# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import datetime import errno import json import os import posixpath import re import requests import six.moves.urllib_parse as urlparse import subprocess import threading import traceback import mozpack.path as mozpath from moztest.resolve import TestResolver, TestManifestLoader from mozfile import which from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject, MachCommandConditions as conditions ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT = 10000 MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY = 5 MAX_ACTIVEDATA_RETRIES = 5 REFERER = 'https://wiki.developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Test-Info' class TestInfo(object): """ Support 'mach test-info'. """ def __init__(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.build_obj = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here) self.total_activedata_seconds = 0 def log_verbose(self, what): if self.verbose: print(what) def activedata_query(self, query): start_time = datetime.datetime.now() self.log_verbose(start_time) self.log_verbose(json.dumps(query)) response = requests.post("http://activedata.allizom.org/query", data=json.dumps(query), headers={'referer': REFERER}, stream=True) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() self.total_activedata_seconds += (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() self.log_verbose(end_time) self.log_verbose(response) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json()["data"] self.log_verbose("response length: %d" % len(data)) return data class ActiveDataThread(threading.Thread): """ A thread to query ActiveData and wait for its response. """ def __init__(self, name, ti, query, context): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.ti = ti self.query = query self.context = context self.response = None def run(self): attempt = 1 while attempt < MAX_ACTIVEDATA_RETRIES and not self.response: try: self.response = self.ti.activedata_query(self.query) if not self.response: self.ti.log_verbose("%s: no data received for query" % self.name) self.response = [] break except Exception: self.ti.log_verbose("%s: Exception on attempt #%d:" % (self.name, attempt)) traceback.print_exc() attempt += 1 class TestInfoTests(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info tests': Detailed report of specified tests. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) self._hg = None if conditions.is_hg(self.build_obj): self._hg = which('hg') if not self._hg: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'hg' on PATH.") self._git = None if conditions.is_git(self.build_obj): self._git = which('git') if not self._git: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'git' on PATH.") def find_in_hg_or_git(self, test_name): if self._hg: cmd = [self._hg, 'files', '-I', test_name] elif self._git: cmd = [self._git, 'ls-files', test_name] else: return None try: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True).splitlines() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: out = None return out def set_test_name(self): # Generating a unified report for a specific test is complicated # by differences in the test name used in various data sources. # Consider: # - It is often convenient to request a report based only on # a short file name, rather than the full path; # - Bugs may be filed in bugzilla against a simple, short test # name or the full path to the test; # - In ActiveData, the full path is usually used, but sometimes # also includes additional path components outside of the # mercurial repo (common for reftests). # This function attempts to find appropriate names for different # queries based on the specified test name. # full_test_name is full path to file in hg (or git) self.full_test_name = None out = self.find_in_hg_or_git(self.test_name) if out and len(out) == 1: self.full_test_name = out[0] elif out and len(out) > 1: print("Ambiguous test name specified. Found:") for line in out: print(line) else: out = self.find_in_hg_or_git('**/%s*' % self.test_name) if out and len(out) == 1: self.full_test_name = out[0] elif out and len(out) > 1: print("Ambiguous test name. Found:") for line in out: print(line) if self.full_test_name: self.full_test_name.