/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'engines': { 'Firefox': '*' } }; const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome"); const { LoaderWithHookedConsole } = require('sdk/test/loader'); const url = require("sdk/url"); const timer = require("sdk/timers"); const self = require("sdk/self"); const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow } = require('sdk/window/utils'); const { close, open, focus } = require("sdk/window/helpers"); const tabs = require("sdk/tabs/utils"); const { merge } = require("sdk/util/object"); const unload = require("sdk/system/unload"); const fixtures = require("./fixtures"); let jetpackID = "testID"; try { jetpackID = require("sdk/self").id; } catch(e) {} function openNewWindowTab(url, options) { return open('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', { features: { chrome: true, toolbar: true } }).then(focus).then(function(window) { if (options.onLoad) { options.onLoad({ target: { defaultView: window } }) } }); } exports.testDeprecationMessage = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module, onMessage); // Intercept all console method calls let calls = []; function onMessage(type, msg) { assert.equal(type, 'error', 'the only message is an error'); assert.ok(/^DEPRECATED:/.test(msg), 'deprecated'); loader.unload(); done(); } loader.require('sdk/widget'); } exports.testConstructor = function(assert, done) { let { loader: loader0 } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader0.require("sdk/widget"); let browserWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let doc = browserWindow.document; let AddonsMgrListener; AddonsMgrListener = { onInstalling: () => {}, onInstalled: () => {}, onUninstalling: () => {}, onUninstalled: () => {} }; let container = () => doc.getElementById("nav-bar"); let getWidgets = () => container() ? container().querySelectorAll('[id^="widget\:"]') : []; let widgetCount = () => getWidgets().length; let widgetStartCount = widgetCount(); let widgetNode = (index) => getWidgets()[index]; // Test basic construct/destroy AddonsMgrListener.onInstalling(); let w = widgets.Widget({ id: "basic-construct-destroy", label: "foo", content: "bar" }); AddonsMgrListener.onInstalled(); assert.equal(widgetCount(), widgetStartCount + 1, "panel has correct number of child elements after widget construction"); // test widget height assert.equal(widgetNode(0).firstChild.boxObject.height, 16, "widget has correct default height"); AddonsMgrListener.onUninstalling(); w.destroy(); AddonsMgrListener.onUninstalled(); w.destroy(); assert.pass("Multiple destroys do not cause an error"); assert.equal(widgetCount(), widgetStartCount, "panel has correct number of child elements after destroy"); // Test automatic widget destroy on unload let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); let widgetsFromLoader = loader.require("sdk/widget"); widgetStartCount = widgetCount(); w = widgetsFromLoader.Widget({ id: "destroy-on-unload", label: "foo", content: "bar" }); assert.equal(widgetCount(), widgetStartCount + 1, "widget has been correctly added"); loader.unload(); assert.equal(widgetCount(), widgetStartCount, "widget has been destroyed on module unload"); // Test nothing assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({}), /^The widget must have a non-empty label property\.$/, "throws on no properties"); // Test no label assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({content: "foo"}), /^The widget must have a non-empty label property\.$/, "throws on no label"); // Test empty label assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({label: "", content: "foo"}), /^The widget must have a non-empty label property\.$/, "throws on empty label"); // Test no content or image assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id: "no-content-throws", label: "foo"}), /^No content or contentURL property found\. Widgets must have one or the other\.$/, "throws on no content"); // Test empty content, no image assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id:"empty-content-throws", label: "foo", content: ""}), /^No content or contentURL property found\. Widgets must have one or the other\.$/, "throws on empty content"); // Test empty image, no content assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id:"empty-image-throws", label: "foo", image: ""}), /^No content or contentURL property found\. Widgets must have one or the other\.$/, "throws on empty content"); // Test empty content, empty image assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id:"empty-image-and-content-throws", label: "foo", content: "", image: ""}), /^No content or contentURL property found. Widgets must have one or the other\.