# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # What some of the global variables mean: # lastgoodtimestamp -- the timestamp when we last knew we had a good tree. # closetimestamp -- when the tree was closed. When we open, it probably # becomes the lastgoodtimestamp set cvscommand /tools/ns/bin/cvs set rlogcommand /tools/ns/bin/rlog set rcsdiffcommand /tools/ns/bin/rcsdiff set cocommand /tools/ns/bin/co set sendmailcommand /usr/lib/sendmail set lxr_base http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/lxr/source set mozilla_lxr_kludge TRUE set cvsadmin terry@mozilla.org set userdomain nowhere.nowhere set mysqluser nobody set mysqlpassword "" set ldapserver nsdirectory.netscape.com set ldapport 389 if {![info exists env(TZ)] || [cequal $env(TZ) ""]} { # Shouldn't have to do this! Something busted on warp, I think. set env(TZ) PST8PDT } # BUGSYSTEMEXPR is something that may be redefined in data/configdata, which # will define what to use in the replacement part of a regsub to quote bug # numbers that appear in the system. set BUGSYSTEMEXPR {&} set treeid {default} if {[info exists tcl_version] && $tcl_version >= 8.0} { # The below tclX functions moved into the main TCL codebase in version 8, # but their names changed. So, we cope. Note that these conversion # routines only cover Bonsai's current use of these routines, not all # possible uses. proc getclock {} { return [clock seconds] } proc convertclock {str args} { if {[lindex $args 0] == "GMT"} { return [clock scan $str -gmt 1] } return [clock scan $str] } # proc fmtclock {date args} { # } } proc NOTDEF {foo} { } proc ConnectToDatabase {} { global mysqlhandle mysqluser mysqlpassword if {![info exists mysqlhandle]} { if { $mysqlpassword == "" } { if { $mysqluser == "" } { set mysqlhandle [mysqlconnect] } else { set mysqlhandle [mysqlconnect -user "$mysqluser"] } } else { set mysqlhandle [mysqlconnect -user "$mysqluser" -password "$mysqlpassword"] } mysqluse $mysqlhandle "bonsai" } } proc DisconnectFromDatabase {} { global mysqlhandle if {[info exists mysqlhandle]} { mysqlclose $mysqlhandle unset mysqlhandle } } proc SendSQL { str } { # puts $str global mysqlhandle errorInfo if {[catch {mysqlsel $mysqlhandle $str} errmsg]} { puts $str error "$errmsg - $str" $errorInfo } return 0 } proc MoreSQLData {} { global mysqlhandle set result [mysqlresult $mysqlhandle "rows?"] return [expr ![cequal $result ""] && $result > 0] } proc FetchSQLData {} { global mysqlhandle return [mysqlnext $mysqlhandle] } proc SqlQuote {str} { regsub -all "'" $str "''" str # # This next line is quoting hell. One level of quoting comes from # the TCL interpreter, and another level comes from TCL's regular # expression parser. It really works out to "change every # backslash to two backslashes". regsub -all "\\\\" $str "\\\\\\\\" str return $str } # proc GetId {table field value} { # global lastidcache # if {[info exists lastidcache($table)]} { # lassign lastidcache($table) cval id # if {[cequal $value $cval]} { # return $id # } # } # set qvalue [SqlQuote $value] # SendSQL "select id from $table where $field = '$qvalue'" # set result [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0] # if {[cequal $result ""]} { # SendSQL "insert into $table ($field) values ('$qvalue')" # SendSQL "select LAST_INSERT_ID()" # set result [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0] # } # set lastidcache($table) [list $value $result] # return $result # } proc