/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var timer = require("sdk/timers"); var { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome"); function onBrowserLoad(callback, event) { if (event.target && event.target.defaultView == this) { this.removeEventListener("load", onBrowserLoad, true); let browsers = this.document.getElementsByTagName("tabbrowser"); try { timer.setTimeout(function (window) { callback(window, browsers[0]); }, 10, this); } catch (e) { console.exception(e); } } } // Utility function to open a new browser window. function openBrowserWindow(callback, url) { let ww = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher); let urlString = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); urlString.data = url; let window = ww.openWindow(null, "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", urlString); if (callback) window.addEventListener("load", onBrowserLoad.bind(window, callback), true); return window; } // Helper for calling code at window close function closeBrowserWindow(window, callback) { timer.setTimeout(function() { window.addEventListener("unload", function onUnload() { window.removeEventListener("unload", onUnload, false); callback(); }, false); window.close(); }, 0); } // Helper for opening two windows at once function openTwoWindows(callback) { openBrowserWindow(function (window1) { openBrowserWindow(function (window2) { callback(window1, window2); }); }); } // Helper for closing two windows at once function closeTwoWindows(window1, window2, callback) { closeBrowserWindow(window1, function() { closeBrowserWindow(window2, callback); }); } exports.testAddTab = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); openBrowserWindow(function(window, browser) { const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); let cache = []; let windowUtils = require("sdk/deprecated/window-utils"); new windowUtils.WindowTracker({ onTrack: function(win) { cache.push(win); }, onUntrack: function(win) { cache.splice(cache.indexOf(win), 1) } }); let startWindowCount = cache.length; // Test 1: add a tab let firstUrl = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,one"; tabBrowser.addTab(firstUrl, { onLoad: function(e) { let win1 = cache[startWindowCount - 1]; test.assertEqual(win1.content.location, firstUrl, "URL of new tab in first window matches"); // Test 2: add a tab in a new window let secondUrl = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,two"; tabBrowser.addTab(secondUrl, { inNewWindow: true, onLoad: function(e) { test.assertEqual(cache.length, startWindowCount + 1, "a new window was opened"); let win2 = cache[startWindowCount]; let gBrowser = win2.gBrowser; gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onLoad(e) { gBrowser.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad, false); test.assertEqual(win2.content.location, secondUrl, "URL of new tab in the new window matches"); closeBrowserWindow(win2, function() { closeBrowserWindow(win1, function() { test.done(); }); }); }, false); } }); } }); }); }; exports.testTrackerWithDelegate = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); var delegate = { state: "initializing", onTrack: function onTrack(browser) { if (this.state == "initializing") { this.state = "waiting for browser window to open"; } else if (this.state == "waiting for browser window to open") { this.state = "waiting for browser window to close"; timer.setTimeout(function() { closeBrowserWindow(browser.ownerDocument.defaultView, function() { test.assertEqual(delegate.state, "deinitializing"); tb.unload(); test.done(); }); }, 0); } else test.fail("invalid state"); }, onUntrack: function onUntrack(browser) { if (this.state == "waiting for browser window to close") { test.pass("proper state in onUntrack"); this.state = "deinitializing"; } else if (this.state != "deinitializing") test.fail("invalid state"); } }; var tb = new tabBrowser.Tracker(delegate); delegate.state = "waiting for browser window to open"; openBrowserWindow(); }; exports.testWhenContentLoaded = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); var tracker = tabBrowser.whenContentLoaded( function(window) { var item = window.document.getElementById("foo"); test.assertEqual(item.textContent, "bar", "whenContentLoaded() works."); tracker.unload(); closeBrowserWindow(activeWindow(), function() { test.done(); }); }); openBrowserWindow(function(browserWindow, browser) { var html = '
'; browser.addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + html); }); }; exports.testTrackerWithoutDelegate = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); openBrowserWindow(function(browserWindow, browser) { var tb = new tabBrowser.Tracker(); if (tb.length == 0) test.fail("expect at least one tab browser to exist."); for (var i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) test.assertEqual(tb.get(i).nodeName, "tabbrowser", "get() method and length prop should work"); for (var b in tb) test.assertEqual(b.nodeName, "tabbrowser", "iterator should work"); var matches = [b for (b in tb) if (b == browser)]; test.assertEqual(matches.length, 1, "New browser should be in tracker."); tb.unload(); closeBrowserWindow(browserWindow, function() { test.done(); }); }); }; exports.testTabTracker = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); openBrowserWindow(function(browserWindow, browser) { var delegate = { tracked: 0, onTrack: function(tab) { this.tracked++; }, onUntrack: function(tab) { this.tracked--; } }; let tabTracker = tabBrowser.TabTracker(delegate); let tracked = delegate.tracked; let url1 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,1"; let url2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,2"; let url3 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,3"; let tabCount = 0; function tabLoadListener(e) { let loadedURL = e.target.defaultView.location; if (loadedURL == url1) tabCount++; else if (loadedURL == url2) tabCount++; else if (loadedURL == url3) tabCount++; if (tabCount == 3) { test.assertEqual(delegate.tracked, tracked + 3, "delegate tracked tabs matched count"); tabTracker.unload(); closeBrowserWindow(browserWindow, function() { timer.setTimeout(function() test.done(), 0); }); } } tabBrowser.addTab(url1, { onLoad: tabLoadListener }); tabBrowser.addTab(url2, { onLoad: tabLoadListener }); tabBrowser.addTab(url3, { onLoad: tabLoadListener }); }); }; exports.testActiveTab = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); openBrowserWindow(function(browserWindow, browser) { const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); const TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; let tm = new TabModule(browserWindow); test.assertEqual(tm.length, 1); let url1 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo"; let url2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,bar"; function