/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "StructuredLogger" ]; /** * TestLogger: Logger class generating messages compliant with the * structured logging protocol for tests exposed by mozlog * * @param name * The name of the logger to instantiate. * @param dumpFun * An underlying function to be used to log raw messages. This function * will receive the complete serialized json string to log. * @param mutators * An array of functions used to add global context to log messages. * These will each be called with the complete object to log as an * argument. */ this.StructuredLogger = function (name, dumpFun=dump, mutators=[]) { this.name = name; this._dumpFun = dumpFun; this._mutatorFuns = mutators; this._runningTests = new Set(); } /** * Log functions producing messages in the format specified by mozlog */ StructuredLogger.prototype.testStart = function (test) { this._runningTests.add(test); let data = {test: test}; this._logData("test_start", data); } StructuredLogger.prototype.testStatus = function (test, subtest, status, expected="PASS", message=null, stack=null, extra=null) { let data = { test: test, subtest: subtest, status: status, }; if (expected != status && status != "SKIP") { data.expected = expected; } if (message !== null) { data.message = message; } if (stack !== null) { data.stack = stack; } if (extra !== null) { data.extra = extra; } this._logData("test_status", data); } StructuredLogger.prototype.testEnd = function (test, status, expected="OK", message=null, stack=null, extra=null) { let data = {test: test, status: status}; if (expected != status && status != "SKIP") { data.expected = expected; } if (message !== null) { data.message = message; } if (stack !== null) { data.stack = stack; } if (extra !== null) { data.extra = extra; } if (!this._runningTests.has(test)) { this.error("Test \"" + test + "\" was ended more than once or never started. " + "Ended with this data: " + JSON.stringify(data)); return; } this._runningTests.delete(test); this._logData("test_end", data); } StructuredLogger.prototype.suiteStart = function (tests, runinfo=null) { let data = {tests: tests}; if (runinfo !== null) { data.runinfo = runinfo; } this._logData("suite_start", data); }; StructuredLogger.prototype.suiteEnd = function () { this._logData("suite_end"); }; /** * Unstructured logging functions. The "extra" parameter can always by used to * log suite specific data. If a "stack" field is provided it is logged at the * top level of the data object for the benefit of mozlog's formatters. */ StructuredLogger.prototype.log = function (level, message, extra=null) { let data = { level: level, message: message, }; if (extra !== null) { data.extra = extra; if ("stack" in extra) { data.stack = extra.stack; } } this._logData("log", data); } StructuredLogger.prototype.debug = function (message, extra=null) { this.log("DEBUG", message, extra); } StructuredLogger.prototype.info = function (message, extra=null) { this.log("INFO", message, extra); } StructuredLogger.prototype.warning = function (message, extra=null) { this.log("WARNING", message, extra); } StructuredLogger.prototype.error = function (message, extra=null) { this.log("ERROR", message, extra); } StructuredLogger.prototype.critical = function (message, extra=null) { this.log("CRITICAL", message, extra); } StructuredLogger.prototype._logData = function (action, data={}) { let allData = { action: action, time: Date.now(), thread: null, pid: null, source: this.name }; for (let field in data) { allData[field] = data[field]; } for (let fun of this._mutatorFuns) { fun(allData); } this._dumpMessage(allData); }; StructuredLogger.prototype._dumpMessage = function (message) { this._dumpFun(JSON.stringify(message)); }