget().take(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPPSMContentDownloaderParent(PPSMContentDownloaderParent* aListener) { auto* listener = static_cast(aListener); RefPtr downloader = dont_AddRef(listener); return true; } PExternalHelperAppParent* ContentParent::AllocPExternalHelperAppParent(const OptionalURIParams& uri, const nsCString& aMimeContentType, const nsCString& aContentDisposition, const uint32_t& aContentDispositionHint, const nsString& aContentDispositionFilename, const bool& aForceSave, const int64_t& aContentLength, const OptionalURIParams& aReferrer, PBrowserParent* aBrowser) { ExternalHelperAppParent *parent = new ExternalHelperAppParent(uri, aContentLength); parent->AddRef(); parent->Init(this, aMimeContentType, aContentDisposition, aContentDispositionHint, aContentDispositionFilename, aForceSave, aReferrer, aBrowser); return parent; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPExternalHelperAppParent(PExternalHelperAppParent* aService) { ExternalHelperAppParent *parent = static_cast(aService); parent->Release(); return true; } PHandlerServiceParent* ContentParent::AllocPHandlerServiceParent() { HandlerServiceParent* actor = new HandlerServiceParent(); actor->AddRef(); return actor; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPHandlerServiceParent(PHandlerServiceParent* aHandlerServiceParent) { static_cast(aHandlerServiceParent)->Release(); return true; } PCellBroadcastParent* ContentParent::AllocPCellBroadcastParent() { if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "cellbroadcast")) { return nullptr; } CellBroadcastParent* actor = new CellBroadcastParent(); actor->AddRef(); return actor; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPCellBroadcastParent(PCellBroadcastParent* aActor) { static_cast(aActor)->Release(); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvPCellBroadcastConstructor(PCellBroadcastParent* aActor) { return static_cast(aActor)->Init(); } PSmsParent* ContentParent::AllocPSmsParent() { if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "sms")) { return nullptr; } SmsParent* parent = new SmsParent(); parent->AddRef(); return parent; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPSmsParent(PSmsParent* aSms) { static_cast(aSms)->Release(); return true; } PTelephonyParent* ContentParent::AllocPTelephonyParent() { if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "telephony")) { return nullptr; } TelephonyParent* actor = new TelephonyParent(); NS_ADDREF(actor); return actor; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPTelephonyParent(PTelephonyParent* aActor) { static_cast(aActor)->Release(); return true; } PVoicemailParent* ContentParent::AllocPVoicemailParent() { if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "voicemail")) { return nullptr; } VoicemailParent* actor = new VoicemailParent(); actor->AddRef(); return actor; } bool ContentParent::RecvPVoicemailConstructor(PVoicemailParent* aActor) { return static_cast(aActor)->Init(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPVoicemailParent(PVoicemailParent* aActor) { static_cast(aActor)->Release(); return true; } media::PMediaParent* ContentParent::AllocPMediaParent() { return media::AllocPMediaParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPMediaParent(media::PMediaParent *aActor) { return media::DeallocPMediaParent(aActor); } PStorageParent* ContentParent::AllocPStorageParent() { return new DOMStorageDBParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPStorageParent(PStorageParent* aActor) { DOMStorageDBParent* child = static_cast(aActor); child->ReleaseIPDLReference(); return true; } PBluetoothParent* ContentParent::AllocPBluetoothParent() { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_BT if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "bluetooth")) { return nullptr; } return new mozilla::dom::bluetooth::BluetoothParent(); #else MOZ_CRASH("No support for bluetooth on this platform!"); #endif } bool ContentParent::DeallocPBluetoothParent(PBluetoothParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_BT delete aActor; return true; #else MOZ_CRASH("No support for bluetooth on this platform!"); #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvPBluetoothConstructor(PBluetoothParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_BT RefPtr btService = BluetoothService::Get(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(btService, false); return static_cast(aActor)->InitWithService(btService); #else MOZ_CRASH("No support for bluetooth on this platform!"); #endif } PFMRadioParent* ContentParent::AllocPFMRadioParent() { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_FM if (!AssertAppProcessPermission(this, "fmradio")) { return nullptr; } return new FMRadioParent(); #else NS_WARNING("No support for FMRadio on this platform!"); return nullptr; #endif } bool ContentParent::DeallocPFMRadioParent(PFMRadioParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_B2G_FM delete aActor; return true; #else NS_WARNING("No support for FMRadio on this platform!"); return false; #endif } PPresentationParent* ContentParent::AllocPPresentationParent() { RefPtr actor = new PresentationParent(); return actor.forget().take(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPPresentationParent(PPresentationParent* aActor) { RefPtr actor = dont_AddRef(static_cast(aActor)); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvPPresentationConstructor(PPresentationParent* aActor) { return static_cast(aActor)->Init(); } PSpeechSynthesisParent* ContentParent::AllocPSpeechSynthesisParent() { #ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH return new mozilla::dom::SpeechSynthesisParent(); #else return nullptr; #endif } bool ContentParent::DeallocPSpeechSynthesisParent(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH delete aActor; return true; #else