interface Install { /* IID: { 0x18c2f988, 0xb09f, 0x11d2, \ {0xbc, 0xde, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x0e, 0x13, 0x53}} */ const int BAD_PACKAGE_NAME = -200; const int UNEXPECTED_ERROR = -201; const int ACCESS_DENIED = -202; const int TOO_MANY_CERTIFICATES = -203; /* Installer file must have 1 certificate */ const int NO_INSTALLER_CERTIFICATE = -204; /* Installer file must have a certificate */ const int NO_CERTIFICATE = -205; /* Extracted file is not signed */ const int NO_MATCHING_CERTIFICATE = -206; /* Extracted file does not match installer certificate */ const int UNKNOWN_JAR_FILE = -207; /* JAR file has not been opened */ const int INVALID_ARGUMENTS = -208; /* Bad arguments to a function */ const int ILLEGAL_RELATIVE_PATH = -209; /* Illegal relative path */ const int USER_CANCELLED = -210; /* User cancelled */ const int INSTALL_NOT_STARTED = -211; const int SILENT_MODE_DENIED = -212; const int NO_SUCH_COMPONENT = -213; /* no such component in the registry. */ const int FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = -214; /* File cannot be deleted as it does not exist */ const int FILE_READ_ONLY = -215; /* File cannot be deleted as it is read only. */ const int FILE_IS_DIRECTORY = -216; /* File cannot be deleted as it is a directory */ const int NETWORK_FILE_IS_IN_USE = -217; /* File on the network is in-use */ const int APPLE_SINGLE_ERR = -218; /* error in AppleSingle unpacking */ const int INVALID_PATH_ERR = -219; /* GetFolder() did not like the folderID */ const int PATCH_BAD_DIFF = -220; /* error in GDIFF patch */ const int PATCH_BAD_CHECKSUM_TARGET = -221; /* source file doesn't checksum */ const int PATCH_BAD_CHECKSUM_RESULT = -222; /* final patched file fails checksum */ const int UNINSTALL_FAILED = -223; /* error while uninstalling a package */ const int GESTALT_UNKNOWN_ERR = -5550; const int GESTALT_INVALID_ARGUMENT = -5551; const int SUCCESS = 0; const int REBOOT_NEEDED = 999; /* install types */ const int LIMITED_INSTALL = 0; const int FULL_INSTALL = 1; const int NO_STATUS_DLG = 2; const int NO_FINALIZE_DLG = 4; // these should not be public... /* message IDs*/ const int SU_INSTALL_FILE_UNEXPECTED_MSG_ID = 0; const int SU_DETAILS_REPLACE_FILE_MSG_ID = 1; const int SU_DETAILS_INSTALL_FILE_MSG_ID = 2; ////////////////////////// readonly attribute wstring UserPackageName; readonly attribute wstring RegPackageName; void Install(); void AbortInstall(); long AddDirectory( in wstring regName, in wstring version, in wstring jarSource, in InstallFolder folder, in wstring subdir, in boolean forceMode ); long AddSubcomponent( in wstring regName, in wstring version, in wstring jarSource, in InstallFolder folder, in wstring targetName, in boolean forceMode ); long DeleteComponent( in wstring registryName); long DeleteFile( in InstallFolder folder, in wstring relativeFileName ); long DiskSpaceAvailable( in InstallFolder folder ); long Execute(in wstring jarSource, in wstring args); long FinalizeInstall(); long Gestalt (in wstring selector); InstallFolder GetComponentFolder( in wstring regName, in wstring subdirectory); InstallFolder GetFolder(in wstring targetFolder, in wstring subdirectory); long GetLastError(); long GetWinProfile(in InstallFolder folder, in wstring file); long GetWinRegistry(); long Patch( in wstring regName, in wstring version, in wstring jarSource, in InstallFolder folder, in wstring targetName ); void ResetError(); void SetPackageFolder( in InstallFolder folder ); long StartInstall( in wstring userPackageName, in wstring packageName, in wstring version, in long flags ); long Uninstall( in wstring packageName); };