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) print("Found %s in source control." % self.full_test_name) else: print("Unable to validate test name '%s'!" % self.test_name) self.full_test_name = self.test_name # search for full_test_name in test manifests here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader) relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(self.full_test_name).relpath() tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=[relpath])) if len(tests) == 1: relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(tests[0]['manifest']).relpath() print("%s found in manifest %s" % (self.full_test_name, relpath)) if tests[0].get('flavor'): print(" flavor: %s" % tests[0]['flavor']) if tests[0].get('skip-if'): print(" skip-if: %s" % tests[0]['skip-if']) if tests[0].get('fail-if'): print(" fail-if: %s" % tests[0]['fail-if']) elif len(tests) == 0: print("%s not found in any test manifest!" % self.full_test_name) else: print("%s found in more than one manifest!" % self.full_test_name) # short_name is full_test_name without path self.short_name = None name_idx = self.full_test_name.rfind('/') if name_idx > 0: self.short_name = self.full_test_name[name_idx + 1:] if self.short_name and self.short_name == self.test_name: self.short_name = None if not (self.show_results or self.show_durations or self.show_tasks): # no need to determine ActiveData name if not querying return def set_activedata_test_name(self): # activedata_test_name is name in ActiveData self.activedata_test_name = None simple_names = [ self.full_test_name, self.test_name, self.short_name ] simple_names = [x for x in simple_names if x] searches = [ {"in": {"result.test": simple_names}}, ] regex_names = [".*%s.*" % re.escape(x) for x in simple_names if x] for r in regex_names: searches.append({"regexp": {"result.test": r}}) query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 10, "groupby": ["result.test"], "where": {"and": [ {"or": searches}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } print("Querying ActiveData...") # Following query can take a long time data = self.activedata_query(query) if data and len(data) > 0: self.activedata_test_name = [ d['result']['test'] for p in simple_names + regex_names for d in data if re.match(p + "$", d['result']['test']) ][0] # first match is best match if self.activedata_test_name: print("Found records matching '%s' in ActiveData." % self.activedata_test_name) else: print("Unable to find matching records in ActiveData; using %s!" % self.test_name) self.activedata_test_name = self.test_name def get_platform(self, record): if 'platform' in record['build']: platform = record['build']['platform'] else: platform = "-" platform_words = platform.split('-') types_label = "" # combine run and build types and eliminate duplicates run_types = [] if 'run' in record and 'type' in record['run']: run_types = record['run']['type'] run_types = run_types if isinstance(run_types, list) else [run_types] build_types = [] if 'build' in record and 'type' in record['build']: build_types = record['build']['type'] build_types = build_types if isinstance(build_types, list) else [build_types] run_types = list(set(run_types+build_types)) # '1proc' is used as a treeherder label but does not appear in run types if 'e10s' not in run_types: run_types = run_types + ['1proc'] for run_type in run_types: # chunked is not interesting if run_type == 'chunked': continue # e10s is the default: implied if run_type == 'e10s': continue # sometimes a build/run type is already present in the build platform if run_type in platform_words: continue if types_label: types_label += "-" types_label += run_type return "%s/%s:" % (platform, types_label) def report_test_results(self): # Report test pass/fail summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 100, "groupby": ["build.platform", "build.type"], "select": [ {"aggregate": "count"}, { "name": "failures", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.ok": "F"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 }, { "name": "skips", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.status": "SKIP"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 }, {"value": "run.type", "aggregate": "union"} ], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } print("\nTest results for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) data = self.activedata_query(query) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) worst_rate = 0.0 worst_platform = None total_runs = 0 total_failures = 0 for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform.startswith("-"): continue runs = record['count'] total_runs = total_runs + runs failures = record.get('failures', 0) skips = record.get('skips', 0) total_failures = total_failures + failures rate = (float)(failures) / runs if rate >= worst_rate: worst_rate = rate worst_platform = platform worst_failures = failures worst_runs = runs print("%-40s %6d failures (%6d skipped) in %6d runs" % ( platform, failures, skips, runs)) print("\nTotal: %d failures in %d runs or %.3f failures/run" % (total_failures, total_runs, (float)(total_failures) / total_runs)) if