#!perl # Add our lib path to the Perl search path. use lib "../PerlLib/"; use TestsMod; # Check arguments. if (!(TestsMod::checkArgs(@ARGV))) { die "Usage: perl runTests.pl [options...]\n"; } # Check if the the first argument is the help option. if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-h' ){ print("runTests\n"); print("Usage: perl runTests.pl [options....]\n"); print("Options:\n"); print("\t-q\t\t\tQuiet mode. Print non-passing tests only.\n"); print("\t-gr\t\t\tGenerate report files.\n"); print("\t-uw \t\tUse specfied class as a wrapper class.\n"); print("\t-classpath \tUse specified path as the classpath.\n"); print("\t-workdir \t\tUse specified dir as the working dir.\n"); print("\t-testroot \tUse specified path as the test root.\n"); print("\t-keyword \tRun tests with the specified keyword only.\n"); print("\t-h\t\t\tHelp. You're in it.\n"); exit; } # Run the conformance tests. TestsMod::runTests(@ARGV);