/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Narcissus JavaScript engine. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Brendan Eich . * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* * Narcissus - JS implemented in JS. * * Execution of parse trees. * * Standard classes except for eval, Function, Array, and String are borrowed * from the host JS environment. Function is metacircular. Array and String * are reflected via wrapping the corresponding native constructor and adding * an extra level of prototype-based delegation. */ const GLOBAL_CODE = 0, EVAL_CODE = 1, FUNCTION_CODE = 2; function ExecutionContext(type) { this.type = type; } var global = { // Value properties. NaN: NaN, Infinity: Infinity, undefined: undefined, // Function properties. eval: function eval(s) { if (typeof s != "string") return s; var x = ExecutionContext.current; var x2 = new ExecutionContext(EVAL_CODE); x2.thisObject = x.thisObject; x2.caller = x.caller; x2.callee = x.callee; x2.scope = x.scope; ExecutionContext.current = x2; try { execute(parse(s), x2); } catch (e if e == THROW) { x.result = x2.result; throw e; } finally { ExecutionContext.current = x; } return x2.result; }, parseInt: parseInt, parseFloat: parseFloat, isNaN: isNaN, isFinite: isFinite, decodeURI: decodeURI, encodeURI: encodeURI, decodeURIComponent: decodeURIComponent, encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent, // Class constructors. Object: Object, Function: function Function() { var p = "", b = "", n = arguments.length; if (n) { var m = n - 1; if (m) { p += arguments[0]; for (var k = 1; k < m; k++) p += "," + arguments[k]; } b += arguments[m]; } var f = parse("function (" + p + ") {" + b + "}"); var s = {object: global, parent: null}; return new FunctionObject(f, s); }, Array: function Array() { // Array when called as a function acts as a constructor. return GLOBAL.Array.apply(this, arguments); }, String: function String() { // Called as function or constructor: convert argument to string type. var s = arguments.length ? "" + arguments[0] : ""; if (this instanceof String) { // Called as constructor: save the argument as the string value // of this String object and return this object. this.value = s; return this; } return s; }, Boolean: Boolean, Number: Number, Date: Date, RegExp: RegExp, Error: Error, EvalError: EvalError, RangeError: RangeError, ReferenceError: ReferenceError, SyntaxError: SyntaxError, TypeError: TypeError, URIError: URIError, // Other properties. Math: Math }; // Reflect a host class into the target global environment by delegation. function reflectClass(name, proto) { var gctor = global[name]; gctor.__defineProperty__('prototype', proto, true, true, true); proto.__defineProperty__('constructor', gctor, false, false, true); return proto; } // Reflect Array -- note that all Array methods are generic. reflectClass('Array', new Array); // Reflect String, overriding non-generic methods. var gSp = reflectClass('String', new String); gSp.toSource = function () { return this.value.toSource(); }; gSp.toString = function () { return this.value; }; gSp.valueOf = function () { return this.value; }; var XCp = ExecutionContext.prototype; ExecutionContext.current = XCp.caller = XCp.callee = null; XCp.scope = {object: global, parent: null}; XCp.thisObject = global; XCp.result = undefined; XCp.target = null; function Reference(base, propertyName, node) { this.base = base; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.node = node; } Reference.prototype.toString = function () { return this.node.getSource(); } function getValue(v) { if (v instanceof Reference) { if (!v.base) { throw new ReferenceError(v.propertyName + " is not defined", v.node.filename, v.node.lineno); } return v.base[v.propertyName]; } return v; } function putValue(v, w, vn) { if (v instanceof Reference) return (v.base || global)[v.propertyName] = w; throw new ReferenceError("Invalid assignment left-hand side", vn.filename, vn.lineno); } function isPrimitive(v) { var t = typeof v; return (t == "object") ? v === null : t != "function"; } function isObject(v) { var t = typeof v; return (t == "object") ? v !== null : t == "function"; } // If r instanceof Reference, v == getValue(r); else v === r. If passed, rn // is the node whose execute result was r. function toObject(v, r, rn) { switch (typeof v) { case "boolean": return new Boolean(v); case "number": return new Number(v); case "string": return new String(v); case "function": return v; case "object": if (v !== null) return v; } var message = r + " (type " + (typeof v) + ") has no properties"; throw rn ? new TypeError(message, rn.filename, rn.lineno) : new TypeError(message); } function execute(n, x) { var a, f, i, j, r, s, t, u, v; switch (n.type) { case FUNCTION: if (n.functionForm != DECLARED_FORM) { if (!n.name || n.functionForm == STATEMENT_FORM) { v = new FunctionObject(n, x.scope); if (n.functionForm == STATEMENT_FORM) x.scope.object.__defineProperty__(n.name, v, true); } else { t = new Object; x.scope = {object: t, parent: x.scope}; try { v = new FunctionObject(n, x.scope); t.