worst_failures > 0: print("Worst rate on %s %d failures in %d runs or %.3f failures/run" % (worst_platform, worst_failures, worst_runs, worst_rate)) else: print("No test result data found.") def report_test_durations(self): # Report test durations summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 100, "groupby": ["build.platform", "build.type"], "select": [ {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "average", "name": "average"}, {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "min", "name": "min"}, {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "max", "name": "max"}, {"aggregate": "count"}, {"value": "run.type", "aggregate": "union"} ], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.ok": "T"}}, {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTest durations for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform.startswith("-"): continue print("%-40s %6.2f s (%.2f s - %.2f s over %d runs)" % ( platform, record['average'], record['min'], record['max'], record['count'])) else: print("No test durations found.") def report_test_tasks(self): # Report test tasks summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 1000, "select": ["build.platform", "build.type", "run.type", "run.name"], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTest tasks for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) consolidated = {} for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform not in consolidated: consolidated[platform] = {} if record['run']['name'] in consolidated[platform]: consolidated[platform][record['run']['name']] += 1 else: consolidated[platform][record['run']['name']] = 1 for key in sorted(consolidated.keys()): tasks = "" for task in consolidated[key].keys(): if tasks: tasks += "\n%-40s " % "" tasks += task tasks += " in %d runs" % consolidated[key][task] print("%-40s %s" % (key, tasks)) else: print("No test tasks found.") def report_bugs(self): # Report open bugs matching test name search = self.full_test_name if self.test_name: search = '%s,%s' % (search, self.test_name) if self.short_name: search = '%s,%s' % (search, self.short_name) payload = {'quicksearch': search, 'include_fields': 'id,summary'} response = requests.get('https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/rest/bug', payload) response.raise_for_status() json_response = response.json() print("\nBugzilla quick search for '%s':" % search) if 'bugs' in json_response: for bug in json_response['bugs']: print("Bug %s: %s" % (bug['id'], bug['summary'])) else: print("No bugs found.") def report(self, test_names, branches, start, end, show_info, show_results, show_durations, show_tasks, show_bugs): self.branches = branches self.start = start self.end = end self.show_info = show_info self.show_results = show_results self.show_durations = show_durations self.show_tasks = show_tasks if (not self.show_info and not self.show_results and not self.show_durations and not self.show_tasks and not show_bugs): # by default, show everything self.show_info = True self.show_results = True self.show_durations = True self.show_tasks = True show_bugs = True for test_name in test_names: print("===== %s =====" % test_name) self.test_name = test_name if len(self.test_name) < 6: print("'%s' is too short for a test name!" % self.test_name) continue self.set_test_name() if show_bugs: self.report_bugs() self.set_activedata_test_name() if self.show_results: self.report_test_results() if self.show_durations: self.report_test_durations() if self.show_tasks: self.report_test_tasks() class TestInfoLongRunningTasks(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info long-tasks': Summary of tasks approaching their max-run-time. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) def report(self, branches, start, end, threshold_pct, filter_threshold_pct): def get_long_running_ratio(record): count = record['count'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] return count / tasks_gt_pct # Search test durations in ActiveData for long-running tests query = { "from": "task", "format": "list", "groupby": ["run.name"], "limit": 1000, "select": [ { "value": "task.maxRunTime", "aggregate": "median", "name": "max_run_time" }, { "aggregate": "count" }, { "value": { "when": { "gt": [ { "div": ["action.duration", "task.maxRunTime"] }, threshold_pct/100.0 ] }, "then": 1 }, "aggregate": "sum", "name": "tasks_gt_pct" }, ], "where": {"and": [ {"in": {"build.branch": branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"task.run.start_time": {"date": start}}}, {"lte": {"task.run.start_time": {"date": end}}}, {"eq": {"task.state": "completed"}}, ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTasks nearing their max-run-time on %s between %s and %s" % (branches, start, end)) if data and len(data) > 0: filtered = [] for record in data: if 'tasks_gt_pct' in record: count = record['count'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] if float(tasks_gt_pct) / count > filter_threshold_pct / 100.0: filtered.append(record) filtered.sort(key=get_long_running_ratio) if not filtered: print("No long running tasks found.") for record in filtered: name = record['run']['name'] count = record['count'] max_run_time = record['max_run_time'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] print("%-55s: %d of %d runs (%.1f%%) exceeded %d%% of max-run-time (%d s)" % (name, tasks_gt_pct, count, tasks_gt_pct * 100 / count, threshold_pct, max_run_time)) else: print("No tasks found.") class TestInfoReport(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info report': Report of test runs summarized by manifest and component. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) self.total_activedata_matches = 0 self.threads = [] def add_activedata_for_suite(self, label, branches, days, suite_clause, tests_clause, path_mod): dates_clause = {"date": "today-%dday" % days} where_conditions = [ suite_clause, {"in": {"repo.branch.name": branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": dates_clause}}, ] if tests_clause: where_conditions.append(tests_clause) ad_query = { "from": "unittest", "limit": ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT, "format": "list", "groupby": ["result.test"], "select": [ { "name": "result.count", "aggregate": "count" }, { "name": "result.duration", "value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "sum" }, { "name": "result.failures", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.ok": "F"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 }, { "name": "result.skips", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.status": "SKIP"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 } ], "where": {"and": where_conditions} } t = ActiveDataThread(label, self, ad_query, path_mod) self.threads.append(t) def update_report(self, by_component, result, path_mod): def update_item(item, label, value): # It is important to include any existing item value in case ActiveData # returns multiple records for the same test; that can happen if the report # sometimes maps more than one ActiveData record to the same path. new_value = item.get(label, 0) + value if type(new_value) == int: item[label] = new_value else: item[label] = round(new_value, 2) if 'test' in result and 'tests' in by_component: test = result['test'] if path_mod: test = path_mod(test) for bc in by_component['tests']: for item in by_component['tests'][bc]: if test == item['test']: seconds = round(result.get('duration', 0), 2) update_item(item, 'total run time, seconds', seconds) update_item(item, 'total runs', result.get('count', 0)) update_item(item, 'skipped runs', result.get('skips', 0)) update_item(item, 'failed runs', result.get('failures', 0)) return True return False def collect_activedata_results(self, by_component): # Start the first MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY threads. If too many # concurrent requests are made to ActiveData, the requests frequently # fail (504 is the typical response). for i in range(min(MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY, len(self.threads))): t = self.threads[i] t.start() # Wait for running threads (first N threads in self.threads) to complete. # When a thread completes, start the next thread, process the results # from the completed thread, and remove the completed thread from # the thread list. while len(self.threads): running_threads = min(MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY, len(self.threads)) for i in range(running_threads): t = self.threads[i] t.join(1) if not t.isAlive(): ad_response = t.response path_mod = t.context name = t.name del self.threads[i] if len(self.threads) >= MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY: running_threads = min(MAX_ACTIVEDATA_CONCURRENCY, len(self.threads)) self.threads[running_threads - 1].start() if ad_response: if len(ad_response) >= ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT: print("%s: ActiveData query limit reached; data may be missing" % name) matches = 0 for record in ad_response: if 'result' in record: result = record['result'] if self.update_report(by_component, result, path_mod): matches += 1 self.log_verbose("%s: %d results; %d matches" % (name, len(ad_response), matches)) self.total_activedata_matches += matches break def path_mod_reftest(self, path): # " == " -> "" path = path.split(' ')[0] # "?" -> "" path = path.split('?')