// // Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of // either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or // the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), // in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead // of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only // under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to // use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your // decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice // and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete // the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under // the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. // // ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** require"../core/config.php"; ?> "All Releases", "previews"=>"Preview Images", "comments"=>"User Comments", "staffreview"=>"Editor Review", "opinion"=>" My Opinion"); $pagetitle = $pagetitles[$_GET["page"]]; ?> Mozilla Update :: Themes -- More Info: <?php echo"$row[Name]"; if ($pagetitle) {echo" - $pagetitle"; } ?>
= '".strtolower($app_version)."' "; } if ($OS) { $sql .=" AND (TOS.OSName = '$OS' OR TOS.OSName = 'All') "; } } $sql .= " ORDER BY `Name` , `Version` DESC LIMIT 1"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); $v++; $vid = $row["vID"]; $name = $row["Name"]; $dateadded = $row["DateAdded"]; $dateupdated = $row["DateUpdated"]; $homepage = $row["Homepage"]; $description = $row["Description"]; $rating = $row["Rating"]; $authors = $authorarray[$name]; $appname = $row["AppName"]; $osname = $row["OSName"]; $verdateadded = $row["VerDateAdded"]; $verdateupdated = $row["VerDateUpdated"]; $filesize = $row["Size"]; $notes = $row["Notes"]; $version = $row["Version"]; $uri = $row["URI"]; $downloadcount = $row["TotalDownloads"]; $populardownloads = $row["downloadcount"]; if (!$_GET['vid']) { $_GET['vid']=$vid; } if ($appvernames[$row["MinAppVer"]]) { $minappver = $appvernames[$row["MinAppVer"]]; } else { $minappver = $row["MinAppVer"]; } if ($appvernames[$row["MaxAppVer"]]) { $maxappver = $appvernames[$row["MaxAppVer"]]; } else { $maxappver = $row["MaxAppVer"]; } if ($verdateadded > $dateadded) { $dateadded = $verdateadded; } if ($verdateupdated > $dateupdated) { $dateupdated = $verdateupdated; } //Turn Authors Array into readable string... $authorcount = count($authors); if (!$authors) { $authors = array(); } foreach ($authors as $author) { $userid = $authorids[$author]; $n++; $authorstring .= "$author"; if ($authorcount != $n) { $authorstring .=", "; } } $authors = $authorstring; unset($authorstring, $n); // Clear used Vars.. // Create Date String if ($dateupdated > $dateadded) { $timestamp = $dateupdated; $datetitle = "Last Updated: "; } else { $timestamp = $dateadded; $datetitle = "Released On: "; } $date = date("F d, Y g:i:sa", strtotime("$timestamp")); $releasedate = date("F d, Y", strtotime("$dateadded")); $datestring = "$datetitle $date"; //Rating if (!$rating) { $rating="0"; } //No Results Returned for Main Query, throw the Incompatible Error. if (mysql_num_rows($sql_result)=="0") { echo"
\n"; echo"

Incompatible Theme or Theme No Longer Available

\n"; echo"The theme you requested is either incompatible with the application selected, or the version of it is no longer available on Mozilla Update.

\n"; echo"To try your request again for a different application version, use the form below.
\n"; echo"
".ucwords($application)." "; echo" "; echo"
"; echo"
\n"; include"$page_footer"; echo"\n\n"; exit; } //Get Preview Image URI $sql3 = "SELECT `PreviewURI`, `caption` from `previews` WHERE `ID` = '$id' AND `preview`='YES' LIMIT 1"; $sql_result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result3); $previewuri = $row3["PreviewURI"]; $caption = $row3["caption"]; ?>
Stars out of 5">Rating: "; } if ($rating>floor($rating)) { $val = ($rating-floor($rating))*10; echo"\"\""; $i++; } for ($i = $i; $i <= 5; $i++) { echo"\"";"; } ?>


">, by , released on

"0") { ?> "> \n"; ?> "0") { ?> ">More Previews»

Quick Description

$notes\n"; } ?>

Requires: <?php echo ucwords($appname); ?> \">"; } ?>

"; } else { echo""; } ?>Install Now ( KB File)
Theme Install Instructions for Thunderbird Users:
(1) Right-Click the link above and choose \"Save Link As...\" to Download and save the file to your hard disk.
(2) In Mozilla Thunderbird, open the theme manager (Tools Menu/Themes)
(3) Click the Install button, and locate/select the file you downloaded and click \"OK\"

"; } ?> "0") { $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); $title = $row["Title"]; $dateadded = $row["DateAdded"]; $body = nl2br($row["Body"]); $extendedbody = $row["ExtendedBody"]; $pick = $row["Pick"]; $date = gmdate("F, Y", strtotime("$dateadded")); //Create Customizeable Timestamp ?>

Editor's Review

$title\n"; if ($pick=="YES") { echo" — $date Editors Pick\n"; } echo"
\n"; ?>

More...";} ?>

Developer Comments:\n"; echo"


\n"; } ?>

User Comments

">Add your own opinion »

">Read all opinions »

Theme Details

All Releases"; $sql = "SELECT TV.vID, TV.Version, TV.MinAppVer, TV.MaxAppVer, TV.Size, TV.URI, TV.Notes, TV.DateAdded AS VerDateAdded, TA.AppName, TOS.OSName FROM `version` TV INNER JOIN applications TA ON TV.AppID = TA.AppID INNER JOIN os TOS ON TV.OSID = TOS.OSID WHERE TV.ID = '$id' AND `approved` = 'YES' AND TA.AppName = '$application' ORDER BY `Version` DESC, `OSName` ASC"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) { $vid = $row["vID"]; if ($appvernames[$row["MinAppVer"]]) { $minappver = $appvernames[$row["MinAppVer"]]; } else { $minappver = $row["MinAppVer"]; } if ($appvernames[$row["MaxAppVer"]]) { $maxappver = $appvernames[$row["MaxAppVer"]]; } else { $maxappver = $row["MaxAppVer"]; } $filesize = $row["Size"]; $notes = $row["Notes"]; $version = $row["Version"]; $uri = $row["URI"]; $osname = $row["OSName"]; $appname = $row["AppName"]; $filename = basename($uri); $dateadded = $row["VerDateAdded"]; $releasedate = date("F d, Y", strtotime("$dateadded")); echo"
"; //Open Version DIV //Description & Version Notes echo"