return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvPSpeechSynthesisConstructor(PSpeechSynthesisParent* aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_WEBSPEECH return true; #else return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvSpeakerManagerGetSpeakerStatus(bool* aValue) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK *aValue = false; RefPtr service = SpeakerManagerService::GetOrCreateSpeakerManagerService(); MOZ_ASSERT(service); *aValue = service->GetSpeakerStatus(); return true; #endif return false; } bool ContentParent::RecvSpeakerManagerForceSpeaker(const bool& aEnable) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK RefPtr service = SpeakerManagerService::GetOrCreateSpeakerManagerService(); MOZ_ASSERT(service); service->ForceSpeaker(aEnable, mChildID); return true; #endif return false; } bool ContentParent::RecvStartVisitedQuery(const URIParams& aURI) { nsCOMPtr newURI = DeserializeURI(aURI); if (!newURI) { return false; } nsCOMPtr history = services::GetHistoryService(); if (history) { history->RegisterVisitedCallback(newURI, nullptr); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvVisitURI(const URIParams& uri, const OptionalURIParams& referrer, const uint32_t& flags) { nsCOMPtr ourURI = DeserializeURI(uri); if (!ourURI) { return false; } nsCOMPtr ourReferrer = DeserializeURI(referrer); nsCOMPtr history = services::GetHistoryService(); if (history) { history->VisitURI(ourURI, ourReferrer, flags); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvSetURITitle(const URIParams& uri, const nsString& title) { nsCOMPtr ourURI = DeserializeURI(uri); if (!ourURI) { return false; } nsCOMPtr history = services::GetHistoryService(); if (history) { history->SetURITitle(ourURI, title); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetRandomValues(const uint32_t& length, InfallibleTArray* randomValues) { uint8_t* buf = Crypto::GetRandomValues(length); if (!buf) { return true; } randomValues->SetCapacity(length); randomValues->SetLength(length); memcpy(randomValues->Elements(), buf, length); free(buf); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetSystemMemory(const uint64_t& aGetterId) { uint32_t memoryTotal = 0; #if defined(XP_LINUX) memoryTotal = mozilla::hal::GetTotalSystemMemoryLevel(); #endif Unused << SendSystemMemoryAvailable(aGetterId, memoryTotal); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetLookAndFeelCache(nsTArray* aLookAndFeelIntCache) { *aLookAndFeelIntCache = LookAndFeel::GetIntCache(); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvIsSecureURI(const uint32_t& type, const URIParams& uri, const uint32_t& flags, bool* isSecureURI) { nsCOMPtr sss(do_GetService(NS_SSSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (!sss) { return false; } nsCOMPtr ourURI = DeserializeURI(uri); if (!ourURI) { return false; } nsresult rv = sss->IsSecureURI(type, ourURI, flags, isSecureURI); return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); } bool ContentParent::RecvAccumulateMixedContentHSTS(const URIParams& aURI, const bool& aActive) { nsCOMPtr ourURI = DeserializeURI(aURI); if (!ourURI) { return false; } nsMixedContentBlocker::AccumulateMixedContentHSTS(ourURI, aActive); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvLoadURIExternal(const URIParams& uri, PBrowserParent* windowContext) { nsCOMPtr extProtService(do_GetService(NS_EXTERNALPROTOCOLSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (!extProtService) { return true; } nsCOMPtr ourURI = DeserializeURI(uri); if (!ourURI) { return false; } RefPtr context = new RemoteWindowContext(static_cast(windowContext)); extProtService->LoadURI(ourURI, context); return true; } bool ContentParent::HasNotificationPermission(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) { #ifdef MOZ_CHILD_PERMISSIONS uint32_t permission = mozilla::CheckPermission(this, aPrincipal, "desktop-notification"); if (permission != nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION) { return false; } #endif /* MOZ_CHILD_PERMISSIONS */ return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvShowAlert(const AlertNotificationType& aAlert) { nsCOMPtr alert(dont_AddRef(aAlert)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!alert)) { return true; } nsCOMPtr principal; nsresult rv = alert->GetPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(principal)); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) || !HasNotificationPermission(IPC::Principal(principal))) { return true; } nsCOMPtr sysAlerts(do_GetService(NS_ALERTSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (sysAlerts) { sysAlerts->ShowAlert(alert, this); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvCloseAlert(const nsString& aName, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) { if (!HasNotificationPermission(aPrincipal)) { return true; } nsCOMPtr sysAlerts(do_GetService(NS_ALERTSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (sysAlerts) { sysAlerts->CloseAlert(aName, aPrincipal); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvDisableNotifications(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) { if (HasNotificationPermission(aPrincipal)) { Unused << Notification::RemovePermission(aPrincipal); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvOpenNotificationSettings(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) { if (HasNotificationPermission(aPrincipal)) { Unused << Notification::OpenSettings(aPrincipal); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvSyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, InfallibleTArray&& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, nsTArray* aRetvals) { return nsIContentParent::RecvSyncMessage(aMsg, aData, Move(aCpows), aPrincipal, aRetvals); } bool ContentParent::RecvRpcMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, InfallibleTArray&& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, nsTArray* aRetvals) { return