# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import datetime import errno import json import os import posixpath import re import requests import subprocess import traceback import mozpack.path as mozpath from moztest.resolve import TestResolver, TestManifestLoader from mozfile import which from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject, MachCommandConditions as conditions ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT = 10000 class TestInfo(object): """ Support 'mach test-info'. """ def __init__(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.build_obj = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here) def log_verbose(self, what): if self.verbose: print(what) def activedata_query(self, query): self.log_verbose(datetime.datetime.now()) self.log_verbose(json.dumps(query)) response = requests.post("http://activedata.allizom.org/query", data=json.dumps(query), stream=True) self.log_verbose(datetime.datetime.now()) self.log_verbose(response) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json()["data"] self.log_verbose("response length: %d" % len(data)) return data class TestInfoTests(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info tests': Detailed report of specified tests. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) self._hg = None if conditions.is_hg(self.build_obj): self._hg = which('hg') if not self._hg: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'hg' on PATH.") self._git = None if conditions.is_git(self.build_obj): self._git = which('git') if not self._git: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'git' on PATH.") def find_in_hg_or_git(self, test_name): if self._hg: cmd = [self._hg, 'files', '-I', test_name] elif self._git: cmd = [self._git, 'ls-files', test_name] else: return None try: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).splitlines() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: out = None return out def set_test_name(self): # Generating a unified report for a specific test is complicated # by differences in the test name used in various data sources. # Consider: # - It is often convenient to request a report based only on # a short file name, rather than the full path; # - Bugs may be filed in bugzilla against a simple, short test # name or the full path to the test; # - In ActiveData, the full path is usually used, but sometimes # also includes additional path components outside of the # mercurial repo (common for reftests). # This function attempts to find appropriate names for different # queries based on the specified test name. # full_test_name is full path to file in hg (or git) self.full_test_name = None out = self.find_in_hg_or_git(self.test_name) if out and len(out) == 1: self.full_test_name = out[0] elif out and len(out) > 1: print("Ambiguous test name specified. Found:") for line in out: print(line) else: out = self.find_in_hg_or_git('**/%s*' % self.test_name) if out and len(out) == 1: self.full_test_name = out[0] elif out and len(out) > 1: print("Ambiguous test name. Found:") for line in out: print(line) if self.full_test_name: self.full_test_name.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) print("Found %s in source control." % self.full_test_name) else: print("Unable to validate test name '%s'!" % self.test_name) self.full_test_name = self.test_name # search for full_test_name in test manifests here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader) relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(self.full_test_name).relpath() tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=[relpath])) if len(tests) == 1: relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(tests[0]['manifest']).relpath() print("%s found in manifest %s" % (self.full_test_name, relpath)) if tests[0].get('flavor'): print(" flavor: %s" % tests[0]['flavor']) if tests[0].get('skip-if'): print(" skip-if: %s" % tests[0]['skip-if']) if tests[0].get('fail-if'): print(" fail-if: %s" % tests[0]['fail-if']) elif len(tests) == 0: print("%s not found in any test manifest!" % self.full_test_name) else: print("%s found in more than one manifest!" % self.full_test_name) # short_name is full_test_name without path self.short_name = None name_idx = self.full_test_name.rfind('/') if name_idx > 0: self.short_name = self.full_test_name[name_idx + 1:] if self.short_name and self.short_name == self.test_name: self.short_name = None if not (self.show_results or self.show_durations or self.show_tasks): # no need to determine ActiveData name if not querying return def set_activedata_test_name(self): # activedata_test_name is name in ActiveData self.activedata_test_name = None simple_names = [ self.full_test_name, self.test_name, self.short_name ] simple_names = [x for x in simple_names if x] searches = [ {"in": {"result.test": simple_names}}, ] regex_names = [".*%s.