/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ContainerLayerD3D9.h" #include "ThebesLayerD3D9.h" #include "ReadbackProcessor.h" namespace mozilla { namespace layers { ContainerLayerD3D9::ContainerLayerD3D9(LayerManagerD3D9 *aManager) : ContainerLayer(aManager, nullptr) , LayerD3D9(aManager) { mImplData = static_cast(this); } ContainerLayerD3D9::~ContainerLayerD3D9() { while (mFirstChild) { RemoveChild(mFirstChild); } } Layer* ContainerLayerD3D9::GetLayer() { return this; } LayerD3D9* ContainerLayerD3D9::GetFirstChildD3D9() { if (!mFirstChild) { return nullptr; } return static_cast(mFirstChild->ImplData()); } void ContainerLayerD3D9::RenderLayer() { nsRefPtr previousRenderTarget; nsRefPtr renderTexture; float previousRenderTargetOffset[4]; float renderTargetOffset[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; float oldViewMatrix[4][4]; RECT containerD3D9ClipRect; device()->GetScissorRect(&containerD3D9ClipRect); // Convert scissor to an nsIntRect. RECT's are exclusive on the bottom and // right values. nsIntRect oldScissor(containerD3D9ClipRect.left, containerD3D9ClipRect.top, containerD3D9ClipRect.right - containerD3D9ClipRect.left, containerD3D9ClipRect.bottom - containerD3D9ClipRect.top); ReadbackProcessor readback; readback.BuildUpdates(this); nsIntRect visibleRect = GetEffectiveVisibleRegion().GetBounds(); bool useIntermediate = UseIntermediateSurface(); mSupportsComponentAlphaChildren = false; if (useIntermediate) { nsRefPtr renderSurface; if (!mD3DManager->CompositingDisabled()) { device()->GetRenderTarget(0, getter_AddRefs(previousRenderTarget)); HRESULT hr = device()->CreateTexture(visibleRect.width, visibleRect.height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, getter_AddRefs(renderTexture), nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportFailure(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("ContainerLayerD3D9::ContainerRender(): Failed to create texture"), hr); return; } nsRefPtr renderSurface; renderTexture->GetSurfaceLevel(0, getter_AddRefs(renderSurface)); device()->SetRenderTarget(0, renderSurface); } if (mVisibleRegion.GetNumRects() == 1 && (GetContentFlags() & CONTENT_OPAQUE)) { // don't need a background, we're going to paint all opaque stuff mSupportsComponentAlphaChildren = true; } else { const gfx3DMatrix& transform3D = GetEffectiveTransform(); gfxMatrix transform; // If we have an opaque ancestor layer, then we can be sure that // all the pixels we draw into are either opaque already or will be // covered by something opaque. Otherwise copying up the background is // not safe. HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (HasOpaqueAncestorLayer(this) && transform3D.Is2D(&transform) && !transform.HasNonIntegerTranslation()) { // Copy background up from below RECT dest = { 0, 0, visibleRect.width, visibleRect.height }; RECT src = dest; ::OffsetRect(&src, visibleRect.x + int32_t(transform.x0), visibleRect.y + int32_t(transform.y0)); if (!mD3DManager->CompositingDisabled()) { hr = device()-> StretchRect(previousRenderTarget, &src, renderSurface, &dest, D3DTEXF_NONE); } } if (hr == S_OK) { mSupportsComponentAlphaChildren = true; } else if (!mD3DManager->CompositingDisabled()) { device()-> Clear(0, 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0); } } device()-> GetVertexShaderConstantF(CBvRenderTargetOffset, previousRenderTargetOffset, 1); renderTargetOffset[0] = (float)visibleRect.x; renderTargetOffset[1] = (float)visibleRect.y; device()-> SetVertexShaderConstantF(CBvRenderTargetOffset, renderTargetOffset, 1); gfx3DMatrix viewMatrix; /* * Matrix to transform to viewport space ( <-1.0, 1.0> topleft, * <1.0, -1.0> bottomright) */ viewMatrix._11 = 2.0f / visibleRect.width; viewMatrix._22 = -2.0f / visibleRect.height; viewMatrix._41 = -1.0f; viewMatrix._42 = 1.0f; device()-> GetVertexShaderConstantF(CBmProjection, &oldViewMatrix[0][0], 4); device()-> SetVertexShaderConstantF(CBmProjection, &viewMatrix._11, 4); } else { mSupportsComponentAlphaChildren = (GetContentFlags() & CONTENT_OPAQUE) || (mParent && mParent->SupportsComponentAlphaChildren()); } nsAutoTArray children; SortChildrenBy3DZOrder(children); /* * Render this container's contents. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < children.Length(); i++) { LayerD3D9* layerToRender = static_cast(children.ElementAt(i)->ImplData()); if (layerToRender->GetLayer()->GetEffectiveVisibleRegion().IsEmpty()) { continue; } nsIntRect scissorRect = layerToRender->GetLayer()->CalculateScissorRect(oldScissor, nullptr); if (scissorRect.IsEmpty()) { continue; } RECT d3drect; d3drect.left = scissorRect.x; d3drect.top = scissorRect.y; d3drect.right = scissorRect.x + scissorRect.width; d3drect.bottom = scissorRect.y + scissorRect.height; device()->SetScissorRect(&d3drect); if (layerToRender->GetLayer()->GetType() == TYPE_THEBES) { static_cast(layerToRender)->RenderThebesLayer(&readback); } else { layerToRender->RenderLayer(); } } if (useIntermediate && !mD3DManager->CompositingDisabled()) { device()->SetRenderTarget(0, previousRenderTarget); device()->SetVertexShaderConstantF(CBvRenderTargetOffset, previousRenderTargetOffset, 1); device()->SetVertexShaderConstantF(CBmProjection, &oldViewMatrix[0][0], 4); device()->SetVertexShaderConstantF(CBvLayerQuad, ShaderConstantRect(visibleRect.x, visibleRect.y, visibleRect.width, visibleRect.height), 1); SetShaderTransformAndOpacity(); mD3DManager->SetShaderMode(DeviceManagerD3D9::RGBALAYER, GetMaskLayer(), GetTransform().CanDraw2D()); device()->SetTexture(0, renderTexture); device()->SetScissorRect(&containerD3D9ClipRect); device()->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); } else { device()->SetScissorRect(&containerD3D9ClipRect); } } void ContainerLayerD3D9::LayerManagerDestroyed() { while (mFirstChild) { GetFirstChildD3D9()->LayerManagerDestroyed(); RemoveChild(mFirstChild); } } } /* layers */ } /* mozilla */