nsIContentParent::RecvRpcMessage(aMsg, aData, Move(aCpows), aPrincipal, aRetvals); } bool ContentParent::RecvAsyncMessage(const nsString& aMsg, const ClonedMessageData& aData, InfallibleTArray&& aCpows, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal) { return nsIContentParent::RecvAsyncMessage(aMsg, aData, Move(aCpows), aPrincipal); } bool ContentParent::RecvFilePathUpdateNotify(const nsString& aType, const nsString& aStorageName, const nsString& aFilePath, const nsCString& aReason) { RefPtr dsf = new DeviceStorageFile(aType, aStorageName, aFilePath); nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return false; } obs->NotifyObservers(dsf, "file-watcher-update", NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(aReason).get()); return true; } static int32_t AddGeolocationListener(nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback* watcher, nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback* errorCallBack, bool highAccuracy) { nsCOMPtr geo = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/geolocation;1"); if (!geo) { return -1; } PositionOptions* options = new PositionOptions(); options->mTimeout = 0; options->mMaximumAge = 0; options->mEnableHighAccuracy = highAccuracy; int32_t retval = 1; geo->WatchPosition(watcher, errorCallBack, options, &retval); return retval; } bool ContentParent::RecvAddGeolocationListener(const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, const bool& aHighAccuracy) { #ifdef MOZ_CHILD_PERMISSIONS if (!ContentParent::IgnoreIPCPrincipal()) { uint32_t permission = mozilla::CheckPermission(this, aPrincipal, "geolocation"); if (permission != nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION) { return true; } } #endif /* MOZ_CHILD_PERMISSIONS */ // To ensure no geolocation updates are skipped, we always force the // creation of a new listener. RecvRemoveGeolocationListener(); mGeolocationWatchID = AddGeolocationListener(this, this, aHighAccuracy); // let the the settings cache know the origin of the new listener nsAutoCString origin; // hint to the compiler to use the conversion operator to nsIPrincipal* nsCOMPtr principal = static_cast(aPrincipal); if (!principal) { return true; } principal->GetOrigin(origin); RefPtr gs = nsGeolocationSettings::GetGeolocationSettings(); if (gs) { gs->PutWatchOrigin(mGeolocationWatchID, origin); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvRemoveGeolocationListener() { if (mGeolocationWatchID != -1) { nsCOMPtr geo = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/geolocation;1"); if (!geo) { return true; } geo->ClearWatch(mGeolocationWatchID); RefPtr gs = nsGeolocationSettings::GetGeolocationSettings(); if (gs) { gs->RemoveWatchOrigin(mGeolocationWatchID); } mGeolocationWatchID = -1; } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvSetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(const bool& aEnable) { // This should never be called without a listener already present, // so this check allows us to forgo securing privileges. if (mGeolocationWatchID != -1) { nsCString origin; RefPtr gs = nsGeolocationSettings::GetGeolocationSettings(); // get the origin stored for the curent watch ID if (gs) { gs->GetWatchOrigin(mGeolocationWatchID, origin); } // remove and recreate a new, high-accuracy listener RecvRemoveGeolocationListener(); mGeolocationWatchID = AddGeolocationListener(this, this, aEnable); // map the new watch ID to the origin if (gs) { gs->PutWatchOrigin(mGeolocationWatchID, origin); } } return true; } NS_IMETHODIMP ContentParent::HandleEvent(nsIDOMGeoPosition* postion) { Unused << SendGeolocationUpdate(GeoPosition(postion)); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP ContentParent::HandleEvent(nsIDOMGeoPositionError* postionError) { int16_t errorCode; nsresult rv; rv = postionError->GetCode(&errorCode); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); Unused << SendGeolocationError(errorCode); return NS_OK; } nsConsoleService * ContentParent::GetConsoleService() { if (mConsoleService) { return mConsoleService.get(); } // XXXkhuey everything about this is terrible. // Get the ConsoleService by CID rather than ContractID, so that we // can cast the returned pointer to an nsConsoleService (rather than // just an nsIConsoleService). This allows us to call the non-idl function // nsConsoleService::LogMessageWithMode. NS_DEFINE_CID(consoleServiceCID, NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CID); nsCOMPtr consoleService(do_GetService(consoleServiceCID)); mConsoleService = static_cast(consoleService.get()); return mConsoleService.get(); } bool ContentParent::RecvConsoleMessage(const nsString& aMessage) { RefPtr consoleService = GetConsoleService(); if (!consoleService) { return true; } RefPtr msg(new nsConsoleMessage(aMessage.get())); consoleService->LogMessageWithMode(msg, nsConsoleService::SuppressLog); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvScriptError(const nsString& aMessage, const nsString& aSourceName, const nsString& aSourceLine, const uint32_t& aLineNumber, const uint32_t& aColNumber, const uint32_t& aFlags, const nsCString& aCategory) { RefPtr consoleService = GetConsoleService(); if (!consoleService) { return true; } nsCOMPtr msg(do_CreateInstance(NS_SCRIPTERROR_CONTRACTID)); nsresult rv = msg->Init(aMessage, aSourceName, aSourceLine, aLineNumber, aColNumber, aFlags, aCategory.