/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/CDMCaps.h" #include "mozilla/EMEUtils.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "SamplesWaitingForKey.h" namespace mozilla { CDMCaps::CDMCaps() : mMonitor("CDMCaps") { } CDMCaps::~CDMCaps() { } void CDMCaps::Lock() { mMonitor.Lock(); } void CDMCaps::Unlock() { mMonitor.Unlock(); } CDMCaps::AutoLock::AutoLock(CDMCaps& aInstance) : mData(aInstance) { mData.Lock(); } CDMCaps::AutoLock::~AutoLock() { mData.Unlock(); } // Keys with kGMPUsable, kGMPOutputDownscaled, or kGMPOutputRestricted status // can be used by the CDM to decrypt or decrypt-and-decode samples. static bool IsUsableStatus(GMPMediaKeyStatus aStatus) { return aStatus == kGMPUsable || aStatus == kGMPOutputRestricted || aStatus == kGMPOutputDownscaled; } bool CDMCaps::AutoLock::IsKeyUsable(const CencKeyId& aKeyId) { mData.mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); for (const KeyStatus& keyStatus : mData.mKeyStatuses) { if (keyStatus.mId == aKeyId) { return IsUsableStatus(keyStatus.mStatus); } } return false; } bool CDMCaps::AutoLock::SetKeyStatus(const CencKeyId& aKeyId, const nsString& aSessionId, GMPMediaKeyStatus aStatus) { mData.mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); KeyStatus key(aKeyId, aSessionId, aStatus); if (aStatus == kGMPUnknown) { // Return true if the element is found to notify key changes. return mData.mKeyStatuses.RemoveElement(key); } auto index = mData.mKeyStatuses.IndexOf(key); if (index != mData.mKeyStatuses.NoIndex) { if (mData.mKeyStatuses[index].mStatus == aStatus) { // No change. return false; } auto oldStatus = mData.mKeyStatuses[index].mStatus; mData.mKeyStatuses[index].mStatus = aStatus; // The old key status was one for which we can decrypt media. We don't // need to do the "notify usable" step below, as it should be impossible // for us to have anything waiting on this key to become usable, since it // was already usable. if (IsUsableStatus(oldStatus)) { return true; } } else { mData.mKeyStatuses.AppendElement(key); } // Only call NotifyUsable() for a key when we are going from non-usable // to usable state. if (!IsUsableStatus(aStatus)) { return true; } auto& waiters = mData.mWaitForKeys; size_t i = 0; while (i < waiters.Length()) { auto& w = waiters[i]; if (w.mKeyId == aKeyId) { w.mListener->NotifyUsable(aKeyId); waiters.RemoveElementAt(i); } else { i++; } } return true; } void CDMCaps::AutoLock::NotifyWhenKeyIdUsable(const CencKeyId& aKey, SamplesWaitingForKey* aListener) { mData.mMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsKeyUsable(aKey)); MOZ_ASSERT(aListener); mData.mWaitForKeys.AppendElement(WaitForKeys(aKey, aListener)); } void CDMCaps::AutoLock::GetKeyStatusesForSession(const nsAString& aSessionId, nsTArray& aOutKeyStatuses) { for (const KeyStatus& keyStatus : mData.mKeyStatuses) { if (keyStatus.mSessionId.Equals(aSessionId)) { aOutKeyStatuses.AppendElement(keyStatus); } } } void CDMCaps::AutoLock::GetSessionIdsForKeyId(const CencKeyId& aKeyId, nsTArray& aOutSessionIds) { for (const KeyStatus& keyStatus : mData.mKeyStatuses) { if (keyStatus.mId == aKeyId) { aOutSessionIds.AppendElement(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(keyStatus.mSessionId)); } } } bool CDMCaps::AutoLock::RemoveKeysForSession(const nsString& aSessionId) { bool changed = false; nsTArray statuses; GetKeyStatusesForSession(aSessionId, statuses); for (const KeyStatus& keyStatus : statuses) { changed |= SetKeyStatus(keyStatus.mId, aSessionId, kGMPUnknown); } return changed; } } // namespace mozilla