/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppsUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Langpacks"]; let debug = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.mozApps.debug") ? (aMsg) => { dump("-*-*- Langpacks: " + aMsg + "\n"); } : (aMsg) => {}; /** * Langpack support * * Manifest format is: * * "languages-target" : { "app://*.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp": "2.2" }, * "languages-provided": { * "de": { * "version": 201411051234, * "name": "Deutsch", * "apps": { * "app://calendar.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp": "/de/calendar", * "app://email.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp": "/de/email" * } * }, * "role" : "langpack" */ this.Langpacks = { _data: {}, _broadcaster: null, _appIdFromManifestURL: null, init: function() { ppmm.addMessageListener("Webapps:GetLocalizationResource", this); }, registerRegistryFunctions: function(aBroadcaster, aIdGetter) { this._broadcaster = aBroadcaster; this._appIdFromManifestURL = aIdGetter; }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { let data = aMessage.data; let mm = aMessage.target; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Webapps:GetLocalizationResource": this.getLocalizationResource(data, mm); break; default: debug("Unexpected message: " + aMessage.name); } }, getAdditionalLanguages: function(aManifestURL) { debug("getAdditionalLanguages " + aManifestURL); let res = { langs: {} }; let langs = res.langs; if (this._data[aManifestURL]) { res.appId = this._data[aManifestURL].appId; for (let lang in this._data[aManifestURL].langs) { if (!langs[lang]) { langs[lang] = []; } let current = this._data[aManifestURL].langs[lang]; langs[lang].push({ version: current.version, name: current.name, target: current.target }); } } debug("Languages found: " + uneval(res)); return res; }, sendAppUpdate: function(aManifestURL) { debug("sendAppUpdate " + aManifestURL); if (!this._broadcaster) { debug("No broadcaster!"); return; } let res = this.getAdditionalLanguages(aManifestURL); let message = { id: res.appId, app: { additionalLanguages: res.langs } } this._broadcaster("Webapps:UpdateState", message); }, getLocalizationResource: function(aData, aMm) { debug("getLocalizationResource " + uneval(aData)); function sendError(aMsg, aCode) { debug(aMsg); aMm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:GetLocalizationResource:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, oid: aData.oid, error: aCode }); } // No langpack available for this app. if (!this._data[aData.manifestURL]) { return sendError("No langpack for this app.", "NoLangpack"); } // We have langpack(s) for this app, but not for this language. if (!this._data[aData.manifestURL].langs[aData.lang]) { return sendError("No language " + aData.lang + " for this app.", "UnavailableLanguage"); } // Check that we have the right version. let item = this._data[aData.manifestURL].langs[aData.lang]; if (item.target != aData.version) { return sendError("No version " + aData.version + " for this app.", "UnavailableVersion"); } // The path can't be an absolute uri. if (isAbsoluteURI(aData.path)) { return sendError("url can't be absolute.", "BadUrl"); } let href = item.url + aData.path; debug("Will load " + href); let xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.mozBackgroundRequest = true; xhr.open("GET", href); // Default to text response type, but the webidl binding takes care of // validating the dataType value. xhr.responseType = "text"; if (aData.dataType === "json") { xhr.responseType = "json"; } else if (aData.dataType === "binary") { xhr.responseType = "blob"; } xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { debug("Success loading " + href); if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) { aMm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:GetLocalizationResource:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, oid: aData.oid, data: xhr.response }); } else { sendError("Error loading " + href, "UnavailableResource"); } }); xhr.addEventListener("error", function() { sendError("Error loading " + href, "UnavailableResource"); }); xhr.send(null); }, // Validates the langpack part of a manifest. checkManifest: function(aManifest) { if (!("languages-target" in aManifest)) { debug("Error: no 'languages-target' property.") return false; } if (!("languages-provided" in aManifest)) { debug("Error: no 'languages-provided' property.") return false; } for (let lang in aManifest["languages-provided"]) { let item = aManifest["languages-provided"][lang]; if (!item.version) { debug("Error: missing 'version' in languages-provided." + lang); return false; } if (typeof item.version !== "number") { debug("Error: languages-provided." + lang + ".version must be a number but is a " + (typeof item.version)); return false; } if (!item.apps) { debug("Error: missing 'apps' in languages-provided." + lang); return false; } for (let app in item.apps) { // Keys should be manifest urls, ie. absolute urls. if (!isAbsoluteURI(app)) { debug("Error: languages-provided." + lang + "." + app + " must be an absolute manifest url."); return false; } if (typeof item.apps[app] !== "string") { debug("Error: languages-provided." + lang + ".apps." + app + " value must be a string but is " + (typeof item.apps[app]) + " : " + item.apps[app]); return false; } } } return true; }, // Check if this app is a langpack and update registration if needed. register: function(aApp, aManifest) { debug("register app " + aApp.manifestURL + " role=" + aApp.role); if (aApp.role !== "langpack") { debug("Not a langpack."); // Not a langpack, but that's fine. return; } if (!this.checkManifest(aManifest)) { debug("Invalid langpack manifest."); return; } let platformVersion = aManifest["languages-target"] ["app://*.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp"]; let origin = Services.io.newURI(aApp.origin, null, null); for (let lang in aManifest["languages-provided"]) { let item = aManifest["languages-provided"][lang]; let version = item.version; // The langpack version, not the platform. let name = item.name || lang; // If no name specified, default to lang. for (let app in item.apps) { let sendEvent = false; if (!this._data[app] || !this._data[app].langs[lang] || this._data[app].langs[lang].version > version) { if (!this._data[app]) { this._data[app] = { appId: this._appIdFromManifestURL(app), langs: {} }; } this._data[app].langs[lang] = { version: version, target: platformVersion, name: name, url: origin.resolve(item.apps[app]), from: aApp.manifestURL } sendEvent = true; debug("Registered " + app + " -> " + uneval(this._data[app].langs[lang])); } // Fire additionallanguageschange event. // This will only be dispatched to documents using the langpack api. if (sendEvent) { this.sendAppUpdate(app); ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage( "Webapps:AdditionalLanguageChange", { manifestURL: app, languages: this.getAdditionalLanguages(app).langs }); } } } }, // Check if this app is a langpack and update registration by removing all // the entries from this app. unregister: function(aApp, aManifest) { debug("unregister app " + aApp.manifestURL + " role=" + aApp.role); if (aApp.role !== "langpack") { debug("Not a langpack."); // Not a langpack, but that's fine. return; } for (let app in this._data) { let sendEvent = false; for (let lang in this._data[app].langs) { if (this._data[app].langs[lang].from == aApp.manifestURL) { sendEvent = true; delete this._data[app].langs[lang]; } } // Fire additionallanguageschange event. // This will only be dispatched to documents using the langpack api. if (sendEvent) { this.sendAppUpdate(app); ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage( "Webapps:AdditionalLanguageChange", { manifestURL: app, languages: this.getAdditionalLanguages(app).langs }); } } } } Langpacks.init();