__defineProperty__(n.name, v, true, true); } finally { x.scope = x.scope.parent; } } } break; case SCRIPT: t = x.scope.object; a = n.funDecls; for (i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) { s = a[i].name; f = new FunctionObject(a[i], x.scope); t.__defineProperty__(s, f, x.type != EVAL_CODE); } a = n.varDecls; for (i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) { u = a[i]; s = u.name; if (u.readOnly && t.hasOwnProperty(s)) { throw new TypeError("Redeclaration of const " + s, u.filename, u.lineno); } if (u.readOnly || !t.hasOwnProperty(s)) { t.__defineProperty__(s, undefined, x.type != EVAL_CODE, u.readOnly); } } // FALL THROUGH case BLOCK: for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) execute(n[i], x); break; case IF: if (getValue(execute(n.condition, x))) execute(n.thenPart, x); else if (n.elsePart) execute(n.elsePart, x); break; case SWITCH: s = getValue(execute(n.discriminant, x)); a = n.cases; var matchDefault = false; switch_loop: for (i = 0, j = a.length; ; i++) { if (i == j) { if (n.defaultIndex >= 0) { i = n.defaultIndex - 1; // no case matched, do default matchDefault = true; continue; } break; // no default, exit switch_loop } t = a[i]; // next case (might be default!) if (t.type == CASE) { u = getValue(execute(t.caseLabel, x)); } else { if (!matchDefault) // not defaulting, skip for now continue; u = s; // force match to do default } if (u === s) { for (;;) { // this loop exits switch_loop if (t.statements.length) { try { execute(t.statements, x); } catch (e if e == BREAK && x.target == n) { break switch_loop; } } if (++i == j) break switch_loop; t = a[i]; } // NOT REACHED } } break; case FOR: n.setup && getValue(execute(n.setup, x)); // FALL THROUGH case WHILE: while (!n.condition || getValue(execute(n.condition, x))) { try { execute(n.body, x); } catch (e if e == BREAK && x.target == n) { break; } catch (e if e == CONTINUE && x.target == n) { continue; } n.update && getValue(execute(n.update, x)); } break; case FOR_IN: u = n.varDecl; if (u) execute(u, x); r = n.iterator; s = execute(n.object, x); t = toObject(getValue(s), s, n.object); a = []; for (i in t) a.push(i); for (i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) { putValue(execute(r, x), a[i], r); try { execute(n.body, x); } catch (e if e == BREAK && x.target == n) { break; } catch (e if e == CONTINUE && x.target == n) { continue; } } break; case DO: do { try { execute(n.body, x); } catch (e if e == BREAK && x.target == n) { break; } catch (e if e == CONTINUE && x.target == n) { continue; } } while (getValue(execute(n.condition, x))); break; case BREAK: case CONTINUE: x.target = n.target; throw n.type; case TRY: try { execute(n.tryBlock, x); } catch (e if e == THROW && (j = n.catchClauses.length)) { e = x.result; x.result = undefined; for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i == j) { x.result = e; throw THROW; } t = n.catchClauses[i]; x.scope = {object: {}, parent: x.scope}; x.scope.object.__defineProperty__(t.varName, e, true); try { if (t.guard && !getValue(execute(t.guard, x))) continue; execute(t.block, x); break; } finally { x.scope = x.scope.parent; } } } finally { if (n.finallyBlock) execute(n.finallyBlock, x); } break; case THROW: x.result = getValue(execute(n.exception, x)); throw THROW; case RETURN: x.result = getValue(execute(n.value, x)); throw RETURN; case WITH: r = execute(n.object, x); t = toObject(getValue(r), r, n.object); x.scope = {object: t, parent: x.scope}; try { execute(n.body, x); } finally { x.scope = x.scope.parent; } break; case VAR: case CONST: for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) { u = n[i].initializer; if (!u) continue; t = n[i].name; for (s = x.scope; s; s = s.parent) { if (s.object.hasOwnProperty(t)) break; } u = getValue(execute(u, x)); if (n.type == CONST) s.object.__defineProperty__(t, u, x.type != EVAL_CODE, true); else s.object[t] = u; } break; case DEBUGGER: throw "NYI: " + tokens[n.type]; case SEMICOLON: if (n.expression) x.result = getValue(execute(n.expression, x)); break; case LABEL: try { execute(n.statement, x); } catch (e if e == BREAK && x.target == n) { } break; case COMMA: for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) v = getValue(execute(n[i], x)); break; case ASSIGN: r = execute(n[0], x); t = n[0].assignOp; if (t) u = getValue(r); v = getValue(execute(n[1], x)); if (t) { switch (t) { case BITWISE_OR: v = u | v; break; case BITWISE_XOR: v = u ^ v; break; case BITWISE_AND: v = u & v; break; case LSH: v = u << v; break; case RSH: v = u >> v; break; case URSH: v = u >>> v; break; case PLUS: v = u + v; break; case MINUS: v = u - v; break; case MUL: v = u * v; break; case DIV: v = u / v; break; case MOD: v = u % v; break; } } putValue(r, v, n[0]); break; case CONDITIONAL: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) ? getValue(execute(n[1], x)) : getValue(execute(n[2], x)); break; case OR: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) || getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case