#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): use diagnostics; use strict; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". "use vars" just # doesn't work for me. sub sillyness { my $zz; $zz = $::RepositoryID; $zz = $::StartingDir; } use File::Basename; require "CGI.pl"; sub ProcessOneFile { my ($filename) = @_; my $rlog = Param('rlogcommand') . " $filename |"; my $doingtags = 0; my $filehead = dirname($filename); my (%branchname, $filerealname, $filetail, $line, $trimmed); my ($tag, $version, $branchid, $dirid, $fileid, $indesc, $desc); my ($author, $revision, $datestr, $date, $pluscount, $minuscount); my ($branch); print "$filename\n"; die "Unable to run rlog command '$rlog': $!\n" unless (open(RLOG_PROC, "$rlog")); undef (%branchname); ($filerealname = $filename) =~ s/,v$//g; $filehead =~ s!^$::Repository/*!!; $filehead = '.' unless ($filehead); $filetail = basename($filerealname); while () { chop; $line = $_; $trimmed = trim($line); if ($doingtags) { if ($line !~ /^\t/) { $doingtags = 0; } else { $trimmed =~ /^([^:]*):([^:]*)/; $tag = trim($1); $version = trim($2); next unless (length($tag) && length($version)); $branchid = GetId('branches', 'branch', $tag); $dirid = GetId('dirs', 'dir', $filehead); $fileid = GetId('files', 'file', $filetail); # # Don't touch the tags database for now. Nothing uses it, and it just takes # up too much damn space. # # SendSQL "replace into tags (branchid, repositoryid, # dirid, fileid, revision) values ($branchid, # $repositoryid, $dirid, $fileid, '$version')" # # Aha! Second-to-last being a zero is CVS's special way # of remembering a branch tag. $version =~ /(.*)\.(\d+)(\.\d+)$/; $branchname{"$1$3"} = $tag if ($2 eq '0'); next; } } if ($line =~ /^symbolic names/) { $doingtags = 1; next; } elsif ($line =~ /^revision ([0-9.]*)$/) { $pluscount = ($minuscount = ($date = ($indesc = 0))); $desc = ($branch = ($author = ($datestr = ($revision = '')))); while (1) { # Dealing with descriptions in rlog output for a # revision... if ($indesc) { if (($line =~ /^-{27,30}$/) || ($line =~ /^={75,80}$/)) { # OK, we're done. Write it out. if ($author && $datestr && $revision) { $datestr =~ s!^(\d+)/(\d+/\d+)!$2/$1!; $date = str2time($datestr, "GMT"); if ($date >= $::StartFrom) { AddToDatabase("C|$date|$author|$::Repository|$filehead|$filetail|$revision||$branch|+$pluscount|-$minuscount", $desc); } } $indesc = 0; } else { $desc .= $line . "\n"; } } # Dealing with revision information for a specific # revision... else { if ($line =~ /^revision ([0-9.]*)$/) { $pluscount = ($minuscount = 0); $date = ($indesc = 0); $datestr = ($desc = ($branch = ($author = ""))); $revision = $1; $revision =~ /(.*)\.\d*$/; $branch = $branchname{$1} if (exists($branchname{$1})); } elsif ($line =~ /^date:/) { $line =~ s!^date: ([0-9 /:]*);\s+!!; $datestr = $1; $line =~ s!^author: ([^;]*);\s+!!; $author = $1; if ($line =~ /lines: \+(\d+) -(\d+)/) { $pluscount = $1; $minuscount = $2; } } elsif ($line =~ /^branches: [0-9 .;]*$/) { # Ignore these lines; make sure they don't # become part of the desciption. } else { $indesc = 1; $desc = "$line\n"; } } $line = ; if (!defined $line) { last; } chop($line); } } } close(RLOG_PROC); } sub ProcessDirectory { my ($dir) = @_; my ($file, @files); die "$dir: not a directory" unless (-d $dir); die "$dir: Couldn't open for reading: $!" unless (opendir(DIR, $dir)); @files = readdir(DIR); closedir (DIR); foreach $file (@files) { next if $file eq '.'; next if $file eq '..'; $file = "$dir/$file"; if (-d $file) { &ProcessDirectory($file); } else { next unless ($file =~ /,v$/); if ($::FirstFile && ($::FirstFile ne $file)) { print "Skipping $file...\n"; next; } $::FirstFile = 0; ProcessOneFile($file); } } } $| = 1; if ($#ARGV == 4) { $::TreeID = $ARGV[0]; $::FORM{'startfrom'} = $ARGV[1]; $::FORM{'firstfile'} = $ARGV[2]; $::FORM{'subdir'} = $ARGV[3]; $::FORM{'modules'} = $ARGV[4]; } else { print "Content-type: text/html "; CheckPassword(FormData('password')); print " Rebuilding CVS history database... please be patient...

$::StartFrom   = ParseTimeAndCheck(FormData('startfrom'));
$::FirstFile   = trim(FormData('firstfile'));
$::SubDir      = trim(FormData('subdir'));
$::Modules     = '';

if (defined($::FORM{'modules'})) {
     $::Modules = trim(FormData('modules'));



$::Repository    = $::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{'repository'};
$::Description   = $::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{'description'};
$::RepositoryID  = GetId('repositories', 'repository', $::Repository);
$::StartingDir   = 0;

print "
Rebuilding entire checkin history in $::Description, (`$::TreeID' tree) ...

Log("Rebuilding cvs history in $::Description, (`$::TreeID' tree)...");

my @Dirs = grep(!/\*$/, @::LegalDirs);
@Dirs = split(/,\s*/, $::Modules) if $::Modules;
my $StartingDir;
($StartingDir = "$::Repository/$::SubDir") =~ s!/.?$!! if $::SubDir;

print "Doing directories: @Dirs ...\n";
foreach my $Dir (@Dirs) {
     my $dir = "$::Repository/$Dir";

     unless (grep $Dir, @::LegalDirs) {
          print "$Dir: is invalid, skipping...\n";

     if (-f $dir) {
     } elsif (-d $dir) {
     } else {
          print "$Dir: not a file or directory, skipping...\n";

exit 0;