$/, "throws on empty content"); // Test duplicated ID let duplicateID = widgets.Widget({id: "foo", label: "foo", content: "bar"}); assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id: "foo", label: "bar", content: "bar"}), /^This widget ID is already used: foo$/, "throws on duplicated id"); duplicateID.destroy(); // Test Bug 652527 assert.throws( function() widgets.Widget({id: "", label: "bar", content: "bar"}), /^You have to specify a unique value for the id property of your widget in order for the application to remember its position\./, "throws on falsey id"); // Test duplicate label, different ID let w1 = widgets.Widget({id: "id1", label: "foo", content: "bar"}); let w2 = widgets.Widget({id: "id2", label: "foo", content: "bar"}); w1.destroy(); w2.destroy(); // Test position restore on create/destroy/create // Create 3 ordered widgets w1 = widgets.Widget({id: "position-first", label:"first", content: "bar"}); w2 = widgets.Widget({id: "position-second", label:"second", content: "bar"}); let w3 = widgets.Widget({id: "position-third", label:"third", content: "bar"}); // Remove the middle widget assert.equal(widgetNode(1).getAttribute("label"), "second", "second widget is the second widget inserted"); w2.destroy(); assert.equal(widgetNode(1).getAttribute("label"), "third", "second widget is removed, so second widget is now the third one"); w2 = widgets.Widget({id: "position-second", label:"second", content: "bar"}); assert.equal(widgetNode(1).getAttribute("label"), "second", "second widget is created again, at the same location"); // Cleanup this testcase AddonsMgrListener.onUninstalling(); w1.destroy(); w2.destroy(); w3.destroy(); AddonsMgrListener.onUninstalled(); // Helper for testing a single widget. // Confirms proper addition and content setup. function testSingleWidget(widgetOptions) { // We have to display which test is being run, because here we do not // use the regular test framework but rather a custom one that iterates // the `tests` array. assert.pass("executing: " + widgetOptions.id); let startCount = widgetCount(); let widget = widgets.Widget(widgetOptions); let node = widgetNode(startCount); assert.ok(node, "widget node at index"); assert.equal(node.tagName, "toolbaritem", "widget element is correct"); assert.equal(widget.width + "px", node.style.minWidth, "widget width is correct"); assert.equal(widgetCount(), startCount + 1, "container has correct number of child elements"); let content = node.firstElementChild; assert.ok(content, "found content"); assert.ok(/iframe|image/.test(content.tagName), "content is iframe or image"); return widget; } // Array of widgets to test // and a function to test them. let tests = []; function nextTest() { assert.equal(widgetCount(), 0, "widget in last test property cleaned itself up"); if (!tests.length) { loader0.unload(); done(); } else timer.setTimeout(tests.shift(), 0); } function doneTest() nextTest(); // text widget tests.push(function testTextWidget() testSingleWidget({ id: "text-single", label: "text widget", content: "oh yeah", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.body.innerHTML);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function (message) { assert.equal(this.content, message, "content matches"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // html widget tests.push(function testHTMLWidget() testSingleWidget({ id: "html", label: "html widget", content: "
oh yeah
", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.body.innerHTML);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function (message) { assert.equal(this.content, message, "content matches"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // image url widget tests.push(function testImageURLWidget() testSingleWidget({ id: "image", label: "image url widget", contentURL: fixtures.url("test.html"), contentScript: "self.postMessage({title: document.title, " + "tag: document.body.firstElementChild.tagName, " + "content: document.body.firstElementChild.innerHTML});", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function (message) { assert.equal(message.title, "foo", "title matches"); assert.equal(message.tag, "P", "element matches"); assert.equal(message.content, "bar", "element content matches"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // web uri widget tests.push(function testWebURIWidget() testSingleWidget({ id: "web", label: "web uri widget", contentURL: fixtures.url("test.html"), contentScript: "self.postMessage({title: document.title, " + "tag: document.body.firstElementChild.tagName, " + "content: document.body.firstElementChild.innerHTML});", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function (message) { assert.equal(message.title, "foo", "title matches"); assert.equal(message.tag, "P", "element matches"); assert.equal(message.content, "bar", "element content matches"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onclick + content tests.push(function testOnclickEventContent() testSingleWidget({ id: "click-content", label: "click test widget - content", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0});" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onClick: function() { assert.pass("onClick called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onmouseover + content tests.push(function testOnmouseoverEventContent() testSingleWidget({ id: "mouseover-content", label: "mouseover test widget - content", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('mouseover'); " + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMouseover: function() { assert.pass("onMouseover