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return true; consoleService->LogMessageWithMode(msg, nsConsoleService::SuppressLog); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvPrivateDocShellsExist(const bool& aExist) { if (!sPrivateContent) sPrivateContent = new nsTArray(); if (aExist) { sPrivateContent->AppendElement(this); } else { sPrivateContent->RemoveElement(this); // Only fire the notification if we have private and non-private // windows: if privatebrowsing.autostart is true, all windows are // private. if (!sPrivateContent->Length() && !Preferences::GetBool("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart")) { nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); obs->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "last-pb-context-exited", nullptr); delete sPrivateContent; sPrivateContent = nullptr; } } return true; } bool ContentParent::DoLoadMessageManagerScript(const nsAString& aURL, bool aRunInGlobalScope) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aRunInGlobalScope); return SendLoadProcessScript(nsString(aURL)); } nsresult ContentParent::DoSendAsyncMessage(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aMessage, StructuredCloneData& aHelper, JS::Handle aCpows, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) { ClonedMessageData data; if (!BuildClonedMessageDataForParent(this, aHelper, data)) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR; } InfallibleTArray cpows; jsipc::CPOWManager* mgr = GetCPOWManager(); if (aCpows && (!mgr || !mgr->Wrap(aCx, aCpows, &cpows))) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (IsReadyNuwaProcess()) { // Nuwa won't receive frame messages after it is frozen. return NS_OK; } if (!SendAsyncMessage(nsString(aMessage), data, cpows, Principal(aPrincipal))) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } bool ContentParent::CheckPermission(const nsAString& aPermission) { return AssertAppProcessPermission(this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPermission).get()); } bool ContentParent::CheckManifestURL(const nsAString& aManifestURL) { return AssertAppProcessManifestURL(this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aManifestURL).get()); } bool ContentParent::CheckAppHasPermission(const nsAString& aPermission) { return AssertAppHasPermission(this, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPermission).get()); } bool ContentParent::CheckAppHasStatus(unsigned short aStatus) { return AssertAppHasStatus(this, aStatus); } bool ContentParent::KillChild() { KillHard("KillChild"); return true; } PBlobParent* ContentParent::SendPBlobConstructor(PBlobParent* aActor, const BlobConstructorParams& aParams) { return PContentParent::SendPBlobConstructor(aActor, aParams); } bool ContentParent::RecvSystemMessageHandled() { SystemMessageHandledListener::OnSystemMessageHandled(); return true; } PBrowserParent* ContentParent::SendPBrowserConstructor(PBrowserParent* aActor, const TabId& aTabId, const IPCTabContext& aContext, const uint32_t& aChromeFlags, const ContentParentId& aCpId, const bool& aIsForApp, const bool& aIsForBrowser) { return PContentParent::SendPBrowserConstructor(aActor, aTabId, aContext, aChromeFlags, aCpId, aIsForApp, aIsForBrowser); } bool ContentParent::RecvCreateFakeVolume(const nsString& fsName, const nsString& mountPoint) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr vs = do_GetService(NS_VOLUMESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (vs) { vs->CreateFakeVolume(fsName, mountPoint); } return true; #else NS_WARNING("ContentParent::RecvCreateFakeVolume shouldn't be called when MOZ_WIDGET_GONK is not defined"); return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvSetFakeVolumeState(const nsString& fsName, const int32_t& fsState) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr vs = do_GetService(NS_VOLUMESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (vs) { vs->SetFakeVolumeState(fsName, fsState); } return true; #else NS_WARNING("ContentParent::RecvSetFakeVolumeState shouldn't be called when MOZ_WIDGET_GONK is not defined"); return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvRemoveFakeVolume(const nsString& fsName) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr vs = do_GetService(NS_VOLUMESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (vs) { vs->RemoveFakeVolume(fsName); } return true; #else NS_WARNING("ContentParent::RecvRemoveFakeVolume shouldn't be called when MOZ_WIDGET_GONK is not defined"); return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvKeywordToURI(const nsCString& aKeyword, nsString* aProviderName, OptionalInputStreamParams* aPostData, OptionalURIParams* aURI) { nsCOMPtr fixup = do_GetService(NS_URIFIXUP_CONTRACTID); if (!fixup) { return true; } nsCOMPtr postData; nsCOMPtr info; if (NS_FAILED(fixup->KeywordToURI(aKeyword, getter_AddRefs(postData), getter_AddRefs(info)))) { return true; } info->GetKeywordProviderName(*aProviderName); nsTArray fds; SerializeInputStream(postData, *aPostData, fds); MOZ_ASSERT(fds.IsEmpty()); nsCOMPtr uri; info->GetPreferredURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); SerializeURI(uri, *aURI); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvNotifyKeywordSearchLoading(const nsString &aProvider, const nsString &aKeyword) { #ifdef MOZ_TOOLKIT_SEARCH nsCOMPtr searchSvc = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/browser/search-service;1"); if (searchSvc) { nsCOMPtr searchEngine; searchSvc->GetEngineByName(aProvider, getter_AddRefs(searchEngine)); if (searchEngine) { nsCOMPtr obsSvc = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obsSvc) { // Note that "keyword-search" refers to a search via the url // bar, not a bookmarks keyword search. obsSvc->NotifyObservers(searchEngine, "keyword-search", aKeyword.get()); } } } #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvCopyFavicon(const URIParams& aOldURI, const URIParams& aNewURI, const IPC::Principal& aLoadingPrincipal, const bool& aInPrivateBrowsing) { nsCOMPtr oldURI = DeserializeURI(aOldURI); if (!oldURI) { return true; } nsCOMPtr newURI = DeserializeURI(aNewURI); if (!newURI) { return true; } nsDocShell::CopyFavicon(oldURI, newURI, aLoadingPrincipal, aInPrivateBrowsing); return true; } bool ContentParent::ShouldContinueFromReplyTimeout() { RefPtr monitor = ProcessHangMonitor::Get(); return !monitor || !monitor->ShouldTimeOutCPOWs(); } bool ContentParent::RecvRecordingDeviceEvents(const nsString& aRecordingStatus, const nsString& aPageURL, const