# @(#)README 10.7 (Sleepycat) 5/2/98 Notes for Java users of DB These are notes to help you install and program to the Java DB library. For the most part, the installation and usage is quite straightforward. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMPATIBILITY: Java DB has been tested with the Sun JDK 1.1 (http://www.javasoft.com) on Windows/NT and SunOS 5.5, and it should work with any JDK 1.1 compatible environment. The most important thing to understand is whether the target Java environment supports the JNI (Java Native Interface) which we use, rather than some other way for DLLs to interface to java. The JNI is new to JDK 1.1, but more likely to be implementable across many platforms. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSTALLATION: We expect that you've already installed the Java JDK or equivalent on your system. Since you are reading this, you also already have a copy of the Berkeley DB package. For the sake of discussion, we'll assume it's in a directory called db-VERSION, e.g., you extracted DB version 2.3.12 and you did not change the top-level directory name. The files related to Java are in two subdirectories of db-VERSION: java, the java source files, and libdb_java, the C++ files that provide the "glue" between java and DB. The directory tree looks like this: db-VERSION / \ java libdb_java | | src ... | sleepycat / \ db examples | | ... ... This naming conforms to the emerging standard for naming java packages. When the java code is built, it is placed into a "classes" subdirectory that is parallel to the "src" subdirectory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BUILDING JAVA: Both db-VERSION/java and db-VERSION/libdb_java have Makefiles: Makefile.win32 Makefile.unix The java directory can be built using your make command and the appropriate Makefile. If you've never built java code before, there are two things you will need to do before issuing the make command. First, make sure the java compiler (usually "javac") is in your path. If you installed the sun JDK distribution in /usr/java , then the java tools are in the directory /usr/java/bin. Make sure your classpath is set correctly. Set your environment variable CLASSPATH to contain at least the standard class library (perhaps in /usr/java/lib/classes.zip) and add the DB classes in as well. Using the UNIX csh, this might be: setenv CLASSPATH "/usr/java/lib/classes.zip:/db-VERSION/java/classes" On Windows/95, your autoexec.bat would need to have something like: set CLASSPATH="c:/java/lib/classes.zip;c:/db-VERSION/java/classes" Note the use of semicolons on Windows. On Windows/NT, you'll set this variable in the control panel. Now you can run make to build the java directory, e.g.: cd db-VERSION/java make -f Makefile.unix =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BUILDING A SHARED LIB VERSION of DB: If you are on Windows/NT or Windows, you can build a shared lib version of DB by opening the build.win32/Berkeley_DB.dsw workspace and selecting target DB_DLL. Set the configuration to Win32 Debug, and build. Make sure there is a build.win32/Debug/libdb.dll as a result. If you are on UNIX, you will need to do a little extra work to build a shared library version of DB. By default, DB builds as a static library. If you've already built DB, you can copy your build directory to use as a work space, e.g.: % cd db-VERSION % cp -r build.unix build.shlib % cd build.shlib % make clean Now you'll need to consult your system documentation to understand how to build DB as a shared library. As UNIX architectures do not all build shared libraries the same way, DB is not distributed with support for building shared libraries. You MUST build DB as a shared library before you proceed beyond this step. For some examples of building shared library versions of DB, please see the directory SHARED.example. If you build a shared library version of DB for a compiler/architecture combination that is not represented by a file in that directory, please email it to us at db@sleepycat.com, and we'll add it to the collection. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BUILDING LIBDB_JAVA: Before building libdb_java, make sure you have a shared library version of DB (see above). On UNIX: NB: The libdb_java/Makefile.unix Makefile is written to expect that the system compiler is named "gcc" and is the GNU C compiler. In addition, it uses compiler-specific options when building. If you are using a different compiler than gcc, you'll need to modify Makefile.unix to work with it. First, edit the line at the beginning of libdb_java/Makefile.unix: JAVAINSDIR= /usr/java1.1/ Change JAVAINSDIR to be the top level directory of your java JDK tree. This is the level above the bin and include directories. Then issue a make command in the libdb_java directory: % cd db-VERSION/libdb_java % make -f Makefile.unix On Win/: Issue the nmake command in the libdb_java directory: C:\db_distribution\libdb_java> nmake /f Makefile.win32 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GENERAL USAGE NOTES: For your application to use Db successfully, you must set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include db-VERSION/java/classes as well as the classes in your java distribution. See the section above on "BUILDING JAVA" for further information. On Windows, you will want to set your PATH variable to include: db-VERSION/java/java_db;db-VERSION/build.win32/debug On UNIX, you will want to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include: db-VERSION/java/java_db;db-VERSION/build.unix These are the locations of your shared libraries. If you get a: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception when you run, chances are you do not have the PATH set up correctly. Or, of course, you may copy the built dynamic libraries (libdb and java_db) to a directory already in your path. To ensure that everything is running correctly, you may want to try a simple test from the example programs in: db-VERSION/java/src/com/sleepycat/examples (which should have been built in the "BUILDING JAVA" section above): % java com.sleepycat.examples.AccessExample This example program will prompt for text input lines which are then stored with their reversed text in a simple Btree named "db.access" in your current directly. Try giving it two lines of text and then end-of-file. Before it exits, you should see the reversed text. If you run it again, lines will be there from your previous run. This is an excellent check to make sure the fundamental things are working right. NOTE: when you run some of the other examples on Solaris, you may get an "rmutex" libc error message. This is a known bug in Solaris 2.5, and it is fixed by Sun patch 103187-25. See the Sleepycat Software Release FAQ web page (www.sleepycat.com) for further information on this problem. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PROGRAMMING NOTES: The API closely parallels the DB/C++ interface, and to a great degree, the DB C interface. If you are currently using either of those APIs, there will be very little to surprise you in Java DB. We've even taken great care to make the names of classes, constants, methods, and even method arguments identical, where possible, across all three APIs. If there are embedded null strings in the db_config argument for DbEnv.appinit(), they will be treated as the end of the list of config strings, even though you may have allocated a longer array. Fill in all the strings in your array unless you intend to cut it short. The callback installed for DbEnv.set_errcall will run in the same thread as the caller to DbEnv.set_errcall. Make sure that thread remains running until your application exits or DbEnv.appexit() is called. The DB package requires that you explicitly call close on each individual Db, Dbc that you obtained or any DbLocktab or DbTxnMgr that you explicitly opened. Your database activity may not be synchronized to disk unless you do so. The DbMpool class has a small subset of the corresponding DB/C++ functionality. This has been provided to allow you to perform certain administrative actions on underlying MPOOL's opened as a consequence of DbEnv.appinit(). Direct access to other MPOOL functionality is not appropriate for the Java environment. The Java runtime DOES NOT automatically close Db* objects on finalization, whether they be Db, Dbc, DbTxn, etc. There are a couple reasons for this. One is that finalization is generally run only when GC occurs and there is no guarantee that this occurs at all (even on exit). Allowing specific DB actions to occur in ways that cannot be replicated seems wrong. Secondly, finalization of objects may happen in an arbitrary order, so we would have to do a lot of extra bookkeeping to make sure everything got closed in the proper order. The best word of advice is to always do a close() for any matching open() call or equivalent. DbEnv.appinit() always turns on the DB_THREAD flag since threads are commonly used in Java.