called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onmouseout + content tests.push(function testOnmouseoutEventContent() testSingleWidget({ id: "mouseout-content", label: "mouseout test widget - content", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('mouseout');" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMouseout: function() { assert.pass("onMouseout called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onclick + image tests.push(function testOnclickEventImage() testSingleWidget({ id: "click-image", label: "click test widget - image", contentURL: fixtures.url("moz_favicon.ico"), contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('click'); " + "document.body.firstElementChild.dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onClick: function() { assert.pass("onClick called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onmouseover + image tests.push(function testOnmouseoverEventImage() testSingleWidget({ id: "mouseover-image", label: "mouseover test widget - image", contentURL: fixtures.url("moz_favicon.ico"), contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('mouseover');" + "document.body.firstElementChild.dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMouseover: function() { assert.pass("onMouseover called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // event: onmouseout + image tests.push(function testOnmouseoutEventImage() testSingleWidget({ id: "mouseout-image", label: "mouseout test widget - image", contentURL: fixtures.url("moz_favicon.ico"), contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('mouseout'); " + "document.body.firstElementChild.dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMouseout: function() { assert.pass("onMouseout called"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test multiple widgets tests.push(function testMultipleWidgets() { let w1 = widgets.Widget({id: "first", label: "first widget", content: "first content"}); let w2 = widgets.Widget({id: "second", label: "second widget", content: "second content"}); w1.destroy(); w2.destroy(); doneTest(); }); // test updating widget content let loads = 0; tests.push(function testUpdatingWidgetContent() testSingleWidget({ id: "content-updating", label: "content update test widget", content: "
", contentScript: "self.postMessage(1)", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onMessage: function(message) { if (!this.flag) { this.content = "
"; this.flag = 1; } else { assert.equal(this.content, "
", 'content is as expected'); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } } })); // test updating widget contentURL let url1 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foodle"; let url2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,nistel"; tests.push(function testUpdatingContentURL() testSingleWidget({ id: "content-url-updating", label: "content update test widget", contentURL: url1, contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.location.href);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function(message) { if (!this.flag) { assert.equal(this.contentURL.toString(), url1); assert.equal(message, url1); this.contentURL = url2; this.flag = 1; } else { assert.equal(this.contentURL.toString(), url2); assert.equal(message, url2); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } } })); // test tooltip tests.push(function testTooltip() testSingleWidget({ id: "text-with-tooltip", label: "text widget", content: "oh yeah", tooltip: "foo", contentScript: "self.postMessage(1)", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onMessage: function(message) { assert.equal(this.tooltip, "foo", "tooltip matches"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test tooltip fallback to label tests.push(function testTooltipFallback() testSingleWidget({ id: "fallback", label: "fallback", content: "oh yeah", contentScript: "self.postMessage(1)", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onMessage: function(message) { assert.equal(this.tooltip, this.label, "tooltip fallbacks to label"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test updating widget tooltip let updated = false; tests.push(function testUpdatingTooltip() testSingleWidget({ id: "tooltip-updating", label: "tooltip update test widget", tooltip: "foo", content: "
", contentScript: "self.postMessage(1)", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onMessage: function(message) { this.tooltip = "bar"; assert.equal(this.tooltip, "bar", "tooltip gets updated"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test allow attribute tests.push(function testDefaultAllow() testSingleWidget({ id: "allow-default", label: "allow.script attribute", content: "", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.title)", onMessage: function(message) { assert.equal(message, "ok", "scripts are evaluated by default"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); tests.push(function testExplicitAllow() testSingleWidget({ id: "allow-explicit", label: "allow.script attribute", allow: {script: true}, content: "", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.title)", onMessage: function(message) { assert.equal(message, "ok", "scripts