#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Mozilla Miscellaneous Statistics Generator. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is mozilla.org. # Portions created by mozilla.org are # Copyright (C) 1999. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Dan Mosedale # Myk Melez # # # $Id: genstats-bz.cgi,v 1.2 2001/10/02 22:56:50 terry%mozilla.org Exp $ # # generate statistics related to non-Netscape participation in mozilla.org # use diagnostics; use strict; use Mysql; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI qw(:standard :html3); use Date::Format; @::STATINFO = ( ["Useful browser 5.0 bugs (includes NEW; excludes WORKSFORME)", # statistic title "bugs", # database "bugs.creation_ts", # timestamp field "login_name", # email addr field "select bugs.bug_id from profiles,bugs where " . "profiles.userid=bugs.reporter and resolution not in " . "('DUPLICATE','INVALID','WORKSFORME') and product in " . "('BROWSER','MailNews','NSPR','CCK')" ], ["Useful bugs (includes NEW; excludes WORKSFORME)", # statistic title "bugs", # database "bugs.creation_ts", # timestamp field "login_name", # email addr field "select bugs.bug_id from profiles,bugs where " . "profiles.userid=bugs.reporter and resolution not in " . "('DUPLICATE','INVALID','WORKSFORME')" ], ["Useful browser patches submitted via Bugzilla" . " (includes NEW; excludes WORKSFORME)", # statistic title "bugs", # database "attachments.creation_ts", # timestamp field "login_name", # email addr field "select bugs.bug_id from attachments,profiles,bugs where ispatch!=0" . " and profiles.userid=attachments.submitter_id and " . "bugs.bug_id=attachments.bug_id and resolution not in " . "('DUPLICATE','INVALID','WORKSFORME') and product in " . "('BROWSER','MailNews','NSPR','CCK')" ] ); @::STATS = (); if (!param()) { print header(); print start_html("-title"=>'mozilla.org statistics generation form', -BGCOLOR=>'#FFFFFF', -TEXT=>'#000000'); print start_form("Get"); print "generate stats for the last "; print textfield(-name=>"months", -default=>8, -size=>5, -override=>1); print "months"; print p(); print "mozilla.org is considered part of Netscape? "; print radio_group(-name=>"mozillaOrgAsNscp", "-values"=>["yes","no"], -default=>"no"); print p(); print "include the current (incomplete) month?"; print radio_group(-name=>"includeCurrentMonthP", "-values"=>["yes", "no"], -default=>"yes"); print p(); print submit("generate statistics"); print p(); print "please be patient: generating statistics is likely to take " . "between one and ten minutes."; print end_form(); print end_html(); exit(); } # for unclear reasons, this is necessary to prevent a warning # $F::includeCurrentMonthP = "stuff"; $F::debugHtml = 0; # put all vars from the form in $F:: # import_names("F", 1); $::db = Mysql->Connect("localhost") || die "Can't connect to database server"; # figure out the last month that we want stats for (whatever month it is # right now) # my $lastMonth = time2str("%m", time()); my $lastYear = time2str("%Y", time()); if ( $F::includeCurrentMonthP eq "no" ) { $lastMonth--; } elsif ( $F::includeCurrentMonthP ne "yes" ) { die "invalid value for includeCurrentMonthP parameter supplied"; } # convert the number of months to subtract into years & months # die "invalid number of months specified" if $F::months < 1; $F::months--; # since we're using this for subtraction my $years = int ($F::months / 12); my $months = $F::months % 12; # subtract years and months to calculate our starting year and month # my $startYear = $lastYear - $years; my $startMonth; if ( $months < $lastMonth ) { $startMonth = $lastMonth - $months; } else { $startYear--; $startMonth = 12 - ( $months - $lastMonth ); die "Internal date calculation error" if ($startMonth < 0); } # init some variables # my $curYear=$startYear; my $curMonth=$startMonth; my $NetscapeSQL; my $q; # set up the appropriate SQL to describe what an "Netscape" checkin looks # like, depending on whether mozilla.org is considered Netscape # if ($F::mozillaOrgAsNscp eq "yes") { $NetscapeSQL = ' regexp "[@%]netscape\\.com|[@%]mozilla\\.org"'; } elsif ($F::mozillaOrgAsNscp eq "no" ) { $NetscapeSQL = ' regexp "[@%]netscape\\.com"'; } else { die ("Internal error: mozillaOrgAsNscp not set"); } print header(); print start_html("-title"=>'mozilla.org statistics', -BGCOLOR=>'#FFFFFF', -TEXT=>'#000000'); # do the stat generation # for ( ; $curYear <= $lastYear ; $curYear++ ) { for ( ; ( $curYear==$lastYear && $curMonth<=$lastMonth ) || ($curYear!=$lastYear && $curMonth<13); $curMonth++ ) { # generate each stat for the month in question # foreach ( 0 .. $#::STATINFO ) { # search the appropriate db # if (! $::db->selectdb($::STATINFO[$_][1]) ) { die "MySQL returned \"$Mysql::db_errstr\" while " . "attempting to selectdb(\"$::STATINFO[$_][1]" . "\") for the report \"$::STATINFO[$_][0]\""; } if (! $F::debugHtml ) { # run the query # $q = $::db->query($::STATINFO[$_][4] . ' and ' . $::STATINFO[$_][3] . ' not ' . $NetscapeSQL . ' and ' . 'YEAR(' . $::STATINFO[$_][2] . ")=$curYear and " . "MONTH(". $::STATINFO[$_][2] . ")=$curMonth"); die "MySQL returned \"$Mysql::db_errstr\"" if (!$q); # push the stat onto the array # push @{$::STATS[$_]}, $q->numrows(); } else { push @{$::STATS[$_]}, 0; } # show some progress, so the web server doesn't kill us for # inaction # print " "; } } # if we finished the year, reset the current month to jan # $curMonth = 1; } # statistics output # print p(); print "\nAll numbers on this page represent the work done by Mozilla " . "contributors other than Netscape."; print p(); print "Though we don't generally think in these terms (a contribution is" . " a contribution, regardless of the source), there has been " . " some interest in these numbers."; print p(); print "These statistics were generated using the assumption that " . " contributions from mozilla.org should " . b( $F::mozillaOrgAsNscp eq "yes" ? "" : "not ") . "be considered Netscape contributions."; print p(); print "Perhaps you are looking for " . qq|the Bonsai statistics? |; # generate the row of headers listing the months # my @ROW = (); # put in a dummy label, so that the labels start up aligned at correct column # push @ROW, ""; # here are the month names # my @MONTHS = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); # make sure the first label mentions what year we're looking at # push @ROW, $MONTHS[$startMonth-1] . " $startYear"; # generate the labels # $curYear=$startYear; $curMonth=$startMonth+1; for ( ; $curYear <= $lastYear ; $curYear++ ) { for ( ; ( $curYear==$lastYear && $curMonth<=$lastMonth ) || ($curYear!=$lastYear && $curMonth<13); $curMonth++ ) { if ($curMonth != 1) { push @ROW, $MONTHS[$curMonth-1]; } else { push @ROW, $MONTHS[$curMonth-1] . " $curYear"; } } # if we finished out the year, reset the month to january # $curMonth = 1; } # if we have an incomplete month, mark it as such # if ($F::includeCurrentMonthP eq "yes") { $ROW[$#ROW] .= div({"-style"=>"Color: red;"}, " (incomplete)"); } # set up the table # my @ROWS; # put the list of months on top # push @ROWS, Tr(th(\@ROW)); # stuff the stats into the table and print it; # foreach ( 0..$#::STATINFO ) { push @ROWS, th($::STATINFO[$_][0]).td($::STATS[$_]); } # have to workaround some annoying warning that happens inside of table() # $SIG{__WARN__} = \&squelchWarning; print table({-border=>undef},Tr(\@ROWS)); delete $SIG{__WARN__}; print p(); print "Statistics generated at " . time2str("%c", time()) . "."; print p(); print a({href=>"genstats-bz.cgi"}, "Tweak parameters & regenerate statistics (slow)"); print end_html(); exit 0; sub squelchWarning { }