This crate provides an implementation of the [Aho-Corasick]( algorithm. Its intended use case is for fast substring matching, particularly when matching multiple substrings in a search text. This is achieved by compiling the substrings into a finite state machine. This implementation provides optimal algorithmic time complexity. Construction of the finite state machine is `O(p)` where `p` is the length of the substrings concatenated. Matching against search text is `O(n + p + m)`, where `n` is the length of the search text and `m` is the number of matches. [![Build status](]( [![](]( Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE]( ### Documentation []( ### Example The documentation contains several examples, and there is a more complete example as a full program in `examples/`. Here is a quick example showing simple substring matching: ```rust use aho_corasick::{Automaton, AcAutomaton, Match}; let aut = AcAutomaton::new(vec!["apple", "maple"]); let mut it = aut.find("I like maple apples."); assert_eq!(, Some(Match { pati: 1, start: 7, end: 12, })); assert_eq!(, Some(Match { pati: 0, start: 13, end: 18, })); assert_eq!(, None); ``` ### Alternatives Aho-Corasick is useful for matching multiple substrings against many long strings. If your long string is fixed, then you might consider building a [suffix array]( of the search text (which takes `O(n)` time). Matches can then be found in `O(plogn)` time.