/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* eslint-env mozilla/browser-window */ /* import-globals-from chrome-harness.js */ /* import-globals-from mochitest-e10s-utils.js */ // Test timeout (seconds) var gTimeoutSeconds = 45; var gConfig; var gSaveInstrumentationData = null; var {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); var {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "ContentSearch", "resource:///modules/ContentSearch.jsm"); const SIMPLETEST_OVERRIDES = ["ok", "record", "is", "isnot", "todo", "todo_is", "todo_isnot", "info", "expectAssertions", "requestCompleteLog"]; setTimeout(testInit, 0); var TabDestroyObserver = { outstanding: new Set(), promiseResolver: null, init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "message-manager-close"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect"); }, destroy() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "message-manager-close"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect"); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "message-manager-close") { this.outstanding.add(subject); } else if (topic == "message-manager-disconnect") { this.outstanding.delete(subject); if (!this.outstanding.size && this.promiseResolver) { this.promiseResolver(); } } }, wait() { if (!this.outstanding.size) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { this.promiseResolver = resolve; }); }, }; function testInit() { gConfig = readConfig(); if (gConfig.testRoot == "browser") { // Make sure to launch the test harness for the first opened window only var prefs = Services.prefs; if (prefs.prefHasUserValue("testing.browserTestHarness.running")) return; prefs.setBoolPref("testing.browserTestHarness.running", true); if (prefs.prefHasUserValue("testing.browserTestHarness.timeout")) gTimeoutSeconds = prefs.getIntPref("testing.browserTestHarness.timeout"); var sstring = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); sstring.data = location.search; Services.ww.openWindow(window, "chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xul", "browserTest", "chrome,centerscreen,dialog=no,resizable,titlebar,toolbar=no,width=800,height=600", sstring); } else { // This code allows us to redirect without requiring specialpowers for chrome and a11y tests. let messageHandler = function(m) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef messageManager.removeMessageListener("chromeEvent", messageHandler); var url = m.json.data; // Window is the [ChromeWindow] for messageManager, so we need content.window // Currently chrome tests are run in a content window instead of a ChromeWindow // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef var webNav = content.window.docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); let loadURIOptions = { triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }; webNav.loadURI(url, loadURIOptions); }; var listener = 'data:,function doLoad(e) { var data=e.detail&&e.detail.data;removeEventListener("contentEvent", function (e) { doLoad(e); }, false, true);sendAsyncMessage("chromeEvent", {"data":data}); };addEventListener("contentEvent", function (e) { doLoad(e); }, false, true);'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef messageManager.addMessageListener("chromeEvent", messageHandler); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef messageManager.loadFrameScript(listener, true); } if (gConfig.e10s) { e10s_init(); let processCount = prefs.getIntPref("dom.ipc.processCount", 1); if (processCount > 1) { // Currently starting a content process is slow, to aviod timeouts, let's // keep alive content processes. prefs.setIntPref("dom.ipc.keepProcessesAlive.web", processCount); } Services.mm.loadFrameScript("chrome://mochikit/content/shutdown-leaks-collector.js", true); } else { // In non-e10s, only run the ShutdownLeaksCollector in the parent process. ChromeUtils.import("chrome://mochikit/content/ShutdownLeaksCollector.jsm"); } Services.mm.loadFrameScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/AsyncUtilsContent.js", true); var testSuite = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment). get("TEST_SUITE"); if (testSuite == "browser-chrome-instrumentation") { takeInstrumentation(); } } function takeInstrumentation() { let instrumentData = { elements: {}, }; function pad(str, length) { if (str.length >= length) return str; return str + " ".repeat(length - str.length); } function byCount(a, b) { return b[1] - a[1]; } function getSummaryText() { let summary = []; let allData = {}; for (let selector of Object.keys(instrumentData.elements)) { allData[selector] = instrumentData.elements[selector]; } let selectors = Object.keys(allData); let elements = selectors.map(s => allData[s]); let namespaceMap = new Map(); let bindingMap = new Map(); for (let element of elements) { if (!bindingMap.has(element.binding)) { bindingMap.set(element.binding, 1); } else { bindingMap.set(element.binding, bindingMap.get(element.binding) + 1); } if (!namespaceMap.has(element.namespaceURI)) { namespaceMap.set(element.namespaceURI, new Map()); } let localNameMap = namespaceMap.get(element.namespaceURI); if (!localNameMap.has(element.localName)) { localNameMap.set(element.localName, 1); } else { localNameMap.set(element.localName, localNameMap.get(element.localName) + 1); } } for (let [namespace, localNameMap] of namespaceMap) { summary.push(`Elements in namespace ${namespace}`); let entries = Array.from(localNameMap); entries.sort(byCount); for (let entry of entries) { summary.push(` ${pad(entry[1] + "", 5)} ${entry[0]}`); } } summary.push("XBL bindings"); let bindings = Array.from(bindingMap); bindings.sort(byCount); let bindingsJSON = {}; for (let binding of