bool& aIsAudio, const bool& aIsVideo) { nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { // recording-device-ipc-events needs to gather more information from content process RefPtr props = new nsHashPropertyBag(); props->SetPropertyAsUint64(NS_LITERAL_STRING("childID"), ChildID()); props->SetPropertyAsBool(NS_LITERAL_STRING("isApp"), IsForApp()); props->SetPropertyAsBool(NS_LITERAL_STRING("isAudio"), aIsAudio); props->SetPropertyAsBool(NS_LITERAL_STRING("isVideo"), aIsVideo); nsString requestURL = IsForApp() ? AppManifestURL() : aPageURL; props->SetPropertyAsAString(NS_LITERAL_STRING("requestURL"), requestURL); obs->NotifyObservers((nsIPropertyBag2*) props, "recording-device-ipc-events", aRecordingStatus.get()); } else { NS_WARNING("Could not get the Observer service for ContentParent::RecvRecordingDeviceEvents."); } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetGraphicsFeatureStatus(const int32_t& aFeature, int32_t* aStatus, bool* aSuccess) { nsCOMPtr gfxInfo = services::GetGfxInfo(); if (!gfxInfo) { *aSuccess = false; return true; } *aSuccess = NS_SUCCEEDED(gfxInfo->GetFeatureStatus(aFeature, aStatus)); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvAddIdleObserver(const uint64_t& aObserver, const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr idleService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); RefPtr listener = new ParentIdleListener(this, aObserver, aIdleTimeInS); rv = idleService->AddIdleObserver(listener, aIdleTimeInS); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); mIdleListeners.AppendElement(listener); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvRemoveIdleObserver(const uint64_t& aObserver, const uint32_t& aIdleTimeInS) { RefPtr listener; for (int32_t i = mIdleListeners.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { listener = static_cast(mIdleListeners[i].get()); if (listener->mObserver == aObserver && listener->mTime == aIdleTimeInS) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr idleService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); idleService->RemoveIdleObserver(listener, aIdleTimeInS); mIdleListeners.RemoveElementAt(i); break; } } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvBackUpXResources(const FileDescriptor& aXSocketFd) { #ifndef MOZ_X11 NS_RUNTIMEABORT("This message only makes sense on X11 platforms"); #else MOZ_ASSERT(0 > mChildXSocketFdDup.get(), "Already backed up X resources??"); mChildXSocketFdDup.forget(); if (aXSocketFd.IsValid()) { mChildXSocketFdDup.reset(aXSocketFd.PlatformHandle()); } #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvOpenAnonymousTemporaryFile(FileDescOrError *aFD) { PRFileDesc *prfd; nsresult rv = NS_OpenAnonymousTemporaryFile(&prfd); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { // Returning false will kill the child process; instead // propagate the error and let the child handle it. *aFD = rv; return true; } *aFD = FileDescriptor(FileDescriptor::PlatformHandleType(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(prfd))); // The FileDescriptor object owns a duplicate of the file handle; we // must close the original (and clean up the NSPR descriptor). PR_Close(prfd); return true; } static NS_DEFINE_CID(kFormProcessorCID, NS_FORMPROCESSOR_CID); bool ContentParent::RecvKeygenProcessValue(const nsString& oldValue, const nsString& challenge, const nsString& keytype, const nsString& keyparams, nsString* newValue) { nsCOMPtr formProcessor = do_GetService(kFormProcessorCID); if (!formProcessor) { newValue->Truncate(); return true; } formProcessor->ProcessValueIPC(oldValue, challenge, keytype, keyparams, *newValue); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvKeygenProvideContent(nsString* aAttribute, nsTArray* aContent) { nsCOMPtr formProcessor = do_GetService(kFormProcessorCID); if (!formProcessor) { return true; } formProcessor->ProvideContent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("SELECT"), *aContent, *aAttribute); return true; } PFileDescriptorSetParent* ContentParent::AllocPFileDescriptorSetParent(const FileDescriptor& aFD) { return new FileDescriptorSetParent(aFD); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPFileDescriptorSetParent(PFileDescriptorSetParent* aActor) { delete static_cast(aActor); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvFlushPendingFileDeletions() { RefPtr mgr = IndexedDatabaseManager::Get(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mgr)) { return false; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!mgr->IsMainProcess())) { return false; } nsresult rv = mgr->FlushPendingFileDeletions(); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return false; } return true; } bool ContentParent::IgnoreIPCPrincipal() { static bool sDidAddVarCache = false; static bool sIgnoreIPCPrincipal = false; if (!sDidAddVarCache) { sDidAddVarCache = true; Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sIgnoreIPCPrincipal, "dom.testing.ignore_ipc_principal", false); } return sIgnoreIPCPrincipal; } void ContentParent::NotifyUpdatedDictionaries() { AutoTArray processes; GetAll(processes); nsCOMPtr spellChecker(do_GetService(NS_SPELLCHECKER_CONTRACTID)); MOZ_ASSERT(spellChecker, "No spell checker?"); InfallibleTArray dictionaries; spellChecker->GetDictionaryList(&dictionaries); for (size_t i = 0; i < processes.Length(); ++i) { Unused << processes[i]->SendUpdateDictionaryList(dictionaries); } } /*static*/ TabId ContentParent::AllocateTabId(const TabId& aOpenerTabId, const IPCTabContext& aContext, const ContentParentId& aCpId) { TabId tabId; if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); tabId = cpm->AllocateTabId(aOpenerTabId, aContext, aCpId); // Add appId's reference count in oop case if (tabId) { PermissionManagerAddref(aCpId, tabId); } } else { ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendAllocateTabId(aOpenerTabId, aContext, aCpId, &tabId); } return tabId; } /*static*/ void ContentParent::DeallocateTabId(const TabId& aTabId, const ContentParentId& aCpId, bool aMarkedDestroying) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { // Release appId's reference count in oop case if (aTabId) { PermissionManagerRelease(aCpId, aTabId); } ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); ContentParent* cp = cpm->GetContentProcessById(aCpId); cp->NotifyTabDestroyed(aTabId, aMarkedDestroying); ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton()->DeallocateTabId(aCpId, aTabId); } else { ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendDeallocateTabId(aTabId, aCpId, aMarkedDestroying); } } bool ContentParent::RecvAllocateTabId(const TabId& aOpenerTabId, const IPCTabContext& aContext, const ContentParentId& aCpId, TabId* aTabId) { *aTabId = AllocateTabId(aOpenerTabId, aContext, aCpId); if (!