AND: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) && getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case BITWISE_OR: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) | getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case BITWISE_XOR: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) ^ getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case BITWISE_AND: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) & getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case EQ: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) == getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case NE: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) != getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case STRICT_EQ: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) === getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case STRICT_NE: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) !== getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case LT: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) < getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case LE: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) <= getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case GE: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) >= getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case GT: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) > getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case IN: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) in getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case INSTANCEOF: t = getValue(execute(n[0], x)); u = getValue(execute(n[1], x)); if (isObject(u) && typeof u.__hasInstance__ == "function") v = u.__hasInstance__(t); else v = t instanceof u; break; case LSH: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) << getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case RSH: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) >> getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case URSH: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) >>> getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case PLUS: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) + getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case MINUS: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) - getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case MUL: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) * getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case DIV: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) / getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case MOD: v = getValue(execute(n[0], x)) % getValue(execute(n[1], x)); break; case DELETE: t = execute(n[0], x); v = !(t instanceof Reference) || delete t.base[t.propertyName]; break; case VOID: getValue(execute(n[0], x)); break; case TYPEOF: t = execute(n[0], x); if (t instanceof Reference) t = t.base ? t.base[t.propertyName] : undefined; v = typeof t; break; case NOT: v = !getValue(execute(n[0], x)); break; case BITWISE_NOT: v = ~getValue(execute(n[0], x)); break; case UNARY_PLUS: v = +getValue(execute(n[0], x)); break; case UNARY_MINUS: v = -getValue(execute(n[0], x)); break; case INCREMENT: case DECREMENT: t = execute(n[0], x); u = Number(getValue(t)); if (n.postfix) v = u; putValue(t, (n.type == INCREMENT) ? ++u : --u, n[0]); if (!n.postfix) v = u; break; case DOT: r = execute(n[0], x); t = getValue(r); u = n[1].value; v = new Reference(toObject(t, r, n[0]), u, n); break; case INDEX: r = execute(n[0], x); t = getValue(r); u = getValue(execute(n[1], x)); v = new Reference(toObject(t, r, n[0]), String(u), n); break; case LIST: // Curse ECMA for specifying that arguments is not an Array object! v = {}; for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) { u = getValue(execute(n[i], x)); v.__defineProperty__(i, u, false, false, true); } v.__defineProperty__('length', i, false, false, true); break; case CALL: r = execute(n[0], x); a = execute(n[1], x); f = getValue(r); if (isPrimitive(f) || typeof f.__call__ != "function") { throw new TypeError(r + " is not callable", n[0].filename, n[0].lineno); } t = (r instanceof Reference) ? r.base : null; if (t instanceof Activation) t = null; v = f.__call__(t, a, x); break; case NEW: case NEW_WITH_ARGS: r = execute(n[0], x); f = getValue(r); if (n.type == NEW) { a = {}; a.__defineProperty__('length', 0, false, false, true); } else { a = execute(n[1], x); } if (isPrimitive(f) || typeof f.__construct__ != "function") { throw new TypeError(r + " is not a constructor", n[0].filename, n[0].lineno); } v = f.