[0] # "#" -> "" path = path.split('#')[0] return path def path_mod_jsreftest(self, path): # ";assert" -> "" path = path.split(';')[0] return path def path_mod_marionette(self, path): # " " -> "" path = path.split(' ')[0] # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2" path = path.replace('\\', os.path.sep) return path def path_mod_wpt(self, path): if path[0] == os.path.sep: # "/" -> "" path = path[1:] # "" -> "testing/web-platform/tests/" path = os.path.join('testing', 'web-platform', 'tests', path) # "?" -> "" path = path.split('?')[0] return path def path_mod_jittest(self, path): # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2" path = path.replace('\\', os.path.sep) # "" -> "js/src/jit-test/tests/" return os.path.join('js', 'src', 'jit-test', 'tests', path) def path_mod_xpcshell(self, path): # .ini: -> "" path = path.split('.ini:')[-1] return path def add_activedata(self, branches, days, by_component): suites = { # List of known suites requiring special path handling and/or # suites typically containing thousands of test paths. # regexes have been selected by trial and error to partition data # into queries returning less than ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT records. "reftest": (self.path_mod_reftest, [{"regex": {"result.test": "layout/reftests/[a-k].*"}}, {"regex": {"result.test": "layout/reftests/[^a-k].*"}}, {"not": {"regex": {"result.test": "layout/reftests/.*"}}}]), "web-platform-tests": (self.path_mod_wpt, [{"regex": {"result.test": "/[a-g].*"}}, {"regex": {"result.test": "/[h-p].*"}}, {"not": {"regex": {"result.test": "/[a-p].*"}}}]), "web-platform-tests-reftest": (self.path_mod_wpt, [{"regex": {"result.test": "/css/css-.*"}}, {"not": {"regex": {"result.test": "/css/css-.*"}}}]), "crashtest": (None, [{"regex": {"result.test": "[a-g].*"}}, {"not": {"regex": {"result.test": "[a-g].*"}}}]), "web-platform-tests-wdspec": (self.path_mod_wpt, [None]), "web-platform-tests-crashtest": (self.path_mod_wpt, [None]), "web-platform-tests-print-reftest": (self.path_mod_wpt, [None]), "xpcshell": (self.path_mod_xpcshell, [None]), "mochitest-plain": (None, [None]), "mochitest-browser-chrome": (None, [None]), "mochitest-media": (None, [None]), "mochitest-devtools-chrome": (None, [None]), "marionette": (self.path_mod_marionette, [None]), "mochitest-chrome": (None, [None]), } unsupported_suites = [ # Usually these suites are excluded because currently the test resolver # does not provide test paths for them. "jsreftest", "jittest", "geckoview-junit", "cppunittest", ] for suite in suites: suite_clause = {"eq": {"run.suite.name": suite}} path_mod = suites[suite][0] test_clauses = suites[suite][1] suite_count = 1 for test_clause in test_clauses: label = "%s-%d" % (suite, suite_count) suite_count += 1 self.add_activedata_for_suite(label, branches, days, suite_clause, test_clause, path_mod) # Remainder: All supported suites not handled above. suite_clause = {"not": {"in": {"run.suite.name": unsupported_suites + list(suites)}}} self.add_activedata_for_suite("remainder", branches, days, suite_clause, None, None) self.collect_activedata_results(by_component) def description(self, components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, branches, days): # provide a natural language description of the report options what = [] if show_manifests: what.append("test manifests") if show_tests: what.append("tests") if show_annotations: what.append("test manifest annotations") if show_summary and len(what) == 0: what.append("summary of tests only") if len(what) > 1: what[-1] = "and " + what[-1] what = ", ".join(what) d = "Test summary report for " + what if components: d += ", in specified components (%s)" % components else: d += ", in all components" if flavor: d += ", in specified flavor (%s)" % flavor if subsuite: d += ", in specified subsuite (%s)" % subsuite if paths: d += ", on specified paths (%s)" % paths if filter_values: d += ", containing '%s'" % filter_values if filter_keys: d += " in manifest keys '%s'" % filter_keys else: d += " in any part of manifest entry" if show_activedata: d += ", including historical run-time data for the last %d days on %s" % ( days, branches) d += " as of %s." % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") return d def report(self, components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, show_components, output_file, branches, days): def matches_filters(test): ''' Return True if all of the requested filter_values are found in this test; if filter_keys are specified, restrict search to those test keys. ''' for value in filter_values: value_found = False for key in test: if not filter_keys or key in filter_keys: if