(*aTabId)) { return false; } return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvDeallocateTabId(const TabId& aTabId, const ContentParentId& aCpId, const bool& aMarkedDestroying) { DeallocateTabId(aTabId, aCpId, aMarkedDestroying); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvNotifyTabDestroying(const TabId& aTabId, const ContentParentId& aCpId) { NotifyTabDestroying(aTabId, aCpId); return true; } nsTArray ContentParent::GetManagedTabContext() { return Move(ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton()-> GetTabContextByContentProcess(this->ChildID())); } mozilla::docshell::POfflineCacheUpdateParent* ContentParent::AllocPOfflineCacheUpdateParent(const URIParams& aManifestURI, const URIParams& aDocumentURI, const PrincipalInfo& aLoadingPrincipalInfo, const bool& aStickDocument) { RefPtr update = new mozilla::docshell::OfflineCacheUpdateParent(); // Use this reference as the IPDL reference. return update.forget().take(); } bool ContentParent::RecvPOfflineCacheUpdateConstructor(POfflineCacheUpdateParent* aActor, const URIParams& aManifestURI, const URIParams& aDocumentURI, const PrincipalInfo& aLoadingPrincipal, const bool& aStickDocument) { MOZ_ASSERT(aActor); RefPtr update = static_cast(aActor); nsresult rv = update->Schedule(aManifestURI, aDocumentURI, aLoadingPrincipal, aStickDocument); if (NS_FAILED(rv) && IsAlive()) { // Inform the child of failure. Unused << update->SendFinish(false, false); } return true; } bool ContentParent::DeallocPOfflineCacheUpdateParent(POfflineCacheUpdateParent* aActor) { // Reclaim the IPDL reference. RefPtr update = dont_AddRef(static_cast(aActor)); return true; } PWebrtcGlobalParent * ContentParent::AllocPWebrtcGlobalParent() { #ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC return WebrtcGlobalParent::Alloc(); #else return nullptr; #endif } bool ContentParent::DeallocPWebrtcGlobalParent(PWebrtcGlobalParent *aActor) { #ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC WebrtcGlobalParent::Dealloc(static_cast(aActor)); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvSetOfflinePermission(const Principal& aPrincipal) { nsIPrincipal* principal = aPrincipal; nsContentUtils::MaybeAllowOfflineAppByDefault(principal); return true; } void ContentParent::MaybeInvokeDragSession(TabParent* aParent) { nsCOMPtr dragService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"); if (dragService && dragService->MaybeAddChildProcess(this)) { // We need to send transferable data to child process. nsCOMPtr session; dragService->GetCurrentSession(getter_AddRefs(session)); if (session) { nsTArray dataTransfers; nsCOMPtr domTransfer; session->GetDataTransfer(getter_AddRefs(domTransfer)); nsCOMPtr transfer = do_QueryInterface(domTransfer); if (!transfer) { // Pass eDrop to get DataTransfer with external // drag formats cached. transfer = new DataTransfer(nullptr, eDrop, true, -1); session->SetDataTransfer(transfer); } // Note, even though this fills the DataTransfer object with // external data, the data is usually transfered over IPC lazily when // needed. transfer->FillAllExternalData(); nsCOMPtr lc = aParent ? aParent->GetLoadContext() : nullptr; nsCOMPtr transferables = transfer->GetTransferables(lc); nsContentUtils::TransferablesToIPCTransferables(transferables, dataTransfers, false, nullptr, this); uint32_t action; session->GetDragAction(&action); mozilla::Unused << SendInvokeDragSession(dataTransfers, action); } } } bool ContentParent::RecvUpdateDropEffect(const uint32_t& aDragAction, const uint32_t& aDropEffect) { nsCOMPtr dragSession = nsContentUtils::GetDragSession(); if (dragSession) { dragSession->SetDragAction(aDragAction); nsCOMPtr dt; dragSession->GetDataTransfer(getter_AddRefs(dt)); if (dt) { dt->SetDropEffectInt(aDropEffect); } dragSession->UpdateDragEffect(); } return true; } PContentPermissionRequestParent* ContentParent::AllocPContentPermissionRequestParent(const InfallibleTArray& aRequests, const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal, const TabId& aTabId) { ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); RefPtr tp = cpm->GetTopLevelTabParentByProcessAndTabId(this->ChildID(), aTabId); if (!tp) { return nullptr; } return nsContentPermissionUtils::CreateContentPermissionRequestParent(aRequests, tp->GetOwnerElement(), aPrincipal, aTabId); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPContentPermissionRequestParent(PContentPermissionRequestParent* actor) { nsContentPermissionUtils::NotifyRemoveContentPermissionRequestParent(actor); delete actor; return true; } PWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent* ContentParent::AllocPWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent(PBrowserParent* aBrowser, const uint64_t& aOuterWindowID) { return new WebBrowserPersistDocumentParent(); } bool ContentParent::DeallocPWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent(PWebBrowserPersistDocumentParent* aActor) { delete aActor; return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvCreateWindow(PBrowserParent* aThisTab, PBrowserParent* aNewTab, const uint32_t& aChromeFlags, const bool& aCalledFromJS, const bool& aPositionSpecified, const bool& aSizeSpecified, const nsCString& aURI, const nsString& aName, const nsCString& aFeatures, const nsCString& aBaseURI, nsresult* aResult, bool* aWindowIsNew, InfallibleTArray* aFrameScripts, nsCString* aURLToLoad) { // We always expect to open a new window here. If we don't, it's an error. *aWindowIsNew = true; // The content process should never be in charge of computing whether or // not a window should be private or remote - the parent will do that. const uint32_t badFlags = nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_PRIVATE_WINDOW | nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_NON_PRIVATE_WINDOW | nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_PRIVATE_LIFETIME | nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_REMOTE_WINDOW; if (!!