bindings) { summary.push(` ${pad(binding[1] + "", 5)} ${binding[0]}`); if (binding[0]) { bindingsJSON[binding[0].split("#")[1].split('"')[0]] = binding[1]; } } summary.push("XBL bindings as JSON"); summary.push(JSON.stringify(bindingsJSON, null, 2)); return summary.join("\n"); } // Saves instrumantation data function saveData() { let path = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment). get("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"); let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let instrumentPath = OS.Path.join(path, "xulinstrument.txt"); OS.File.writeAtomic(instrumentPath, encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(instrumentData, null, 2))); let summaryPath = OS.Path.join(path, "xulsummary.txt"); OS.File.writeAtomic(summaryPath, encoder.encode(getSummaryText())); } // An iterator over an element and its ancestors function* elementPath(element) { yield element; while ((element = element.parentNode) && (element instanceof Element)) { yield element; } } // Returns the information we care about for an element function getElementInfo(element) { let style = element.ownerGlobal.getComputedStyle(element); let binding = style && style.getPropertyValue("-moz-binding"); return { namespaceURI: element.namespaceURI, localName: element.localName, binding: (binding && binding != "none") ? binding : null, }; } // The selector for just this element function immediateSelector(element) { if (element.localName == "notificationbox" && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.id == "tabbrowser-tabpanels") { // Don't do a full selector for a tabpanel's notificationbox return element.localName; } if (element.localName == "tab" && element.classList.contains("tabbrowser-tab")) { // Don't do a full selector for a tab return element.localName; } if (element.id) { return `#${element.id}`; } let selector = element.localName; if (element.classList.length) { selector += `.${Array.from(element.classList).join(".")}`; } for (let attr of ["src", "label"]) { if (element.hasAttribute(attr)) { selector += `[${attr}=${JSON.stringify(element.getAttribute(attr))}]`; } } return selector; } // The selector chain for the element function elementSelector(element) { return Array.from(elementPath(element)).reverse().map(immediateSelector).join(" > "); } // An iterator over all elements in the window function* windowElements(win) { yield* elementDescendants(win.document.documentElement); } // An iterator over an element and all of its descendants function* elementDescendants(element) { let walker = Cc["@mozilla.org/inspector/deep-tree-walker;1"]. createInstance(Ci.inIDeepTreeWalker); walker.showAnonymousContent = true; walker.showSubDocuments = false; walker.showDocumentsAsNodes = false; walker.init(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT); yield element; while (walker.nextNode()) { if (walker.currentNode instanceof Element) { yield walker.currentNode; } } } // Checks if we've seen an element and if not adds it to the instrumentation data function instrumentElement(element) { if (element.__instrumentSeen) { return; } let selector = elementSelector(element); element.__instrumentSeen = true; if (selector in instrumentData.elements) { return; } instrumentData.elements[selector] = getElementInfo(element); } // Instruments every element in a window function scanWindow(win) { Array.from(windowElements(win)).forEach(instrumentElement); } // Instruments every element in an element's descendants function scanElement(element) { Array.from(elementDescendants(element)).forEach(instrumentElement); } function handleMutation(mutation) { if (mutation.type != "childList") { return; } for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node instanceof Element) { scanElement(node); } } } // Watches a window for new elements to instrument function observeWindow(win) { let observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach(handleMutation); }); observer.observe(win.document, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); win.addEventListener("unload", () => { observer.takeRecords().forEach(handleMutation); }, { once: true }); } scanWindow(window); observeWindow(window); gSaveInstrumentationData = saveData; Services.ww.registerNotification((win, topic, data) => { if (topic != "domwindowopened") { return; } win.addEventListener("load", () => { if (win.location.href != AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL) { return; } scanWindow(win); observeWindow(win); }, { once: true }); }); } function isGenerator(value) { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.next === "function"; } function Tester(aTests, structuredLogger, aCallback) { this.structuredLogger = structuredLogger; this.tests = aTests; this.callback = aCallback; this._scriptLoader = Services.scriptloader; this.EventUtils = {}; this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", this.EventUtils); // In order to allow existing tests to continue using unsafe CPOWs // with EventUtils, we need to load a separate copy into a sandbox // which has unsafe CPOW usage whitelisted. We need to create a new // compartment for Cu.permitCPOWsInScope. this.cpowSandbox = Cu.Sandbox(window, { freshCompartment: true, sandboxPrototype: window, }); Cu.permitCPOWsInScope(this.cpowSandbox); this.cpowEventUtils = new this.cpowSandbox.Object(); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", this.cpowEventUtils); var simpleTestScope = {}; this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/specialpowersAPI.js", simpleTestScope); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SpecialPowersObserverAPI.js", simpleTestScope); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/ChromePowers.js", simpleTestScope); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js", simpleTestScope); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/MemoryStats.js", simpleTestScope); this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/chrome-harness.js", simpleTestScope); this.SimpleTest = simpleTestScope.SimpleTest; var extensionUtilsScope = { registerCleanupFunction: (fn) => { this.currentTest.scope.registerCleanupFunction(fn); }, }; extensionUtilsScope.SimpleTest = this.SimpleTest; this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/ExtensionTestUtils.js", extensionUtilsScope); this.ExtensionTestUtils = extensionUtilsScope.ExtensionTestUtils; this.SimpleTest.harnessParameters = gConfig; this.MemoryStats = simpleTestScope.MemoryStats; this.ContentTask = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/ContentTask.jsm", null).ContentTask; this.BrowserTestUtils = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/BrowserTestUtils.jsm", null).BrowserTestUtils; this.TestUtils = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/TestUtils.jsm", null).TestUtils; this.Promise = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", null).Promise; this.PromiseTestUtils = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.jsm", null).PromiseTestUtils; this.Assert = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/Assert.jsm", null).Assert; this.PerTestCoverageUtils = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/PerTestCoverageUtils.jsm", null).PerTestCoverageUtils; this.PromiseTestUtils.init(); this.SimpleTestOriginal = {}; SIMPLETEST_OVERRIDES.forEach(m => { this.SimpleTestOriginal[m] = this.SimpleTest[m]; }); this._coverageCollector = null; const XPCOMUtilsMod = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", null); // Avoid failing tests when XPCOMUtils.defineLazyScriptGetter is used. XPCOMUtilsMod.Services = Object.create(Services, { scriptloader: { configurable: true, writable: true, value: { loadSubScript: (url, obj) => { let before = Object.keys(window); try { return this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript(url, obj); } finally { for (let property of Object.keys(window)) { if (!before.includes(property) && !this._globalProperties.includes(property)) { this._globalProperties.push(property); this.SimpleTest.info("Global property added while loading " + url + ": " + property); } } } }, loadSubScriptWithOptions: this._scriptLoader.loadSubScriptWithOptions.bind(this._scriptLoader), }, }, }); } Tester.prototype = { EventUtils: {}, SimpleTest: {}, ContentTask: null, ExtensionTestUtils: null, Assert: null, repeat: 0, runUntilFailure: false, checker: null, currentTestIndex: -1, lastStartTime: null, lastAssertionCount: 0, failuresFromInitialWindowState: 0, get currentTest() { return this.tests[this.currentTestIndex]; }, get done() { return (this.currentTestIndex == this.tests.length - 1) && (this.repeat <= 0); }, start: function Tester_start() { TabDestroyObserver.init(); // if testOnLoad was not called, then gConfig is not defined if (!gConfig) gConfig = readConfig(); if (gConfig.runUntilFailure) this.runUntilFailure = true; if (gConfig.repeat) this.repeat = gConfig.repeat; if (gConfig.jscovDirPrefix) { let coveragePath = gConfig.jscovDirPrefix; let {CoverageCollector} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/CoverageUtils.jsm"); this._coverageCollector = new CoverageCollector(coveragePath); } this.structuredLogger.info("*** Start BrowserChrome Test Results ***"); Services.console.registerListener(this); this._globalProperties = Object.keys(window); this._globalPropertyWhitelist = [ "navigator", "constructor", "top", "Application", "__SS_tabsToRestore", "__SSi", "webConsoleCommandController", // Thunderbird "MailMigrator", "SearchIntegration", ]; this.PerTestCoverageUtils.beforeTestSync(); if (this.tests.length) { this.waitForWindowsReady().then(() => { this.nextTest(); }); } else { this.finish(); } }, async waitForWindowsReady() { await new Promise(resolve => this.waitForGraphicsTestWindowToBeGone(resolve)); await this.promiseMainWindowReady(); }, async promiseMainWindowReady() { if (window.gBrowserInit && !gBrowserInit.idleTasksFinished) { await this.TestUtils.topicObserved("browser-idle-startup-tasks-finished", subject => subject === window); } }, waitForGraphicsTestWindowToBeGone(aCallback) { for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator(null)) { if (win != window && !win.closed && win.document.documentURI == "chrome://gfxsanity/content/sanityparent.html") { this.BrowserTestUtils.domWindowClosed(win).then(aCallback); return; } } // graphics test window is already gone, just call callback immediately aCallback(); }, waitForWindowsState: function Tester_waitForWindowsState(aCallback) { let timedOut = this.currentTest && this.currentTest.timedOut; // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary let baseMsg = timedOut ? "Found a {elt} after previous test timed out" : this.currentTest ? "Found an unexpected {elt} at the end of test run" : "Found an unexpected {elt}"; // Remove stale tabs if (this.currentTest && window.gBrowser && gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) { while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) { let lastTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.lastElementChild; if (!lastTab.closing) { // Report the stale tab as an error only when they're not closing. // Tests can finish without waiting for the closing tabs. this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: baseMsg.replace("{elt}", "tab") + ": " + lastTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } gBrowser.removeTab(lastTab); } } // Replace the last tab with a fresh one if (window.gBrowser) { gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", { skipAnimation: true, triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }); gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab, { skipPermitUnload: true }); gBrowser.stop(); } // Remove stale windows this.structuredLogger.info("checking window state"); for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator(null)) { let type = win.