re.search(value, test[key]): value_found = True break if not value_found: return False return True start_time = datetime.datetime.now() # Ensure useful report by default if not show_manifests and not show_tests and not show_summary and not show_annotations: show_manifests = True show_summary = True by_component = {} if components: components = components.split(',') if filter_keys: filter_keys = filter_keys.split(',') if filter_values: filter_values = filter_values.split(',') else: filter_values = [] display_keys = (filter_keys or []) + ['skip-if', 'fail-if', 'fails-if'] display_keys = set(display_keys) print("Finding tests...") here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader) tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=paths, flavor=flavor, subsuite=subsuite)) manifest_paths = set() for t in tests: if 'manifest' in t and t['manifest'] is not None: manifest_paths.add(t['manifest']) manifest_count = len(manifest_paths) print("Resolver found {} tests, {} manifests".format(len(tests), manifest_count)) if show_manifests: topsrcdir = self.build_obj.topsrcdir by_component['manifests'] = {} manifest_paths = list(manifest_paths) manifest_paths.sort() relpaths = [] for manifest_path in manifest_paths: relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir) if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir: continue relpaths.append(relpath) reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode='empty') files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths) for manifest_path in manifest_paths: relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir) if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir: continue manifest_info = None if relpath in files_info: bug_component = files_info[relpath].get('BUG_COMPONENT') if bug_component: key = "{}::{}".format(bug_component.product, bug_component.component) else: key = "" if (not components) or (key in components): manifest_info = { 'manifest': relpath, 'tests': 0, 'skipped': 0 } rkey = key if show_components else 'all' if rkey in by_component['manifests']: by_component['manifests'][rkey].append(manifest_info) else: by_component['manifests'][rkey] = [manifest_info] if manifest_info: for t in tests: if t['manifest'] == manifest_path: manifest_info['tests'] += 1 if t.get('skip-if'): manifest_info['skipped'] += 1 for key in by_component['manifests']: by_component['manifests'][key].sort() if show_tests: by_component['tests'] = {} if show_tests or show_summary or show_annotations: test_count = 0 failed_count = 0 skipped_count = 0 annotation_count = 0 condition_count = 0 component_set = set() relpaths = [] conditions = {} known_unconditional_annotations = ['skip', 'fail', 'asserts', 'random'] known_conditional_annotations = ['skip-if', 'fail-if', 'run-if', 'fails-if', 'fuzzy-if', 'random-if', 'asserts-if'] for t in tests: relpath = t.get('srcdir_relpath') relpaths.append(relpath) reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode='empty') files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths) for t in tests: if not matches_filters(t): continue if 'referenced-test' in t: # Avoid double-counting reftests: disregard reference file entries continue if show_annotations: for key in t: if key in known_unconditional_annotations: annotation_count += 1 if key in known_conditional_annotations: annotation_count += 1 # Here 'key' is a manifest annotation type like 'skip-if' and t[key] # is the associated condition. For example, the manifestparser # manifest annotation, "skip-if = os == 'win'", is expected to be # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "os == 'win'". # To allow for reftest manifests, t[key] may have multiple entries # separated by ';', each corresponding to a condition for that test # and annotation type. For example, # "skip-if(Android&&webrender) skip-if(OSX)", would be # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "Android&&webrender;OSX". annotation_conditions = t[key].split(';') for condition in annotation_conditions: condition_count += 1 # Trim reftest fuzzy-if ranges: everything after the first comma # eg. "Android,0-2,1-3" -> "Android" condition = condition.split(',')[0] if condition not in conditions: conditions[condition] = 0 conditions[condition] += 1 test_count += 1 relpath = t.get('srcdir_relpath') if relpath in files_info: bug_component = files_info[relpath].get('BUG_COMPONENT') if bug_component: key = "{}::{}".format(bug_component.product, bug_component.component) else: key = "" if (not components) or (key in components): component_set.add(key) test_info = {'test': relpath} for test_key in display_keys: value = t.get(test_key) if value: test_info[test_key] = value if