(aChromeFlags & badFlags)) { return false; } TabParent* thisTabParent = nullptr; if (aThisTab) { thisTabParent = TabParent::GetFrom(aThisTab); } if (NS_WARN_IF(thisTabParent && thisTabParent->IsBrowserOrApp())) { return false; } nsCOMPtr pwwatch = do_GetService(NS_WINDOWWATCHER_CONTRACTID, aResult); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(*aResult))) { return true; } TabParent* newTab = TabParent::GetFrom(aNewTab); MOZ_ASSERT(newTab); // Content has requested that we open this new content window, so // we must have an opener. newTab->SetHasContentOpener(true); nsCOMPtr frame; if (thisTabParent) { frame = do_QueryInterface(thisTabParent->GetOwnerElement()); } nsCOMPtr parent; if (frame) { parent = frame->OwnerDoc()->GetWindow(); // If our chrome window is in the process of closing, don't try to open a // new tab in it. if (parent && parent->Closed()) { parent = nullptr; } } nsCOMPtr browserDOMWin; if (thisTabParent) { browserDOMWin = thisTabParent->GetBrowserDOMWindow(); } // If we haven't found a chrome window to open in, just use the most recently // opened one. if (!parent) { parent = nsContentUtils::GetMostRecentNonPBWindow(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!parent)) { *aResult = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return true; } nsCOMPtr rootChromeWin = do_QueryInterface(parent); if (rootChromeWin) { rootChromeWin->GetBrowserDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(browserDOMWin)); } } int32_t openLocation = nsWindowWatcher::GetWindowOpenLocation(parent, aChromeFlags, aCalledFromJS, aPositionSpecified, aSizeSpecified); MOZ_ASSERT(openLocation == nsIBrowserDOMWindow::OPEN_NEWTAB || openLocation == nsIBrowserDOMWindow::OPEN_NEWWINDOW); // Opening new tabs is the easy case... if (openLocation == nsIBrowserDOMWindow::OPEN_NEWTAB) { if (NS_WARN_IF(!browserDOMWin)) { *aResult = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return true; } bool isPrivate = false; if (thisTabParent) { nsCOMPtr loadContext = thisTabParent->GetLoadContext(); loadContext->GetUsePrivateBrowsing(&isPrivate); } nsCOMPtr params = new nsOpenURIInFrameParams(); params->SetReferrer(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aBaseURI)); params->SetIsPrivate(isPrivate); TabParent::AutoUseNewTab aunt(newTab, aWindowIsNew, aURLToLoad); nsCOMPtr frameLoaderOwner; browserDOMWin->OpenURIInFrame(nullptr, params, openLocation, nsIBrowserDOMWindow::OPEN_NEW, getter_AddRefs(frameLoaderOwner)); if (!frameLoaderOwner) { *aWindowIsNew = false; } newTab->SwapFrameScriptsFrom(*aFrameScripts); return true; } // WindowWatcher is going to expect a valid URI to open a window // to. If it can't find one, it's going to attempt to figure one // out on its own, which is problematic because it can't access // the document for the remote browser we're opening. Luckily, // TabChild has sent us a baseURI with which we can ensure that // the URI we pass to WindowWatcher is valid. nsCOMPtr baseURI; *aResult = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(baseURI), aBaseURI); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(*aResult))) { return true; } nsAutoCString finalURIString; if (!aURI.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr finalURI; *aResult = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(finalURI), aURI.get(), baseURI); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(*aResult))) { return true; } finalURI->GetSpec(finalURIString); } nsCOMPtr window; TabParent::AutoUseNewTab aunt(newTab, aWindowIsNew, aURLToLoad); // If nsWindowWatcher::OpenWindowInternal was passed a nullptr for the URI // to open in the content process, we indicate that by sending up a voided // nsString (since primitives are not nullable). If we detect the voided // nsString, we know that we need to send OpenWindow2 a nullptr for the URI. const char* uri = aURI.IsVoid() ? nullptr : finalURIString.get(); const char* name = aName.IsVoid() ? nullptr : NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName).get(); const char* features = aFeatures.IsVoid() ? nullptr : aFeatures.get(); *aResult = pwwatch->OpenWindow2(parent, uri, name, features, aCalledFromJS, false, false, thisTabParent, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(window)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!window)) { return true; } *aResult = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; auto* pwindow = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(window); nsCOMPtr windowDocShell = pwindow->GetDocShell(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!windowDocShell)) { return true; } nsCOMPtr treeOwner; windowDocShell->GetTreeOwner(getter_AddRefs(treeOwner)); nsCOMPtr xulWin = do_GetInterface(treeOwner); if (NS_WARN_IF(!xulWin)) { return true; } nsCOMPtr xulBrowserWin; xulWin->GetXULBrowserWindow(getter_AddRefs(xulBrowserWin)); if (NS_WARN_IF(!xulBrowserWin)) { return true; } nsCOMPtr newRemoteTab; *aResult = xulBrowserWin->ForceInitialBrowserRemote(getter_AddRefs(newRemoteTab)); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(*aResult))) { return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(TabParent::GetFrom(newRemoteTab) == newTab); newTab->SwapFrameScriptsFrom(*aFrameScripts); return true; } /* static */ bool ContentParent::PermissionManagerAddref(const ContentParentId& aCpId, const TabId& aTabId) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess(), "Call PermissionManagerAddref in content process!"); ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); uint32_t appId = cpm->GetAppIdByProcessAndTabId(aCpId, aTabId); nsCOMPtr permMgr = services::GetPermissionManager(); if (appId != nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID && permMgr) { permMgr->AddrefAppId(appId); return true; } return false; } /* static */ bool ContentParent::PermissionManagerRelease(const ContentParentId& aCpId, const TabId& aTabId) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess(), "Call PermissionManagerRelease in content process!"); ContentProcessManager* cpm = ContentProcessManager::GetSingleton(); uint32_t appId = cpm->GetAppIdByProcessAndTabId(aCpId, aTabId); nsCOMPtr permMgr = services::GetPermissionManager(); if (appId != nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID && permMgr) { permMgr->ReleaseAppId(appId); return true; } return false; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetBrowserConfiguration(const nsCString& aURI, BrowserConfiguration* aConfig) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); return GetBrowserConfiguration(aURI, *aConfig);; } /*static*/ bool ContentParent::GetBrowserConfiguration(const nsCString& aURI, BrowserConfiguration& aConfig) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { RefPtr swr = ServiceWorkerRegistrar::Get(); MOZ_ASSERT(swr); swr->GetRegistrations(aConfig.serviceWorkerRegistrations()); return true; } return ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendGetBrowserConfiguration(aURI, &aConfig); } bool ContentParent::RecvGamepadListenerAdded() { #ifdef MOZ_GAMEPAD if (mHasGamepadListener) { NS_WARNING("Gamepad listener already started, cannot start again!"); return false; } mHasGamepadListener = true; StartGamepadMonitoring(); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGamepadListenerRemoved() { #ifdef MOZ_GAMEPAD if (!mHasGamepadListener) { NS_WARNING("Gamepad listener already stopped, cannot stop again!"); return false; } mHasGamepadListener = false; MaybeStopGamepadMonitoring(); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvProfile(const nsCString& aProfile) { #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS if (NS_WARN_IF(!mGatherer)) { return true; } mProfile = aProfile; mGatherer->GatheredOOPProfile(); #endif return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetGraphicsDeviceInitData(DeviceInitData* aOut) { gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->GetDeviceInitData(aOut); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvBeginDriverCrashGuard(const uint32_t& aGuardType, bool* aOutCrashed) { // Only one driver crash guard should be active at a time, per-process. MOZ_ASSERT(!mDriverCrashGuard); UniquePtr guard; switch (gfx::CrashGuardType(aGuardType)) { case gfx::CrashGuardType::D3D11Layers: guard = MakeUnique(this); break; case gfx::CrashGuardType::D3D9Video: guard = MakeUnique(this); break; case gfx::CrashGuardType::GLContext: guard = MakeUnique(this); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unknown crash guard type"); return false; } if (guard->Crashed()) { *aOutCrashed = true; return true; } *aOutCrashed = false; mDriverCrashGuard = Move(guard); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvEndDriverCrashGuard(const uint32_t& aGuardType) { mDriverCrashGuard = nullptr; return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetDeviceStorageLocation(const nsString& aType, nsString* aPath) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID mozilla::AndroidBridge::GetExternalPublicDirectory(aType, *aPath); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool ContentParent::RecvGetDeviceStorageLocations(DeviceStorageLocationInfo* info) { DeviceStorageStatics::GetDeviceStorageLocationsForIPC(info); return true; } bool ContentParent::RecvGetAndroidSystemInfo(AndroidSystemInfo* aInfo) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID nsSystemInfo::GetAndroidSystemInfo(aInfo); return true; #else MOZ_CRASH("wrong platform!"); return false; #endif } void ContentParent::StartProfiler(nsIProfilerStartParams* aParams) { #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_PROFILER_SPS if (NS_WARN_IF(!aParams)) { return; } ProfilerInitParams ipcParams; ipcParams.enabled() = true; aParams->GetEntries(&ipcParams.entries()); aParams->GetInterval(&ipcParams.interval()); ipcParams.features() = aParams->GetFeatures(); ipcParams.threadFilters() = aParams->GetThreadFilterNames(); Unused << SendStartProfiler(ipcParams); nsCOMPtr profiler(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/tools/profiler;1")); if (NS_WARN_IF(!profiler)) { return; } nsCOMPtr gatherer; profiler->GetProfileGatherer(getter_AddRefs(gatherer)); mGatherer = static_cast(gatherer.get()); #endif } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ParentIdleListener, nsIObserver) NS_IMETHODIMP ParentIdleListener::Observe(nsISupports*, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { mozilla::Unused << mParent->SendNotifyIdleObserver(mObserver, nsDependentCString(aTopic), nsDependentString(aData)); return NS_OK; } bool ContentParent::HandleWindowsMessages(const Message& aMsg) const { MOZ_ASSERT(aMsg.is_sync()); // a11y messages can be triggered by windows messages, which means if we // allow handling windows messages while we wait for the response to a sync // a11y message we can reenter the ipc message sending code. if (a11y::PDocAccessible::PDocAccessibleStart < aMsg.type() && a11y::PDocAccessible::PDocAccessibleEnd > aMsg.type()) { return false; } return true; }