GetId {table field value} { global lastidcache if {[info exists lastidcache($table,$field,$value)]} { set id $lastidcache($table,$field,$value) return $id } set qvalue [SqlQuote $value] SendSQL "select id from $table where $field = '$qvalue'" set result [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0] if {[cequal $result ""]} { SendSQL "insert into $table ($field) values ('$qvalue')" SendSQL "select LAST_INSERT_ID()" set result [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0] } set lastidcache($table,$field,$value) $result return $result } set lastdescription { } set lastdescriptionid 0 proc AddToDatabase {lines desc} { global lastdescription lastdescriptionid if {[clength $desc] > 60000} { set desc [crange $desc 0 60000] } set desc [string trimright $desc] if {[cequal $desc $lastdescription]} { set descid $lastdescriptionid } else { set descid {} } set basequery "replace into checkins(type,when,whoid,repositoryid,dirid," append basequery "fileid,revision,stickytag,branchid,addedlines," append basequery "removedlines,descid) values (" foreach line [split $lines "\n"] { if {[cequal $line ""]} { continue } lassign [split $line "|"] chtype date name repository dir \ file version sticky branch addlines removelines Log "line <$line> date <$date>" regsub {^T} $branch {} branch regsub {/$} $dir {} dir if {[cequal $addlines ""]} { set addlines 0 } if {[cequal $removelines ""]} { set removelines 0 } if {[catch {set removelines [expr abs($removelines)]}]} { continue } if {[catch {set date [fmtclock $date {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}]}]} { continue } if {[cequal $descid ""]} { set quoted [SqlQuote $desc] SendSQL "select distinct descid from checkins,descs where when = '$date' and descs.id = descid and descs.description = '$quoted'" if {![MoreSQLData]} { SendSQL "insert into descs (description) values ('$quoted')" SendSQL "select LAST_INSERT_ID()" } set descid [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0] set lastdescriptionid $descid set lastdescription $desc } set query $basequery switch $chtype { "C" { append query "'Change'" } "A" { append query "'Append'" } "R" { append query "'Remove'" } default { append query "NULL" } } append query ",'$date'" append query ",[GetId people who $name]" append query ",[GetId repositories repository $repository]" append query ",[GetId dirs dir $dir]" append query ",[GetId files file $file]" append query ",'[SqlQuote $version]'" append query ",'[SqlQuote $sticky]'" append query ",[GetId branches branch $branch]" append query ",$addlines" append query ",$removelines" append query ",$descid)" SendSQL $query } } proc assert {arg} { set result [uplevel 1 expr $arg] if {!$result} { error "Bad assertion $arg" } } set lockcount 0 proc html_quote {var} { regsub -all {&} "$var" {\&} var regsub -all {<} "$var" {\<} var regsub -all {>} "$var" {\>} var return $var } proc url_quote_char {c} { scan $c "%c" value if {$value <= 32 || [regexp {[ %=&?]