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype"); if (win != window && !win.closed && win.document.documentElement.getAttribute("id") != "browserTestHarness" && type != "devtools:webconsole") { switch (type) { case "navigator:browser": type = "browser window"; break; case "mail:3pane": type = "mail window"; break; case null: type = "unknown window with document URI: " + win.document.documentURI + " and title: " + win.document.title; break; } let msg = baseMsg.replace("{elt}", type); if (this.currentTest) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: msg, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } else { this.failuresFromInitialWindowState++; this.structuredLogger.error("browser-test.js | " + msg); } win.close(); } } // Make sure the window is raised before each test. this.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(aCallback); }, finish: function Tester_finish(aSkipSummary) { var passCount = this.tests.reduce((a, f) => a + f.passCount, 0); var failCount = this.tests.reduce((a, f) => a + f.failCount, 0); var todoCount = this.tests.reduce((a, f) => a + f.todoCount, 0); // Include failures from window state checking prior to running the first test failCount += this.failuresFromInitialWindowState; TabDestroyObserver.destroy(); Services.console.unregisterListener(this); // It's important to terminate the module to avoid crashes on shutdown. this.PromiseTestUtils.uninit(); // In the main process, we print the ShutdownLeaksCollector message here. let pid = Services.appinfo.processID; dump("Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process " + pid + "\n"); this.structuredLogger.info("TEST-START | Shutdown"); if (this.tests.length) { let e10sMode = window.gMultiProcessBrowser ? "e10s" : "non-e10s"; this.structuredLogger.info("Browser Chrome Test Summary"); this.structuredLogger.info("Passed: " + passCount); this.structuredLogger.info("Failed: " + failCount); this.structuredLogger.info("Todo: " + todoCount); this.structuredLogger.info("Mode: " + e10sMode); } else { this.structuredLogger.error("browser-test.js | No tests to run. Did you pass invalid test_paths?"); } this.structuredLogger.info("*** End BrowserChrome Test Results ***"); // Tests complete, notify the callback and return this.callback(this.tests); this.callback = null; this.tests = null; if (gSaveInstrumentationData) { gSaveInstrumentationData(); } }, haltTests: function Tester_haltTests() { // Do not run any further tests this.currentTestIndex = this.tests.length - 1; this.repeat = 0; }, observe: function Tester_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (!aTopic) { this.onConsoleMessage(aSubject); } }, onConsoleMessage: function Tester_onConsoleMessage(aConsoleMessage) { // Ignore empty messages. if (!aConsoleMessage.message) return; try { var msg = "Console message: " + aConsoleMessage.message; if (this.currentTest) this.currentTest.addResult(new testMessage(msg)); else this.structuredLogger.info("TEST-INFO | (browser-test.js) | " + msg.replace(/\n$/, "") + "\n"); } catch (ex) { // Swallow exception so we don't lead to another error being reported, // throwing us into an infinite loop } }, async nextTest() { if (this.currentTest) { if (this._coverageCollector) { this._coverageCollector.recordTestCoverage(this.currentTest.path); } this.PerTestCoverageUtils.afterTestSync(); // Run cleanup functions for the current test before moving on to the // next one. let testScope = this.currentTest.scope; while (testScope.__cleanupFunctions.length > 0) { let func = testScope.__cleanupFunctions.shift(); try { let result = await func.apply(testScope); if (isGenerator(result)) { this.SimpleTest.ok(false, "Cleanup function returned a generator"); } } catch (ex) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Cleanup function threw an exception", ex, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } } if (this.currentTest.passCount === 0 && this.currentTest.failCount === 0 && this.currentTest.todoCount === 0) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "This test contains no passes, no fails and no todos. Maybe" + " it threw a silent exception? Make sure you use" + " waitForExplicitFinish() if you need it.", })); } let winUtils = window.windowUtils; if (winUtils.isTestControllingRefreshes) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "test left refresh driver under test control", })); winUtils.restoreNormalRefresh(); } if (this.SimpleTest.isExpectingUncaughtException()) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "expectUncaughtException was called but no uncaught" + " exception was detected!", allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } this.PromiseTestUtils.ensureDOMPromiseRejectionsProcessed(); this.PromiseTestUtils.assertNoUncaughtRejections(); this.PromiseTestUtils.assertNoMoreExpectedRejections(); Object.keys(window).forEach(function(prop) { if (parseInt(prop) == prop) { // This is a string which when parsed as an integer and then // stringified gives the original string. As in, this is in fact a // string representation of an integer, so an index into // window.frames. Skip those. return; } if (!this._globalProperties.includes(prop)) { this._globalProperties.push(prop); if (!this._globalPropertyWhitelist.includes(prop)) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "test left unexpected property on window: " + prop, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } } }, this); // Clear document.popupNode. The test could have set it to a custom value // for its own purposes, nulling it out it will go back to the default // behavior of returning the last opened popup. document.popupNode = null; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef await new Promise(resolve => SpecialPowers.flushPrefEnv(resolve)); if (gConfig.cleanupCrashes) { let gdir = Services.dirsvc.get("UAppData", Ci.nsIFile); gdir.append("Crash Reports"); gdir.append("pending"); if (gdir.exists()) { let entries = gdir.directoryEntries; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { let entry = entries.nextFile; if (entry.isFile()) { let msg = "this test left a pending crash report; "; try { entry.remove(false); msg += "deleted " + entry.path; } catch (e) { msg += "could not delete " + entry.path; } this.structuredLogger.info(msg); } } } } // Notify a long running test problem if it didn't end up in a timeout. if (this.currentTest.unexpectedTimeouts && !this.currentTest.timedOut) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be" + " rewritten or split up. If that's not possible, use" + " requestLongerTimeout(N), but only as a last resort.", })); } // If we're in a debug build, check assertion counts. This code // is similar to the code in TestRunner.testUnloaded in // TestRunner.js used for all other types of mochitests. let debugsvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2); if (debugsvc.isDebugBuild) { let newAssertionCount = debugsvc.assertionCount; let numAsserts = newAssertionCount - this.lastAssertionCount; this.lastAssertionCount = newAssertionCount; let max = testScope.__expectedMaxAsserts; let min = testScope.__expectedMinAsserts; if (numAsserts > max) { // TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " is greater than expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", pass: true, // TEMPORARILY TEST-KNOWN-FAIL todo: true, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } else if (numAsserts < min) { // TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " is less than expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", todo: true, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } else if (numAsserts > 0) { // TEST-KNOWN-FAIL this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Assertion count " + numAsserts + " is within expected range " + min + "-" + max + " assertions.", pass: true, todo: true, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); } } if (this.currentTest.allowFailure) { if (this.currentTest.expectedAllowedFailureCount) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Expected " + this.currentTest.expectedAllowedFailureCount + " failures in this file, got " + this.currentTest.allowedFailureCount + ".", pass: this.currentTest.expectedAllowedFailureCount == this.currentTest.allowedFailureCount, })); } else if (this.currentTest.allowedFailureCount == 0) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "We expect at least one assertion to fail because this" + " test file is marked as fail-if in the manifest.", todo: true, })); } } // Dump memory stats for main thread. if (Services.appinfo.processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { this.MemoryStats.dump(this.currentTestIndex, this.currentTest.path, gConfig.dumpOutputDirectory, gConfig.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest, gConfig.dumpDMDAfterTest); } // Note the test run time let time = Date.now() - this.lastStartTime; this.structuredLogger.testEnd(this.currentTest.path, "OK", undefined, "finished in " + time + "ms"); this.currentTest.setDuration(time); if (this.runUntilFailure && this.currentTest.failCount > 0) { this.haltTests(); } // Restore original SimpleTest methods to avoid leaks. SIMPLETEST_OVERRIDES.forEach(m => { this.SimpleTest[m] = this.SimpleTestOriginal[m]; }); this.ContentTask.setTestScope(null); testScope.destroy(); this.currentTest.scope = null; } // Check the window state for the current test before moving to the next one. // This also causes us to check before starting any tests, since nextTest() // is invoked to start the tests. this.waitForWindowsState(() => { if (this.done) { if (this._coverageCollector) { this._coverageCollector.finalize(); } // Uninitialize a few things explicitly so that they can clean up // frames and browser intentionally kept alive until shutdown to // eliminate false positives. if (gConfig.testRoot == "browser") { // Skip if SeaMonkey if (AppConstants.MOZ_APP_NAME != "seamonkey") { // Replace the document currently loaded in the browser's sidebar. // This will prevent false positives for tests that were the last // to touch the sidebar. They will thus not be blamed for leaking // a document. let sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); if (sidebar) { sidebar.setAttribute("src", "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"); sidebar.docShell.createAboutBlankContentViewer(null); sidebar.setAttribute("src", "about:blank"); } } // Destroy BackgroundPageThumbs resources. let {BackgroundPageThumbs} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/BackgroundPageThumbs.jsm"); BackgroundPageThumbs._destroy(); if (window.gBrowser) { NewTabPagePreloading.removePreloadedBrowser(window); } } // Schedule GC and CC runs before finishing in order to detect // DOM windows leaked by our tests or the tested code. Note that we // use a shrinking GC so that the JS engine will discard JIT code and // JIT caches more aggressively. let shutdownCleanup = aCallback => { Cu.schedulePreciseShrinkingGC(() => { // Run the GC and CC a few times to make sure that as much // as possible is freed. let numCycles = 3; for (let i = 0; i < numCycles; i++) { Cu.forceGC(); Cu.forceCC(); } aCallback(); }); }; let {AsyncShutdown} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm"); let barrier = new AsyncShutdown.Barrier( "ShutdownLeaks: Wait for cleanup to be finished before checking for leaks"); Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject: barrier}, "shutdown-leaks-before-check"); barrier.client.addBlocker("ShutdownLeaks: Wait for tabs to finish closing", TabDestroyObserver.wait()); barrier.wait().then(() => { // Simulate memory pressure so that we're forced to free more resources // and thus get rid of more false leaks like already terminated workers. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "memory-pressure", "heap-minimize"); Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("browser-test:collect-request"); shutdownCleanup(() => { setTimeout(() => { shutdownCleanup(() => { this.finish(); }); }, 1000); }); }); return; } if (this.repeat > 0) { --this.repeat; if (this.currentTestIndex < 0) { this.currentTestIndex = 0; } this.execTest(); } else { this.currentTestIndex++; if (gConfig.repeat) this.repeat = gConfig.repeat; this.execTest(); } }); }, execTest: function Tester_execTest() { this.structuredLogger.testStart(this.currentTest.path); this.SimpleTest.reset(); // Load the tests into a testscope let currentScope = this.currentTest.scope = new testScope(this, this.currentTest, this.currentTest.expected); let currentTest = this.currentTest; // Import utils in the test scope. let {scope} = this.currentTest; scope.EventUtils = this.currentTest.usesUnsafeCPOWs ? this.cpowEventUtils : this.EventUtils; scope.SimpleTest = this.SimpleTest; scope.gTestPath = this.currentTest.path; scope.ContentTask = this.ContentTask; scope.BrowserTestUtils = this.BrowserTestUtils; scope.TestUtils = this.TestUtils; scope.ExtensionTestUtils = this.ExtensionTestUtils; // Pass a custom report function for mochitest style reporting. scope.Assert = new this.Assert(function(err, message, stack) { currentTest.addResult(new testResult(err ? { name: err.message, ex: err.stack, stack: err.stack, allowFailure: currentTest.allowFailure, } : { name: message, pass: true, stack, allowFailure: currentTest.allowFailure, })); }, true); this.ContentTask.setTestScope(currentScope); // Allow Assert.jsm methods to be tacked to the current scope. scope.export_assertions = function() { for (let func in this.Assert) { this[func] = this.Assert[func].bind(this.Assert); } }; // Override SimpleTest methods with ours. SIMPLETEST_OVERRIDES.forEach(function(m) { this.SimpleTest[m] = this[m]; }, scope); // load the tools to work with chrome .jar and remote try { this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/chrome-harness.js", scope); } catch (ex) { /* no chrome-harness tools */ } // Import head.js script if it exists. var currentTestDirPath = this.currentTest.path.substr(0, this.currentTest.path.lastIndexOf("/")); var headPath = currentTestDirPath + "/head.js"; try { this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript(headPath, scope); } catch (ex) { // Bug 755558 - Ignore loadSubScript errors due to a missing head.js. const isImportError = /^Error opening input stream/.test(ex.toString()); // Bug 1503169 - head.js may call loadSubScript, and generate similar errors. // Only swallow errors that are strictly related to loading head.js. const containsHeadPath = ex.toString().includes(headPath); if (!isImportError || !containsHeadPath) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "head.js import threw an exception", ex, })); } } // Import the test script. try { this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript(this.currentTest.path, scope); // Run the test this.lastStartTime = Date.now(); if (this.currentTest.scope.__tasks) { // This test consists of tasks, added via the `add_task()` API. if ("test" in this.currentTest.scope) { throw "Cannot run both a add_task test and a normal test at the same time."; } let PromiseTestUtils = this.PromiseTestUtils; // Allow for a task to be skipped; we need only use the structured logger // for this, whilst deactivating log buffering to ensure that messages // are always printed to stdout. let skipTask = (task) => { let logger = this.structuredLogger; logger.deactivateBuffering(); logger.testStatus(this.currentTest.path, task.name, "SKIP"); logger.warning("Skipping test " + task.name); logger.activateBuffering(); }; (async function() { let task; while ((task = this.__tasks.shift())) { if (task.__skipMe || (this.__runOnlyThisTask && task != this.__runOnlyThisTask)) { skipTask(task); continue; } this.SimpleTest.info("Entering test " + task.name); try { let result = await task(); if (isGenerator(result)) { this.SimpleTest.ok(false, "Task returned a generator"); } } catch (ex) { if (currentTest.timedOut) { currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Uncaught exception received from previously timed out test", pass: false, ex, stack: (typeof ex == "object" && "stack" in ex) ? ex.stack : null, allowFailure: currentTest.allowFailure, })); // We timed out, so we've already cleaned up for this test, just get outta here. return; } currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Uncaught exception", pass: this.SimpleTest.isExpectingUncaughtException(), ex, stack: (typeof ex == "object" && "stack" in ex) ? ex.stack : null, allowFailure: currentTest.allowFailure, })); } PromiseTestUtils.assertNoUncaughtRejections(); this.SimpleTest.info("Leaving test " + task.name); } this.finish(); }).call(currentScope); } else if (typeof scope.test == "function") { scope.test(); } else { throw "This test didn't call add_task, nor did it define a generatorTest() function, nor did it define a test() function, so we don't know how to run it."; } } catch (ex) { if (!this.SimpleTest.isIgnoringAllUncaughtExceptions()) { this.