*" % re.escape(x) for x in simple_names if x] for r in regex_names: searches.append({"regexp": {"result.test": r}}) query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 10, "groupby": ["result.test"], "where": {"and": [ {"or": searches}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } print("Querying ActiveData...") # Following query can take a long time data = self.activedata_query(query) if data and len(data) > 0: self.activedata_test_name = [ d['result']['test'] for p in simple_names + regex_names for d in data if re.match(p + "$", d['result']['test']) ][0] # first match is best match if self.activedata_test_name: print("Found records matching '%s' in ActiveData." % self.activedata_test_name) else: print("Unable to find matching records in ActiveData; using %s!" % self.test_name) self.activedata_test_name = self.test_name def get_run_types(self, record): types_label = "" if 'run' in record and 'type' in record['run']: run_types = record['run']['type'] run_types = run_types if isinstance(run_types, list) else [run_types] fission = True if 'fis' in run_types else False for run_type in run_types: # chunked is not interesting if run_type == 'chunked': continue # fission implies e10s if fission and run_type == 'e10s': continue types_label += "-" + run_type return types_label def get_platform(self, record): if 'platform' in record['build']: platform = record['build']['platform'] else: platform = "-" tp = record['build']['type'] if type(tp) is list: tp = "-".join(tp) return "%s/%s%s:" % (platform, tp, self.get_run_types(record)) def report_test_results(self): # Report test pass/fail summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 100, "groupby": ["build.platform", "build.type", "run.type"], "select": [ {"aggregate": "count"}, { "name": "failures", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.ok": "F"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 }, { "name": "skips", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.status": "SKIP"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 } ], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } print("\nTest results for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) data = self.activedata_query(query) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) worst_rate = 0.0 worst_platform = None total_runs = 0 total_failures = 0 for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform.startswith("-"): continue runs = record['count'] total_runs = total_runs + runs failures = record.get('failures', 0) skips = record.get('skips', 0) total_failures = total_failures + failures rate = (float)(failures) / runs if rate >= worst_rate: worst_rate = rate worst_platform = platform worst_failures = failures worst_runs = runs print("%-40s %6d failures (%6d skipped) in %6d runs" % ( platform, failures, skips, runs)) print("\nTotal: %d failures in %d runs or %.3f failures/run" % (total_failures, total_runs, (float)(total_failures) / total_runs)) if worst_failures > 0: print("Worst rate on %s %d failures in %d runs or %.3f failures/run" % (worst_platform, worst_failures, worst_runs, worst_rate)) else: print("No test result data found.") def report_test_durations(self): # Report test durations summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 100, "groupby": ["build.platform", "build.type", "run.type"], "select": [ {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "average", "name": "average"}, {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "min", "name": "min"}, {"value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "max", "name": "max"}, {"aggregate": "count"} ], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.ok": "T"}}, {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTest durations for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform.startswith("-"): continue print("%-40s %6.2f s (%.2f s - %.2f s over %d runs)" % ( platform, record['average'], record['min'], record['max'], record['count'])) else: print("No test durations found.") def report_test_tasks(self): # Report test tasks summary from ActiveData query = { "from": "unittest", "format": "list", "limit": 1000, "select": ["build.platform", "build.type", "run.type", "run.name"], "where": {"and": [ {"eq": {"result.test": self.activedata_test_name}}, {"in": {"build.branch": self.branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.start}}}, {"lt": {"run.timestamp": {"date": self.end}}} ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTest tasks for %s on %s between %s and %s" % (self.activedata_test_name, self.branches, self.start, self.end)) if data and len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=self.get_platform) consolidated = {} for record in data: platform = self.get_platform(record) if platform not in consolidated: consolidated[platform] = {} if record['run']['name'] in consolidated[platform]: consolidated[platform][record['run']['name']] += 1 else: consolidated[platform][record['run']['name']] = 1 for key in sorted(consolidated.keys()): tasks = "" for task in consolidated[key].keys(): if tasks: tasks += "\n%-40s " % "" tasks += task tasks += " in %d runs" % consolidated[key][task] print("%-40s %s" % (key, tasks)) else: print("No test tasks found.") def report_bugs(self): # Report open bugs matching test name search = self.full_test_name if self.test_name: search = '%s,%s' % (search, self.test_name) if self.short_name: search = '%s,%s' % (search, self.short_name) payload = {'quicksearch': search, 'include_fields': 