} $c]} { return [format "%%%02x" $value] } return $c } proc url_quote {var} { set result "" foreach c [split $var ""] { append result [url_quote_char $c] } return $result } proc DataDir {} { global treeid if {[cequal $treeid "default"]} { return data } else { return data/$treeid } } proc Lock {} { global lockcount lockfid if {$lockcount <= 0} { set lockcount 0 if {[catch {set lockfid [open "data/lockfile" "a"]}]} { catch {mkdir data} catch {chmod 0777 data} set lockfid [open "data/lockfile" "a"] } flock -write $lockfid catch {chmod 0666 data/lockfile} } incr lockcount } proc Unlock {} { global lockcount lockfid incr lockcount -1 if {$lockcount <= 0} { funlock $lockfid close $lockfid } } proc LoadDirList {} { global legaldirs treeid treeinfo set legaldirs {} if {![info exists treeinfo($treeid,repository)]} { LoadTreeConfig } set modules $treeinfo($treeid,repository)/CVSROOT/modules set dirsfile [DataDir]/legaldirs if {[file exists $modules]} { if {![file exists $dirsfile] || [file mtime $dirsfile] < [file mtime $modules]} { catch {exec ./createlegaldirs.tcl $treeid} } } Lock for_file line $dirsfile { lappend legaldirs $line } Unlock } proc PickNewBatchID {} { global batchid incr batchid Lock set fid [open [DataDir]/batchid "w"] puts $fid "set batchid $batchid" close $fid Unlock } set readonly 0 proc LoadCheckins {} { global batchid treeopen checkinlist global lastgoodtimestamp closetimestamp assert {![info exists checkinlist]} Lock if {![info exists batchid]} { set filename "[DataDir]/batchid" if {![file exists $filename]} { set fid [open $filename "w"] chmod 0666 $filename puts $fid "set batchid 1" close $fid } uplevel #0 source $filename } set filename [DataDir]/batch-$batchid if {[file exists $filename]} { uplevel #0 source $filename } Unlock if {![info exists checkinlist]} { set checkinlist {} } if {![info exists treeopen]} { set treeopen 1 } foreach t {lastgoodtimestamp closetimestamp} { if {![info exists $t]} { set $t [convertclock "1/1/70"] } } } proc WriteCheckins {} { global batchid checkinlist treeopen readonly global lastgoodtimestamp closetimestamp if {$readonly} { puts "

Can't write checkins file; not viewing" puts "current info." return } set filename [DataDir]/temp-[id process] set fid [open $filename "w"] chmod 0666 $filename # Hack to make person be an empty array: set person(xyzzy) 1 unset person(xyzzy) foreach i {treeopen lastgoodtimestamp closetimestamp checkinlist} { puts $fid [list set $i [set $i]] } foreach c $checkinlist { upvar #0 $c info foreach i [lsort [array names info]] { puts $fid [list set [set c]($i) $info($i)] } set person($info(person)) 1 } close $fid Lock set filedest [DataDir]/batch-$batchid if {[file exists $filedest]} { unlink $filedest } frename $filename $filedest set fid [open $filename "w"] chmod 0666 $filename foreach i [lsort [array names person]] { puts $fid [EmailFromUsername $i] } puts $fid "bonsai-hookinterest@glacier" puts $fid "mcom.dev.client.build.busted" close $fid frename $filename [DataDir]/hooklist Unlock } proc ConstructMailTo {name subject} { return "Send mail to $name" } proc Log {str} { Lock set filename "[DataDir]/logfile" set fid [open $filename "a"] catch {chmod 0666 $filename} puts $fid "[fmtclock [getclock] "%D %H:%M"] $str" close $fid Unlock } proc GenerateProfileHTML {name} { global ldapserver ldapport foreach i { {cn Name} {mail E-mail} {telephonenumber Phone} {pager Pager} {nscpcurcontactinfo {Contact Info}} } { lassign $i n t lappend namelist $n set title($n) $t set value($n) "" } if {[catch {set fid [open "|./data/ldapsearch -b \"dc=netscape,dc=com\" -h $ldapserver -p $ldapport -s sub \"(mail=$name@netscape.com)\" $namelist" r]} errinfo]} { return "Error -- Couldn't contact the directory server.

" } set result "" while {[gets $fid line] >= 0} { if {[regexp -- {^([a-z]*): (.*)$} $line foo n v]} { lappend value($n) $v } } if {[catch {close $fid} errinfo]} { return "Error -- problem running ldapsearch.