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Exception thrown", pass: this.SimpleTest.isExpectingUncaughtException(), ex, allowFailure: this.currentTest.allowFailure, })); this.SimpleTest.expectUncaughtException(false); } else { this.currentTest.addResult(new testMessage("Exception thrown: " + ex)); } this.currentTest.scope.finish(); } // If the test ran synchronously, move to the next test, otherwise the test // will trigger the next test when it is done. if (this.currentTest.scope.__done) { this.nextTest(); } else { var self = this; var timeoutExpires = Date.now() + gTimeoutSeconds * 1000; var waitUntilAtLeast = timeoutExpires - 1000; this.currentTest.scope.__waitTimer = this.SimpleTest._originalSetTimeout.apply(window, [function timeoutFn() { // We sometimes get woken up long before the gTimeoutSeconds // have elapsed (when running in chaos mode for example). This // code ensures that we don't wrongly time out in that case. if (Date.now() < waitUntilAtLeast) { self.currentTest.scope.__waitTimer = setTimeout(timeoutFn, timeoutExpires - Date.now()); return; } if (--self.currentTest.scope.__timeoutFactor > 0) { // We were asked to wait a bit longer. self.currentTest.scope.info( "Longer timeout required, waiting longer... Remaining timeouts: " + self.currentTest.scope.__timeoutFactor); self.currentTest.scope.__waitTimer = setTimeout(timeoutFn, gTimeoutSeconds * 1000); return; } // If the test is taking longer than expected, but it's not hanging, // mark the fact, but let the test continue. At the end of the test, // if it didn't timeout, we will notify the problem through an error. // To figure whether it's an actual hang, compare the time of the last // result or message to half of the timeout time. // Though, to protect against infinite loops, limit the number of times // we allow the test to proceed. const MAX_UNEXPECTED_TIMEOUTS = 10; if (Date.now() - self.currentTest.lastOutputTime < (gTimeoutSeconds / 2) * 1000 && ++self.currentTest.unexpectedTimeouts <= MAX_UNEXPECTED_TIMEOUTS) { self.currentTest.scope.__waitTimer = setTimeout(timeoutFn, gTimeoutSeconds * 1000); return; } self.currentTest.addResult(new testResult({ name: "Test timed out" })); self.currentTest.timedOut = true; self.currentTest.scope.__waitTimer = null; self.nextTest(); }, gTimeoutSeconds * 1000]); } }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIConsoleListener"]), }; /** * Represents the result of one test assertion. This is described with a string * in traditional logging, and has a "status" and "expected" property used in * structured logging. Normally, results are mapped as follows: * * pass: todo: Added to: Described as: Status: Expected: * true false passCount TEST-PASS PASS PASS * true true todoCount TEST-KNOWN-FAIL FAIL FAIL * false false failCount TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL FAIL PASS * false true failCount TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS PASS FAIL * * The "allowFailure" argument indicates that this is one of the assertions that * should be allowed to fail, for example because "fail-if" is true for the * current test file in the manifest. In this case, results are mapped this way: * * pass: todo: Added to: Described as: Status: Expected: * true false passCount TEST-PASS PASS PASS * true true todoCount TEST-KNOWN-FAIL FAIL FAIL * false false todoCount TEST-KNOWN-FAIL FAIL FAIL * false true todoCount TEST-KNOWN-FAIL FAIL FAIL */ function testResult({ name, pass, todo, ex, stack, allowFailure }) { this.info = false; this.name = name; this.msg = ""; if (allowFailure && !pass) { this.allowedFailure = true; this.pass = true; this.todo = true; } else { this.pass = !!pass; this.todo = todo; } this.expected = this.todo ? "FAIL" : "PASS"; if (this.pass) { this.status = this.expected; return; } this.status = this.todo ? "PASS" : "FAIL"; if (ex) { if (typeof ex == "object" && "fileName" in ex) { // we have an exception - print filename and linenumber information this.msg += "at " + ex.fileName + ":" + ex.lineNumber + " - "; } this.msg += String(ex); } if (stack) { this.msg += "\nStack trace:\n"; let normalized; if (stack instanceof Ci.nsIStackFrame) { let frames = []; for (let frame = stack; frame; frame = frame.asyncCaller || frame.caller) { let msg = `${frame.filename}:${frame.name}:${frame.lineNumber}`; frames.push(frame.asyncCause ? `${frame.asyncCause}*${msg}` : msg); } normalized = frames.join("\n"); } else { normalized = "" + stack; } this.msg += normalized; } if (gConfig.debugOnFailure) { // You've hit this line because you requested to break into the // debugger upon a testcase failure on your test run. // eslint-disable-next-line no-debugger debugger; } } function testMessage(msg) { this.msg = msg || ""; this.info = true; } // Need to be careful adding properties to this object, since its properties // cannot conflict with global variables used in tests. function testScope(aTester, aTest, expected) { this.