# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import os from mach.decorators import ( CommandArgument, CommandProvider, Command, ) from mozbuild.base import MachCommandBase HANDLE_FILE_ERROR = ''' %s is a file. However, I do not yet know how to run tests from files. You'll need to run the mach command for the test type you are trying to run. e.g. $ mach xpcshell-test path/to/file '''.strip() HANDLE_DIR_ERROR = ''' %s is a directory. However, I do not yet know how to run tests from directories. You can try running the mach command for the tests in that directory. e.g. $ mach xpcshell-test path/to/directory '''.strip() UNKNOWN_TEST = ''' I don't know how to run the test: %s You need to specify a test suite name or abbreviation. It's possible I just haven't been told about this test suite yet. If you suspect that's the issue, please file a bug at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Testing&component=General and request support be added. '''.strip() MOCHITEST_CHUNK_BY_DIR = 4 MOCHITEST_TOTAL_CHUNKS = 5 TEST_SUITES = { 'cppunittest': { 'aliases': ('Cpp', 'cpp'), 'mach_command': 'cppunittest', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'crashtest': { 'aliases': ('C', 'Rc', 'RC', 'rc'), 'mach_command': 'crashtest', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'crashtest-ipc': { 'aliases': ('Cipc', 'cipc'), 'mach_command': 'crashtest-ipc', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'jetpack': { 'aliases': ('J',), 'mach_command': 'jetpack-test', 'kwargs': {}, }, 'jittest': { 'aliases': ('Jit', 'jit'), 'mach_command': 'jittest', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'mochitest-a11y': { 'mach_command': 'mochitest-a11y', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'mochitest-browser': { 'aliases': ('bc', 'BC', 'Bc'), 'mach_command': 'mochitest-browser', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'mochitest-chrome': { 'mach_command': 'mochitest-chrome', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'mochitest-ipcplugins': { 'make_target': 'mochitest-ipcplugins', }, 'mochitest-plain': { 'mach_command': 'mochitest-plain', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'reftest': { 'aliases': ('RR', 'rr', 'Rr'), 'mach_command': 'reftest', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'reftest-ipc': { 'aliases': ('Ripc',), 'mach_command': 'reftest-ipc', 'kwargs': {'test_file': None}, }, 'valgrind': { 'aliases': ('V', 'v'), 'mach_command': 'valgrind-test', 'kwargs': {}, }, 'xpcshell': { 'aliases': ('X', 'x'), 'mach_command': 'xpcshell-test', 'kwargs': {'test_file': 'all'}, }, } for i in range(1, MOCHITEST_TOTAL_CHUNKS + 1): TEST_SUITES['mochitest-%d' %i] = { 'aliases': ('M%d' % i, 'm%d' % i), 'mach_command': 'mochitest-plain', 'kwargs': { 'chunk_by_dir': MOCHITEST_CHUNK_BY_DIR, 'total_chunks': MOCHITEST_TOTAL_CHUNKS, 'this_chunk': i, 'test_file': None, }, } TEST_HELP = ''' Test or tests to run. Tests can be specified by test suite name or alias. The following test suites and aliases are supported: %s ''' % ', '.join(sorted(TEST_SUITES)) TEST_HELP = TEST_HELP.strip() @CommandProvider class Test(MachCommandBase): @Command('test', category='testing', description='Run tests.') @CommandArgument('what', default=None, nargs='*', help=TEST_HELP) def test(self, what): status = None for entry in what: status = self._run_test(entry) if status: break return status def _run_test(self, what): suite = None if what in TEST_SUITES: suite = TEST_SUITES[what] else: for v in TEST_SUITES.values(): if what in v.get('aliases', []): suite = v break if suite: if 'mach_command' in suite: return self._mach_context.commands.dispatch( suite['mach_command'], self._mach_context, **suite['kwargs']) if 'make_target' in suite: return self._run_make(target=suite['make_target'], pass_thru=True) raise Exception('Do not know how to run suite. This is a logic ' 'error in this mach command.') if os.path.isfile(what): print(HANDLE_FILE_ERROR % what) return 1 if os.path.isdir(what): print(HANDLE_DIR_ERROR % what) return 1 print(UNKNOWN_TEST % what) return 1 @CommandProvider class MachCommands(MachCommandBase): @Command('cppunittest', category='testing', description='Run cpp unit tests.') @CommandArgument('test_files', nargs='*', metavar='N', help='Test to run. Can be specified as one or more files or ' \ 'directories, or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is ' \ 'executed.') def run_cppunit_test(self, **params): import runcppunittests as cppunittests import logging if len(params['test_files']) == 0: testdir = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'cppunittests') progs = cppunittests.extract_unittests_from_args([testdir], None) else: progs = cppunittests.extract_unittests_from_args(params['test_files'], None) # See if we have crash symbols symbols_path = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols') if not os.path.isdir(symbols_path): symbols_path = None tester = cppunittests.CPPUnitTests() try: result = tester.run_tests(progs, self.bindir, symbols_path) except Exception, e: self.log(logging.ERROR, 'cppunittests', {'exception': str(e)}, 'Caught exception running cpp unit tests: {exception}') result = False return 0 if result else 1 @CommandProvider class JittestCommand(MachCommandBase): @Command('jittest', category='testing', description='Run jit-test tests.') @CommandArgument('--valgrind', action='store_true', help='Run jit-test suite with valgrind flag') def run_jittest(self, **params): import subprocess import sys if sys.platform.startswith('win'): js = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'js.exe') else: js = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'js') cmd = [os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'js', 'src', 'jit-test', 'jit_test.py'), js, '--no-slow', '--no-progress', '--tinderbox', '--tbpl'] if params['valgrind']: cmd.append('--valgrind') return subprocess.call(cmd)