tabURL(tab) tab.ownerDocument.defaultView.content.location.toString() tabBrowser.addTab(url1, { onLoad: function(e) { // make sure we're running in the right window. test.assertEqual(tabBrowser.activeTab.ownerDocument.defaultView, browserWindow, "active window matches"); browserWindow.focus(); test.assertEqual(tabURL(tabBrowser.activeTab), url1, "url1 matches"); let tabIndex = browser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(e.target); let tabAtIndex = browser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(tabIndex); test.assertEqual(tabAtIndex, tabBrowser.activeTab, "activeTab element matches"); tabBrowser.addTab(url2, { inBackground: true, onLoad: function() { test.assertEqual(tabURL(tabBrowser.activeTab), url1, "url1 still matches"); let tabAtIndex = browser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(tabIndex); test.assertEqual(tabAtIndex, tabBrowser.activeTab, "activeTab element matches"); closeBrowserWindow(browserWindow, function() { test.done() }); } }); } }); }); }; // TabModule tests exports.testEventsAndLengthStayInModule = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; openTwoWindows(function(window1, window2) { let tm1 = new TabModule(window1); let tm2 = new TabModule(window2); let counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0; let counterTabs = 0; function onOpenListener() { ++counterTabs; if (counterTabs < 5) return; test.assertEqual(counter1, 2, "Correct number of events fired from window 1"); test.assertEqual(counter2, 3, "Correct number of events fired from window 2"); test.assertEqual(counterTabs, 5, "Correct number of events fired from all windows"); test.assertEqual(tm1.length, 3, "Correct number of tabs in window 1"); test.assertEqual(tm2.length, 4, "Correct number of tabs in window 2"); closeTwoWindows(window1, window2, function() test.done()); } tm1.onOpen = function() ++counter1 && onOpenListener(); tm2.onOpen = function() ++counter2 && onOpenListener(); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,default"; tm1.open(url); tm1.open(url); tm2.open(url); tm2.open(url); tm2.open(url); }); } exports.testTabModuleActiveTab_getterAndSetter = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; openTwoWindows(function(window1, window2) { let tm1 = new TabModule(window1); let tm2 = new TabModule(window2); // First open two tabs per window tm1.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,window1,tab1", onOpen: function(tab1) { tm1.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,window1,tab2", onOpen: function (tab2) { tm2.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,window2,tab1", onOpen: function (tab3) { tm2.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,window2,tab2", onOpen: function(tab4) { onTabsOpened(tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4); } }); } }); } }); } }); // Then try to activate tabs, but wait for all of them to be activated after // being opened function onTabsOpened(tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4) { test.assertEqual(tm1.activeTab.title, "window1,tab2", "Correct active tab on window 1"); test.assertEqual(tm2.activeTab.title, "window2,tab2", "Correct active tab on window 2"); tm1.onActivate = function onActivate() { tm1.onActivate.remove(onActivate); timer.setTimeout(function() { test.assertEqual(tm1.activeTab.title, "window1,tab1", "activeTab setter works (window 1)"); test.assertEqual(tm2.activeTab.title, "window2,tab2", "activeTab is ignored with tabs from another window"); closeTwoWindows(window1, window2, function() test.done()); }, 1000); } tm1.activeTab = tab1; // Setting activeTab from another window should have no effect: tm1.activeTab = tab4; } }); } // test tabs iterator exports.testTabModuleTabsIterator = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; openBrowserWindow(function(window) { let tm1 = new TabModule(window); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,default"; tm1.open(url); tm1.open(url); tm1.open({ url: url, onOpen: function(tab) { let count = 0; for each (let t in tm1) count++; test.assertEqual(count, 4, "iterated tab count matches"); test.assertEqual(count, tm1.length, "length tab count matches"); closeBrowserWindow(window, function() test.done()); } }); }); }; // inNewWindow parameter is ignored on single-window modules exports.testTabModuleCantOpenInNewWindow = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; openBrowserWindow(function(window) { let tm = new TabModule(window); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,default"; tm.open({ url: url, inNewWindow: true, onOpen: function() { test.assertEqual(tm.length, 2, "Tab was open on same window"); closeBrowserWindow(window, function() test.done()); } }); }); }; // Test that having two modules attached to the same // window won't duplicate events fired on each module exports.testModuleListenersDontInteract = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let TabModule = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser").TabModule; openBrowserWindow(function(window) { let tm1 = new TabModule(window); let tm2 = new TabModule(window); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo"; let eventCount = 0, eventModule1 = 0, eventModule2 = 0; let listener1 = function() { // this should be called twice: when tab is open and when // the url location is changed eventCount++; eventModule1++; } tm1.onReady = listener1; tm2.open({ url: "about:blank", onOpen: function(tab) { // add listener via property assignment let listener2 = function() { eventCount++; eventModule2++; }; tab.onReady = listener2; // add listener via collection add let listener3 = function() { eventCount++; eventModule2++; }; tab.onReady.add(listener3); tab.location = url; test.waitUntilEqual(function () eventCount, 4, "Correct global number of events") .then(function () { test.assertEqual(eventModule1, 2, "Correct number of events on module 1"); test.assertEqual(eventModule2, 2, "Correct number of events on module 2"); tm1.onReady.remove(listener1); tab.onReady.remove(listener2); tab.onReady.remove(listener3); closeBrowserWindow(window, function() test.done()); }); } }); }); }; /******************* helpers *********************/ // Helper for getting the active window function activeWindow() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator). getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); }; // If the module doesn't support the app we're being run in, require() will // throw. In that case, remove all tests above from exports, and add one dummy // test that passes. try { require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser"); } catch (err) { if (!/^Unsupported Application/.test(err.message)) throw err; module.exports = { testAppNotSupported: function (test) { test.pass(err.message); } }; }