are evaluated when we want to"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); tests.push(function testExplicitDisallow() testSingleWidget({ id: "allow-explicit-disallow", label: "allow.script attribute", content: "", allow: {script: false}, contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.title)", onMessage: function(message) { assert.notEqual(message, "ok", "scripts aren't evaluated when " + "explicitly blocked it"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test multiple windows tests.push(function testMultipleWindows() { assert.pass('executing test multiple windows'); openNewWindowTab("about:blank", { inNewWindow: true, onLoad: function(e) { let browserWindow = e.target.defaultView; assert.ok(browserWindow, 'window was opened'); let doc = browserWindow.document; let container = () => doc.getElementById("nav-bar"); let widgetCount2 = () => container() ? container().querySelectorAll('[id^="widget\:"]').length : 0; let widgetStartCount2 = widgetCount2(); let w1Opts = {id:"first-multi-window", label: "first widget", content: "first content"}; let w1 = testSingleWidget(w1Opts); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2 + 1, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after first widget"); let w2Opts = {id:"second-multi-window", label: "second widget", content: "second content"}; let w2 = testSingleWidget(w2Opts); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2 + 2, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after second widget"); w1.destroy(); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2 + 1, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after first destroy"); w2.destroy(); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after second destroy"); close(browserWindow).then(doneTest); }}).catch(assert.fail); }); // test window closing tests.push(function testWindowClosing() { // 1/ Create a new widget let w1Opts = { id:"first-win-closing", label: "first widget", content: "first content", contentScript: "self.port.on('event', function () self.port.emit('event'))" }; let widget = testSingleWidget(w1Opts); let windows = loader0.require("sdk/windows").browserWindows; // 2/ Retrieve a WidgetView for the initial browser window let acceptDetach = false; let mainView = widget.getView(windows.activeWindow); assert.ok(mainView, "Got first widget view"); mainView.on("detach", function () { // 8/ End of our test. Accept detach event only when it occurs after // widget.destroy() if (acceptDetach) doneTest(); else assert.fail("View on initial window should not be destroyed"); }); mainView.port.on("event", function () { // 7/ Receive event sent during 6/ and cleanup our test acceptDetach = true; widget.destroy(); }); // 3/ First: open a new browser window windows.open({ url: "about:blank", onOpen: function(window) { // 4/ Retrieve a WidgetView for this new window let view = widget.getView(window); assert.ok(view, "Got second widget view"); view.port.on("event", function () { assert.fail("We should not receive event on the detach view"); }); view.on("detach", function () { // The related view is destroyed // 6/ Send a custom event assert.throws(function () { view.port.emit("event"); }, /^The widget has been destroyed and can no longer be used.$/, "emit on a destroyed view should throw"); widget.port.emit("event"); }); // 5/ Destroy this window window.close(); } }); }); if (false) { tests.push(function testAddonBarHide() { // Hide the addon-bar browserWindow.setToolbarVisibility(container(), false); assert.ok(container().collapsed, "1st window starts with an hidden addon-bar"); // Then open a browser window and verify that the addon-bar remains hidden openNewWindowTab("about:blank", { inNewWindow: true, onLoad: function(e) { let browserWindow2 = e.target.defaultView; let doc2 = browserWindow2.document; function container2() doc2.getElementById("addon-bar"); function widgetCount2() container2() ? container2().childNodes.length : 0; let widgetStartCount2 = widgetCount2(); assert.ok(container2().collapsed, "2nd window starts with an hidden addon-bar"); let w1Opts = {id:"first-addonbar-hide", label: "first widget", content: "first content"}; let w1 = testSingleWidget(w1Opts); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2 + 1, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after" + "widget creation"); assert.ok(!container().collapsed, "1st window has a visible addon-bar"); assert.ok(!container2().collapsed, "2nd window has a visible addon-bar"); w1.destroy(); assert.equal(widgetCount2(), widgetStartCount2, "2nd window has correct number of child elements after" + "widget destroy"); assert.ok(container().collapsed, "1st window has an hidden addon-bar"); assert.ok(container2().collapsed, "2nd window has an hidden addon-bar"); // Reset addon-bar visibility before exiting this test browserWindow.setToolbarVisibility(container(), true); close(browserWindow2).then(doneTest); }}).catch(assert.fail); }); } // test widget.width tests.push(function testWidgetWidth() testSingleWidget({ id: "text-test-width", label: "test widget.width", content: "test width", width: 64, contentScript: "self.postMessage(1)", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onMessage: function(message) { assert.equal(this.width, 64, 'width is 64'); let node = widgetNode(0); assert.equal(this.width, node.style.minWidth.replace("px", "")); assert.equal(this.width, node.firstElementChild.style.width.replace("px", "")); this.width = 48; assert.equal(this.width, node.style.minWidth.replace("px", "")); assert.equal(this.width, node.firstElementChild.style.width.replace("px", "")); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // test click handler not respond to right-click let clickCount = 0; tests.push(function testNoRightClick() testSingleWidget({ id: "right-click-content", label: "click test widget - content", content: "