'id,summary'} response = requests.get('https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/rest/bug', payload) response.raise_for_status() json_response = response.json() print("\nBugzilla quick search for '%s':" % search) if 'bugs' in json_response: for bug in json_response['bugs']: print("Bug %s: %s" % (bug['id'], bug['summary'])) else: print("No bugs found.") def report(self, test_names, branches, start, end, show_info, show_results, show_durations, show_tasks, show_bugs): self.branches = branches self.start = start self.end = end self.show_info = show_info self.show_results = show_results self.show_durations = show_durations self.show_tasks = show_tasks if (not self.show_info and not self.show_results and not self.show_durations and not self.show_tasks and not show_bugs): # by default, show everything self.show_info = True self.show_results = True self.show_durations = True self.show_tasks = True show_bugs = True for test_name in test_names: print("===== %s =====" % test_name) self.test_name = test_name if len(self.test_name) < 6: print("'%s' is too short for a test name!" % self.test_name) continue self.set_test_name() if show_bugs: self.report_bugs() self.set_activedata_test_name() if self.show_results: self.report_test_results() if self.show_durations: self.report_test_durations() if self.show_tasks: self.report_test_tasks() class TestInfoLongRunningTasks(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info long-tasks': Summary of tasks approaching their max-run-time. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) def report(self, branches, start, end, threshold_pct, filter_threshold_pct): def get_long_running_ratio(record): count = record['count'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] return count / tasks_gt_pct # Search test durations in ActiveData for long-running tests query = { "from": "task", "format": "list", "groupby": ["run.name"], "limit": 1000, "select": [ { "value": "task.maxRunTime", "aggregate": "median", "name": "max_run_time" }, { "aggregate": "count" }, { "value": { "when": { "gt": [ { "div": ["action.duration", "task.maxRunTime"] }, threshold_pct/100.0 ] }, "then": 1 }, "aggregate": "sum", "name": "tasks_gt_pct" }, ], "where": {"and": [ {"in": {"build.branch": branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"task.run.start_time": {"date": start}}}, {"lte": {"task.run.start_time": {"date": end}}}, {"eq": {"task.state": "completed"}}, ]} } data = self.activedata_query(query) print("\nTasks nearing their max-run-time on %s between %s and %s" % (branches, start, end)) if data and len(data) > 0: filtered = [] for record in data: if 'tasks_gt_pct' in record: count = record['count'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] if float(tasks_gt_pct) / count > filter_threshold_pct / 100.0: filtered.append(record) filtered.sort(key=get_long_running_ratio) if not filtered: print("No long running tasks found.") for record in filtered: name = record['run']['name'] count = record['count'] max_run_time = record['max_run_time'] tasks_gt_pct = record['tasks_gt_pct'] print("%-55s: %d of %d runs (%.1f%%) exceeded %d%% of max-run-time (%d s)" % (name, tasks_gt_pct, count, tasks_gt_pct * 100 / count, threshold_pct, max_run_time)) else: print("No tasks found.") class TestInfoReport(TestInfo): """ Support 'mach test-info report': Report of test runs summarized by manifest and component. """ def __init__(self, verbose): TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose) def add_activedata_for_suite(self, branches, days, by_component, suite_clause, path_mod): dates_clause = {"date": "today-%dday" % days} ad_query = { "from": "unittest", "limit": ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT, "format": "list", "groupby": ["result.test"], "select": [ { "name": "result.count", "aggregate": "count" }, { "name": "result.duration", "value": "result.duration", "aggregate": "sum" }, { "name": "result.failures", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.ok": "F"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 }, { "name": "result.skips", "value": {"case": [ {"when": {"eq": {"result.status": "SKIP"}}, "then": 1} ]}, "aggregate": "sum", "default": 0 } ], "where": {"and": [ suite_clause, {"in": {"repo.branch.name": branches.split(',')}}, {"gt": {"run.timestamp": dates_clause}} ]} } ad_response = self.activedata_query(ad_query) if len(ad_response) == ACTIVEDATA_RECORD_LIMIT: print("warning: limit reached; some data may be missing") for record in ad_response: if 'result' in record: result = record['result'] self.update_report(by_component, result, path_mod) def update_report(self, by_component, result, path_mod): if 'test' in result and 'tests' in by_component: test = result['test'] if path_mod: test = path_mod(test) for bc in by_component['tests']: for item in by_component['tests'][bc]: if test == item['test']: seconds = result.get('duration', 'unknown') if seconds != 'unknown': seconds = round(seconds, 2) item['total run time, seconds'] = seconds item['total runs'] = result.get('count', 'unknown') item['skipped runs'] = result.get('skips', 'unknown') item['failed runs'] = result.get('failures', 'unknown') return True return False def path_mod_reftest(self, path): # " == " -> "" path = path.split(' ')[0] # "?" -> "" path = path.split('?')