" } foreach i $namelist { foreach v $value($i) { append result "" append result "" } } append result "
" return $result } proc MyFmtClock {time} { return [fmtclock $time "%D %T"] } proc LoadMOTD {} { global motd Lock set motd {} if {[file exists [DataDir]/motd]} { uplevel #0 source [DataDir]/motd } Unlock } proc WriteMOTD {} { global motd Lock set fid [open [DataDir]/motd "w"] catch {chmod 0666 [DataDir]/motd} puts $fid [list set motd $motd] close $fid Unlock } proc LoadWhiteboard {} { global whiteboard origwhiteboard set whiteboard {} Lock if {[file exists [DataDir]/whiteboard]} { set whiteboard [read_file [DataDir]/whiteboard] } Unlock set origwhiteboard $whiteboard } proc WriteWhiteboard {} { global whiteboard origwhiteboard if {![cequal $origwhiteboard $whiteboard]} { Lock set filename "[DataDir]/whiteboard" if {[file exists $filename]} { catch {unlink $filename} } set fid [open $filename w] puts $fid $whiteboard close $fid catch {chmod 0666 $filename} Unlock } } proc LoadTreeConfig {} { global treelist treeinfo Lock set treelist {} catch {unset treeinfo} set filename data/configdata if {[file exists $filename]} { uplevel #0 source $filename } Unlock } proc Pluralize {str num} { if {$num == 1} { return $str } else { return "[set str]s" } } proc MailDiffs {name oldstr newstr} { if {[cequal $oldstr $newstr]} { return } set old "data/old[set name].[id process]" set new "data/new[set name].[id process]" set diffs data/diffs.[id process] set fid [open $old "w"] puts $fid $oldstr close $fid set fid [open $new "w"] puts $fid $newstr close $fid catch {exec diff -c -b $old $new > $diffs} set difftext [read_file $diffs] if {[clength $difftext] > 3} { set text "From: bonsai-daemon To: bonsai-messageinterest@glacier, mcom.dev.client.build.busted Subject: [SubjectTag] Changes made to $name Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain $difftext " global sendmailcommand exec $sendmailcommand -t << $text } unlink $old unlink $new unlink $diffs } proc PrettyDelta {delta} { set result "" set oneday [expr 24*60*60] if {$delta > $oneday} { set numdays [$delta / $oneday] append result " $numdays day" if {$numdays > 1} { append result "s" } set delta [expr $delta % $oneday] } set onehour [expr 60*60] set numhours [expr $delta / $onehour] if {$numhours > 0} { append result " $numhours hour" if {$numhours > 1} { append result "s" } set delta [expr $delta % $onehour] } set oneminute 60 set numminutes [expr $delta / $oneminute] if {$numminutes > 0} { append result " $numminutes minute" if {$numminutes > 1} { append result "s" } set delta [expr $delta % $oneminute] } if {$delta > 0} { append result " $delta second" if {$delta > 1} { append result "s" } } return $result } # Generate a string to put at the head of a subject of an e-mail. proc SubjectTag {} { global treeid if {[cequal $treeid default]} { return {[Bonsai]} } else { return "\[Bonsai-$treeid\]" } } # Confirm that the given password is right. If not, generate HTML and exit. proc CheckGlobalPassword {password {encoded {}}} { set fid [open data/passwd "r"] set correct [string trim [read $fid]] close $fid if {[clength $encoded] == 0} { set encoded [string trim [exec ./data/trapdoor $password]] } if {![cequal $correct $encoded]} { puts "Bzzzzt!" puts "

Invalid password.

" puts "Please click the Back button and try again." Log "Invalid admin password entered." exit } } proc CheckPassword {password} { set encoded [string trim [exec ./data/trapdoor $password]] set f [DataDir]/treepasswd set correct "xxx $encoded" if {[file exists $f]} { set fid [open $f "r"] set correct [string trim [read $fid]] close $fid } if {![cequal $correct $encoded]} { CheckGlobalPassword $password $encoded } } proc ParseTimeAndCheck {timestr} { if {[catch {set result [convertclock $timestr]}]} { puts " Time trap

Can't grok the time

You entered a time of $timestr, and I can't understand it. Please hit Back and try again." exit } return $result } proc MungeTagName {name} { set result "" foreach c [split $name ""] { scan $c "%c" value if {$value <= 32 || [regexp {[ %/?*]} $c]} { append result [format "%%%02x" $value] } else { append result $c } } return $result } # Given a person's username, get back their full email address. # ### This needs to be paramaterized... proc EmailFromUsername {name} { regsub {%} $name {@} name if {[string first "@" $name] < 0} { append name "@netscape.com" } return $name }