", contentScript: // Left click "var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0});" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt); " + // Middle click "evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 1});" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt); " + // Right click "evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 2});" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt); " + // Mouseover "evt = new MouseEvent('mouseover');" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onClick: function() clickCount++, onMouseover: function() { assert.equal(clickCount, 1, "only left click was sent to click handler"); this.destroy(); doneTest(); } })); // kick off test execution doneTest(); }; exports.testWidgetWithValidPanel = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { Panel } = loader.require("sdk/panel"); let widget1 = Widget({ id: "testWidgetWithValidPanel", label: "panel widget 1", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0});" + "document.body.dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", panel: Panel({ contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Look ma, a panel!", onShow: function() { let { document } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let widgetEle = document.getElementById("widget:" + jetpackID + "-" + widget1.id); let panelEle = document.getElementById('mainPopupSet').lastChild; // See bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=859592 assert.equal(panelEle.getAttribute("type"), "arrow", 'the panel is a arrow type'); assert.strictEqual(panelEle.anchorNode, widgetEle, 'the panel is properly anchored to the widget'); widget1.destroy(); loader.unload(); assert.pass("panel displayed on click"); done(); } }) }); }; exports.testWidgetWithInvalidPanel = function(assert) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); assert.throws( function() { widgets.Widget({ id: "panel2", label: "panel widget 2", panel: {} }); }, /^The option \"panel\" must be one of the following types: null, undefined, object$/, "widget.panel must be a Panel object"); loader.unload(); }; exports.testPanelWidget3 = function testPanelWidget3(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { Panel } = loader.require("sdk/panel"); let onClickCalled = false; let widget3 = widgets.Widget({ id: "panel3", label: "panel widget 3", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0});" + "document.body.firstElementChild.dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "end", onClick: function() { onClickCalled = true; this.panel.show(); }, panel: Panel({ contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Look ma, a panel!", onShow: function() { assert.ok( onClickCalled, "onClick called on click for widget with both panel and onClick"); widget3.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }) }); }; exports.testWidgetWithPanelInMenuPanel = function(assert, done) { const { CustomizableUI } = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", {}); let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { Panel } = loader.require("sdk/panel"); let widget1 = widgets.Widget({ id: "panel1", label: "panel widget 1", content: "
", contentScript: "new " + function() { self.port.on('click', () => { let evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0}); document.body.dispatchEvent(evt); }); }, contentScriptWhen: "end", panel: Panel({ contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Look ma, a panel!", onShow: function() { let { document } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let { anchorNode } = document.getElementById('mainPopupSet').lastChild; let panelButtonNode = document.getElementById("PanelUI-menu-button"); assert.strictEqual(anchorNode, panelButtonNode, 'the panel is anchored to the panel menu button instead of widget'); widget1.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }) }); let widgetId = "widget:" + jetpackID + "-" + widget1.id; CustomizableUI.addListener({ onWidgetAdded: function(id) { if (id !