[0] # "#" -> "" path = path.split('#')[0] # "chrome://reftest/content/" -> "layout/reftests/" path = path.replace('chrome://reftest/content', 'layout/reftests') return path def path_mod_jsreftest(self, path): # "/jsreftest.html?test=" -> "" path = path.split('=')[1] # ";assert" -> "" path = path.split(';')[0] # "" -> "js/src/tests/" path = os.path.join('js', 'src', 'tests', path) return path def path_mod_marionette(self, path): # " " -> "" path = path.split(' ')[0] # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2" path = path.replace('\\', os.path.sep) return path def path_mod_crashtest(self, path): # TODO: revisit the need for these transforms after bug 1596567 # "chrome://reftest/content/crashtests/" -> "" path = path.replace('chrome://reftest/content/crashtests/', '') # "file:///reftests/tests/" -> "" path = re.sub(r'file://.*/reftest/tests/', '', path) # "http:///tests/" -> "" path = re.sub(r'http://\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*:\d*/tests/', '', path) return path def path_mod_wpt(self, path): if path[0] == os.path.sep: # "/" -> "" path = path[1:] # "" -> "testing/web-platform/tests/" path = os.path.join('testing', 'web-platform', 'tests', path) # "?" -> "" path = path.split('?')[0] return path def path_mod_jittest(self, path): # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2" path = path.replace('\\', os.path.sep) # "" -> "js/src/jit-test/tests/" return os.path.join('js', 'src', 'jit-test', 'tests', path) def add_activedata(self, branches, days, by_component): suites = { "reftest": self.path_mod_reftest, "web-platform-tests": self.path_mod_wpt, "web-platform-tests-reftests": self.path_mod_wpt, "jsreftest": self.path_mod_jsreftest, "crashtest": self.path_mod_crashtest, "xpcshell": None, "mochitest-plain": None, "jittest": self.path_mod_jittest, "mochitest-browser-chrome": None, "mochitest-media": None, "mochitest-devtools-chrome": None, "marionette": self.path_mod_marionette, "mochitest-chrome": None, "web-platform-tests-wdspec": self.path_mod_wpt, "geckoview-junit": None, "cppunittest": None, } for suite in suites: print("Adding ActiveData data for %s..." % suite) suite_clause = {"eq": {"run.suite.name": suite}} self.add_activedata_for_suite(branches, days, by_component, suite_clause, suites[suite]) # remainder suite_clause = {"not": {"in": {"run.suite.name": list(suites)}}} self.add_activedata_for_suite(branches, days, by_component, suite_clause, None) def description(self, components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, branches, days): # provide a natural language description of the report options what = [] if show_manifests: what.append("test manifests") if show_tests: what.append("tests") if show_annotations: what.append("test manifest annotations") if show_summary and len(what) == 0: what.append("summary of tests only") if len(what) > 1: what[-1] = "and " + what[-1] what = ", ".join(what) d = "Test summary report for " + what if components: d += ", in specified components (%s)" % components else: d += ", in all components" if flavor: d += ", in specified flavor (%s)" % flavor if subsuite: d += ", in specified subsuite (%s)" % subsuite if paths: d += ", on specified paths (%s)" % paths if filter_values: d += ", containing '%s'" % filter_values if filter_keys: d += " in manifest keys '%s'" % filter_keys else: d += " in any part of manifest entry" if show_activedata: d += ", including historical run-time data for the last %d days on %s" % ( days, branches) d += " as of %s." % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") return d def report(self, components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, show_components, output_file, branches, days): def matches_filters(test): ''' Return True if all of the requested filter_values are found in this test; if filter_keys are specified, restrict search to those test keys. ''' for value in filter_values: value_found = False for key in test: if not filter_keys or key in filter_keys: if re.search(value, test[key]): value_found = True break if not value_found: return False return True # Ensure useful report by default if not show_manifests and not show_tests and not show_summary and not show_annotations: show_manifests = True show_summary = True by_component = {} if components: components = components.split(',') if filter_keys: filter_keys = filter_keys.split(',') if filter_values: filter_values = filter_values.split(',') else: filter_values = [] display_keys = (filter_keys or []) + ['skip-if', 'fail-if', 'fails-if'] display_keys = set(display_keys) print("Finding tests...") here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader) tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=paths, flavor=flavor, subsuite=subsuite)) manifest_paths = set() for t in tests: if 'manifest' in t and t['manifest'] is not None: manifest_paths.add(t['manifest']) manifest_count = len(manifest_paths) print("Resolver found {} tests, {} manifests".format(len(tests), manifest_count)) if show_manifests: topsrcdir = self.build_obj.topsrcdir