t.get('fail-if'): failed_count += 1 if t.get('fails-if'): failed_count += 1 if t.get('skip-if'): skipped_count += 1 if show_tests: rkey = key if show_components else 'all' if rkey in by_component['tests']: # Avoid duplicates: Some test paths have multiple TestResolver # entries, as when a test is included by multiple manifests. found = False for ctest in by_component['tests'][rkey]: if ctest['test'] == test_info['test']: found = True break if not found: by_component['tests'][rkey].append(test_info) else: by_component['tests'][rkey] = [test_info] if show_tests: for key in by_component['tests']: by_component['tests'][key].sort(key=lambda k: k['test']) if show_activedata: try: self.add_activedata(branches, days, by_component) except Exception: print("Failed to retrieve some ActiveData data.") traceback.print_exc() self.log_verbose("%d tests updated with matching ActiveData data" % self.total_activedata_matches) self.log_verbose("%d seconds waiting for ActiveData" % self.total_activedata_seconds) by_component['description'] = self.description( components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, branches, days) if show_summary: by_component['summary'] = {} by_component['summary']['components'] = len(component_set) by_component['summary']['manifests'] = manifest_count by_component['summary']['tests'] = test_count by_component['summary']['failed tests'] = failed_count by_component['summary']['skipped tests'] = skipped_count if show_annotations: by_component['annotations'] = {} by_component['annotations']['total annotations'] = annotation_count by_component['annotations']['total conditions'] = condition_count by_component['annotations']['unique conditions'] = len(conditions) by_component['annotations']['conditions'] = conditions self.write_report(by_component, output_file) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() self.log_verbose("%d seconds total to generate report" % (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()) def write_report(self, by_component, output_file): json_report = json.dumps(by_component, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if output_file: output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file) output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json_report) else: print(json_report) def report_diff(self, before, after, output_file): """ Support for 'mach test-info report-diff'. """ def get_file(path_or_url): if urlparse.urlparse(path_or_url).scheme: response = requests.get(path_or_url) response.raise_for_status() return json.loads(response.text) with open(path_or_url) as f: return json.load(f) report1 = get_file(before) report2 = get_file(after) by_component = {'tests': {}, 'summary': {}} self.diff_summaries(by_component, report1["summary"], report2["summary"]) self.diff_all_components(by_component, report1["tests"], report2["tests"]) self.write_report(by_component, output_file) def diff_summaries(self, by_component, summary1, summary2): """ Update by_component with comparison of summaries. """ all_keys = set(summary1.keys()) | set(summary2.keys()) for key in all_keys: delta = summary2.get(key, 0) - summary1.get(key, 0) by_component['summary']['%s delta' % key] = delta def diff_all_components(self, by_component, tests1, tests2): """ Update by_component with any added/deleted tests, for all components. """ self.added_count = 0 self.deleted_count = 0 for component in tests1: component1 = tests1[component] component2 = [] if component not in tests2 else tests2[component] self.diff_component(by_component, component, component1, component2) for component in tests2: if component not in tests1: component2 = tests2[component] self.diff_component(by_component, component, [], component2) by_component['summary']['added tests'] = self.added_count by_component['summary']['deleted tests'] = self.deleted_count def diff_component(self, by_component, component, component1, component2): """ Update by_component[component] with any added/deleted tests for the named component. "added": tests found in component2 but missing from component1. "deleted": tests found in component1 but missing from component2. """ tests1 = set([t['test'] for t in component1]) tests2 = set([t['test'] for t in component2]) deleted = tests1 - tests2 added = tests2 - tests1 if deleted or added: by_component['tests'][component] = {} if deleted: by_component['tests'][component]['deleted'] = sorted(list(deleted)) if added: by_component['tests'][component]['added'] = sorted(list(added)) self.added_count += len(added) self.deleted_count += len(deleted) common = len(tests1.intersection(tests2)) self.log_verbose("%s: %d deleted, %d added, %d common" % (component, len(deleted), len(added), common))