== widgetId) return; let { document, PanelUI } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); PanelUI.panel.addEventListener('popupshowing', function onshow({type}) { this.removeEventListener(type, onshow); widget1.port.emit('click'); }); document.getElementById("PanelUI-menu-button").click() } }); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(widgetId, CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL); }; exports.testWidgetMessaging = function testWidgetMessaging(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let origMessage = "foo"; let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-messaging", label: "foo", content: "baz", contentScriptWhen: "end", contentScript: "self.on('message', function(data) { self.postMessage(data); }); self.postMessage('ready');", onMessage: function(message) { if (message == "ready") widget.postMessage(origMessage); else { assert.equal(origMessage, message); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } } }); }; exports.testWidgetViews = function testWidgetViews(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-views", label: "foo", content: "baz", contentScriptWhen: "ready", contentScript: "self.on('message', function(data) self.postMessage(data)); self.postMessage('ready')", onAttach: function(view) { assert.pass("WidgetView created"); view.on("message", function () { assert.pass("Got message in WidgetView"); widget.destroy(); }); view.on("detach", function () { assert.pass("WidgetView destroyed"); loader.unload(); done(); }); } }); }; exports.testWidgetViewsUIEvents = function testWidgetViewsUIEvents(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { browserWindows } = loader.require("sdk/windows"); let view = null; let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-view-ui-events", label: "foo", content: "
", contentScript: "var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {button: 0});" + "document.getElementById('me').dispatchEvent(evt);", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onAttach: function(attachView) { view = attachView; assert.pass("Got attach event"); }, onClick: function (eventView) { assert.equal(view, eventView, "event first argument is equal to the WidgetView"); let view2 = widget.getView(browserWindows.activeWindow); assert.equal(view, view2, "widget.getView return the same WidgetView"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }); }; exports.testWidgetViewsCustomEvents = function testWidgetViewsCustomEvents(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-view-custom-events", label: "foo", content: "
", contentScript: "self.port.emit('event', 'ok');", contentScriptWhen: "ready", onAttach: function(view) { view.port.on("event", function (data) { assert.equal(data, "ok", "event argument is valid on WidgetView"); }); }, }); widget.port.on("event", function (data) { assert.equal(data, "ok", "event argument is valid on Widget"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); }); }; exports.testWidgetViewsTooltip = function testWidgetViewsTooltip(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { browserWindows } = loader.require("sdk/windows"); let widget = new widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-views-tooltip", label: "foo", content: "foo" }); let view = widget.getView(browserWindows.activeWindow); widget.tooltip = null; assert.equal(view.tooltip, "foo", "view tooltip defaults to base widget label"); assert.equal(widget.tooltip, "foo", "tooltip defaults to base widget label"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); }; exports.testWidgetMove = function testWidgetMove(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let browserWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let doc = browserWindow.document; let label = "unique-widget-label"; let origMessage = "message after node move"; let gotFirstReady = false; let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "widget-move", label: label, content: "baz", contentScriptWhen: "ready", contentScript: "self.on('message', function(data) { self.postMessage(data); }); self.postMessage('ready');", onMessage: function(message) { if (message == "ready") { if (!gotFirstReady) { assert.pass("Got first ready event"); let widgetNode = doc.querySelector('toolbaritem[label="' + label + '"]'); let parent = widgetNode.parentNode; parent.insertBefore(widgetNode, parent.firstChild); gotFirstReady = true; } else { assert.pass("Got second ready event"); widget.postMessage(origMessage); } } else { assert.equal(origMessage, message, "Got message after node move"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } } }); }; /* The bug is exhibited when a widget with HTML content has it's content changed to new HTML content with a pound in it. Because the src of HTML content is converted to a data URI, the underlying iframe doesn't consider the content change a navigation change, so doesn't load the new content. */ exports.testWidgetWithPound = function testWidgetWithPound(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); function getWidgetContent(widget) { let browserWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let doc = browserWindow.document; let widgetNode = doc.querySelector('toolbaritem[label="' + widget.label + '"]'); assert.ok(widgetNode, 'found widget node in the front-end'); return widgetNode.firstChild.contentDocument.body.innerHTML; } let count = 0; let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "1", label: "foo", content: "foo", contentScript: "window.addEventListener('load', self.postMessage, false);", onMessage: function() { count++; if (count == 1) { widget.content = "foo#"; } else { assert.equal(getWidgetContent(widget), "foo#", "content updated to pound?"