by_component['manifests'] = {} manifest_paths = list(manifest_paths) manifest_paths.sort() relpaths = [] for manifest_path in manifest_paths: relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir) if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir: continue relpaths.append(relpath) reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode='empty') files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths) for manifest_path in manifest_paths: relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir) if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir: continue manifest_info = None if relpath in files_info: bug_component = files_info[relpath].get('BUG_COMPONENT') key = "{}::{}".format(bug_component.product, bug_component.component) if (not components) or (key in components): manifest_info = { 'manifest': relpath, 'tests': 0, 'skipped': 0 } rkey = key if show_components else 'all' if rkey in by_component['manifests']: by_component['manifests'][rkey].append(manifest_info) else: by_component['manifests'][rkey] = [manifest_info] if manifest_info: for t in tests: if t['manifest'] == manifest_path: manifest_info['tests'] += 1 if t.get('skip-if'): manifest_info['skipped'] += 1 for key in by_component['manifests']: by_component['manifests'][key].sort() if show_tests: by_component['tests'] = {} if show_tests or show_summary or show_annotations: test_count = 0 failed_count = 0 skipped_count = 0 annotation_count = 0 condition_count = 0 component_set = set() relpaths = [] conditions = {} known_unconditional_annotations = ['skip', 'fail', 'asserts', 'random'] known_conditional_annotations = ['skip-if', 'fail-if', 'run-if', 'fails-if', 'fuzzy-if', 'random-if', 'asserts-if'] for t in tests: relpath = t.get('srcdir_relpath') relpaths.append(relpath) reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode='empty') files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths) for t in tests: if not matches_filters(t): continue if 'referenced-test' in t: # Avoid double-counting reftests: disregard reference file entries continue if show_annotations: for key in t: if key in known_unconditional_annotations: annotation_count += 1 if key in known_conditional_annotations: annotation_count += 1 # Here 'key' is a manifest annotation type like 'skip-if' and t[key] # is the associated condition. For example, the manifestparser # manifest annotation, "skip-if = os == 'win'", is expected to be # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "os == 'win'". # To allow for reftest manifests, t[key] may have multiple entries # separated by ';', each corresponding to a condition for that test # and annotation type. For example, # "skip-if(Android&&webrender) skip-if(OSX)", would be # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "Android&&webrender;OSX". annotation_conditions = t[key].split(';') for condition in annotation_conditions: condition_count += 1 # Trim reftest fuzzy-if ranges: everything after the first comma # eg. "Android,0-2,1-3" -> "Android" condition = condition.split(',')[0] if condition not in conditions: conditions[condition] = 0 conditions[condition] += 1 test_count += 1 relpath = t.get('srcdir_relpath') if relpath in files_info: bug_component = files_info[relpath].get('BUG_COMPONENT') key = "{}::{}".format(bug_component.product, bug_component.component) if (not components) or (key in components): component_set.add(key) test_info = {'test': relpath} for test_key in display_keys: value = t.get(test_key) if value: test_info[test_key] = value if t.get('fail-if'): failed_count += 1 if t.get('fails-if'): failed_count += 1 if t.get('skip-if'): skipped_count += 1 if show_tests: rkey = key if show_components else 'all' if rkey in by_component['tests']: by_component['tests'][rkey].append(test_info) else: by_component['tests'][rkey] = [test_info] if show_tests: for key in by_component['tests']: by_component['tests'][key].sort(key=lambda k: k['test']) if show_activedata: try: self.add_activedata(branches, days, by_component) except Exception: print("Failed to retrieve some ActiveData data.") traceback.print_exc() by_component['description'] = self.description( components, flavor, subsuite, paths, show_manifests, show_tests, show_summary, show_annotations, show_activedata, filter_values, filter_keys, branches, days) if show_summary: by_component['summary'] = {} by_component['summary']['components'] = len(component_set) by_component['summary']['manifests'] = manifest_count by_component['summary']['tests'] = test_count by_component['summary']['failed tests'] = failed_count by_component['summary']['skipped tests'] = skipped_count if show_annotations: by_component['annotations'] = {} by_component['annotations']['total annotations'] = annotation_count by_component['annotations']['total conditions'] = condition_count by_component['annotations']['unique conditions'] = len(conditions) by_component['annotations']['conditions'] = conditions json_report = json.dumps(by_component, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if output_file: output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file) output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json_report) else: print(json_report)