$name $version

\n"; echo"Released on $releasedate
\n"; if ($notes) { echo"$notes

\n"; } //Icon Bar Modules echo"
"; echo"
"; if ($appname=="Thunderbird") { $downloadURL=mozupd_buildDownloadURL($uri,$name,$version); echo ""; } else { echo""; } echo"\"\"Install
Size: $filesize kb
"; echo"
\"\" For $appname:
  $minappver - $maxappver
"; if($osname !=="ALL") { echo"
\"\"For $osname
"; } echo"

\n"; echo"
"; } } else if ($page=="comments") { //Comments/Ratings Page if ($_GET["numpg"]) {$items_per_page=escape_string($_GET["numpg"]); } else {$items_per_page="25";} //Default Num per Page is 25 if (!$_GET["pageid"]) {$pageid="1"; } else { $pageid = escape_string($_GET["pageid"]); } //Default PageID is 1 $startpoint = ($pageid-1)*$items_per_page; $sql = "SELECT CommentID FROM `feedback` WHERE ID = '$id'"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); $num_pages = ceil(mysql_num_rows($sql_result)/$items_per_page); echo"

User Comments:

"; if ($pageid <=$num_pages) { $previd=$pageid-1; if ($previd >"0") { echo"« Previous • "; } } echo"Page $pageid of $num_pages"; $nextid=$pageid+1; if ($pageid <$num_pages) { echo" • Next »"; } echo"
\n"; ?> "0") { echo"« Previous • "; } } echo"Page $pageid of $num_pages"; $nextid=$pageid+1; if ($pageid <$num_pages) { echo" • Next »"; } echo"
\n"; //Skip to Page... if ($num_pages>1) { echo"Jump to Page: "; $pagesperpage=9; //Plus 1 by default.. $i = 01; //Dynamic Starting Point if ($pageid>11) { $nextpage=$pageid-10; } $i=$nextpage; //Dynamic Ending Point $maxpagesonpage=$pageid+$pagesperpage; //Page #s while ($i <= $maxpagesonpage && $i <= $num_pages) { if ($i==$pageid) { echo"$i "; } else { echo"$i "; } $i++; } } if ($num_pages>1) { echo"
\nComments per page: \n"; $perpagearray = array("25","50","100"); foreach ($perpagearray as $items_per_page) { echo"$items_per_page "; } } } else if ($page=="previews") { // Item Previews Tab echo"

Previews for $name

\n"; $sql = "SELECT `PreviewURI`,`caption` from `previews` WHERE `ID`='$id' and `preview`='NO' ORDER BY `PreviewID` ASC"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) { $uri = $row["PreviewURI"]; $caption = $row["caption"]; echo"


"; list($src_width, $src_height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("$websitepath/$uri"); //Scale Image Dimensions $dest_width="690"; // Destination Width /$tn_size_width $dest_height_fixed="520"; // Destination Height / $tn_size_height (Fixed) if ($src_width<=$dest_width AND $src_height<=$dest_width) { $dest_width = $src_width; $dest_height = $src_height; } else { $dest_height= ($src_height * $dest_width) / $src_width; // (Aspect Ratio Variable Height if ($dest_height>$dest_height_fixed) { $dest_height = $dest_height_fixed; $dest_width = ($src_width * $dest_height) / $src_height; } } echo"\"$caption\"
\n"; } } else if ($page=="staffreview") { //Staff/Editor Review Tab echo"

Editor Review

\n"; $sql = "SELECT TR.ID, `Title`, TR.DateAdded, `Body`, `ExtendedBody`, `Type`, `Pick`, TU.UserName FROM `reviews` TR INNER JOIN main TM ON TR.ID = TM.ID INNER JOIN userprofiles TU ON TR.AuthorID = TU.UserID WHERE `Type` = 'T' AND TR.ID = '$id' ORDER BY `rID` DESC LIMIT 1"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE); $num_results = mysql_num_rows($sql_result); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) { $id = $row["ID"]; $title = $row["Title"]; $dateadded = $row["DateAdded"]; $body = nl2br($row["Body"]); $extendedbody = nl2br($row["ExtendedBody"]); $pick = $row["Pick"]; $username = $row["UserName"]; $date = gmdate("F, Y", strtotime("$dateadded")); //Create Customizeable Timestamp $posteddate = date("F j Y, g:i:sa", strtotime("$dateadded")); echo"

$title\n"; if ($pick=="YES") { echo" — $date Editors Pick\n"; } echo"

\n"; echo"Posted on $posteddate by $username
\n"; echo"


\n"; if ($extendedbody) { echo"\n"; echo"


\n"; } } $typename = "theme"; if ($num_results=="0") { echo"This $typename has not yet been reviewed.

To see what other users think of this $typename, view the User Comments... "; } } else if ($page=="opinion") { //My Opinion Tab echo"

Your Comments about $name:

"; if ($_GET["error"]=="norating") { echo"
\n Your comment submission had the following error(s), please fix these errors and try again.
\n    Rating cannot be left blank.
\n    Review/Comments cannot be left blank.
\n"; } ?>
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