__construct__(a, x); break; case ARRAY_INIT: v = []; for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) { if (n[i]) v[i] = getValue(execute(n[i], x)); } v.length = j; break; case OBJECT_INIT: v = {}; for (i = 0, j = n.length; i < j; i++) { t = n[i]; if (t.type == PROPERTY_INIT) { v[t[0].value] = getValue(execute(t[1], x)); } else { f = new FunctionObject(t, x.scope); u = (t.type == GETTER) ? '__defineGetter__' : '__defineSetter__'; v[u](t.name, thunk(f, x)); } } break; case NULL: v = null; break; case THIS: v = x.thisObject; break; case TRUE: v = true; break; case FALSE: v = false; break; case IDENTIFIER: for (s = x.scope; s; s = s.parent) { if (n.value in s.object) break; } v = new Reference(s && s.object, n.value, n); break; case NUMBER: case STRING: case REGEXP: v = n.value; break; case GROUP: v = execute(n[0], x); break; default: throw "PANIC: unknown operation " + n.type + ": " + uneval(n); } return v; } function Activation(f, a) { for (var i = 0, j = f.params.length; i < j; i++) this.__defineProperty__(f.params[i], a[i], true); this.__defineProperty__('arguments', a, true); } function FunctionObject(node, scope) { this.node = node; this.scope = scope; this.__defineProperty__('length', node.params.length, true, true, true); var proto = {}; this.__defineProperty__('prototype', proto, true); proto.__defineProperty__('constructor', this, false, false, true); } var FOp = FunctionObject.prototype = { // Internal methods. __call__: function (t, a, x) { var x2 = new ExecutionContext(FUNCTION_CODE); x2.thisObject = t || global; x2.caller = x; x2.callee = this; a.__defineProperty__('callee', this, false, false, true); var f = this.node; x2.scope = {object: new Activation(f, a), parent: this.scope}; ExecutionContext.current = x2; try { execute(f.body, x2); } catch (e if e == RETURN) { return x2.result; } catch (e if e == THROW) { x.result = x2.result; throw THROW; } finally { ExecutionContext.current = x; } return undefined; }, __construct__: function (a, x) { var o = new Object; var p = this.prototype; if (isObject(p)) o.__proto__ = p; // else o.__proto__ defaulted to Object.prototype var v = this.__call__(o, a, x); if (isObject(v)) return v; return o; }, __hasInstance__: function (v) { if (isPrimitive(v)) return false; var p = this.prototype; if (isPrimitive(p)) { throw new TypeError("'prototype' property is not an object", this.node.filename, this.node.lineno); } var o; while ((o = v.__proto__)) { if (o == p) return true; v = o; } return false; }, // Standard methods. toString: function () { return this.node.getSource(); }, apply: function (t, a) { // Curse ECMA again! if (typeof this.__call__ != "function") { throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.apply called on" + " uncallable object"); } if (t === undefined || t === null) t = global; else if (typeof t != "object") t = toObject(t, t); if (a === undefined || a === null) { a = {}; a.__defineProperty__('length', 0, false, false, true); } else if (a instanceof Array) { var v = {}; for (var i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) v.__defineProperty__(i, a[i], false, false, true); v.__defineProperty__('length', i, false, false, true); a = v; } else if (!(a instanceof Object)) { // XXX check for a non-arguments object throw new TypeError("Second argument to Function.prototype.apply" + " must be an array or arguments object", this.node.filename, this.node.lineno); } return this.__call__(t, a, ExecutionContext.current); }, call: function (t) { // Curse ECMA a third time! var a = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1); return this.apply(t, a); } }; // Connect Function.prototype and Function.prototype.constructor in global. reflectClass('Function', FOp); // Help native and host-scripted functions be like FunctionObjects. var Fp = Function.prototype; var REp = RegExp.prototype; if (!('__call__' in Fp)) { Fp.__call__ = function (t, a, x) { // Curse ECMA yet again! a = Array.prototype.splice.call(a, 0, a.length); return this.apply(t, a); }; REp.__call__ = function (t, a, x) { a = Array.prototype.splice.call(a, 0, a.length); return this.exec.apply(this, a); }; Fp.__construct__ = function (a, x) { switch (a.length) { case 0: return new this(); case 1: return new this(a[0]); case 2: return new this(a[0], a[1]); case 3: return new this(a[0], a[1], a[2]); case 4: return new this(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); case 5: return new this(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]); case 6: return new this(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]); case 7: return new this(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]); } throw "PANIC: too many arguments to constructor"; }; // Since we use native functions such as Date along with host ones such // as global.eval, we want both to be considered instances of the native // Function constructor. Fp.__hasInstance__ = function (v) { return v instanceof Function || v instanceof global.Function; }; } function thunk(f, x) { return function () { return f.__call__(this, arguments, x); }; } function evaluate(s, f, l) { var x = ExecutionContext.current; var x2 = new ExecutionContext(GLOBAL_CODE); ExecutionContext.current = x2; try { execute(parse(s, f, l), x2); } catch (e if e == THROW) { if (x) { x.result = x2.result; throw THROW; } throw x2.result; } finally { ExecutionContext.current = x; } return x2.result; }