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } } }); }; exports.testContentScriptOptionsOption = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let widget = Widget({ id: "widget-script-options", label: "fooz", content: "fooz", contentScript: "self.postMessage( [typeof self.options.d, self.options] );", contentScriptWhen: "end", contentScriptOptions: {a: true, b: [1,2,3], c: "string", d: function(){ return 'test'}}, onMessage: function(msg) { assert.equal( msg[0], 'undefined', 'functions are stripped from contentScriptOptions' ); assert.equal( typeof msg[1], 'object', 'object as contentScriptOptions' ); assert.equal( msg[1].a, true, 'boolean in contentScriptOptions' ); assert.equal( msg[1].b.join(), '1,2,3', 'array and numbers in contentScriptOptions' ); assert.equal( msg[1].c, 'string', 'string in contentScriptOptions' ); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }); }; exports.testOnAttachWithoutContentScript = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let widget = Widget({ id: "onAttachNoCS", label: "onAttachNoCS", content: "onAttachNoCS", onAttach: function (view) { assert.pass("received attach event"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }); }; exports.testPostMessageOnAttach = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let widget = Widget({ id: "onAttach", label: "onAttach", content: "onAttach", // 1) Send a message immediatly after `attach` event onAttach: function (view) { view.postMessage("ok"); }, // 2) Listen to it and forward it back to the widget contentScript: "self.on('message', self.postMessage);", // 3) Listen to this forwarded message onMessage: function (msg) { assert.equal( msg, "ok", "postMessage works on `attach` event"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } }); }; exports.testPostMessageOnLocationChange = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); let attachEventCount = 0; let messagesCount = 0; let widget = Widget({ id: "onLocationChange", label: "onLocationChange", content: "onLocationChange", contentScript: "new " + function ContentScriptScope() { // Emit an event when content script is applied in order to know when // the first document is loaded so that we can load the 2nd one self.postMessage("ready"); // And forward any incoming message back to the widget to see if // messaging is working on 2nd document self.on("message", self.postMessage); }, onMessage: function (msg) { messagesCount++; if (messagesCount == 1) { assert.equal(msg, "ready", "First document is loaded"); widget.content = "location changed"; } else if (messagesCount == 2) { assert.equal(msg, "ready", "Second document is loaded"); widget.postMessage("ok"); } else if (messagesCount == 3) { assert.equal(msg, "ok", "We receive the message sent to the 2nd document"); widget.destroy(); loader.unload(); done(); } } }); }; exports.testSVGWidget = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); // use of capital SVG here is intended, that was failing.. let SVG_URL = fixtures.url("mofo_logo.SVG"); let widget = Widget({ id: "mozilla-svg-logo", label: "moz foundation logo", contentURL: SVG_URL, contentScript: "self.postMessage({count: window.document.images.length, src: window.document.images[0].src});", onMessage: function(data) { widget.destroy(); assert.equal(data.count, 1, 'only one image'); assert.equal(data.src, SVG_URL, 'only one image'); loader.unload(); done(); } }); }; exports.testReinsertion = function(assert, done) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const { Widget } = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const WIDGETID = "test-reinsertion"; let browserWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let widget = Widget({ id: "test-reinsertion", label: "test reinsertion", content: "Test", }); let realWidgetId = "widget:" + jetpackID + "-" + WIDGETID; // Remove the widget: browserWindow.CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(realWidgetId); openNewWindowTab("about:blank", { inNewWindow: true, onLoad: function(e) { assert.equal(e.target.defaultView.document.getElementById(realWidgetId), null); close(e.target.defaultView).then(_ => { loader.unload(); done(); }); }}).catch(assert.fail); }; exports.testWideWidget = function testWideWidget(assert) { let { loader } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module); const widgets = loader.require("sdk/widget"); const { document, CustomizableUI, gCustomizeMode, setTimeout } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let wideWidget = widgets.Widget({ id: "my-wide-widget", label: "wide-wdgt", content: "foo", width: 200 }); let widget = widgets.Widget({ id: "my-regular-widget", label: "reg-wdgt", content: "foo" }); let wideWidgetNode = document.querySelector("toolbaritem[label=wide-wdgt]"); let widgetNode = document.querySelector("toolbaritem[label=reg-wdgt]"); assert.equal(wideWidgetNode, null, "Wide Widget are not added to UI"); assert.notEqual(widgetNode, null, "regular size widget are in the UI"); }; require("sdk/test").run(exports);