__tester = aTester; aTest.allowFailure = expected == "fail"; var self = this; this.ok = function test_ok(condition, name) { if (arguments.length > 2) { const ex = "Too many arguments passed to ok(condition, name)`."; self.record(false, name, ex); } else { self.record(condition, name); } }; this.record = function test_record(condition, name, ex, stack) { aTest.addResult(new testResult({ name, pass: condition, ex, stack: stack || Components.stack.caller, allowFailure: aTest.allowFailure, })); }; this.is = function test_is(a, b, name) { self.record(a == b, name, "Got " + a + ", expected " + b, false, Components.stack.caller); }; this.isnot = function test_isnot(a, b, name) { self.record(a != b, name, "Didn't expect " + a + ", but got it", false, Components.stack.caller); }; this.todo = function test_todo(condition, name, ex, stack) { aTest.addResult(new testResult({ name, pass: !condition, todo: true, ex, stack: stack || Components.stack.caller, allowFailure: aTest.allowFailure, })); }; this.todo_is = function test_todo_is(a, b, name) { self.todo(a == b, name, "Got " + a + ", expected " + b, Components.stack.caller); }; this.todo_isnot = function test_todo_isnot(a, b, name) { self.todo(a != b, name, "Didn't expect " + a + ", but got it", Components.stack.caller); }; this.info = function test_info(name) { aTest.addResult(new testMessage(name)); }; this.executeSoon = function test_executeSoon(func) { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread({ run() { func(); }, }); }; this.waitForExplicitFinish = function test_waitForExplicitFinish() { self.__done = false; }; this.waitForFocus = function test_waitForFocus(callback, targetWindow, expectBlankPage) { self.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(callback, targetWindow, expectBlankPage); }; this.waitForClipboard = function test_waitForClipboard(expected, setup, success, failure, flavor) { self.SimpleTest.waitForClipboard(expected, setup, success, failure, flavor); }; this.registerCleanupFunction = function test_registerCleanupFunction(aFunction) { self.__cleanupFunctions.push(aFunction); }; this.requestLongerTimeout = function test_requestLongerTimeout(aFactor) { self.__timeoutFactor = aFactor; }; this.copyToProfile = function test_copyToProfile(filename) { self.SimpleTest.copyToProfile(filename); }; this.expectUncaughtException = function test_expectUncaughtException(aExpecting) { self.SimpleTest.expectUncaughtException(aExpecting); }; this.ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions = function test_ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(aIgnoring) { self.SimpleTest.ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(aIgnoring); }; this.expectAssertions = function test_expectAssertions(aMin, aMax) { let min = aMin; let max = aMax; if (typeof(max) == "undefined") { max = min; } if (typeof(min) != "number" || typeof(max) != "number" || min < 0 || max < min) { throw "bad parameter to expectAssertions"; } self.__expectedMinAsserts = min; self.__expectedMaxAsserts = max; }; this.setExpectedFailuresForSelfTest = function test_setExpectedFailuresForSelfTest(expectedAllowedFailureCount) { aTest.allowFailure = true; aTest.expectedAllowedFailureCount = expectedAllowedFailureCount; }; this.finish = function test_finish() { self.__done = true; if (self.__waitTimer) { self.executeSoon(function() { if (self.__done && self.__waitTimer) { clearTimeout(self.__waitTimer); self.__waitTimer = null; self.__tester.nextTest(); } }); } }; this.requestCompleteLog = function test_requestCompleteLog() { self.__tester.structuredLogger.deactivateBuffering(); self.registerCleanupFunction(function() { self.__tester.structuredLogger.activateBuffering(); }); }; // If we're running a test that requires unsafe CPOWs, create a // separate sandbox scope, with CPOWS whitelisted, for that test, and // mirror all of our properties onto it. Test files will be loaded // into this sandbox. // // Otherwise, load test files directly into the testScope instance. if (aTest.usesUnsafeCPOWs) { let sandbox = this._createSandbox(); Cu.permitCPOWsInScope(sandbox); return sandbox; } return this; } function decorateTaskFn(fn) { fn = fn.bind(this); fn.skip = () => fn.__skipMe = true; fn.only = () => this.__runOnlyThisTask = fn; return fn; } testScope.prototype = { __done: true, __tasks: null, __runOnlyThisTask: null, __waitTimer: null, __cleanupFunctions: [], __timeoutFactor: 1, __expectedMinAsserts: 0, __expectedMaxAsserts: 0, EventUtils: {}, SimpleTest: {}, ContentTask: null, BrowserTestUtils: null, TestUtils: null, ExtensionTestUtils: null, Assert: null, _createSandbox() { // Force this sandbox to be in its own compartment because we call // Cu.permitCPOWsInScope on it and we can't call that on objects in the // shared system compartment. let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(window, { freshCompartment: true, sandboxPrototype: window, }); for (let prop in this) { if (typeof this[prop] == "function") { sandbox[prop] = this[prop].bind(this); } else { Object.defineProperty(sandbox, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => { return this[prop]; }, set: (value) => { this[prop] = value; }, }); } } return sandbox; }, /** * Add a function which returns a promise (usually an async function) * as a test task. * * The task ends when the promise returned by the function resolves or * rejects. If the test function throws, or the promise it returns * rejects, the test is reported as a failure. Execution continues * with the next test function. * * Example usage: * * add_task(async function test() { * let result = yield Promise.resolve(true); * * ok(result); * * let secondary = await someFunctionThatReturnsAPromise(result); * is(secondary, "expected value"); * }); * * add_task(async function test_early_return() { * let result = await somethingThatReturnsAPromise(); * * if (!result) { * // Test is ended immediately, with success. * return; * } * * is(result, "foo"); * }); */ add_task(aFunction) { if (!this.__tasks) { this.waitForExplicitFinish(); this.__tasks = []; } let bound = decorateTaskFn.call(this, aFunction); this.__tasks.push(bound); return bound; }, destroy: function test_destroy() { for (let prop in this) delete this[prop]; }, };